-Walks into the room with a tissue box- Hey everyone! Wow... did you all see the season 14 finale and the most talked about Degrassi moments last night? I must say... What a way to end such a great season! I cried from the most talked about Degrassi moments when they talked about cam, Adam, and a bit of the others things too. I cried during the episode as well... Oh god. oh god. When they all graduated and then went outside and danced? What about Connor's speech? Seeing one last time or... or... When they did that tribute for Adam... You know when I first started watching this show The class of 2015 of Degrassi were the characters that I was most personally attached to, connected with. I remember being able to nob and say to myself: "I've been through that. I know how hard it is..."

Degrassi is the show that I know has really changed my life. It's taught me so much, made me smile on a bad day, been there for me when I was going through hell.

I love it so much and I cannot wait for Degrassi: Next Class in 2016. We're getting everyone back who didn't leave expect for Jack. I read whose returning for the next season.

So what else? Thursday night's episode was too very good. Vince got caught thank god. But when Tiny went after Zig and Maya with that knife!? I was so scared. But it's clear that Tiny was just conflicted. Zig got him to realize that hurting him or Maya wouldn't fix anything. It was great that Zig fessed up too. I loved the moments with Becky and Imogen in the final part of the episode by the lockers and outside and hugging after everyone threw their hats. x3

You know as much as I'm gonna miss Clare, Imogen, Becky, Jenna, Alli, Drew, Dallas, and Connor I will always keep those great characters in mind. Loved them. Loved their stories. They made it through! Whatever it takes, right?

Well the season may be over, but we've got a Degrassi movie tomorrow night! :D Yay! I cannot wait. I can see it already all the fic ideas I'll get from it. xD Also just something else to keep in mind: Even after the movie is over I'll still be on here writing fanfics and reading and talking to others. And one more thing: I loved the Eli and Clare moments. (I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU TWO!)

So on to this chapter. I really thought it was just time to rap this up. But I've got that Becky/Imogen story to work on next.

Read and Review please!

After school the next day Maya and Grace came on home. They saw Misses Matlin in the kitchen making the girls sandwiches.

"Hi, Mom," Maya said, as she and Grace saw at the kitchen table.

"Oh! Hi Maya. Hi, Grace,"

"Hello, Misses Matlin," Grace replied.

"How was your day at school, girls?"

"It was fine," Maya responded.

"Yep," Grace added in.

"But there is something that I need to talk to you about... Well actually we thought we should both talk to ya about..."

"And what is that?"

"Well mom... Grace and I... we're kinda sorta-"

"Kinda sorta dating?"

Both girls's glanced at the grown woman in shock, as she finished making the sandwiches.

"We've only been going out for two days now... How did you know?" Maya managed to choke out.

"You don't think I can't tell when two people are into each other? I picked up on it a long while ago,"

"Oh..." Maya mumbled.

"It's fine by the way. I'm glad you two are together I support you both and yes Grace can stay here. Until your nightmares are fully gone,"

"YES!" Grace cheered in a loud voice.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so excited before," Maya said.

"I don't think I've ever been this excited before," Grace replied, with a smile.

Then Misses Matlin put the sandwiches in front of the girls and got them water to drink. "Well I've gotta run to the store. I'll be back in an hour,"

"Love you, Mom!" Maya called out.

"Love you too, Maya!"

"So I guess this means we had nothing to actually worry about, huh?"


"May I turn you inside out, Matlin?"

"Say what?" Maya questioned.

"I'm kidding! It's still too early for 'that' yet. But may I kiss you?"

"Of course you can you goofball," Maya chuckled.

Grace kissed Maya hard and the two began to have a make out session.

The sandwiches were left untouched for ten minutes...

-The End-