Chapter 9: Seek of guidance

-"Prophet. Kanan told me you had to tell us about a threat bigger than the Empire. Is that true?" Ahsoka asked as Ezra was retracting his visor and mask. It has been three days since the incident in the Hellios Station. Ezra/The Prophet had spent the other two days either training or meditating with his master. Well, that was when Sabine didn't dragged him to train with her or just invite him into her room and peck him to death.

Kanan told Ezra that whatever he wanted to talk about after the Hellios incident, they had to talk about it with Ahsoka. She was away in a reunion for the three days that Prophet returned from the station.

Now that the former Jedi arrived, Kana told her that the Prophet might have seen a new threat, one much more deadly than the Empire.

-"Yes. I'm afraid so." Ezra said as Ahsoka gave him a weird look.

-"Back on the Hellios. My team and I found something. It looked like a piece of a ship's hull. I tried to scan it but there wasn't anything on the data…like the material of that metal scrap wasn't on any record of the galaxy." Ezra explained.

-"Wait, wait. You say that you found a metal scrap which's material was registered in the galaxy's records?" Kanan asked and Ezra nodded.

-"And the Empire found remains of an ancient, now extinct, alien race. According to what the Empire found about these creatures. They existed even before the war between the old Republic and the Sith Empire. They call this creature's races the Ceph." Ezra explained again.

-"I'm sorry. But if it's an extinct race. Then why should we worry?" Ahsoka asked.

-"Because the Empire found one of them and managed to revive it. Once it was revived, it multiplied itself and they were on the loose." Ezra said and both Jedis in front of him were shocked.

-"We…managed to destroy two of them. But I'm not sure what happened with the other two, one of them got blasted into space...and I don't know if the last one survived the explosion." Ezra applied, looking at the ground. Ahsoka smiled and placed her hand on her shoulder.

-"Hey. It doesn't matter. Judging that two of them are missing. They're probably drifting away in space now." Ahsoka reassured the padawan but he just moved away to face the glass that showed the jungles of Yavin 4.

-"The monsters aren't the problem. When I touched that metal scrap, it had the same nanites of my suit." Ezra said and Kanan opened his eyes wide.

-"What? You mean it was made from the same material as your suit?" Kanan asked him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

-"Yeah…and when I touched it. I had a vision. No, more like memories…of what the Ceph life used to be. And then I and a vision from…" Ezra said but he stopped. Just then, Sabine was passing by and she noticed the briefing room's door opened, with Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka inside.

She assumed it was an important debriefing so she couldn't interfere, but she got her back on the wall and got close enough to hear their conversation.

-"A vision from who? Prophet…What did you see?" Ahsoka asked.

-"What did he saw? Does it have something to do with what happened to him after he touched that piece of metal scrap?" Sabine whispered to herself, then she decided to keep listening.

-"…From the Alpha Ceph." Ezra said as he turned around to look at them. Kanan gave him a questioning look.

-"The Alpha Ceph…that's what I call to the most powerful Ceph alien. I saw him, and he showed me a glimpse of the future." Ezra confessed, but neither Kanan nor Ahsoka said anything.

-"He knows what drives me. What I believe…something I told someone once." The padawan kept talking and Sabine started to frown as she kept listening to what Ezra was saying, she was starting to get worried.

-"That being a good soldier, comes down to one thing. To one single question: What are you prepared to sacrifice?" Ezra said but none of the Jedis spoke.

-"When they came to me with the Nanosuit. I sacrificed Ezra Bridger, the man I was, to become Prophet. When my own flesh and blood will hold me back, I'll sacrifice that too. Replace it, like a spare part." Ezra said.

-"What do you mean to replace your flesh and blood?" Kanan asked with a tone of anger.

-"I've foreseen it. It will happen." Ezra said as he turned away from them to look through the window again. And his visor and mask got back into his face.

-"Victory costs. Every time you pay a little more…but when you've sacrificed everything you had, to become a perfect, cold, hard, logical machine…and that machine fails. What happens then? When Prophet fails, what's left?" Ezra said but no one could answer that question. Then the Nanosuit wielder turned around to face his masters.

-"I saw a glimpse of what's coming…and there was nothing left of me to stop it."

Ahsoka frowned as she heard those words. Kanan's expression turned into worry and Sabine let out a small and low gasp. She was wondering what Ezra meant? That he saw himself die in the future?

-"If we are to stop this from happening. We're gonna need to send some teams to checking up on any possible Ceph activity and…" Ezra started but Ahsoka raised her hand to him, signaling him to stop talking.

-"Listen, Prophet. I can understand what you saw. But I need you to concentrate on the real enemy. The Empire's the main threat to the galaxy now. We can't afford to send our teams to find something that probably isn't there. Your visions may be right, but we can't risk any of our resources. Not when we're doing great against the imperials." Ahsoka explained and Ezra sighed beneath his helmet.

-"I understand. But perhaps we can…" Ezra said but Ahsoka interrupted him again.

-"I said no, Prophet. And that's an order." Ahsoka frowned as she spoke. Ezra nodded and then he left.

When he exited the room, he felt a hand grabbing his arm. He turned around and saw Sabine looking at him with a worried expression.

-"I'll assume that you heard all of that." Ezra and his Mandalorian friend nodded her head.

-"Is it true? Are…are you gonna die?" Sabine asked and the padawan just sighed.

-"Figure I will." Ezra said, attempting to joke. But the only thing he did, was to make Sabine near the border of tears.

-"You moron." Sabine said as she hugged him and she buried her face into his chest.

-"I've lost you once. I don't want to lose you again…" Sabine whispered and Ezra placed his arms on her back.

-"…three days ago. When you got blasted into space. I…I got scared. I couldn't bear to the think of living my life without you again." Sabine said, but this time she was glaring at him. Almost to obligate him to keep alive.

-"Sabine. I understand what you mean, and the last thing I would want is to leave your side or the crew's. I don't know if I'll die sooner or later. But as far as I know, when a Jedi has a vision, it tends to become true. One way or another." Ezra said and the Mandalorian girl in front of him sighed. Sabine let go of him and stared at him.

-"So what would you do now?" Sabine asked and Ezra merely scratched the back of his head.

-"I have something in mind. It's risky, and I may get into troubles because of it." Ezra said as he proceeded to walk away, and Sabine was walking next to him.

-"Get you into troubles? Heh, whatever happened to the real Prophet? You know, mister 'do what you have to do and follow every instruction' and stuff? " Sabine teased and she heard the boy next to her chuckle.

-"Well, you said you liked Ezra Bridger better. That is something he would've done. Am I right?" Ezra said teasing her back and Sabine blushed a little.

-"Touché. So what's your plan?" Sabine asked and Ezra retracted the visor and mask from his face.

-"The commander said there's a lot of imperial activities in most of the systems in the galaxy. Therefor I'm not allow to participate in any non-essential missions, in case I get captured and the Empire tries to make a copy of my Nanosuit or control me or whatever. So far, I'm kinda grounded." Ezra said and Sabine made a small giggle.

-"So you're planning on getting away for a while?" Sabine asked smiling and Ezra smiled as well.

-"You can say so, to find some real Jedi training." Ezra said and Sabine stopped and looked at him with a confused look.

-"I'm done training and meditating here. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what Kanan and Ahsoka did for me. I owe them a great debt for teaching me the ways of the Force. But let's face it, Sabine. I won't be able to learn much from them…Ahsoka left the Jedi order, and Kanan wasn't a Jedi Knight before, he was still an apprentice back then. If I'm to learn about being a Jedi seriously, I need to find someone a lot wiser." Ezra explained.

-"And you have someone in mind?" Sabine asked again.

-"Yeah. After Order 66, not many Jedi survived but some did. And there's one who I think it's still alive and could help me." Ezra said. Sabine's confused look didn't disappear.

-"I have a lead that he might be on Tatooine. So that's where I'm going." Ezra said as he was making his way to the docking bay to find a dropship and head for Tatooine.

Once inside the dropship, he turned all the controls on and he departed away from Yavin 4. He set the coordinates to Tatooine and he waited for the lightspeed's hyper drive to charge up.

-"I must admit I'm not surprised to see you here." Ezra said as he turned around to find Sabine. Then she crossed her arms and smirked beneath her helmet.

-"Did you seriously believed that I would've let you go all by yourself? Wherever you go, I'll be right next to you." Sabine declared, more like she threatened him. That declaration made Ezra feel a little bit nervous.

-"I would've tried to talk you down and let me go alone…but you're too stubborn to listen to me most of the time. I guess I'll just have to deal with you." Ezra said and Sabine chuckled.

-"You can say the sweetest things to a girl." Sabine teased as she got close to him and took a seat next to him. Before the hyper drive was fully charged, Prophet's dropship received a transmission from the base in Yavin 4.

-"Who the bloody hell is piloting that ship?!"

-"Hera. It's me." Ezra said.

-"Prophet? What are you doing?" Hera asked through comms.

-"I'm sorry, Hera. But there's something I have to do." Ezra said and he was hoping Hera would understand. But she was like a mother to him so he pretty much knew what she would say.

-"I don't care! You turn that ship back right now, young man!" Hera said, still talking to him like if he was a child.

-"No, Hera! I'm sorry but I won't! I'm not a kid anymore, and there's something I have to figure out by myself. I'm not betraying you guys, I'm just going to find some guidance." Ezra said and Hera did not respond. He started to feel guilty, he thought he might've yelled at Hera. And he didn't want to make her feel sad nor offended. In response he only heard a giving up sighed from the comms.

-"Alright, Prophet. I'll trust you on this one." Hera said, and her tone was as cheerful as always.

-"Thanks, Hera." Ezra said, relief he wasn't as rude as he thought.

-"Don't worry, Hera. I'll keep this kid away from trouble." Sabine said as she joined the conversation, placing her arms around Ezra's shoulders as she said that.

-"Oh, Sabine. You're there too. Okay, you can go. But I'm not gonna let the two of you do anything, I already know about your little affair." Hera said as Ezra's expression turned into shock.

-"Did you tell her?" Ezra asked as he turned to his side to face Sabine, his tone sounding a little bit mad.

-"Well…" Sabine said nervously.

-"Of course she did. So that's why I won't let any of you get any funny ideas, he'll keep me informed." Hera said as a beeping sound came from behind the two rebels. When Ezra turned around he saw Chopper beeping loudly, like if he was annoyingly greeting them.



-"He'll keep you two away from any funny ideas. Well, have a nice trip, toddles." Hera said as she ended the comms transmission.

-"SYNDULLA! Why you!" Sabine shouted but the dropship's hyper drive was fully charged and it blasted into hyperspace, stopping the Mandalorian from finishing her curse.

After two minutes, Chopper was checking the navigation controls and Sabine was without her helmet and with an annoyed expression. Ezra was just sitting there.

-"So…who's that Jedi master you're trying to find?" Sabine asked, breaking the awkward silence.

-"I've searched through the galaxy's data. And there's an old man who might be a surviving Jedi, hiding from the Empire." Ezra said as he looked at Sabine, then he retracted the visor and mask from his face.

-"And that is?" Sabine asked again.

-"His name was Obi-Wan Kenobi. He'd probably be using a different name by now. So we better search anywhere possible." Ezra explained and Sabine smirked as she got off her seat and took a seat on Ezra's lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck and she had her eyes locked with his.

-"Well, we'll have enough time for that until we get there. Until then, you're all mine, Prophet." Sabine said smirking and Ezra made a small smirk and both kissed. Chopper turned around and saw them, then he started to beep loudly. Sabine broke her kiss with Ezra and she glared at the astro-droid.

-"Shut up, Chopper." Sabine said and she planted her lips on Ezra's again.

To be continued…