Hey guys as I said before while working on my other fanfiction that I'd be doing another one. I want everyone to keep something in mind and this may be a big deal for some readers... This story will have a lot of character death. I mean it. The storyline with the gang will be starting in a later chapter, while Grace and Maya have a sister bond going on, that'll grow into a romance. To be honest I wasn't sure if I was gonna go with Zoe since she's seen Maya have a panic attack in an episode, or Grace... But when I thought about how I want this to go later on I knew Grace was the better choice. I can see how the whole Maya x Zoe thing got on board. They're friends who went through a lot as not friends and ended up admitting being jealous of each other. So I get that. But I don't really understand why people don't care for this pairing as much as zoe and maya. I mean sure I guess it's more loved by fans, but Grace and Maya would be nice too, yeah? So anyone who cannot handle character death in stories and remember guys... THEY'RE STILL ALIVE ON THE SHOW.

Sorry... I just... didn't realize how much of an in pact killing someone off in a fic did to some people. But there will be a lot in this so I'd suggest to you to not even start reading this if u can't handle it. It'll bloody deaths too. I am sorry, but I am starting to like writing more darker stories as a lot of my books are dark themed too. So... Yeah. If you handled that maya death in my other fic okay, you should be alright here, if you didn't, don't even... don't even try please... Anyways read and review!

Her body was shaking, her breathing was becoming heavy... Her forehead began to sweat...


The door opened loudly, as two raced into the room and over to the bed.

"Maya! Maya!"


"Come on, Sweetie. Wake on up,"

The feeling of gentle hands shaking her awake, brought the poor girl to open her eyes and wake up.

"AHH!" Maya screamed, as she shoved the hands away.

"Shhh. It's just us, Hun,"

Maya began to calm down as she saw her mother and Zig looking down at her with worried expressions.

"Sorry... Just another nightmare," Maya mumbled.

"And you've been getting them a lot. In the morning I'm gonna call your therapist and see what we could do, that might help with the bad dreams," Maya's mom replied.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Zig added in.

"Indeed... I hate these," Maya said.

"We'll get this taken care of," Misses Matlin said. "Now then Zig go back to sleep and Maya... Try to okay?"

"Okay," Zig and Maya responded in unison.

Then Maya's mother left the bedroom with Zig and Maya laid back down.

"What am I gonna do?" Maya thought to herself. But what would help her she wasn't gonna believe ... Well not at first anyways...

-In The Morning-

"Okay thank you very much!"

Maya entered the kitchen. Zig was already up and eating breakfast.

"Morning," Maya greeted.

"Morning!" Zig said, smiling at his friend.

"Morning, Maya," Misses Matlin replied. "I just got off the phone with the therapist... She told me about a cure to your nightmares. And I think you'll like it,"

"Well what is it?" Maya questioned, giving her mom a look of curiosity.

"Sleeping with a friend whom is so close to you she's like a sister,"

"Say what!?" Maya and Zig snapped at the same time.

"But mom! I'm sure no one I know at school whose a girl wou-"

"Oh it's okay. They're gonna announce it over the intercom at school before classes start. This friend will be here every night to cuddle with you. Just to make ya feel better,"

"Mom... Didn't you ever wonder that maybe no one will come forward to do this?" Maya sighed.

"Nope. Because I know your friends would always be there for ya,"

"Okay then..." Maya replied, now feeling a bit nervous. Just who would come forward?

Zig and Maya arrived at Degrassi ten minutes before the morning announcements were to be heard. And 30 minutes until classes began.

"I'm freaking out, Zig!" Maya squeaked.

"Don't worry about it, Maya... It'll be alright," Zig responded.

"I sure hope so..." Maya muttered. "I sure hope so..."

Maya sat the steps outside of the gym. Zig had gone to find Tiny. Plus Maya actually wanted to be alone when her so called 'sister' came to her.

Katie was away at school. She'd always be there for Maya, but now with her out of the country that wasn't possible.

Then the announcements came on. "Good morning, Degrassi students! Special message here. Miss Harper a local therapist whose seeing Maya Matlin a sophomore here at Degrassi, has decided on something... Due to Maya's nightmares that she's been having every night for a month for now. Well she says that the best thing for her is to have a sister. Any female friend whose close to Maya Matlin, if you could... Spend every night with her for a cuddle would really help her. According to Miss Harper study shows cuddling helps with nightmares... Now on to our sport teams..."

"Oh good god," Maya muttered, glancing down at the steps.

"Why did Miss Harper have to do this? It's embarrassing!" Maya thought.


Maya glanced up to see Zoe coming up to her with a smile on her face.

"I'm here t-"

"Back the hell up. I'm here to help her,"

Zoe and Maya turned to see Grace approaching them.

"Oh dear..." Maya muttered under her breath, as Zoe glared at Grace.

"I do believe she'll want me to make her feel better. Not some goth girl who's always acting like nothing gets to her," Zoe hissed, now standing right in front of Maya, as if she needed to protect her.

"Zoe. Do not even try to keep her from me. I'll rip you apart if you even dare to try anything," Grace growled, now coming closing to Zoe.

"Zoe, Grace... I-I...I um..." Maya mumbled, now getting both of the girls attention.

"I uh..." Maya tried again, looking back and fourth between Grace and Zoe. "I pick Grace,"

"WHAT!" Zoe yelped.

"Good choice, Matlin," Grace smirked. "Zoe move please,"

Zoe glared at Grace, but didn't give Maya a bad look. She just stepped aside.

"You sure, Maya?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, Zoe," Maya replied.

But all that Zoe did was smile at Maya. "No worries. I'm still always here for you. See you later in class,"

After that Zoe walked off and much to Maya's surprise Grace pulled her close.

"I'l be a great sister to ya, Matlin,"

"Thanks, Grace,"

That night Grace came over and Zig who was ordered to give the two space and time to themselves did just that.

While he was in his room studying, Grace and Maya were just getting ready for bed. Misses Matlin was grateful for Grace and even offered to give her dinner and breakfast everyday in return for helping her daughter.

Once in their PJ's Maya laid down on the right side of the bed. The side she always laid on and Grace got onto the left.

"So... Matlin,"

"So... Grace,"

Grace just smirked at the shorter girl and curled around her.

Maya sighed in content and just let Grace's body embrace her's.

And then Maya's eyes widened when she felt Grace's arms go pull her to her chest.

Now being held by Grace and while her head resting Grace's chest.

"Comfy?" Grace questioned.

"Very much so. Didn't take you for the cuddle type though,"

"Eh. I have a younger sister who I sometimes cuddle when she's scared. Plus, I'm not all that rough,"

"Yeah. I can see that," Maya chuckled.

Then both girls went silent for a while, but then Maya spoke up.

"You're good at this,"

"Thanks. You're warm and I like having you in my arms,"

"Y-You... Are really sweet at times," Maya teased.

"Yeah. Yeah. Just don't let it get around too much, okay?"

"You can trust me,"


Then the girls began to slowly fall asleep. And for the first time in a month Maya didn't have a nightmare.

She felt comfortable, safe, warm, and happy.

That night Maya slept with a smile on her face. The feeling of Grace being right there made the darkness go away and light come back.

Like Magic I tell ya. Like Magic.