I do not own Inuyasha!

A/N:: Sorry this took so long to write, I originally wrote this chapter about two weeks ago but when I was nearly finished my computer crashed and I lost everything but the first 300 words, I almost cried because I KNOW I saved but the odds weren't in my favor and I lost everything, sooo I got pissed and quit writing, but this morning I figured I needed to finish this chapter... sooooooo Here it is, fair warning my daughter hasn't been sleeping and I'm running on 3 hours of sleep myself, so if you see any HUGE mistakes please PM me and let me know!

"Is a dagger the wrong gift?" Sesshomaru tilted the long blade in his hand "I did not know if you were sword trained yet"

"It's not that" Kagome waved her hands.

"I can go back and use another fang to forge a sword if you'd like, it wont-" Sesshomaru was cut off.

"Sesshomaru-sama" Kagome huffed "I was rejecting your proposal" She looked to the ground.

"Why?" Sesshomaru tilted his head in confusion.

"While I am grateful you saved my life, I cannot be courted by someone like you"

"Someone like me?" Sesshomaru was getting annoyed.

"Before you remembered who I was, I saw how you treated Inuyasha; a Hanyou as you called him... I am a half breed as well" Kagome stood " You have ice in your heart, while I believe you are a good person underneath, I just cant see myself with someone who treats their flesh and blood worse than the dirt they walk on." Sesshomaru didn't respond "The Sesshomaru-sama that I knew as a child was someone I hold dear in my heart, I would gladly be courted by him" Kagome left leaving Sesshomaru to stew in his thoughts.

As Kagome entered the main hall she could hear Toga and Inuyasha leaving her fathers study, she quickly ducked behind the wall to listen.

"Thanks pops" Inuyasha rubbed his left eye

"I'm glad we could get everything out"


"I think this was a good start, and I'm looking forward to healing the hole I left in your heart, but I think we should take a break for tonight"

"Sure Sure" Inuyasha scratched his head

"Kagome-sama, you can stop spying on us" Toga turned with a smile

"What? Me?" Kagome walked around with a smile and her hands tucked behind her back "I just got in"

"What did Sesshomaru wish to see you about"

"Oh, nothing really" Kagome looked at her feet for a second "But I should show Inuyasha to his room for the night" She quickly grabbed Inuyasha by the shoulder before walking down the hall "Good-night"

"She reject him?" Toga tilted his head "I wonder how he will react to being told no for the first time" with a deep laugh Toga turned in a swift movement.

"Good morning" Kagome danced into the dinning hall, She saw Shippo fighting with Chi about his table manners, Inuyasha was pushing his rice around in his own world, her Father was watching with a large smile on his face.

"Good morning my child" Hinoe stood to give his daughter a kiss on her head before sitting her down next to him

"Where are the Inu's" Kagome asked seeing her guest weren't at the table.

"I am not sure, I saw Toga and Sesshomaru walking the ground at first light but it has been quite since"

"Oh" Kagome frowned a little thinking she hurt Sesshomaru's pride by rejecting him, obviously he wasn't talking it well, after breakfast she would try to talk to him.

"Good morning" Toga walked in with Sora on his heels.

"We apologize for our tardiness" Sora bowed before sitting.

"I am to blame" Toga bowed before sitting.

"All is well" Hinoe lifted his cup in the air and bowed his head "please, eat as much as you want"

Kagome waited but it seemed that Sesshomaru wasn't going to join them, she bit her lip in frustration, knowing she upset the young lord and wasn't sure how to fix it. As the rest of the small group spoke Kagome ate in silence along with Inuyasha. after everyone was done eating and the tea had been finished Kagomes heart fluttered as Sesshomaru entered into the room, all eyes fell upon him as he walked over to Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha" Sesshomaru bowed and Togas jaw dropped

"Uh. Yeah?" Inuyasha leaned away

"This Sesshomaru... Wishes to apologize for the past" Sesshomaru was still in a deep bow, Kagome was taken back by his actions.

"huh?" Inuyasha had wide eyes, confused at what his brother was doing, the same brother that just a year ago told him to starve and tried to kill him.

"I have been reflecting on my past actions, and I am deeply sorry." Sesshomaru stood "I was mad at father and took it out on you"

"Thanks I guess"

"I want to do right by you" Sesshomaru withdrew a sword, Inuyasha jumped out of his chair "I do not wish to fight" Sesshomaru held the sword out "I want you to return to the west with us, I shall teach you true swordsmanship"

"Y-You want me to go to the west and live with you?" Inuyasha looked over to his father who was nodding his head, even Sora nodded with a roll in her eye that Kagome didn't miss.

"Yes, Come home" Toga smiled "We shall make up lost time, teach you our ways."

"Um, Can I think about it?"

"Of course, we will be leaving tonight" Sesshomaru laid the sword on the table "You have until then to tell me your answer"

"Kay" Inuyasha watched as Toga, Sora and Sesshomaru left the room.

"Anyone else think Sesshomaru is acting weird" Shippo looked at the adults

"The young lord his doing right by his blood" Hinoe stood "Inuyasha take this to heart, think long and hard"

"But you get your family back, whats to think about?" Shippo tilted his head

"I'm not really his family" Inuyasha looked at the sword

"But they want you to be part of their family Inuyasha" Kagome smiled "A lot has happened in the last two days, its a lot to take in"

"Yeah" Inuyasha sat back down as the rest of the group left the room.

Kagome was sitting in the garden watching Shippo play with the frogs that jumped out of the stream. She noticed Inuyasha walking up behind her, she could feel the waves of emotions coming off him.

"Hello" Kagome called out as he reached the tree she was sitting under.

"Hey Kags" Inuyasha sat with his hands in his sleeves.

"It's okay" Kagome didn't look at him, she knew what he was going to say.

"You sure?"

"Of course, we both got our families back."

"Yeah, in a way I guess" Inuyasha scratched his head "How did you know anyway"

"I just knew... plus that sword smells of Toga."

"Oh" Inuyasha looked to his hip seeing his new sword.

"I am happy for you Inuyasha" Kagome turned her head to look at him "You are my best friend, I want the best for you" She watched as he blushed bright red.

"I'm not sure how to say goodbye"

"It's not goodbye, we will see each other. You know where I live now, and I'm sure I can find you" Kagome patted his knee.


"I'm glad you came to see me before you left" Kagome stood and held out her arms

"Really?" Inuyasha blushed deeper

"I'm not saying good bye but I do want a hug before you leave" Kagome waited for Inuyasha to stand and wrap his arms around her waist.

"KAGOME!" Shippo yelled as he ran.

Kagome and Inuyasha looked over to see a large black dragon flying towards them.

"Guess word spread, now they are here for revenge" Inuyasha pushed Kagome behind him.

Kagome felt several youkai at once, as Chi, her father, and Toga rushed to the garden. As the Dragon neared Toga and Hinoe withdrew swords, Chi pushed Shippo behind her and transformed into her Beast.

"Ryuuga" Toga growled.

"Who?" Kagome looked up toward the dragon.

As the men prepared for battle Kagome watched as a green orb flew from the north at incredible speed knocking the dragon out of the air and crashing down on to the ground, as the dust settled Kagome could see Sesshomaru holding a older demon by the throat, and his sword placed against the demons chest.

"I-I am not here to fight!" The Demon dragon spat.

"Then why are you here?" Hinoe wasn't letting his guard down.

"I am here for peace" Ryuuga held up his hands "I am to old to fight pup"

"Sesshomaru, let him rise" Toga relaxed, with a growl Sesshomaru obeyed.

"I know of the event that happened, I do not blame you for the death of my mate and only" Ryuua dusted off

"You could have sent a messenger" Sesshomaru stuck his nose in the air

"I felt it would be better if I came myself to show I mean what I say, but it seems I should have at least sent word of my arrival"

"So we kill your family and you don't care?" Kagome peeked around Inuyasha.

"I have many mates, and many drakes" Ryuuga smirked "Kagura was my drake through an arranged mating"

"Harsh" Inuyasha relaxed.

"My other drakes are in training, I just wanted to apologize for my mate." Ryuga bowed.

"Seems this was a happy ending" Hinoe scratched his head not really sure what was happening.

"I shall retire to my lands" with that Ryuuga shot off into the twilight sky.

"So that was it?" Shippo tilted his head.

"Eh, better than starting a war" Inuyasha shrugged.

"Well" Kagome stepped around Inuyasha "I suppose you all will be leaving as well"

"We must return to the west" Toga nodded.

"Visit anytime" Hinoe smiled and stood next to his daughter.

"I'm sure my pups will send updates" Toga walked over and bowed.

"So formal" Kagome giggled before jumping in Togas arms, snuggling his chest.

"Stop by anytime" Toga whispered.

"Of course" Kagome smiled as she pulled out of his arms.

Kagome hugged Inuyasha, bowed to Sora but when she looked to Sesshomaru she wasn't sure what would be appropriate, or what he wanted. Sesshomaru was looking toward the sky as she walked over. With a warm smile Kagome bowed deeply, he returned the bow, his lips in a hard line.

With that the foxes waved to the Inus off as they dashed off into the sky.

Two months later Kagome was getting aggravated trying to write a letter to the Wolf Elder she always known as Grandfather, but as she crumpled the scroll in front of her, guilt washed over her. She left without saying a word, Koga knew she was alive but that didn't make up for what she did to the clan that took her in, fed her clothed her and for the most part grew to love her. Nothing Kagome wrote made her feel better, or explained how sorry she was.

Kagome wanted to go in person to apologize, her father said no and that a letter would be more than enough, Kagome crumpled another scroll in her hands setting them on fire. After a few hours Kagome decided to leave and visit the den herself. so after everyone went to sleep she quickly and quietly left.

Kagome had learned how to fly using her fox fire, so it only took a few moments to reach the den, as she walked in a silence fell over the cave. Kagome could see grandfather in his demon form sitting at the end, without thinking Kagome ran with tears in her eyes, she fell to his feet in a ball crying and asking for forgiveness, when she felt the hands from his human form wrap around her, she cried harder as he got her to stand.

"I am glad you found your place in this world" Grandfather smiled as the two walked to the end of the cave "I will tell Koga where you are, and that you are happy"

"Thank you" Kagome bowed

"You are always welcome here" Grandfather kissed Kagomes head "Go return home before they worry"

"Thank you" Kagome smiled before summing her fox fire to fly home.

Six months since Inuyasha left Kagome received a letter, she could tell my the smell it was Sesshomaru who wrote it, but it explained that Inuyasha was fitting in nicely to their pack, his training was rough but he is meeting all expectations. Kagome would be lying if she said she wasnt sad the letter wasn't more personal, she stuck by her reason to reject Sesshomaru but that didn't mean she didn't have a crush on him or miss talking to him.

It had been three months since the letter, Kagome was in the garden watching Shippo train with Chi and a few other foxes, when a familiar aura tingled her senses.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome spun around

"Hey Kagome-sama" Inuyasha looked older, his hair was now tamed and pulled into a low pony tail, his clothes looked more like Sesshomarus but it was reversed, it was mostly red instead of white.

"Wow you have changed"

"Yeah" Inuyasha brushed his bangs "I've been nonstop training with pops and Sesshomaru"

"That's good though, right?"

"It's been hell" Inuyasha laughed "But its nice to hear my real name"

"I'm happy for you" Kagome walked over and hugged him "I hear your father is going to the council to officially make you an heir to the west"

"Well the second heir, Sesshomaru is the oldest so he is the true heir"

"yeah but you will officially be an Inu and no one can say different"

Inuyasha looked away "You're gonna be at the meeting right?"

"Of course, well I mean most of the Clans will be there to make if official but yes"

"At least I'll have one nice face there, I feel like its gonna be rough"

"Nonsense" Kagome smiled "It will go smoothly"

"Well, I have to go"

"But you just got here?" Kagome frowned

"Yeah but Sesshomaru is waiting and we have to get everything ready"

"Oh Sesshomaru is here?

"Yeah he had to deliver some stuff to your dad, I figured I would find you and say hi really fast"

"Oh okay" Kagome felt her heart drop knowing Sesshomaru didn't want to see her "Well we can talk more after the council meeting next full moon"

"Sure, Sure" Inuyasha smiled "See ya kags"

"Bye" Kagome waved as he walked away.

Kagome was nervous as Aoi finished brushing her hair, she watched in the reflective silver as Aoi braided her hair to the side, placing a pink flower at the end.

"You are ready My Lady" Aoi stepped back and bowed.

"Thank you" Kagome stood feeling the layers of Kimonos nearly crush her with their weight

"You look beautiful my child" Hinoe walked in

"I feel heavy, do I have to wear all this?"

"Kagome we have talked about this, you must look the part of a princess, the council is old fashion" Hinoe laughed "Don't worry it will be over soon and you can come home and run around in what ever you want"

"Can't wait to get this over with" Kagome rolled her eyes

"Lets go"

Hinoe lead the way to the meeting, Kagome, Chi, Shippo and a few other guards followed. Kagome looked back to Shippo who was flying by himself on his own fox fire, Kagome giggled remembering when Shippo could only transform into a pink blob that floated.

As they landed on the sky castle Kagome looked around seeing hundred of demons walking inside, she couldn't see the Inus but no doubt they would be inside already, Hinoe walked infront as they entered the large room, Kagome kept her eyes on her father, remembering she wasn't supposed to look around, it wasn't lady like. Kagome sat down when her father told her to, Shippo sat next to her, Chi and the guards stood behind them. Kagome quickly looked around spotting Inuyasha and his family sitting diagonally from her, she could hear the low voices of the other demons talking about Inuyasha and harshly too, Kagome kept her face composed but rage boiled inside.

a few moments later a loud roar echoed off the walls causing a silence to wash over the room. Kagome watched as five demons took their place at the end of the room, a Lion sat in the middle, to his right was a Snake, and a crane; To his left was a bear and a monkey, everyone was in their human form for formal reasons. Kagome listened as the meeting started, but her eyes kept wandering to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, she could see the concentration on Inuyasha face, he was working hard on remembering everything they were saying, almost like he was going to be tested after to see if he listened.

"I received word that we have a few new items to address" The Lion looked around "The Lord Inu-No-Tashio would like to formally announce another heir to his land"

Kagome watched has Toga stood "I would like it to go on record that my pup Inuyasha will be the second heir to the West, after Sesshomaru."

"The Hanyou?" a voice called out and Inuyhashas ears dropped

"He is of my blood"

"But we can ssssmell the human blood running through his body" the Snake hissed

"Yes, I rutted with a human and my son was born, but-"

"Then he should only get half of your land" a drunk cow laughed and the room erupted in voices, Kagome could see the sadness on Inuyashas face, she watched as Sora touched his shoulder with a small smile.

"Enough!" a loud voice called out, Kagome knew this voice. "I know for a fact most of you have hanyou of your own, most of you have your human women and their young living in your houses, My father is the only one of you that will stand up and claim what is his."

"Control your pup Inu-No-Tashio" the Bear growled

"Sesshomaru" he warned

"Inuyasha has done nothing wrong, he was born with the blood of my father" Sesshomaru frowned but kept going "My father is doing what is right by his blood, Inuyasha deserves the right to be called his Heir!"

"We cannot over look the fact that he is hanyou" The Crane squawked

"I know you have 32 Hanyou in your lake" Sesshomaru growled "They unofficially have the title of your heir, we all know this, but yet when you die they have no claim and anyone can take it over, your young will be killed and your land will be taken"

"Enough!" the Lion roared before a fight broke out "We will discuss this" The council placed a barrier and spoke to each other, after an hours the barrier dropped and the lion stood "Inu-No-Tashio, We have decided that Inuyasha will be the Second Heir of the West, It will be on recorded that he has claim if anything should happen to you or Sesshomaru."

"Thank you" Toga bowed "and I apologize for my pup's outburst"

The lion didn't acknowledge the Inu's anymore as he turned his attention back to the large group.

Kagome watched has her father stood "I Hinoe of the North would like the council to recognize that my daughter has been returned to me, and with her return she bought an orphan with her, Shippo" Kagome tilted her head not understanding, Shippo had the same look on his face. "I would like my daughter Kagome to be the Heir of the north, but if she is mated with another lord, my land wouldn't have an heir, so I would like Shippo to be my male heir.

"What?" Shippo choked

"Neither of those Kits are of your blood" the monkey sighed

"They are of my clans blood line, years ago you accepted my daughter has the heir, what is different now?" Hinoe crossed his arms "The North needs a male heir, I am giving it one, Shippo will be my son and heir, should Kagome mate"

the council spoke quickly about it before returning their attention to the group.

"Does anyone else have any other hanyou or hell servents they want to make heirs, apperently we are giving the title away now" The lion rolled his eyes "Hinoe it will be recorded that Shippo will be your male heir."

"Thank you" Hinoe sat back down.

"Thank you" Shippo was crying, Hinoe just reached over and patted his head.

After what seemed like days the council dismissed everyone, it was now time for the drinking and eating to begin, Kagome was walking the halls when a few voices fell upon her ears.


"Hello" Kagome bowed seeing Inuyasha and Sesshomaru standing before her.

"You going to the dining hall?" Inuyasha asked smiling

"Not right now, but maybe later" Kagome smiled back "Congrats on becoming an heir"

"Yeah, I figured I would have been kicked out"

"Probably would have been if not of Sesshomaru-sama"

"Yeah" Inuyasha bit his lip "Thanks for that"

"Think nothing of it" Sesshomaru waved it off.

"Well I'm going to grab some food" Inuyasha walked around the two "See you in there"

"Kay" Kagome waved

"You seem down" Sesshomaru tilted his head

"This is the first time I have been out of the den, I am going to enjoy the freedom a little"

"You miss being out there" Sesshomaru pointed towards the door

"I miss running, letting my beast run, feeling the earth under my feet, and with wind in my fur"

"well" Sesshomaru opened the door "Everyone is eating and drinking themselfs into a stupor"

"Thats true" Kagome took a step forward.

"Want to go for a run" Sesshomaru smirked

"Yes" Kagome nearly skipped outside. Once the doors were shut behind them, they both transformed into their beast and jumped from the sky palace and onto the hard earth.

Howls echoed into the night sky as the two beast diapered into the darkness.

A/N:: Well what did you think? I'm glad I could put a larger chapter out this time, I was gonna end it here butttttt decided it needed one more... Now when I wrote this the first time I remember the meeting being much more heated and the conversations being different but I couldn't remember what I wrote soo I had to wing it, and that makes me sooooo mad! I feel like the first version was so much better.

Much Love,

Shelby lee.