I never really liked college. No really, I didn't and I don't think I've ever been happier to know that this is my last year in this place. There's nothing less appealing than hearing your roommate come in on the day that your have a fifteen minute presentation drunk off his ass with some chick from your class. It's just amazing how people can get off perfectly fine while knowing they have an audience.

Fuck you Mike, Nanaba.

You always hear amazing stories about college. There's a bunch of movies out there about spring break and road trips with your idiotic friends. Girls having amazing pillow fights and sleepover, however, you just can't forget about the parties. Oh, don't even get me started about the raging parties full of disgusting people dancing and grinding, practically screwing on tables, in closets and on couches. Yeah, college is great. The only downside to it all is that all that stuff rarely happens. It's just a bunch of make belief bullshit movie producers put together for entertainment. The only good thing that comes out of college is that there's no more high school drama and you're able to start your life anew with a clean start. No one knows who you are and you don't know them. You can either tell them the truth about your past, or keep it all to yourself. They respect you for that and as you wander aimlessly through campus trying to figure out who you are and what you stand for, those strangers that gave you that respect won't hesitate to help. It's quite nice.

I don't know why I decided to go to college. Maybe it was my home town or the fact that I couldn't stand living with my uncle anymore. Maybe it was my dream to help other people express their lives in art, share my own mindset and experiences as I pick up a single paint brush and press it against the canvas, watching as the colors dance across their stage to create a story with no words. That would be nice if it were true. My reason for attending college isn't anything special. I have no amazing, inspirational libretto that will make people want to per sue their dreams just as I did. I just went to college because it was what my high school least expected from a 'nuisance' like me.

The thought of showing those fuckers just how successful I'll really be just makes me laugh.

I decided to go to college as far away from my home as possible. I did it to get away from my family, or my uncle for that matter, and everyone in that shit hole of a town that I refuse to call my home. No one there ever enjoyed my presence and they never thought of me more than a delinquent who they wanted to get the fuck out of their town and go somewhere else. Despite not wanting to do anything for those assholes I still ended up doing them a favor. I guess in a way I was just being compassionate, but who am I to give a fuck?

I sighed as I took a deep drag from my cigarette, shivering violently as the wind from the lakes decided to throw tiny needles at me to see how much of it my skin could endure. They were like fucking knives prodding at my skin and despite not being able to see them, it didn't stop them from taking me as an unsuspected victim. I could have sworn that the wind had actually cutting me during the psychological torture from the mild throbbing that I felt in my arms, but no matter how many times I looked I suffered nothing but frozen toes and chapped skin. It was only late September and it already felt like it was early January. I blamed whoever the fuck pissed off mother nature and made her curse us with frostbite before Jack Frost could even awake.

Whoever the fucker is, I hope he burns in hell, because I would love to be there than here.

Another strong gust of wind blew me out of my internal rant and I took another drag before throwing my smoke onto the pavement, stomping it out just in case it somehow starts a fire. I decided to head back to the dorms, despite knowing that the freshman were arriving today and it was the sole reason why I had left in the first place. Just the thought of getting a brand new roommate today infuriated me and I just wished that I graduated with Mike this year. On the other hand, I wouldn't have to hear him fucking his little blonde playmate anymore and I can only pray and hope that this kid isn't as horny as him. Then again, it's hard to have the sexual stamina of a football player. Even if he did, I'm sure they wouldn't last longer than ten minutes. I could only hope.

I walked back to campus wondering what this kid might be like. Is he tall or short? What's his hair color? Is he going to be a pain in my ass? Is he going to be annoying? Is he quiet? Does he play video games all night? Is he a snotty brat? And most important of them all… if he neat or a fucking slob. If there's one thing that Mike and I fought about a lot, it was about his goddamn disorganized and disgusting behaviors. No matter how many times I had to yell at him about his clothes and his desk being filthy, he took me as a fucking joke.

Fucking disgusting beast.

On my way back I stopped at the Starbucks that was located about three blocks away and decided that I was going to have a Teavana royal English breakfast loose-leaf black tea to at least keep me a bit warm during this frost fest. It's during times like this that when people told me to 'go to hell' that I wish that I actually went. That way while they're freezing their balls off in this heinous weather in Sina, I'll be nice and snug while I take a comfortable seat on Satan's throne.

It's a nice thought in my mind at least.

As I walked through the doors of the coffeehouse I noticed that there weren't as many people as it usually were, and I'm not complaining. I don't like people and I never will. There's just something about them that throws me off and it's another reason why I chose to be a painter. My people skills are as rusty as that tow truck from the cars movie. I walked to the counter and took out my ear buds as I looked up at the person who was maintaining the counter, wiping away the possible grime that was leftover from serving filthy people. He looked up after hearing me approach the counter and smiled warmly at me, his whole face lighting up in a split second. I frowned a bit at how happy he was, a little freaked by the intensity of his smile. How can someone be so happy from my presence. Oh, wait, it's because he doesn't know me.

"Hello sir, what can I get for you today?" he asked, clasping his hands together and tilting his head slightly in an almost comical way. I had refrain from laughing in the guys face as I told him what I wanted and he nodded before telling me the price of the tea. I handed him a ten dollar bill before walking over to the other counter as I waited for my tea. As soon as I reached my destination not even five seconds went by before I felt someone's eyes burning holes through the back of my skull. I wasn't sure how I felt about being stared at by some random person, but I knew it wasn't positive. I turned around almost immediately to see a boy with the most beautiful greenish blue eyes I've ever seen. He had perfectly tan skin that looked smooth and unblemished. His hair was messy but it suited him perfectly. He was wearing a green sweatshirt and black jeans and he was standing a few feet away from me. As soon as I made it clear that I had caught him staring, he turned away quickly as if he wasn't looking at me at all. I smirked to myself, noticing the blush that appeared on the kids face. He was probably checking me out for god knows what reason and, to me, it seemed that he liked what he saw.

Then again, I kind of liked what I saw on him too.

As soon as I received my tea from the little blonde on the other side of the counter I turned around and noticed that the brunet was gone. I looked behind me at the bathroom to see if he slipped away and when I turned around my heart nearly leaped into space as two green eyes were staring back at me.

"Jesus fuck kid! What are you trying to do, give me a fucking heart attack?" I yelled, taking two steps back as I looked him up and down, noticing his nervous look.

"No! No, and anyways you're probably too young to have a heart attack. Are you Levi? Levi Ackerman?" he asked, fiddling with his hands nervously and I raised and eyebrow at him, taking yet another step back for safety purposes.

"Who wants to know?" I asked and he laughed quietly, and even though it lasted for a split second it was the sweetest sound that I've ever heard.

"Eren, Eren Jager. I guess we'll be rooming together," he said and my eyes widened a bit as I was hit was the suddenly realization that my first impression to him was horrible.

Way to go fuck face, now the kid thinks you're an idiot.

Well, is that how they're doing it now? How did you know who I was?" I asked, confused on how this kid got my name and knew what I looked like that quick. This Starbucks was a good walk away from campus and he should be at the whole welcoming ceremony right now so why was he here?

Oh well there was this person who was giving us our information and when she found out who I was rooming with she went completely nut about how I was rooming with Ravioli's? I don't know what she was talking about but she told me you went on a walk and that I might not see you until later," he said and I frowned as I recognized who he was talking about.

"Hange… that bastard. And she identifies by they. No gender pronouns for future occasions. Did she also flash a photo of me?" I asked and he shook his head blushing a bit.

"Ah, no she just said you were short and looked really unapproachable," he said and I frowned at that bit of information, not wanting to ask him anymore questions. Most of the questions I had on my list of wonders were checked off, including pain in my ass and brat. However, for the most part he wasn't annoying. I gave him one more look over before settling with what impression I had of him. He didn't seem as though he were going to be a huge problem so I could handle rooming with him for the most part. However, I wasn't going to just press and approved stamp across his forehead until I laid down some rules and regulations of living with me.

"Alright Jager, I have one more question for you," I said, crossing my arms and giving him a serious gaze and I could see as he swallowed, already intimidated by my look.


"Are you neat…. Or a filthy fucking beast?"

As soon as the words left my mouth Eren was completely silent, his eyes slightly widened from the shock that my question left him in. After a good 5 seconds he erupted in a sweet yet hearty laugh that shocked me more that my blunt words had shocked him.

"Oi, brat I was being serious!" I groaned in frustration, immediately rethinking letting him stay with me. He tried calming down, but the more his laughter died, he would look up at me and his laugh was refilled and we would be at square one again.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I asked before taking a sip of my tea, humming in appreciation at how well brewed this was.

"You're funny, but I'm pretty neat if I say so myself. If not I misplace things and oh god middle school was rough with disorganization, but yeah I'm neat," he said and I smirked a bit at how honest he was.

"Good, let me show you back to what will be our home for the next year Jager. From the sounds of it I think you passed the test," I said, walking away from him and heading to the door. It took him a few seconds to for him to catch on.

"Ah so do you test all the people you're about to live with?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah but none of them pass the test when it comes to being neat. I think you're way better that Mike so far," I said and he smiled warmly.

"I'm glad, so what's college like?" he asked and I sighed before looking at him, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Want to know the honest truth, or a complete and utter lie?" I asked and his smile faded as he wondered what I meant.

"The truth?"

"Let's just say it's nothing like the movies, so don't get your hopes up, college is nothing than a land of broken dreams and disappointments, or that's what it is to me," I said, walking away, taking a long drink from my tea. I glanced at him as he contemplated my response before he sighed and looked at me defeated.

"That's depressing," he said and I shrugged.

"Yeah, but it's reality."