It's funny how the simplest decisions can effect ones life so dramatically. If she hadn't been afraid of what her parents would say and think, maybe things would be different. Granted, he probably still wouldn't be here..but at least his family would know, and she was sure that, given the circumstances, they would be welcoming..

Alicia Spinnet was letting her mind wander for the umpteenth time that day. It was the anniversary of her lovers death; the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. It had been five years since that tragic day. Three long, grief-filled years since his last breath. Alicia would be lucky if these memories only came every 2nd May. Unfortunately for her, this was not the case. Well, it wasn't actually unfortunate, because the reminder came in the form of a handsome son..

Alicia had just found out she was pregnant the week prior to the Battle of Hogwarts. She was so excited, but extremely nervous as well, what with the impending doom they were facing. Her boyfriend was over the moon with joy. He had already started picking out names, even though the fetus inside of her was barely the size of a pea. "Georgia for a girl, because, well, I'm sure you can guess why. And as for a boy, hmm.. a namesake would be nice."

She could hear that conversation now, as if it had just happened. She had begged him not to head back to Hogwarts, to stay with her instead, but he had said that it was his duty to go. Alicia insisted on going as well, and promised to stay in the hidden room that some students had been preparing.

Shaking her head to bring herself back to reality, Alicia focused on her son. He was playing with a magical toy train, giggling as he placed sticks on the tracks to crash into. She smiled. He was her whole life, and she wouldn't trade him for anything else.

"Love, we are going to pack up the toys now and go visit your grandparents." Alicia told the boy, as she stood up. "Aw, but I don't want to! Their house smells like burnt cauldron cakes!" Her son whined. Alicia gave a small smile, but continued getting her things ready. "We aren't going to Grammy and Pop's, we are going to visit... Well, you are going to meet your daddy's parents." Alicia bit her lip, wondering what her small son's reaction would be. He looked at her curiously for a moment, then shrugged and stood up. "Okay mummy."

An hour later, they rounded a corner and the house came in to view. It looked the same as it had the week before the Battle of Hogwarts. Alicia pulled up and turned the car off. With a deep breath, she got out of the car. Her son was already out of car; He had taught himself how to unbuckle his safety seat. She took him by the hand and they made their way up the walkway and, upon reaching the front door, proceeded to knock.

They were about to turn around to leave, when Alicia heard some movement within the house. A minute later, a lock clicked and the door opened. The lady looked the same as she always had. Warm smile, hair askew but not horribly messy, loving.

"Yes, can I help you dear? Oh- Alicia, is that you? Oh my, you are as beautiful as ever, come in, dear!" The lady enveloped Alicia in her arms, and then her eyes fell on the little boy. She studied him, and slowly pulled away from, her eyes watering. "Is this.. is he..?" Alicia nodded, and gently pushed her son forward.

"Say hello to your grandma, Freddy."