py! Happy Birthday to me! Today is my special day on the 20th of August. My birthday. In the story, it's Megumi's birthday and in real life, it's my birthday.

Queen Dream Machine: Up top Megumi! *high fives Megumi*

Megumi: Yeah! *high fives QDM*

Hmm, the day I turn one year older. Oh no! I'm getting too old. I'm gonna get wrinkles and stretch marks. When I was little I always wanted to be big and turn older bcuz I thought it would be fun. Anyways guys this is the very last chapter. There are no more. Not even an Epilogue. I was gonna do one but that's way too much work. So, I hope you enjoy!

Yahiro's POV

I was mesmerized. All through the song I could only stare at the songbird on I just kept on thinking vigorously, 'That was...for me?'. 'After everything I did, how could...'. Her voice sounding like an angel singing from above as the words she intoned kept me silent. I turned my head away blushing with slight anger.

Megumi's POV

I looked out at the audiance and that familiar face passed over me. Yahiro. I don't understand why but he looked angry for some reason. 'Did he not like the song?' I thought. As I walked down the stage a frown covered my face as the crowd applauded me. 'If only he knew, that the only reason I sang well, was because I watched him during the whole performance'.

Author's POV

Megumi searched and searched for Yahiro and couldn't find him. Everywhere she looked all she could see were invited guests ready to ask her many questions and prevent her from finding her crush. She decided to see if her friends knew where he went and strodded up to them.

"Does anyone know where Yahiro is?"Megumi came up to her friends.

"I don't know, although I thought I saw him walk up the stairs to the balcony" Jun answered her.

"Oh, in that case, i'll be right back ok" she answered him. With that, she walked away in yet another search for Yahiro.

"Hey Takishima?" Hikari turned to her boyfriend.

"Hm, what is it Hikari?"

"I'm worried about Megumi" she complained, "Shouldn't we go and help her look for him, I mean, she's probably in desperate need to find him.

"Megumi and Yahiro will be fine, they've got thier own problems to deal with" Kei replied leisurley.


He cut her off. "Hikari try not to get involved please", he said with a straight almost humorous face.

"Ugh, fine" Hikari crossed her arms.

"Humf, I don't understand her anymore, she's so confusing" Yahiro said to himself as he stood at the ledge of the balcony, looking out at the night sky. Her beautiful singing voice echoed in his head. He laughed to himself, "What have you done to me Yamamoto Megumi". Then, footsteps were heard walking through the corridors of the Yamamoto mansion. He peered to the corner of the wall and looked to where he heard the noise. And then he saw her. Megumi. Although part of him was telling him to stay and wait for her to find him, he ignored that feeling and decided to hide from her behind a cornered wall and watched her walk away continuing her search. He then strode in the opposite direction down another hall to depressingly await the party's end. Then he came to yet another balcony where he could stare out at the stars. He sighed.

"Yahiro, what are you doing here?" a very curious Hikari startled him. Yahiro jumped at the sound of her voice.

"What do you mean, I should be asking what you're doing here" he simply yet nervously replied.

"Hmm, hey Yahiro, are you by any chance avoiding Megumi?"

" I-I-I don't know what you're talking about!" he yelled at her, "Why don't you just go back to the party downstairs and stop minding people's business". Hikari glared at him filled to the brim with nothing but angry and annoyance.

"You're so annoying! First you do this with Akira now Megumi!" Yahiro was startled at her words, "Do you have any idea how to talk to people!".

"There really isn't anything I can do anymore you know" he shot back at her, "I don't know what to do, she's not going to listen to me anyways, she probably hates me by now, just like every other person I meet".

"I don't hate you", a familiar voice appeared.

"What?" Yahiro and Hikari stared at the female standing there.

"I don't hate you Yahiro", Megumi said entering the conversation.

"Ummm...awkward" Hikari said proceeding to go back down to her friends.

As Hikari left the room, the both of them got closer.

"What do you mean...all week, you wouldn't talk to me, you wouldn't answer any of my calls you wouldn't stay in the same room as me and you wouldn't even look at me...the hell you're not even looking at me right now!"

Megumi's head was faced down. Yahiro was right, she wasn't looking at him. Therefore she looked up slightly.

"I'm sorry..." the light brunette girl finally faced him. Now Yahiro was red, almost angry but blushing now. "Y-Yahiro, a-are you okay?" Megumi hid behind her sketch board.

"Why are you apologizing?" his voice became soft, " I should be apologizing to you right now".

"What are you..."

"Look I'm-I'm really sorry Megumi", he started, "I'm sorry for everything, I didn't mean to hurt you. When I saw you with that guy I just...I don't know what came over me. You make me smile Megumi all I could think about is you. And right now I don't know if you're mad at me or not but I just wanted you to know that, I-I love you Megumi".

Those words echoed in Megumi's head as they both stood in silence. 'Y-Yahiro...he, loves me?'

"You know, I was never mad at you", her voice became happy, "I guess I was just confused...I was confused about how you felt about me and how I felt about you". Megumi looked up at him and smiled joyfully giving him a concerned face." Now I know! Now I know I love you too Yahiro!"

"I see" he smiled. She smiled back. Which gave him a thought "Oh yeah, I forgot, I need to give you you're birthday gift". Then, Yahiro's hands cupped her cheeks. Her body shivering.

"Yahiro, what are you..."

"Stop talking..."

Suddenly, all Megumi could feel were Yahiro's soft lips touching hers. A gentle, lingering touch of the lips, a hesitation played on both parts as they touch as if they're both taking the time to memorize the feeling. Light nibbles on the lips, hands wandering, bodies pressing closer together as the passion reaches an overwhelming level.

"YAHIRO! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO MY SWEET MEGUMI!" Akira with the rest of thier friends gathered around them with slightly humored, awed and angry faces. Megumi stood there embarrassed while Yahiro looked down at her and smirked.

"We just came to tell you that the first dance is starting and Megumi has to be there and we gotta see you guys making-out?" Tadashi looked disgusted.

"Aww, did you guys work it out, I knew my plan would work" Sakura squeaked.

"DON'T BE SO SUDDEN!" Akira yelled whacking Tadashi on his head sending him flying.

"See, I told you it would work out Yahiro", Hikari spoke.

"Hikari", Kei looked towards the interfering raven haired girl and covered his face, "You got involved didn't you".

"Don't say it as if it's a bad thing!" Hikari said pointing toward him.

"Whatever let's just head down to the party" Yahiro suggested.

"Yeah, I don't want to be late for the dance" Jun replied.

As the group left the balcony only one question ran through Megumi's head. 'What was the gift?'

Finally the dance. All partners gathered around the ballroom to dance the waltz. First it started with Megumi dancing with her father and Jun dancing with his mother. Then it continued with many guests joining them in the dance. Now Megumi was sitting on a chair watching the couples in the ballroom. Then she felt someone touch her shoulder.

"Shall we dance" he asked her.

"S-Saturo what are you doing here?" Megumi wrote in her sketch board.

"I came to wish you a happy birthday Megumi", he held out a purple gift bag covered inpolka dots.

"Um, thank you" Megumi sketched checking to see if Yahiro was anywhere to be found watching them. As soon as that was assured, she opened it.

"It's the clothes you wet when we met" she gazed at them.

"After you got home I went back to get them but they weren't there, so I had to buy new ones for you, it took as lot out of me to find them and a lot of money too but I couldn't just do that and not repay you".

"Thank you".

"So, my original question comes to mind, would you like to dance, Megumi".

He outstretched his hand to lead her but she refused. "Well you see the thing is", finally her gaze was caught on Yahiro. He stood on the stairs right above the ballroom and watched the two of them speak. She could see the frown on his face. Saturo's gaze eventually caught hers.

"Oh, I see" he looked at her, "I suppose the both of you worked it out".

"I'm really sorry but, I don't want to dance right now" she refused him.

"I understand", he smiled at her, "It's okay, he likes you, I can tell".

Soon, he walked away, without saying another word. Megumi then saw that Yahiro was gone. 'Where here did he go?'

"Megumi" Yahiro startled her, "Who was that?"

"Um,n-nobody, y-you wanna d-dance?".

"Sure", Yahiro answered with a smirk.

As he led her do the dance floor the two of them started their dance. He held her close, her body moulding into his as if they were made for each other. They were made for each other. Placing her hands on his shoulders he danced silently, nothing but short gasps of breath were to be heard. Slowly she moved her hands up to his neck and rested her head on his chest. He pulled her impossibly closer as two people slowly resembled one. Slowly pushing one of her loose tendrils behind her ear, he smiled a genuine smile. She was beautiful and she was his. Then slowly he moved her away, she looked up confused, but within a second he twirled her around like a doll and pushed his front into her back, still moving slowly side to side. His smile against her skin, and strong arm across her upper shoulder as they danced with a melody no one else could hear. Afterall they were in complete harmony as they danced the night away.

"Yahiro, I don't understand", she suddenly broke the silence.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Well, I didn't understand you're gift... you said you were gonna give it to me, and instead, you kissed me", she started, " What was it, I'm...confused".

"You're gift?" he smirked, "You really are an're gift, was my love, true love. You're gift was my true love's kiss".

She simply stared at him.


"Or maybe I should've gotten you another board, you talk way too much", he said with sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Where is you're board anyways?" he noticed then that her sketch board was on the chair and that she couldn't possibly dance with it in her hands. Therefore, he made another plan. "I'm tired and a little hungry", he let go of her, " come on, go get you're sketch board and let's go get something to eat".

She put on a big grin as if nothing could break her in her joyful mood at that moment and went to get her board as Yahiro requested.

'True love's kiss huh? That's the best gift I've ever gotten from Yahiro!' she thought as she walked away to the dining room with the Saiga heir's hand wrapped around her waist. 'It really is, the best birthday gift!'.

The End!

And that's pretty much it. Thanks so very, very much for reading it. I hope I can write many, many, many more stories for all of you all to enjoy! Please leave you're thoughts about the story in the reviews. Thanks for reading! And guys I just want to inform you that sometimes I will be tagging in my friends who are also on . Feel free to check out their profiles and their stories:

La la Land

S-Ray Scorpion

Abnormal Universe

Just a girl that LOVES anime

Disclaimer: I do not own Special A (although I wish I did, if I did the series would be continuing by now...SA needs another season!)