A/N: I Am so sorry guys! School has been hectic and between 5 different documents that needed to be typed I wasn't exactly keen on seeing Word often. Anywho next chapter is here and I hope to god it's up to par on quality cause it's just under 10K. Hope you guys still enjoy it though. Catch you in the next


Chapter 24: Rampancy

The 40 demi-gods walked right into the lobby of the building without so much as a care for the actual opening time of the actual building. The security guard was seated right where he normally was. He didn't bother protesting their presence as soon as he saw the weapons and the rather miffed look on Percy's face. He really didn't want to be the leader responsible for all of this crap but it was his burden. He was the prophecy child and he had to be the savior. He simply glared at the guard and he let them use a specialty lift to the top so they could bypass the metal detector. Percy pitched a drachma his way before stepping into the elevator with the first group of demi-gods.

Olympus was stunning as usual. Gold and white buildings lined the sparkling hills. The only difference was the complete state of abandonment of the streets. They barely caught a glimpse of a minor godling closing his shutters as they walked towards the Hall of the Gods. It wasn't long till they arrived at the massive double doors that opened into the Throne Room before them. It was as empty as the streets of Olympus. The only being there was Hestia who worse a simple brown dress as she tended to the Hearth fully grown instead of the childish form she normally took.

"Welcome demi-gods, you are most welcome here. And young Perseus, I see you bare the curse of Achilles now."

The demigods behind him murmured curiously while he ignored the heat he felt on the back of his neck from Annabeth's gaze.

"Be warned, you walk a dangerous path you do not fully understand and face an enemy just the same. I will shed some light upon the situation for you."

She locked eyes with him and suddenly he was in an alley with a sandy haired boy and a girl with electric blue eyes.

"On the count of 3. 1…2…3!" They both turned the corner and the boy almost caught a hammer with his teeth. A small blonde girl was wildly swinging it screaming about monsters to leave her alone.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa there kiddo!" He caught her arms while she fought and kicked at him.

"No! Leave me alone! No more monsters!"

"Thalia put your shield away, you're scaring her." The now named daughter of Zeus tapped aegis twice and it folded away.

"Don't worry we're not monsters. I'm Luke and this is Thalia, we fight them too. We know a place, a place that's safe from the monsters."

The blonde girl eyed them curiously. Intelligence beyond her years shining behind grey eyes.

"Really?" Luke nodded and she relaxed a bit, "My name's Annabeth."

Luke nodded once more, "Well Annabeth, you look like a smart kid. That hammer won't kill them but this will." He handed her a knife, "Only intelligent fighters can manage using a knife in combat. So I'm giving this to you."

The younger Annabeth took it gingerly smiling softly at the two of them

"Now let's get moving, we have a ways to go."

The scene changed and suddenly the trio was moving across grassland. Luke in the lead, holding Annabeth's hand to keep her from stumbling, while a limping Thalia brought up the rear brandishing Aegis to ward off whatever was following them. They crested a small hill and came upon a rather familiar looking house.

"C'mon" Luke said, "Not much further now. I'll grab some supplies and we'll be on our way."

"Why can't we meet your mother? I'm sure she's fine and she'd let us-"

"NO!" yelled the Son of Hermes causing poor Annabeth to cower a bit.

"I- Just- wait here, I'll be back soon.'

As he turned there was a flash and a voice followed,

"You should not have come back here."

With that the vision collapsed. And the same booming voice entered the room.

"What do you need demi gods?"

Hermes didn't look very happy to be on Olympus.

Hestia bowed slightly to Hermes and left the demi-gods to chat. Percy had the other campers leave while he and Annabeth stayed to talk to the messenger god.

"Lord Hermes" Annabeth began, "The battle with Typhon is a trap. Kronos's forces are marching upon New York as we speak. We need some of the gods back here as soon as possible."

Hermes sighed and scratched his head with his caduceus eliciting a series of 'ows' and 'ouches' from George and Martha.

"Your mother said the same thing. 'Blah Blah It's a trap Yada Yada he'll destroy our thrones'. However Zeus wasn't having any of it. Typhon almost destroyed us before in Greece and that was when we were at our most powerful. Now we have weakened as the millennia passed, and we have no support from the other two original Olympians. Poseidon has his own war to fight in Atlantis and Hades sits upon his throne in the Underworld holding disdain for us all, though I suppose we have done much to deserve it…" Hermes trailed off as he mumbled to himself

Percy stepped up, "Please just send someone back! We will fight as hard as possible but this won't be easy!"

Hermes looked quite defeated, "none of us can afford to. Dionysus has been incapacitated along with Hephaestus. The Twin archers are absolutely needed, along with Ares. There is no way in Hades Zeus would let his best strategist leave his side on the battle field and Aphrodite, surprisingly, is hitting Typhon the hardest. I have no clue what Noir said or did to her but she's different. Imagine our surprise when she began firing jets of hyper heated hyper pressurized water bursts at the storm giant. Not to mention the odd blast of lightning but those seem to take more out of her than we thought…"He trailed off again.

Annabeth stepped back up, "We need your help! We need the gods to help save us, to help save Luke." The last part slipped out and it wasn't the right thing to let slip.

His visage grew dark as he scowled down at her and Percy stepped forward slightly.

"Why didn't you save him when you had the chance?! Why didn't you step up when he came to you out of desperation?!"

Percy wasn't sure where his rage came from but he yelled right back.

"Where was she? Where were you his entire LIFE?! Where were you when he was being chased by monster that wanted nothing more than to FUCKING EAT HIM?! WHERE WERE YOU MISTER ALMIGHTY GOD?!"

Hermes' face screwed up in rage as he grew to his godly height. His caduceus began to resemble a massive cattle prod as he raised it above his head. But Percy didn't back down.

He thought he was charcoal before Martha slithered over and whispered in Hermes' ear. He lowered the cattle prod still scowling,

"You bear the Curse of Achilles so your life is in the hands of the Fates. But you will never address me like that again." Percy would've been more terrified but Hermes just slumped looking entirely defeated and so abysmally tired Percy wondered if he even like being tired.

"Where was I? Everywhere but where I wanted to be…"

Percy strained to hear the last part

"Athena said to try Plan 23 Annabeth, and for you to remember the Rivers Perseus. Whatever that means."

He began to glow and Percy stepped between a still wide eyed Annabeth as Hermes assumed his true form and flashed away.

"No one like following the rules they have to Percy. Not even the gods. Though I will admit the rules they live by are far more lenient than mine. Sitting on top of the world is painful and lonely Percy. The most powerful of heroes have the worst Fate. Remember that being a ruler isn't necessarily being happy."

Percy knew Noir was just in his head but still muttered out loud, "Then what of you who sits on top of Reality?"

Percy didn't get a response but was slammed with what felt like an eternity of solitude, loneliness, sadness, abandonment, resentment, hatred, and only an abysmal amount of hope.

He knew Noir was keeping him standing since he didn't collapse into a weeping heap.

"Don't seek power Perseus. If it is given to you there is a reason, but never ask for it or try to gain more than you have or are given. For all you may gain, you will lose exponentially more."

He felt Noir leave his mind and he resolved himself to give the poly morph a hug. He tossed Annabeth's outburst out of his mind. He didn't have time to worry about petty emotions, he had a war to win and casualties to prevent.

He thought he felt a hum of approval from Noir within himself but realized it came from his own mind. For once he knew precisely what to do.

And he had an immortal to help him do it.

Percy and Annabeth left the Throne room to find the rest of the demi-gods huddled around the edge of Olympus as striations of blue light climbed in a dome towards the top of Olympus where they shimmered out before meeting one another. They finally stopped and everyone assumed that nothing had happened…Until Lee Fletcher pointed out the problem.


They did and silence answered them. Percy's stomach dropped, New York was never quiet. He reached the overlook and pushed a camper off one of the binoculars and looked down at the streets where people where curled up on the sidewalks and cars sat without their engines running.

New York was asleep, and Percy was mad.

"What have they done to my city?"

-Line Break-

The first thing the demi-gods did was regroup and disperse forces. They met at the base of the Empire State where Percy and the crew gathered around Annabeth's mirror shield Thank you Bekendorf!

"Alright. We're cut off from the outside world by a massive time spell."

He swore he heard Noir mutter something about giving Hecate a spanking but he quickly dismissed it.

"I'll handle the boats on the river. Apollo Cabin, take the Williamsburg Bridge. Katie and the Demeter Cabin the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. Connor take half the Hermes cabin to Manhattan Bridge Travis take the other half to the Brooklyn Bridge. NO LOOTING OR PILLAGING!"

The whole cabin booed until he glared. Noir stood behind him and mouthed

'Only a little looting' He gave a wink and a subtle thumbs up while the cabin continued to be 'disappointed'.

"Silena, I don't know if my orders in particular hold nay weight but I want you to take your cabin to the Queens-Midtown Tunnel."

She glanced at Noir who smirked and nodded. Much to the campers' collective dismay she smirked back but twice as evilly.

"Oh My God! Fifth Avenue is so on our way! We could accessorize and monsters, like, hate the smell of Givenchy!" one of Silena's sisters squealed.

Percy looked skeptical, "No delays…But…If the perfume thing works dine. Don't take too much time."

Percy's cheeks were rapidly assaulted while Noir laughed openly and kept Annabeth from murdering them for reasons far beyond her own comprehension. Percy simply shook off his (totally not) obvious blush and refocused on the task at hand.

"Holland Tunnel. Bekendorf, you lead the Hephaestus cabin and lay the traps thick."

"If I swing by and don't see monsters hanging by their under garments I ain't gonna be impressed Bekendorf."

Bekendorf and Noir shared a smirk and a knuckle bump before Bekendorf pulled an impossibly massive twin bladed axe out of seemingly nowhere.

"Hephaestus cabin on me!" He roared, "I got a bone to pick with the Titan Lord."

The last bit got a roar of approval.

Percy smirked and got back to it.

"59th Street Bridge-"

"Got it" Annabeth interjected. Percy nodded and gave her a lopsided grim that made her knees shake. No one but Noir noticed who snickered while she tried to murder him with her eyes.

"That only leaves-"

"Lincoln Tunnel. Which we got, if I do say so myself." All eyes were on Thalia and Phoebe as they sauntered up to the group. Her smile would have been all fangs if she had them.

Percy nodded but didn't comment on the light weight armor that the Hunters now sported.

"You gonna handle the tank then?" he asked pointedly.

Noir's smirk toed the line of sanity

"No, I will. It's been a long time since I last had n opportunity for a meal of this scale. My doctor says I haven't been getting enough iron in my diet and I might just have a craving."

Quite a few people backed up at Noir's sheer bloodlust but they were thankful it wasn't pointed in their direction.

"Hunters! We're not giving them an inch! Every foot given is one less night Noir isn't allowed to cook desert."

The Hunt paled rapidly before pulling themselves together so fast the campers thought they were born with bows in hand.

Lily snickered at her sisters.


The Hunt took off in a silver blur while Noir winked and blinked out after them.

"Alright people! LET"S WIN THIS WAR! FOR OLYMPUS!"

40 voices echoed the call that rang all throughout the sleeping streets of New York.

Percy and Annabeth waited for the other's to leave before the zipped off on a moped.

Noir kept one eye closed as he sat in the trees with the Hunters monitoring the battle that was going on. Currently the Sherman was approaching and all their traps were in place. Suddenly everything went wrong. The Sherman stopped its advance and began to retreat along with the remaining forces. There tunnel was left bare. Shouts of panic erupted into Noir's head as Demi-gods at another location fought to push back unexpected numbers.

"A trap…" he muttered, "They moved their forces to a weaker in encampment on our side. I need to go." Thalia didn't have time to protest as Noir didn't bother to flash in his rush. The branch he had been standing on previously disintegrated under the force he launched himself with. By the time Thalia had steadied herself in the trembling tree, a crater was all the evidence that the Polymorph had been there at all.

With Travis, on Manhattan Bridge

"Fall back! Trigger traps, slow them down! Throw the grenades and stink bombs! Cause chaos make them lose their formation BUT DO NOT LOSE YOUR LIVES!"

Travis's orders wer followed to a T as trip wires were sprung, cars exploded, Greek Fire rained, and homemade bombs went off.

"We need back up!" a daughter of Hebe called.

She turned to her injured friend in time to a hellhound bearing down upon her.

"Great Wolf Impact!" The hellhound was blasted straight through the concrete and through the bridge. The shockwave drove the forces apart while spreading cracks throughout the bridge.

Noir stood form the shattered area of the ground, "You rang?"

The Hermes forces cheered while the enemies began to tremble slightly. There was a slight disturbance of reality before a figure Noir had hope not to see stepped forward. The black haired woman stepped forward in a pair of black jeans and a dark green blouse. Her short cropped hair, forest camo gloves, and winged eyeliner resembling Faith from Mirror's edge. Her eyes were a sight to behold, She had multiple pupils that didn't seem to obey the laws of physics as they darted around, taking in everything. Her irises shifted through shades of green while her fingers grasped constantly for something that wasn't there. Her skin was milky and taught as it hung as close to her body as possible. She looked like the poster child for Kleptomania as she scanned the crowd with a hungry smile.

"Greed" Noir greeted with a slight grimace.

All of her eyes focused on Noir ad her hungry smile was replaced with something more genuine. He features shifted to human and for a second she looked truly beautiful before it collapsed into her previous form.

"Hello wolfy!"

"Greed, I thought you would leave this alone. I though you said we wouldn't have to face each other again. I thought we had an agreement sister."

Noir's voice sounded far more familiar than ever before. Greed's pupils combined into a single eye before they separated again.

"Too much to gain Big Bro!" she exclaimed giddily, "so many new things to play with! So many toys to collect. So much fun to have with things I've never seen before!"

She squealed as she happily clapped almost like an exited child while Noir's look became increasingly worried. She turns a very disturbing looked to Noir as all of her separated pupils focused on him, the multiple color shifting irises forming a disturbing color flow.

"They said I could have you and your Domains! Can you imagine it! Finally I get my favorite sibling all to myself! No interruptions! No one else! You get to be all MINE! All that power! All for ME!"

She lunged at insane speeds as and Noir caught her and jumped lightly before burying her head first into the concrete with a suplex.

Noir's eyes began to flicker between platinum and quasars as he watched her rip an entire block of concrete out of the bridge and break it in half to free herself.

"Don't make me have to fight you Sister. This is not how I want our family to reunite."

Greed didn't stop as she giggled horrifically. Even as she smiled a pair of mandibles ripped through her cheeks and her skin receded over he hands, leaving black chiton covered claws at the end of her arms.


She lunged again shattering the ground she once stood upon. The demi-gods backed up and soon the monsters did as well when Noir took off towards her with a sad but determined look. The two collided at unfathomable speeds shaking the world around them. All around Manhattan the waters shook and thrashed. The bridge was barely holding together beneath the cataclysmic blows that kept coming as the two slammed into each other over and over. To both forces they only glimpsed brief moments of the fight as the heavier blows slowed the fighters to a stop for seconds at a time.

Out of Pure instinct Travis called, "DUCK!"

The demi-god forces hit the deck as a circlet of green energy cut the bridge wires and towers down from where they stood. Many monsters found themselves headless as the circlet collapsed back inwards taking the towers, lines, supports, and decapitated heads to a central point where they were hyper condensed and eaten. Greed's insectile mouth let loose a chittering sigh as it molded back to an almost human feature while the decapitated monster bodies remained. Both armies froze as they didn't disintegrate and bled a black fluid that and evaporated quickly.

"SO TASTEY!" She turned her multiple eyes on the monster forces and the demi-gods within them. The few that survived began to run while she licked her lips in anticipation. This was all the rest needed for incentive to run as five excessively long tongues left her mouth and opened into snapping, worm like maws that grasped hungrily at them. They were quickly pulled back in as Greed's eager smile split her jaw back to insectile.

She lunged only to be kicked upwards.

"What have they done to you, you who used to only hunger for the happiness of those she loved."

Greed's manic eyes refocused on Noir and with a broken smile Noir burst after her. Greed simply wanted more, and once more they clashed with world shattering force.

As Percy stood upon Williamsburg Bridges facing down the Minotaur he felt the first tremors of the city.

'C'mon Noir. Manage this without obliterating the state please'

A tingle in his mind said he heard him and he focused back upon the Minotaur as he bellowed his challenge, crumpling a nearby Lexus for effect. Percy winced before he began to walk forward to meet the beast.

'I wonder if that's covered under his insurance' he pondered as he cut down a few waves of arrows, some dracaena, and a hellhound.

"OI! Ground Beef! Didn't ya learn the last time I took it to ya?"

The Minotaur bristled and drew his massive, double bladed axe. Percy noticed the dangling camp beads on his axe and felt rage starting to creep into him. He bit down on it and focused as the Minotaur dropped the axe in a downward cleave that buried it into the cement as Percy side stepped simply. He split the handle right between the Minotaur's grip.


"HAAAA!" Percy spun and kicked old beef head right in his snotty nose causing him to rear back in anger. Percy grabbed the axe and ran for the edge of the bridge hoping for the cow to buy his ploy. The Minotaur didn't disappoint and charged straight ahead before Percy spun and he found the splintered end of his axe buried in his chest.

Percy slipped between his legs and used the grounded blade as leverage to flip the Minotaur off the bridge where he began to disintegrate.

"Not ideal for my first time cow tipping but I'll live with it."

Percy smirked and turned back to the shocked monster forces who stared at him in fear and slight awe.

'199 to 1…I like those odds'

With that he charged.

-Line Break-

The bridge was barely holding together as Noir and Greed continued to clash. The real scare was without the supports the bridges was rippling and rolling, looking like a ribbon in a high wind. Noir and Greed slammed apart before everything began to be sucked towards Greed. Loose armor and weapons, the odd monster, all were pulled towards her hands. The materials broke down and re-condensed into two massive sickles the miniature scythe blades flashed out at Noir who slid smoothly beneath it only for it to be whipped back at him as Greed yanked on a chain that materialised connected to the handle end. Noir back flipped over it and spun in a tight barrel roll deflecting the other. Soon the speed between toss and retraction was just as much a blur as Noir's dodges and reflections. And then they stopped. The blades hung mid-air while Noir stood in the middle of a cage of chains and blades.

40 sickles were visible as Noir looked at Greed in what could only be sadness.

"You can be mine even if you're in pieces. Maybe that means I have even more of you to myself!" Greed cackled and yanked full force while Noir calmly unzipped his hooded coat.

"Forgive me little sister, I never wanted to draw a blade against you."

The sickles blurred and there was only a storm of greenish grey metal surrounding Noir.

A sharp clang rang out as each and every sickle was shattered. Standing, arms outstretched with his legs spread and his coat flapping in the wind, was Noir's completely unscathed form.

Platinum poured out of his eyes in two broad bands and dripped off as he looked up. 3 knives sat between the knuckles of each of his hand while the inside of his coat revealed even more of them. The knives themselves were a two tone semi-square blade. The end slanted off slightly and the handles were bound with gold leather. The black and platinum blades glinted dangerously with Noir's slit pupils.

"Run free with the wolves. Leaping Lupine Wind"

Noir shattered the bridge further as he lunged at Greed who was scrambling to recover her sickles when Noir launched the first three blades at her. She hastily deflected two while the last knocked a sickle from her hand. Noir launched another set of three and Greed ducked only to find a single blade flying at her after it cut clean through a car on her right. The sheer force of the throw shattered her other sickle. She yanked her chains and another 8 sickles flew between her and Noir as he spun and flipped launching blades at her. The 8 sickles were knocked aside by an equal amount of blades while another four blazed past and pinned the chains of another four sickles.

She looked forward only to realize Noir wasn't there. Noir, who was 30 feet above her head, flipped lazily and sent a single knife downward. The knife speared though the chain of a sickle rushing towards Greed and he began to whip them as fast as he possibly could. To the 20 he already threw, he added 6 then 4 then 10 then 12 then another 8. Soon it was a rain of blades that pinned or shattered every sickle but it didn't end there.

As soon as Noir hit the ground he was off again tossing knives from hundreds of angles. Blinking between one location and the next and it was only when Greed flinched away form a blade that passed a little too close did she discover herself immobile. Another 80 blades tossed at speed that made it look like Noir was in six places at once ended his dance. He stood with platinum pouring down his face and Greed bound in thin black wire. She struggled and screamed as he approached her know kneeling form. She hissed at him and he stopped for a second before taking a deep breath and driving his hand into her chest.

She blinked before she began screaming. Her form flickered between the healthy and gaunt as Noir rooted around her chest. Platinum tears falling from his face as he repeatedly apologised. His tears were torrential while Greed's screams were heart rending. Campers and Monsters watched on in horror as Noir slowly tore some kind of thing form his supposed sister's chest.


Noir's tears seemed to pour faster as the screeching writhing mass began to lose hold.

His voice cracked, "Just a little more. Just a little and it'll be over."

"Brother you said you'd never hurt me." Noir faltered and she whimpered in relief before he simply ripped the creature from her chest. Her eyes rolled up, and Greed fell to unconsciousness.

Whatever it was continued to screech and chirp before Noir's grip tightened so profoundly parts of the bridge bent towards his gripped fist where the creature writhed feebly. He whipped it sky word and with a light warping roar, shot a tower of platinum and black plasma up at it. Any clouds in the night sky were vaporised and the heat slammed into the remaining forces like a physical blow. The street and nearby cars melted and the already weak remaining supports warped. Whatever the thing that was within Greed was, it likely hadn't even managed to keep a couple atoms together.

Noir looked down at the slumped over Greed and cut the wires holding her. He caught her gently as her unconscious form fell against him and laid her down.

"Travis, guard her but do NOT let anyone lay a single finger on her."

Travis met Noir's flickering eyes and nodded tautly and moved to stand between Greed's unconscious form the remaining monster forces.

Noir faced the opposing army and let his tails explode outwards where they whipped angrily, shattering whatever intact sections of the road they came into contact with. Tiny sonic booms assaulted peoples' ears as the faster ones shattered the sound barrier with every snap. The skin on his hands and face began to flake off, revealing bone and muscle. Massive teeth had punctured out of his gums and black and platinum claws tipped his fingers while the rest of the hand was reinforced with platinum over black muscles.

His second jaw made grotesque appearance as the skin of his face completely flaked away and his eyes slit in rage.

His swirling irises flickered between quasars and platinum leaving him all claws and teeth.

"Run little beings. At Least make this hunt a challenge. IF you can that is."

The enemy monsters did the stupid thing and ran, the enemy Demi-gods did the smart thing and dropped their weapons.

Take a swing at who ended up in pieces.

Percy and Annabeth stood back to back surrounded by Kronos's forces as the Titan took his leisurely time approaching. But both forces stopped as black and platinum stream lit up the sky for a brief second. When the shockwave of displaced, hyper heated air hit many of the cavalry were tossed from their horses. The bridge shook while the rest dismounted in fear of being tossed and faced the two half-bloods where they stood.

"And remind me why you're still here when the others have already retreated?"

Annabeth slapped his arm from where she stood beside him facing down death.

"Someone needs to watch your back you fool."

Percy wondered if she knew where his mortal point was but he ignored the notion and focused on the battle at hand. He focused more on knocking the enemy demi-gods out rather than straight murdering them. It wasn't their fault about the way they were treated. They didn't deserve to be killed for wanting to know and be acknowledged by their parents. The monsters, the monsters were a different story. Percy could feel just a sliver of Noir's bloodlust remaining in him and he used it to his advantage. Even though he was only knocking out the demi-gods, he still didn't lose speed. What was it that Noir had said? Mirror your element? He mentally shrugged and tried to feel the ocean within him. Her flow and crash. Her violence her calm. Her mystery and vast encompassment. He took that, and let it become his blade, and so his blade became a force of nature.

Riptide was forged from the immortality of a daughter of the sea. Her life force and energy inhabited the blade and now Percy's own connection to the ocean reinforced it. Riptide's bronze glow was tinged slightly green, and his forms changed drastically. Instead of meeting strikes full force, he slid them away from himself. He let blades and spears slide past him within centimeters of his skin as he spun and flowed through the ranks. Nothing could touch him, not because of the curse of Achilles, but through his own skill he had trained with a force beyond the worlds. And to say that his strikes were weak because he flowed like water would be a foolish presumption. Swords, shields, and spears shattered beneath the weight of his blows. The weight of the ocean crashed like a wave upon the enemy forces, his blade as sharp as a high pressure water stream. His sweeps and lunges chained and connected like the hundreds of streams that meet to make a river.

The enemy forces crumbled to dust before him while even Annabeth and Kronos watched in slight awe. By the time Kronos finally hopped down from his chariot half his forces had been either demolished or disarmed as Percy stood calmly behind his blade.

He embodied his father's words.

"The Ocean is deep and mysterious Percy. Even in her depths where no light can reach she nurtures those that live there. The ocean is a world all her own Percy and new lives are constantly born and forgotten. She holds creatures long forgotten to even myself. And she never will be tamed."

Percy's blade didn't even waver as he saw Kronos and Ethan approach. Ethan still remembering the backhand he got the first time he encountered the Prophecy Child. Kronos stepped forward with his scythe in hand and smile upon his face.

"I see you have improved Perseus! Though I must say you will lose. How did you think we knew where you would be? My spy keeps me very well in-"

"Can we skip the gloating and get to the part where I kick your ass? Cause we did this before and I don't like Déjà vu."

Kronos's eye twitched as he charged. Percy simply batted it aside without even shifting his legs form where he stood. Kronos looked surprised before he swept it low. Percy simply hopped over the low slash and replied with a lunge that slammed into Kronos's chest and stumbled him back a few steps. Kronos didn't look at all happy with Percy's calm demeanor. When his face morphed to grin Percy panicked slightly. It was quite justified as an ear piercing scream reached his ears before it gurgled out. Annabeth hung mid-air impaled upon a broad sword that stretched form her sternum to the bottom of her ribcage. Blood poured from between her lips as the shadow of a fairly lithe man seemed to clear behind her. His smile wider than normal taking up the entire area from his chin to the bottom of his nose as well as the greater portion of his cheeks. His teeth weren't sharp like Cheshire's but broad flat tombstones, yellow and the gaps filled with all kinds of indiscernible left overs.

The most gruesome part was his eyes since he didn't have any. Instead the cavity was also filled with teeth which were also stretched into a grin across the center of face. Percy didn't wait a second longer to find out if he had anything else in store. He was a blur as he made to bisect the man but Riptide was stopped short as a mouth sprouted from his side and the teeth caught the blade. His smile broadened before his main mouth began to open. Looking at the 6 rows of tombstone like teeth, Percy wondered if the curse protected him from being chewed to death.

He wondered no longer as a very familiar bronze knife found its way into the roof of his mouth and he bellowed in rage. Annabeth barely managed to catch herself on weak legs before collapsing on her side. The man/mouth/thing ripped the blade form his mouth and tossed it aside. He growled menacingly before a mouth in his stomach opened and folded him in half. The jaws closed, leaving nothing but a set of teeth floating in the air before reality closed of them like a pair of lips and he was gone.

"Percy! The Bridge!" Michael Yew yelled.

Percy took the hint and whistled. Black Jack was a blur as he swept in and grabbed Annabeth before he was gone. Percy glared one last time at Kronos before picking up Annabeth's knife and plunging Riptide hilt deep into the cement. Water burst from the point of impact like he hit a geyser, and soon the already battered bridge began to crumble. Kronos forces retreated quickly as the bridge fell to pieces behind them. A fifty foot chasm stood between Percy and Kronos as the sun rose. The enemy forces fell back and Kronos smirked like he had one. Percy intended to crush that notion.

-Line Break-

There was a yelp and Percy barely managed to catch Michael Yew as he fell from his perch atop the wires of the bridge.

The y landed in a small pile with Michael on top of Percy as the Son of Poseidon raised an eyebrow with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

"Michael I know we're good friends but you could at least by me dinner first. And right but in the open for our first time? How bold."

Yew scowled and scrambled up with red ears while Percy chuckled but let them die off.

He grabbed Michael and Will Solace when they reached the bottom of the bridge,

"C'mon, Annabeth needs help."

Percy grabbed the nearest vehicle, which happened to be a motorcycle with a side car, and drove at speed that would've made Evil Knievel have a heart attack. Now Percy had never been to the Plaza before but he was sure it looked a lot better on the usual days. Demi-gods swarmed through the lobby and had fully taken of the top floor. Using furniture and the like for hospital beds as they treated the injured. The war was going far better than expected. Very few were missing, enough that Percy simply presumed they were scouting the entrances while the rest lay resting, being tended to for minor injuries, or the odd person that was fairly heavily bandaged.

Bekendorf approached quickly, "Percy we got reports com-"

"Annabeth first then we'll talk. How is she?"

Bekendorf's face was stoic but the way he clenched his fist gave away his nervousness.

"The blade… Its almost like it's alive Percy. We need Noir and we haven't seen him. The Apollo cabin is doing all they can but for now…she's barely stable and likely to deteriorate."

Percy clenched his jaw, praying to every god he knew that Annabeth be ok until Noir get here. He just hoped whatever he was doing was truly important.

The second division of the Hermes cabin led by Travis arrived quite soon with quite a few trembling demi-god prisoners warily looking over their shoulders constantly. The Olympian forces wondered what they were so terrified of when the Hunters arrived minus one desperately needed Polymorph.

"Eyes forward. If I wanted to eviscerate you I would've done so already."

ADHD be damned, all eyes were focused straight ahead while Noir walked passed with a sleeping form in his hands. The Demi-gods and Hunters that hadn't been on the bridge looked questioningly at Travis as Noir simply glided past without recognizing their presence at all. He simply shook his head and made a motion for 'later'.

Noir simply blinked to the top floor and found an empty couch to set Greed down on. She whimpered slightly when she lost contact with him but a quick shushing quieted her. He crouched low and kissed her lightly on the brow, bringing their heads together briefly before he separated from her. He stood to find Percy waiting patiently behind him, nervously tapping his foot but not with any malice; simply nervousness.


Percy nodded and Noir motioned for him to lead the way. They were on a balcony overlooking the city while Annabeth lay on her side the sword sticking through her stomach, while Will and Michael Yew from the Apollo cabin did their best to keep her stable.

"Well that looks pleasant…"

Michael and Will barely had the energy to glare while Noir appraised the blade. He didn't touch it which is precisely the problem.

"Well? Pull it out?"

"And make her bleed to death? Not a good idea at all. That and that blade is quite…unique."

He pulled a small piece of the flooring out and dropped it on the blade. The blade bit clean into to it, literally. A small mouth opened up and swallowed the rubble before returning to normal.

"Looks like Gluttony showed up too. This isn't good at all… Though I do have to say thank you for keeping this thing well fed, otherwise we'd be dealing with scraps of Annabeth right now."

The men on the deck looked horrified before Percy stepped up,

"How can we help then!?"

Noir met his panicked gaze,

"Get a couple people together. Make sure their fairly powerful. This won't be easy."

Not 3 minutes later they had moved Annabeth to a bed in the main room of the penthouse. Bekendorf, Will, Michael, Katie, Travis, Connor, and Percy stood in a circle around her hand held while Noir kept the blade in stasis. He steeped in beneath and up to her body before grasping Percy's shoulder,

"Hang on, this will be a little rough. I recommend a severe amount of rest after this and remember to grab some Ambrosia. Don't fight the drain, I'll replace the greater portion of the energy I take from you but just don't fight the drain. It'll make this infinitely harder. Now are you ready?"

Nervous nods all around except for Percy who had already steeled his resolve.

Noir nodded and placed his hand on the hilt of the blade. Instantly the twins dropped to their knees breathing hard while Bekendorf began to sweat. Katie started getting significantly paler and Percy's breathing started getting shallow. Noir had already started removing the blade carefully regulating the energy drain and feed. The initial burst took the most out of the demi-gods. The rest were still holding out if barely by the time the blade was ¾ way out of Annabeth's midsection.

"Last push."

Travis and Connor landed heavily on their sides. Bekendorf dropped to his knees in their place and another demi-god barely caught Katie as she flat out fainted and began to fall to the ground. Will looked practically dead as Michael Yew dripped some Nectar down his throat and Percy was struggling to stay on his feet.

The tip of the blade cleared her chest and the remaining Demi-gods slammed right onto their faces, vision blurring, and consciousness fading. They collectively had enough time to see the blade floating mildly as Noir made random gestures before it was encased in platinum chains.

Percy's dreams were disturbed as he saw events happening in shattered moments. Hermes and a young blonde lady standing in front of the Big House. Images of wars on foreign planets with beasts unseen, undefinable. Voices that formed forces and rules as if weaving reality itself. A horrified shriek tore through his dream as he saw The Oracle back when she was alive kneeling before Hades as Black fire burned in his eyes. The scream was echoed as he watched Hermes scream for the blonde in the Big House as a familiar serpent green glow emanated from the attic.

"May!" Hermes broken voice called out before everything went black.

He found himself floating in nothingness.

"Pity we don't have time to truly talk child. Though I must say for you to wander all the way out here, your consciousness and destiny must be more exceptional that I initially presumed.

Percy's dream form shuddered beneath the weight of the voice. He couldn't see the being that spoke with such power but he figured his mind more than likely wouldn't survive.

"For now wake. Creatures and beings from far beyond your realm are moving once more. Maybe not now but soon enough that you must be ready to act. War should be on your side but I have a feeling you will not need his spawn. The set course of Fate has been muddled to the point where its Mistresses are barely keeping the weave from unraveling. Now is the time, if not always, to make your own future. My proxy knows that all too well. Now wake. There are monsters to be vanquished young hero."

Percy got up so fast he smashed his forehead against his some one's shield.

"Bad dreams huh?" He met Annabeth's eyes after massaging his forehead as the images of his dreams played behind his eyes the screams of May Castellan and the Oracle, the wars of beats and being, the voice and his warning. He shuddered slightly and let out a calming breath.

"Yeah, fine. Just surprisingly energized after everything that happened yesterday. Speaking of which, why are you in armor? You had a sword through you yesterday."

He said slightly accusingly.

She chuckled nervously and rubbed her stomach as if something should be there that wasn't.

"Noir took care of it exceptionally well." She winced slightly when she sat down, "He said I'll still be a little tender but apparently I wasn't supposed to catch a sword with my torso. I was supposed to be stabbed, apparently, which is why he couldn't get rid of the stiffness and the scar completely, but the sword thing wasn't supposed to happen. It took a bit of Ambrosia and Nectar for the others and now the sword is laying against the wall. Noir said one of us could probably wield it but we would need some insane power stored. He said you can feed it energy to wield it, but when you run out let go fast otherwise it'll eat you instead. He's calling it Devourer."

She trailed off as Thalia burst onto the overlook.

"We've got problems! We need to go to Central Park by the Harlem River. There's an army…Percy it's huge."

He nodded.

"Don't worry, I have a plan."

-Line Break-

Even Annabeth had been impressed with what Percy suggested. The plan was to split the Monster forces down the middle of the reservoir and hit the funneled forces individually. Between Campers, Hunters, and Nature spirits they hoped they had enough. The demi-god forces moved quickly enough that with the added heads up of their scouts and some vehicular theft they got there ahead of the army with more than enough time for the Hephaestus cabin to set up some surprises. Noir had been silent the entire time. His tails moved more like water as they flowed instead of whipped. His eyes were flickering and his ears were perked up.

'My proxy…' the voice had said. Percy wondered if he was getting information form him right now while they stood together at the front of the main force just as they had with the battle with the Labyrinth.

"There's a Titan on the lead. But something is not as it should be. He feels stronger. Like someone fed him a bit of their domain."

Percy shuddered at the thought, and went to comment before explosions crammed whatever he would've said down his throat. The first traps had been tripped. The monsters were coming.

The Greek fire traps detonated, killing the army vanguard easily and set others alight as the flames spread. The panicking monsters ran farther forward into well disguised tar traps causing masses to fall. The opposite side shared the same fate before on an unspoken signal, pre-rigged repeating cross bows began firing (Courtesy of Noir of course) while Apollo campers and the Hunters let loose. Nature spirits sprung from everywhere as Satyrs joined the charge, wailing crashing into the army at terminal velocity.

But no matter how many they dusted more replaced them. Slowly the demi-god forces were being pushed back. It wasn't until the pained scream of a Hunter reached Noir did they act.

"Fuck the signal." And like that he was gone.

The saying 'hit like a truck' is supposed to be an expression, but when Noir's single punch blasted a straight line of clearance straight into the enemy forces…well… there are always exceptions. Percy simply shrugged it off and decided he was right. He was the next one into the fray as the ground forces charged to reinforce their friends and family.

Percy was absolutely amazed as Noir had said he wouldn't bother wasting his powers with this portion.

'I'll save 'em for the main battle. Going all out is only fun when the situation demands it.'

Percy was puzzled but also realized that something huge must've been coming up for him to not go all out. That isn't to say that he wasn't walking through the enemy lines like it was a Sunday stroll however. Noir had conjured two combat knives, kukris had called them, and wielded them like he would his claws. Though his fighting style complemented the exceptionally long knives as he used more spins and slashed to keep moving. His momentum made him roar through the lines as he jumped and wind milled through a squad of Dracaena before backwards combat rolling inside Laistrygonian guards'.

He was a force of destruction as he stabbed one in the head as it swung killing it and jumping off the blow, streaking through the air as he flipped like a coin vertically splicing heads before whipping one foot out and down in a scything axe kick that exploded the ground clearing space. Not time was wasted as he used his remaining folded leg to kick off the ground and into the nearest monster crowd as his tails battered, speared, and crushed anything behind him. Percy was just doing his best to keep pace before a massive burst of Greek fire was absorbed. The an to had done it simply crushed the explosion in his fist as he kept walking forward, straight out onto the water of the reservoir instead of around it.

"Hyperion…Titan Lord of Light and the East. But something's off…I can't put my finger on it but we need to face him. No time to waste."

Noir backflipped and extended his leg, smashing a Laistrygonian up into the air as the kick connected with his chin, before he sheathed a Kukri. Noir's palm strike blasted the giant through the monster ranks and onto the reservoir, where his body skipped a couple times before being bisected by Hyperion whose sword flashed; ending the poor monster.

Percy sprinted out to meet Hyperion while Noir whipped his tails, forcing an entire battalion of monsters back, or sent them flying into their compatriots where they either knocked them sprawling, or impaled themselves upon their allies' weapons. Noir simply stepped forward and vanished before he walked out from behind Percy, almost as if he'd popped out of his shadow. Hyperion smiled, his massive tombstone teeth and stretched smile gave away everything Noir needed to know.

"Fate must be quite muddled if Gluttony can give you even that miniscule amount of his power."

Hyperion's smirk didn't falter as he waved his sword dismissively.

"Didn't need it to squash the lot of you like the insects you are. This just makes it easier."

He readied his sword while Noir stepped back and held his palms parallel to each other vertically.

"Percy. I need 120 seconds before I splatter this shit bag all over the park. Buy me that, and this battle is over."

Percy nodded while Hyperion's smirk vanished.

"Too bad he can't even do that!"

Percy twisted and used the water he stood on to reinforce his stance. He met Hyperion's down stroke with a horizontal cleave packed with every bit of weight and muscle he had. Needless to say Hyperion's strike was shattered and so was his footing. Spinning hard and fast, Percy lashed a water encased left foot out where it slammed into Hyperion's stomach. The Titan grimaced before he grinned.

"That all you got?"

Percy's smirk was his response as the water that encased his leg blasted the Titan backwards across the surface of the water.

"I may have lied. I need another 2 minutes. Someone is trying to block my power."

Percy didn't even look behind him as he rode a wave towards Hyperion.

Percy and Hyperion's blades clashed in a blaze of sparks. Percy was using every trick in the book just to keep Hyperion in check while the Titan's blows seemed to only get heavier.

"You future's not looking to bright kid!"

And just like that Percy couldn't see a thing. It was years of battle experience and instinct that made him drop below the water surface and under a blow that would've left him leg less. He opened his eyes and could see before wondering what in the Hades Hyperion had done to blind him. He ignored it and shot out of the water on a 15 foot wave that roared towards the Titan. Hyperion glowed and water began to steam but he was too slow on the gather. His flames were outed as the wave washed over him and swept him off his feet. Percy was already bringing Riptide down when he Hyperion rolled out of the way.

He stood once more and the two faced off again.

'He's ridiculously hot…So all I have to do is cool him down!"

Percy rose another wave as Hyperion shot his hand out, evaporating the water wall in a burst of heat and light only to reveal Percy had disappeared. Percy launched himself into the air behind the Titan and was blocked from cleaving the massive glowing annoyance in half. But that was the plan anyway. Percy baseball slid between Hyperion's knees and, in a movement reminiscent of Noir, somersaulted into a hand stand kick that brought the water Hyperion was standing on up behind his rising feet. The water streamed around Hyperion and formed a vague pillar before it froze.

"Wha-What! You father is the god of Oceans not ice!" Hyperion exclaimed.

"And the Artic-Ocean is the world's largest Jacuzzi then?" Percy retorted.

Hyperion frowned harshly before he began to glow.

"Then let's see how you do when daddy's not here to help!"

Hyperion's power exploded outwards and sent Percy skipping across the water and through a tree before he landed painfully in a self-made crater.

"Hate it when they do that…" He muttered as he went to stand.

When he looked up Hyperion was about to drive his sword through his chest. No it wouldn't kill him due to the curse, but it would definitely hurt like hell. Too bad Hyperion learned to fly the hard way.

Noir blinked in front of Percy in 10^-8 of a second and in the next full second he kicked Hyperion in face with enough force to flatten a tank (He was really sad about not getting to crush the tank).

Hyperion found himself on the other side of the reservoir as Noir stood calmly on reservoir with a blade whose color he couldn't make out. The sword itself was a standard longsword with a guard reminiscent of a Claymore. Rather than forming a Y shape, the guard tips ended in 2 flat sections that were perpendicular to the blade. The only part of the blade that made any sort of visual sense were the guard, grip, and core. Both the core and grip were profoundly black, while the guard looked as though it had been made out of liquid lava. Dark patches and areas of intense light roiled over the guard while the rest of the actual blade continued to baffle the titan.

"Mr. Super Powerful Titan Guy, tell me. Do ya know how much a teaspoon of Neutron Star Material weighs?"

"Nope, but not that you're involved, I don't have to bother following the guidelines of Fate!"

Hyperion's warp speed lunge shattered the ground he had been standing on. The 15ft wide, 8ft deep crater forced demi-gods and monster apart as they were once again sidelined as to ridiculously powerful immortals clashed. Noir simply raised his mesmerising blade calmly and stopped Hyperion's strike cold. The Water in the reservoir was blown away from the transference of force. While Noir simply remained standing on air. Hyperion frowned before umping back. With a yell he charged forward while his sword glowed as bright as the sun. Noir lazily swung his blade, but realistically holding the damn thing was a pain beyond belief.

"The density of a Neutron Star Material is so great that a teaspoon weighs a whopping billion tons."

Their swords clashed and Hyperion's weapon shattered into pieces. His blade practically vaporized as he jumped back in pure, unadulterated shock.

"Take a swing and guess whose sword is made outta the shit."

Hyperion drew his symbol of power, the Gold Great Sword (Chrysafenios). However the gold part was a lie. The Blade itself was forged from pure, solidified light. The entire thing was so incredibly white that many barely managed to keep track of the battle through scrunched eyes, while the water of the reservoir slowly settled beneath the two powerhouses again. Noir hefted his blade onto his shoulder with a single hand.

"It's about time you learned the weight of your sins."

With that he vanished in a blur of speed.

A/N: Welp you guys know the drill, leave a review if ya liked it. =3