Hey guys! this is my first fanfic so don't hate me if you don't like it.

Kei: So are Hikari and I like, already couple in this one?

Akira: Kei you desperate weirdo, don't say that about my sweet angel Hikari!

Queen DreamMachine: Yes you are Kei and Akira...seriously?

Tadashi: Guys could we just get this thing going, the faster we get to the story, the faster I get to munch down some of Akira's goodies

Megumi: Yeah lets get to the story! This one is about me and Yahiro :-D

Queen DreamMachine: Tadashi and Megumi are right, we should get to the story! Remember, this is my first story so I don't know what you guys will think of it but please try to enjoy!

Good morning!" Ryuu greeted as he walked inside the greenhouse with Jun and Megumi at his side. Everyone of the S.A members sat calmly as each of them sipped a cup of Akira's tea on a quite joyful Monday morning. Tadashi was especially munching down every bit of Akira's delicious cookies. (

"Here, I hope you can attend", said Ryuu as he held out a colourful envelope, giving it to Akira.

"What's this for?" Akira asked as she took the envelope from him.

"It's an invitation", Jun replied while handing out the rest of the invitations.

"An invitation to what?" Hikari asked with a baffled expression.

"To Jun and Megumi's birthday party, as you can see, it's this Friday", Ryuu explained.

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot", Akira said hugging Megumi.

"We also invited Yahiro, Sakura and Finn", Megumi scribbled on her sketch board which Yahiro bought for her on their previous date.

"Speaking of them, here they are", Tadashi said pointing towards the greenhouse doors.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you that you shouldn't point!" Akira yelled at him as she fired a fist to his face. Tadashi was then sent flying off of his chair.

"Geez Bear Woman when are you going to stop doing this?!" Tadashi sat in a corner as he pleaded for mercy. While this was going on, Megumi, Jun and Ryuu decided it was a good time to give the visitors their invitation.

"Yahiro", Megumi wrote on her sketch board, "Here".

Yahiro took the note in hand and opened it slowly as did Sakura and Finn as Ryuu and Jun also gave them theirs.

"Totally awesome!" Sakura yelled out, " One year older, one year cuter and one year more princely and handsome!".

"Yeah this is amazing, you guys have to let us decorate for you", Finn offered.

"I'll try my best to attend" Yahiro said coolly.

Megumi simply smiled at this and they both shared a moment looking into each others eyes. Yahiro intended to get her the best birthday gift she could ever get. Of course, he would also have to get a gift for Jun as well. (But Jun's gift could wait).

OMG! Sorry it's so short, but don't worry I will try to make the next chapter longer. I would also like you guys to check out my community called 'Special A Fanfics!' where the stories and chapters are much longer than this. And remember to favourite, follow and review!