Hey guys, there will be two intro chapters. One posted today, one tomorrow. Follow, Fav, And Enjoy!
"I'm so excited about the new night guard!" Said Chica. "What if he doesn't like us? The asshole on the phone told Jeremy we stuffed people into suits!" Said bonnie, tuning her guitar. "Calm down lass, I destroyed ta phone remember?" Said Foxy "Yeah I guess you're right." Bonnie said "I mean its not like they both know each other, right Freddy?" "yeah bonnie" but he had a dark secret of his own. He had stuffed someone into a suit because he thought he was an endoskeleton. He had hot oily tears welling in his eyes. "Are you ok Fred?" Said Golden Freda a.k.a. Goldie for her gold color. "Freddy you are... crying?!" said Bonnie. "Tears of joy" he said with a forced smile, then went to the kitchen only to be greeted by puppet a.k.a. marionette, (Which he still doesn't like to be called, so they call him Marion.) Who said "I know why you are crying. Goldie may have lost her mind reading gift, but not me." He said. "Don't worry, secret's safe with me. I wonder what the new night guard is doing now..."
Hey guys, short chapter but its only an intro chapter. See ya!