Authors Note

Hi! I'm new here on Fanfiction and this will actually be my first posted fanfic!

I'm so excited to be able to share my stories with everybody and will be anxiously awaiting your reviews.

If there is a grammar issue, please, do tell me.

If anyone wants to make a suggestion that may improve the plot, I welcome it. I'm open to any creative ideas!

Last but not least: I do not own Inuyasha - Inuyasha is created and belongs to Rumiko Takahashi

Same Yet Not

(Kagome's POV)

"Would you hurry it up, wench! We don't have all day you know! The slower you drag your feet, the more jewel shards Naraku finds!" Inuyasha complained.

"Inuyasha, we're not like you! We are HUMAN! We need rest or else we're not going anywhere!" I yelled back.

Honestly, I love Inuyasha to death but it's moments like these that makes me want to strangle him for being so stubborn and insensitive. Although I don't love him like I used to, I still view him as my closest companion since coming to the past. The love I have for him now is that of an annoying little brother.

It took me a while to get here. Four years, to be exact. The journey to get where I am now has caused me an excessive amount of emotional turmoil. Maybe even some mental, if you count Inuyasha's mixed signals. All of the little signs he would throw me used to give me a false sense of hope and made me think I may have a chance with him, but he would then stomp on my hope as he ran back to Kikyo.

I used to despise Kikyo for having the privilege of holding Inuyasha's heart. That is until I realised that the hate I felt was wreaking havoc on me. It was like poison coursing through my system, darkening my thoughts, and filling me with anger, bitterness and jealousy. The incident with Naraku's demon spawn, Akago, made me realise how far I've fallen.

A trip home was the perfect remedy I needed. It allowed me some private time to think about how I felt about my incarnation. I found that I didn't hate her. That the feeling was a very strong bout of jealousy. I actually like the woman. She is silent yet strong and the air of serenity and wisdom that seem to surround her, demanded respect wherever she went.

It was then that I began to fall out of love with Inuyasha. Though the clueless hanyou hasn't figured it out yet. He still believes that I would devote my undying love for him. I let him continue to think it, because I know that if I told him he would either demand answers or accuse me of being in denial. It would just make the ever growing distance between us expand even more.

All except Inuyasha has noticed my lack of emotions for him. Even Kikyo. Once she realised that I no longer held any love for him, she had decided to train me on my miko abilities. She had confessed that she held no dark emotions for me and that it was because of our love for Inuyasha would prevent us from getting along that she did not approach me before.

My miko powers have grown stronger despite my short amount of training. Kikyo had even commented that I was a natural and would soon be surpassing her in power. It felt amazing to be praised by my teacher and it felt even more amazing when she had gifted me with my very own miko garb.

I always knew that my strange clothes from the future made me look like a harlot but I didn't like any of the other clothes from this time. I avoided wearing miko clothes because I didn't want Inuyasha to look at me and see his former love instead of me. Kikyo understood. So instead of giving me the traditional red hakama, she gave me a deep blue one. 'To match your eyes' she said. Now I wore my clothing proudly and men would no longer look at me crudely or throw suggestive comments my way.

"Oi, wench! Did you hear me?!" Inuyasha yelled, waving his hand in front of my face, yanking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry I wasn't paying attention. What did you say Inuyasha?" I asked, innocently.

"Why you! You were ignoring me?!" Inuyasha bellowed, enraged at being cast aside.

"I'm tired Inuyasha and if I weren't so tired my train of thought wouldn't have wandered!"

"Feh! Kikyo would've been able to keep up with my pace. She is stronger than you after all! Maybe if you were as strong as her you wouldn't need to rest all the damn time!" Inuyasha yelled, folding his arms across his chest and turning away, feeling justified.

Their group had fallen silent. Everyone except the ignorant hanyou and the pissed of miko held their breaths, waiting.

"SIT! Would you stop comparing me to Kikyo! I'm not Kikyo! I'm Kagome! KA-GO-ME! SIT! How hard is it for you to get it through your thick skull! SIT! We may share the same soul but we are two completely different people! SIT! Jeez Inuyasha! You are such an insensitive, stubborn, ignorant asshole! SIT! SIT! SIT!" I yelled and stormed off into the woods, ignoring the pain filled groans emitting from the crater in the ground.

I may not have any romantic feelings for him anymore but it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt. I stomped deeper into the woods, the anger slowly ebbing away and then later replaced by sadness. Now I was just crying and walking. Running out of energy to continue, I slunk to the ground and sobbed.

After I had stopped and wiped the tears from my face and eyes, I looked around. The woods surrounded me from all sides. I looked into the direction I came from and found no signs of the group or a trail left behind. Therer were just trees everywhere! I must have went pretty far.

'Great! I'm lost! Now what do I do?!' I thought, as I began to ponder for a way back to the group.

'I could just wait until Inuyasha or one of the others find me' I suggested to myself.

'NO! I would just prove Inuyasha correct about me being weak! Nope! I am finding my way back by myself! I don't need him!' I huffed as I got up, dusting dirt and grass off of my pants.

I looked around, finding no signs of life other than the trees and the grass under my feet. I sighed and closed my eyes, listening to my surroundings. There is a river nearby. Wherever there is a river, there is a sign of civilization along the way. Besides, I need to clean my face. My skin feels gritty and irritated from the tears.

I headed for the direction of the river and once I got there I gently washed away any residue of salt on my face. Now that I'm all cleaned, I feel more refreshed. I looked around, noticing that the river current was fast. I turned my head towards the source of the rapids. Up ahead, to my right, was a waterfall.

I was ripped from my thoughts when I felt a dark aura coming my way and fast. I twirled around facing the direction the mysterious aura was coming from. Strange. The aura is dark yet there wasn't anything demonic about it. What is it?

Pushing my wayward thoughts aside, I reached behind me to grab my bow, only to end up palming the air. 'CRAP! I dropped all my belongings when I was ranting at Inuyasha!' I thought angrily.

Before I could berate myself, the dark presence bursted through the tree line, cutting off all my line of thoughts. It was a woman with deep crimson red hair, so long that it fell to her knees. Her eyes shimmered as red as her hair and held all of her evil intents within. The woman's face was angular, highlighting her bone structures. She would be very beautiful if it wasn't for that dark and twisted look on her face.

"Give me the jewel shards, girl!" she screeched, shooting a dark ball of energy at me. I expertly dodged out of the way.

It was then I noticed the clothing she wore. Her clothes was all black but was in the same style as my own. She was a miko! A dark miko!.

Tucking and rolling away from her next onslaught of attacks, I hopped back onto my feet. "You're a dark miko!" I yelled angrily at her.

The woman cackled. "And you are also a fellow miko" the woman cooed.

Rage bubbled inside my chest. "Don't you dare throw me in the same category as you! Mikos are supposed to protect and heal! Not hurt and cause chaos!" I snapped. How dare this woman assume that we are the same! Mikos are supposed to use their powers for good, not evil. She didn't deserve to wear those clothes!

"Oh? Because I use dark magic I'm instantly evil? Everyone has darkness inside of them. I've seen mikos kill and purify demon pups just because they were guilty for being born. All mikos are the same! Even me and you!" she screamed charging towards me, her left hand surrounded in swirling dark energy.

I quickly snatched up the closest thing to me, a stick, and charged it with my reiki until it was glowing a pale pink. I side-stepped from her attack and with all my might, I shove the makeshift weapon into her abdomen.

The woman gasped in pain, looking down at the glowing stick protruding from her stomach. She snapped her head up at me, anger and hate burning in her eyes. As her body was being purified, she began to chant:

No more shall the pure tower over all

With the last essence of myself,

I shall turn you into what all those who deem themselves pure despise the most

No longer will you be a child of the Kami's

But that of the Devil's

I attempted to escape but she held onto me firmly with both arms. Pulling every last bit of her dark purple reiki together into her right hand, she hit me square in the chest, above my heart, hard. With the power of her last attack, I fell backwards into the raging rapids.

I broke through the surface of the water in time to see her smirk triumphantly at me before disappearing into ashes. I began to swim in the opposite direction of the current but to no avail. The rapids were too strong. I turned around, looking for anything to grab onto. There was a fallen log up ahead.

I latched onto the log immediately and it was then that I noticed her dark magic wrapping around me, seeping into my skin. Burning pain ripped through my body. The magic moving swiftly through my veins, traveling to my heart where her attack was centered. Once all the dark reiki had gathered together, it exploded.

The feeling of infernal flames engulfed my whole body. The incredible burning sensation licked at my skin and begin to scorch me inside out. The pain was so blinding and unbearable that I let go of the log and was instantly consumed by the raging rapids.

I paddled, desperate to get my head above water but the pain was so mind numbing that it took great effort to do so. My fight with the water abruptly came to a halt as bright, white pain seared through the back of my skull, consuming me in darkness.

Authors Note

Well, there it is! Chapter 1!

The next chapter would be posted as soon as possible! So please be patient.

And remember to leave a review! Correct me on my grammar, leave suggestions for the story, or show me your love/hate comments. It's fine! I accept them all! :D


PS: I apologize to every Kikyo haters out there. I myself don't really like her but can't seem to think of her in a terrible light.