Hey guys! This is the last chapter, which many people requested for. Prompts for one-shots or anything else is always welcome! I really enjoyed writing this as I hope you guys enjoy reading this. Thanks!
Tension Chapter 5
1 Month Later
Barry is still trying to figure out all the things Caitlin is interested in, to the book she loves, her favorite foods, and her hobby (besides being a personal physician). As he learns these aspects of her life, it never ceases to amaze him how beautiful she is. She's perfect in her own little imperfect way. Barry loves every little detail of the marvelous Caitlin Snow, and he can't get enough.
At Star Labs:
Barry's racing heartbeat is faster whenever Caitlin's around. On the inside, he squirms like a teenage boy going to prom with his crush.
"Hey Barry." Caitlin smiles and kisses him on the lips.
"Hi, Cait." He smiles back and a million butterflies fly across his stomach. "Do you want to go to lunch?"
"Sure, Bar. I see no metahumans right now so we can go."
"Cool. Where do you want to go?"
"I was craving some Big Belly Burger. Does that sound good?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Okay, let's go." Caitlin winked at Barry and gathered her purse and coat. The couple linked arms and walked to Caitlin's blue car.
"So you don't want to flash there?" Barry teasingly asks.
"No, Barry. I don't want my shirt to be set on fire like that one time (A/N let's just pretend it happened). That was one of my favorite shirts too." Barry just looked at her with an apologetic face.
"Sorry about that." Barry said. Caitlin just smiled and rested her head on his warm shoulder and then finally arrived to her car. Off they went for a greasy and salty lunch.
After lunch, back at Star Labs
*beep beep beep
That was the sound of a metahuman alert. "Barry! It's Captain Cold!" Caitlin shouted at Barry.
"Okay." He said, speed changing into his suit (err his and Cisco's suit). "You stay here and be alert. Make sure that no one comes for you."
"Barry! Be careful. He's dangerous. He can kill you."
"As long as I'm protecting you, it doesn't matter what happens to me."
"Please, Barry. Promise me you'll come back to me." Barry couldn't promise, so he didn't say anything.
"Cait, I love you. Don't forget that." He kissed her on her forehead and sped off. Caitlin fixed her hair and sighed in frustration.
As Barry arrived to where Captain Cold was, he walked up to the rogue. "Give it up, Snart! You're not going to hurt people anymore."
"Oh really? Because I can kill you with one blast from this cold gun. Get ready to feel cold." Snart pointed the gun at Barry, but he quickly got out of the way. Captain Cold kept shooting everywhere and missed Barry each time, until one blast hit his torso.
"I finally got you." Captain Cold stated, in victory.
Barry was in pain. He felt as if her was paralyzed in the moment. Snart pointed the gun at Barry. "Bye, Flash." In that second, he remembers Caitlin and her begging him to come back safely. With that memory, he gained an ounce of strength to grab the cold gun and quickly disassemble it to the best of his ability.
"You won't hurt anyone else." Barry flashed Snart to the precinct, where Joe and Eddie arrested him. Barry ran back to Star Labs with the disassembled cold gun. His torso was throbbing from the pain. He came back, seeing Cisco.
"Dude, what happened?" Cisco asked.
"I disassembled the gun so Snart couldn't use it."
"You did a pretty good job, since you actually broke some parts." Cisco said sarcastically.
"Sorry." Barry said, weakly.
"Woah, Caitlin! He got shot! Get over here!" Cisco yelled.
"Barry! Oh my God! Get on the med bed!" Caitlin demanded. Barry went to the bed as told and Caitlin began to help Barry heal.
"Oh thank God, it didn't hit you too bad. You're already starting to heal, which is good. But you could've died"
"I didn't, Cait. I found my way back to you." Barry said as she was bandaging Barry stomach. Caitlin looked at him. She looked right into his green eyes.
"You did. Thank you. Promise me you'll always come back. Okay?" This time, Barry promised.
"I promise. I love you, Cait."
"I love you too, Barry." She said, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
After another hour at Star Labs, Caitlin decided to go home. "I'm going home. See you guys later."
"Wait. I'll go with you." Barry insisted. Without hesitation, Caitlin nodded and headed out.
"Bye Cisco." Barry said.
"Bye guys."
Arriving at Caitlin's apartment, she pulls out her keys and opens the door.
"Hey Caitlin, can I stay here for the night?"
"Yeah of course. I'm going to change. There are some Star Labs sweatpants and sweatshirts in that top drawer." Caitlin said as she pointed to the drawer.
"Okay thanks." Barry smiles.
When Caitlin comes out of the bathroom with printed pajama pants and a tank top, she asks Barry, "Do you want to watch a movie on Netflix?"
"Sure that sounds good." The couple sit on the couch with a blanket over the two of them. During the middle of the movie, Barry falls asleep. Caitlin notices and lets herself fall asleep too, snuggled nest to him because it reassures her that Barry is safe right beside her.
3 Years Later
Caitlin's in her dressing room, with Iris and Felicity.
"Today is your big day!" Iris says excitedly.
"I'm so nervous, ha." Caitlin replies.
"Don't worry," Iris says. "you're going to be great. Besides, you're marrying the love of your life!"
Felicity cuts in. "Yes. I remember mine and Oliver's wedding (A/N they're married now). I was nervous too, but then I realized this was the happiest day of my life."
Caitlin relaxes a bit before putting on her veil.
"You look so beautiful!" Iris compliments.
"Thank you. You guys look incredible too!" After a few more touches of makeup, she's ready to walk down the aisle. Caitlin's father guides her down to her future husband, while the music is playing. She catches Barry looking at her in awe. She was stunning.
Caitlin reached the altar, the Priest began speaking. The couple couldn't hear what he was saying. They were just looking at each other.
"May we have the vows, please." The Priest asked. Barry and Caitlin searched for their paper. Barry began saying his.
"Caitlin Snow, I have loved you ever since I met you. You've been with me through the darkness I went through, and patched me up when I needed it. Without you, I don't think I would be standing today. You are my rock and sunshine at the end of a dark tunnel. I love you." Caitlin began crying and said her vows.
"I fell for you, also when we met and I am grateful. You have given me an adventure these past 4 years and I am ready for a bigger adventure for the rest of our lives. Everyday, there is always something new with you, and that's why I love you as a boyfriend, a fiance, and now a husband. I can't wait for our journey together to begin. I love you." They both smiled at each other with happy tears.
"The rings please." The Priest asked. Iris gave Caitlin the ring and Cisco gave Barry the other. They placed the rings on each other's fingers.
"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Barry and Caitlin leaned in for a kiss to seal their fate, and in front of them, awaits a long voyage.
Thanks for reading! This chapter was a bit longer than the others, so hope you liked it! Reviews and prompts are very much appreciated.