M.B.: Hiya everyone! Well, this is my first request and I'm glad it was made by one of fans of my Love series aka "Love Just Happens". OtakuHalfDevil wanted a story about the PPGZ's consciences being on the outside and the boys having to deal with them. It was supposed to be a one-shot, but my mind was racing with ideas; so lucky for her, she gets about 4 chapters from this one idea. This doesn't really tie into the series, but it makes for some fun. Hope you enjoy it ^^
Chapter 1
On The Flip Side
At School (No One's POV)
Could you died from being in school for so long? Kaoru was definitely starting to feel like you could as she laid her head on the desk. It was still early in the day, in fact it was only 2nd period but it felt like hours had gone by. Miyako and Eiji were busying themselves by drawing in their sketchbooks, Kukai and Momoko were trying to get one others candy, and Chika and Riku were actually listening to the lesson. Kaoru turned her head to see that Ikuto had already fallen asleep and was mumbling things she couldn't make out. Kaoru couldn't help but to grin to herself as she watched him. What could he be dreaming about? She moved a bit closer to him making sure the teacher or the others couldn't see her.
"Zzzz aww Butterbutt zzz." Ikuto smiled to himself as a blush run across Kaoru's face. He was dreaming about her and it totally threw her mind in a loop. "Of course I will zzz make out with you in front of everyone hehe."
Why that good for nothing. Kaoru growled about to kick him out of his seat, but something or someone stop her.
"Now that wouldn't be nice Kaoru…he just thinking about you." Kaoru's conscience, who preferred to be called K.C. smiled.
Aah, shut up conscience that idiot is probably thinking dirty thoughts about me.
"And you don't like it?" K.C. giggled making Kaoru blush from embarrassment or from being mad.
No way! She pouted while turning back to face the teacher who was talking about something about black holes.
"Talking to yourself, Kaoru?" Chika thought while stealing a look at Kaoru from her seat that was to the front of the left of her.
"Nah, I was deciding on whether to wake Ikuto up. He should suffer this fate too."
"Hehe, oh come on you know you like it." Chika grinned back at her and Kaoru glared at her.
"As if."
"Ooh Cupcake zzz if you want to do it here just say so zzz." Ikuto chuckled.
"Ikuto, you dumbass!" Kaoru shouted while kicking him out of his seat and everyone turned to stare at them.
"Ms. Matsubara! I will not allow that language in my classroom, go outside."
"Alright, alright." Kaoru sighed while making her way out into the hallway. Hell, to her that was better than staring at a blackboard with diagrams on it. But, in a second the classroom was filled with laughter and Ikuto came out into the hallway with her.
"We got detention together again, babe. Teachers just love us." Ikuto grinned while Kaoru crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"What the hell did you do and stop calling me babe?"
"Oh, just made a joke to teach; could leave you out here alone now could I?" he smirked while in record time had trapped Kaoru in between his arms on the wall without her even thinking about it.
"Y-You aren't serious?" Kaoru blushed while knowing all to well he was and she didn't mind it.
"You know I am Kaoru." Ikuto grinned placing his lips against hers with her responding right away.
In Classroom
That brilliant idiot would do that so he could spend some time with Kaoru. Riku smirked as he must already figured out Ikuto's little plan. Too bad, Chika would never do that.
"You got that right." Chika thought back to him as he poked her side. She had to stop herself from jumping or that would have gotten the attention of the teacher. Chika glared at him and all he did was smile innocently. I'm going to wipe that smile off his face one day.
"Pffhaha yeah right, you know you want to have some fun with him." grinned Chika's conscience, who preferred to be called C.C.
W-What? No, I would rather be working on these notes I'm supposed to be taking, but you and Riku are getting in the way. Chika pouted while turning away from Riku who gave her a curious look.
"Right, well bookworm would it kill you to show some signs to your boyfriend." C.C. said while Chika tried to keep her focus on the notes in front of her; with no such luck.
And how well did that turn out with that one guy?
"I would have taken his offer."
"Ugh, this is impossible." Chika mumbled to herself just about to laying her head on the desk until the sound of their belts started going off.
"I have a black hole in my tummy!" the girls shouted while getting up.
"Science has giving me a third eye that makes me see into the four dimension!" the boys yelled while getting up.
"We are going to the infirmary!" they said while leaving the room.
"Really you two?" Kukai said seeing the green couple had each a hand up the others' shirt.
"Shut up!" Kaoru blushed pushing Ikuto off her and taking the lead in run to go up the roof.
"Nice going, bro." Ikuto's brothers chuckled while Ikuto smirked to himself.
"All in a day's work." he said once they got to the top.
"Let's go, boys." Momoko huffed while the girls had taking out their compacts to transform.
Hyper Blossom!
Rolling Bubbles!
Powered Buttercup!
Magical Blazze!
Powerpuff Girls Z!
"Alright, we got it." Kukai said while the boys nodded showing off their watches.
Jamming Brick!
Lightening Boomer!
Slamming Butch!
Fiery Bam!
Rowdyruff Boys Z!
"So, who are we fighting today?" Bubbles asked while the reds opened their watch/compact showing off the green monkey, Mojo Jojo.
"Why am I not surprised." Buttercup sighed while Brick and Blossom closed their screens.
"I wonder what mama has for us today?" Boomer said while they started for the sky.
"We will just have to find out." the leaders voiced up while the superhero teams made their way to the trouble. As they entered the city, everyone was running around as an army of robots were destroying the city.
"Whoa, mama stepped up." Butch said kind of impressed by the monkey's efforts.
"Well, let's not stand around here we got people to save." Blazze said while they agreed and each hero went in a direction. Blazze looked at the scene in front of her and started planning what she needed to do to stop the robots from chasing the citizens.
"Ugh, stop planning and get to the action already!" mumbled C.C. making the yellow Puff Z frown.
"I got this…Glissade Zigzag Strike!"
At Buttercup's side the citizens were being held in the robots' arms some using the citizens as shields making the green Puff Z growl in anger. "Oh, don't get anger Kaoru, you can solve this with a calm and-" started K.C.
"I got it!...Megaton Dunk!"
"Aaaah!" screamed the citizens once the robots flew into the air from the attack, but with quick work Buttercup had caught each and every one of them then place them somewhere safe.
The boys seemed to be doing just fine as they destroy each robot with a side comment on who could trash the most. Blossom was about to speak to them about paying attention, but quickly forgot about it seeing one of the robots holding a buck of cakes. "Wow, I got this one guys!" Blossom giggled quickly taking off to it.
"Momoko, get you butt back into the fight! As a leader you shouldn't fly of like that!" shouted Momoko's conscience, who preferred to be called Com.
I'm not running off, I'm taking care of this robot who stealing good pastries from the city. Blossom informed herself, but she knew most of those desserts were going into her mouth.
"Don't lie to me! By my calculations if you take care of the other robots first then attacked Mojo, you would have time for that horrible, cavity making thing!"
"Well, I'm here now." grinned Blossom as she readied her yo-yo to destroy that cake thief. Mooncake Shoot! As the yo-yo slammed into the robot destroying it, Blossom quickly grabbed all the desserts she could in her arms.
"You could at least put them down for safety, fight the other robots, then eat." groaned Com wishing very well to get back into the action.
"Well, then it won't taste as good." Blossom grinned while biting a piece off every dessert in her arms.
"Oh Blossom." sweat dropped Bubbles who flew by seeing her leader stuffing her face.
"Tell her to get her ass back in the game!" Miyako's conscience, who preferred to be called M.C., shouted causing Bubbles to frown at the choice of words.
I will not do that! She's my leader and she usually comes back when we need her the most.
"Like I need some sweet tooth telling me what to do." mumbled M.C. as she spotted a ton of robots to Bubbles's right. "Ooh trouble, time for some fun."
Oh dear. Bubbles gulped while flying over to the robots who were using pieces of buildings to knock other buildings down like bowling pins. "Excuse me, that's not very nice would you please stop."
"…Hahahahaaa!" they laughed returning to their "game".
"Are these fuckers fucking with me?" growled M.C. wishing Bubbles didn't have this silly little bubble wand as a weapon. She would love to knock them down a size with Buttercup's hammer or Butch's sword.
Calm down! I have this. Bubbles sighed trying to keep everything together. "I will give you the count of three to stop or I will have to take action."
"Mhm." The robots said waving her off like nothing happened, causing Bubbles to pout a bit.
"1…2…3!...Balloon Catcher!"
"Really? You couldn't have used the other attacks that actually destroy these things! You just had to catch them in some damn bubbles."
"It was easier this way." Bubbles smiled hearing her conscience sigh in disappoint, but say nothing. After all the bots where taking care of all the team members came together to figure out where Mojo was hiding.
"Anybody see him yet?" Blossom asked while everyone shook their heads.
"Think mama got scared?" Boomer said while placing his boomerang behind his back.
"No he never gives up until we send his butt to the sky, he must be planning something." Bam said while Blazze nodded in agreement.
"He could have used those robots as a decoy, so he could do something else without us knowing." Blazze voiced in.
"But, what would he be doing?" Brick asked as everyone tried to think of Mojo's possible plan which they knew was going to be impossible to figure out. Just then the school bell rung for the next class to start and everyone realized something. "Don't we have a test next class?"
"Crap! We can't miss that or the Professor won't let us have our things!" Blossom said while everyone freaked out.
"Let's go guys!" Brick said as they all started for school as fast as they could.
"Hehehee mojo those fools." Mojo grinned appearing out of an alley as he pushed a button on a remote. The pieces of robots come back to live then held on to different pieces of buildings, machines, and other things flew to where he was. "Now I can begin my wonderful plan mojo hahahahaa mojo." he laughed while going back into the alley with the pieces.
After School
"Aah, that shit was hard!" Ikuto cried while Riku rolled his eyes as the group started their way to the lab.
"I told you to study with me, bro but noo that dumb video game was more important."
"Wait a minute aren't you and Kaoru suppose to have detention?" Chika asked while the greens shrugged.
"Oh, he will be ok who really wants to hang out with us another hour or two." Kaoru said waving her off.
"Oh dear, that wasn't good thing to do Kaoru." K.C. pouted while Kaoru ignored her.
"Mmm, if you get in trouble tomorrow don't ask me to bail you out." Chika sighed.
"Aaw, you should! Kaoru being such a badass right now, you should help her out." giggled C.C. while Chika tried not to facepalm to get everyone's attention.
"Well, at least we are heading to the Professor's place without any trouble." Miyako offered up while M.C. groaned wanting to train instead.
"I'm with you there; those robots really wore me out." Eiji yawned as they made their way up to the lab door. When Eiji opened the door they were immediately covered in smoke.
"Ugh that…horrible!" shouted Kukai as he held his nose.
"My eyes burn!" Miyako cried as she rubbed her eyes.
"It ain't that bad." Ikuto said making everyone stare at him. "What?"
"Oops, sorry kids, I didn't think you would be here this soon." the Professor said appearing from the smoke with a gas mask on.
"I think that wasn't our greatest chemical test." Ken said while pressing a button making the ceiling open up, so the fans could get rid of the smell.
"You think wan." Peach said while digging his head out of the couch to get way from the smell.
"Well, since you didn't warn us about that, you should buy us a treat." Momoko grinned.
"Seriously? That crap could have poisoned us and you are worried about your stomach." Com stared which Momoko ignored her as usual.
"That stuff wasn't poisonous, right?" Chika asked while the Professor promise it was safe to breath in, but it smelled really bad.
"So, snacks?" Momoko asked again now that the important stuff was dealt with.
"Alright, let's get to ordering." the Professor said while everyone cheered. As the Professor when to the phone to order some snacks, the teens when off to do their usual things. The boys went to play video games, Miyako searching up fashion designs, Kaoru watching sports, Momoko finding some candy from Ken's "secret" hiding place, and Chika went to do her homework.
"Ugh, they are impossible." The girls' consciences groaned hating that the main part of them couldn't do something different for once.