Been a While

Disclaimer: I don't own any thing related to DC.

'Dick it has been a while since we met...' The caped crusader sighed as he gently stroked his son's hair. He was sleeping peacefully; the noctornal superhero had no intention of waking the teen up.

'I'm proud of you and what you've accomplished here in Jump City.' Oh there was no telling how so proud he was of his son Robin and all the crimes he'd taken care off.

'I know it's my fault we fought and you left home...' Batman thought to himself, bitterly. He could never apologize, he was still waiting for Dick to talk to him first.

'Maybe you've forgotten all about me, and Alfred too.' A lump formed in his throat. When he took in Dick, he never wanted to part from him, realizing how big a role the young one played in the elder's life.

Looking around the room, he observed how Robin had organized his stuff, quite different from his old room in Gotham.

'You told me you didn't want to associate with me again.' Bruce painfully recalled that day of their fight. He had only come to Robin's residence to check up on his recovery after Slade's brutal attacks.

'Son, I'l be waiting for you to talk first… I'll be here if you ever need me, Dick..' He pressed something into one of Robin's hands.

"I miss you." He whispered. Sparing a last glance, he then vanished, leaving the communicator with the symbol of a black bat for Dick Grayson to discover the next morning.

Now to find the monster that dared traumatize my son. The Dark Knight set out on his next mission.

AN I'm a stranger to Batman comics and I haven't seen Teen Titans in a long time. However I know Robin is Dick Grayson & the adopted son of Bruce Wayne aka The Batman. There are some, but few fics in this archive where Bruce avengers Slade, so here's a little companion to them! :)

(Please don't flame this poor writer! Tips/reviews are nice:)