Day 101 - His Life, My Dream

...Until I woke up.

The bright room and blank whiteness burned my eyes. I tried opening them, a stream of light filtering through.

"You're okay!" A wetness dripped on my shoulder. Using the strength I had, I opened my eyes. My surroundings were finally clear to me. I was in a hospital bed in a gown, surrounded by my friend, Hiyori, and my mom's tears. She was overjoyed.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Hiyori had an upset look on her face.

"W-what?" I croaked, thoroughly confused as to why I was in a hospital bed. What I last remembered was sleeping under the stars with Yato's head in my lap. Why was I in a hospital bed? Suddenly grabbing my head, I winced from the pounding pain.

"A-ahh! Don't strain yourself, dear. You just woke up after all." My blood ran cold. Woke up?

"What do you mean?" My voice was no higher than a whisper, as if my words would break glass. My mother suddenly stared at me, confused.

"Don't you remember? You fell off the hill while you were walking Champion. You know, Inoue's dog?" I didn't have the strength to deny it. It was true. I broke my leg. Hiyori tried grabbing my attention.

"Yeah. And you broke your leg. Then you had a concussion-"

"C-concussion?" Tears formed in my eyes. They were lying. This is a sick joke. Yeah! A joke! Yato will pop out and be like, 'Surprise! I bet I got you!' I never had a concussion. This was for fun.

"You were out for a year. Today makes a year exactly, actually." Hiyori held my hand, pitying me. She had a serious expression. The idea of this being a prank slowly left my mind. My heart stopped before it picked up again. It was clear on the heart monitor. My mother tried calming me down.

"Calm down please!" Tears formed at the edges of my vision and I couldn't do anything as they flowed down my face. I pushed her away. I noticed there were IV's hanging from my veins and monitors all around me. Was this truly...?

"H-Hiyori!" The girl suddenly jumped upon hearing the desperation in my voice. "Where is Yato?!" Dread filled my entire being. Her eyes showed worry and confusion.

"Are you okay? Who is Yato?" My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. "I just hope you'll be okay without me." She stood up and put on her coat. I was still frozen in my spot. "I have to get going. My friend wants me to help find her little brother's cat, Milord." Hiyori planted a kiss on my cheek.

It was all a dream. Yato was a dream. All those memories, special moments, and love were dreams. A figment of my imagination. How cruel. How cruel for me to do this to myself.

But, I thought with a sad smile on my lips. I would never forget him. I would keep my promise.

My promise to Yato.


Author's Note: So- *Gets tomatoes thrown at me* Okay! I warned you guys last time, so if you're here, it must mean that you came here by choice and curiosity. Although this is the sadder of the two endings, it is the canon for my story. I don't expect you to like it and I know the hatred runs deep. I originally planned this to be the official ending, but I noticed that you guys would much rather have a fluffy, lovey-dovey ending, so I created the split path. I wanted to leave this one more open-ended in order to satiate your needs.

Milord, hmm?

Regardless of what ending you choose, I hope you enjoyed it!