AN: Nothing in this story has anything to do with my story The White and Black Knights. It was just something that popped into my mind one day while reading another story. If you don't like stories based in alternate universes and Jaune isn't his usual goofy self then you might not like this story. But I ask you to give this story a chance but if you still don't like it thats fine. Atleast you gave it a try. Anyway i'm rambling now so onto the story!

It was like almost everyday in the life of the young boy named Jaune Arc. He got ate breakfast with his family, played with his sisters for a little while and then he would go train with his father. Only on this day his father had a little something else in mind.

"Dad? Where are you going?" Jaune asked.

"We are going on a special training mission. We'll be gone for a few days so i've packed us some supplies." his father said.

The two of them said their goodbyes to their family and headed out. They headed to a forest many miles away from their home town and Alexzander and Jaune went into the heart of the forest.

"Dad why are we out here?" Jaune asked.

"They say this forest is where some of the first huntsam came to hone their skills. I was hoping if we came out here we could help you out in your training." Alexzander said as he dropped his bag and pulled out two training swords.

The two of them then began to spar in the forest trying to disarm the other as they would usually did. And it ended the same way as usual with Jaune weponless and Alexzander the victor.

"Your improving Jaune. But you'll be good enough to beat your old man." Alex said as he helped Jaune up and dusted him off.

"We'll see about that dad." Jaune said with a smile.

But as the two of them began to laugh together they could hear something move in the trees and they could feel something watching them. The answeer to what it was was immediantly answered as a Beowolf lunged out and lunged at Jaune its claws barely missing his skin leaving small scratshes along his chest. Alex then drew Corecas Mors which was on his belt and stabbed the grimm in its mouth.

"Jaune get behind me! NOW!" Alex yelled as he extended his shield.

Jaune did as he was asked and held up the small practice shield and sword that he had as his only means of defense.

Then an entire pack of Beowolfs emerged from the forest and slowly began to surround them. The only thing Jaune could hope for was either his father could kill them all quickly or someone came to help them.


In a small house close to the forest far away from any city a family of three lived happily. A father and son were play fighting in the back yard as the mother watched with a smile on her face. The father the grabbed his chest as his son plunged his wooden sword in-between his fathers arm and chest. He fell back pretending to be dead with his tongue hanging out and arms limp on the ground with his son standing triumphantly over him reveling in his victory.

"I win!" the son declared as he raised his sword which he just removed from his father into the air.

"Not yet!" the father said as he got up and began to tickle his son until he fell to the ground.

"Dad! Stop... it... it tickles!" the son said inbetween laughs.

"Say uncle! Say it!" the father said.

"UNCLE! UNCLE!" the son said.

The father then got up and picked his son up into his arms and held him up into the air and spun around with the both of them laughing.

The mother then had a worried look on her face as something in the air made her feel uneasy. Her husband noticed this and stopped spinning.

"Honey whats wrong? Do you smell something?" the father asked.

"Blood. Human blood. Coming from the forest." the mother said.

The father then immediantly took his son to the house and put him down and grabbed his jacket and his sword.

"Son I want you to stay hear and protect you mom for me while i'm gone. Can you do that for me?" the father asked.

"Yes sir!" the son said as he saluted him.

"Thats my boy!" the father said as he ruffled his sons hair.

"Be safe." the wife said as she hugged him.

"I will." the father said as he kissed his wife goodbye.

He then ran into the forest in search of whatever it was that his wife had smelled.

~a few minutes later~

He was running as fast as he could when he came upon a scene that made him stop dead in his tracks. There were atleast twenty Beowlfs all over the forest floor. There was blood everywhere around the mutilated bodies of the grimm but thats not what made him stop. It was what was in the middle of it all. A boy. A boy who couldn't anymore then eight years old.

The man then ran over to him and turned him over to find he had three long slashes along his chest, a bite on his left shoulder, and cuts on his arms that were all bleeding porfusely. The man then put his ear to the boys chest to see if he was still alive to find that the boys was heart was still beating.

"Todays your lucky day kid. You ain't dying today not if I can help it." the man said as he picked the boy up and ran in the direction of his home.

~a few days later~

Jaune began to stur from a his sleep.

"That dream... it felt so real." Jaune said as he tried to get up but a sharp pain in his chest forced him back down.

He then lifter the covers to find that there were bndgaes on his chest that with blood on them. He was shocked, His nightmare of him being torn apart by grimm wasn't a dream it really happened. He couldn't beleave it. he lifted his arms to find that they too were bandaged and he then realized he wasn't in his own bed. Or his room for that matter.

"Mom? Dad?" Jaune called out.

After a little bit of silence two people entered the room with worried expressions on their faces. The man grabbed a chair and set it by the bed and then sat down in it. He had shaggy black hair that went down to his shoulders, his eyes were the color of blood, and he had a scar over his right eye.

"How you fellin kiddo? You were in pritty bad shape when I found you." the man said.

"You saved me?" Jaune asked.

"Well technichally my wifes the one who save you. She patched you up and made sure you didn't die on us." the man said as he pointed to the woman in the room. She had snow white hair, sky blue eyes, and she had a wolfs tail and ears.

"Thank you." Jaune said.

"Your welcome." she said with a tender smile.

"So tell me. Why was a boy not even in his pre-teens in the middle of a grimm infested forest?" the man asked.

"Me and my father were training. He was trying to get me stronger and right as we were about to leave the grimm attacked. I don't really remember what happened after that." Jaune said.

"Whats your name?" the man asked.

"Jaune. Jaune Arc."

The two adults in the room eyes widened at the mention of his name.

"What happened to your father?" the woman asked.

"I don't know. I vaguely remember seeing him run away but i'm not sure if that really happened or not." Jaune said.

"Jaune your father wasn't there when I found you. I'm sorry to say that he's either dead, or he left you for dead to save his own skin." the man said with a pained expression.

"I knew... I knew he thought I was a failure. I overheard him and mom talk about how i'd probably amount to nothing. How I was unworthy of the Arc name. And how I was nothing more then a screw up." Jaune said as tears began to fill his eyes.

The woman in the room then went over and hugged him close as he began to let it all out. All his emotions that he had kept bottled up for the past couple years. The woman shed small tears along with him to comfort him as she told him everyting would be alright as her husband clenched his fist as his anger began to build up inside of him.

"Jaune. I have a proposition for you." the man said catching the attention of both Jaune and his wife.

"What... What kind?" Jaune said.

"If your willing to stay hear with us and become apart of our family then I promise to teach you everything I know so you can show the world you are not what your family says you are." the man said with a smile.

"R-Really? You mean it mister?" Jaune said.

"Of course. Now what do you say?"

"Yes! Yes I agree!" Jaune said.

""Good! Now allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Darian Aedus."

"I'm Danilah Aedus." the woman told him as she went to the door and called for someone and he came into the room.

He walked in and he walked over and he looked at Jaune.

"I'm Daegan. Whats your name?" the boy said.


"Well Jaune I hope you and I can become good friends in the future!" Daegan said with a smile.

"Yeah. Me too. I could really use a friend." Jaune said as he smiled back.

And like that Jaunes fate was changed forever.