Chapter 1: New School, Same Personality
Author's Note Part 1: Alright… So, I've now gotten sucked into the series that is RWBY… Yeah, I'll admit that I never saw myself writing out a story for this series, but after watching the two Volumes that are currently out, I'd be lying if I said that writing out a story with an extra OC added into the series wouldn't be interesting for me. Now, I've probably re-written this Author's Note (and a bit of the first chapter) around five times now, trying to best implement my character. And I'll admit this much… I'm still not sure if I've done the best job.
First my idea was to implement a different team that included two people, then I went on to my second idea, which was extremely similar to the first, only I changed the characters to be more like characters in video games, then I stemmed off that and ended up making the story an actual crossover, and you can see how it went up until now. So, with all the craziness that's happened, I'm really hoping that I've done a good job with this newest idea.
Basically, I got this idea that you're currently looking at after reading the story "Reiteration", which basically added a new character to Team RWBY, making it Team RWEBY instead. So, going off that idea (adding an extra character to the team), I'm hoping that I won't run into the difficulties that I have for the past few attempts. But, one can only hope, right?
However, that's not to say that I'm not gonna take ideas from my past attempts. This will still have attributes from them, the main one being the character that I'm adding. Now, "Z" was going to be one of the first characters that I was going to write in, and I've only taken out Sean. Basically, my first idea was to write it out where there was a team ZeuS. However, I'm making Zach like he was in my second version, pairing and all. So, you guys will get a little overview of him at the end of the chapter. Oh, some of you guys will probably see an interesting way that I write out Zach, so if you do, please don't mention it in the reviews since I want to keep it a surprise for the people that don't know yet.
Also, something you guys should know about this. It's gonna be my first fanfiction where I slightly, and I stress slightly, stray from canon at certain points. For example, in this chapter, you'll see that Zach changes events for Ruby and Weiss's first meeting, and thus, the events that happen until initiations between the two.
But, since I've already wasted almost 500 words on an Author's Note, I guess that I'll just let you guys get to reading. So, here's the first chapter of my RWBY fanfiction!
(Voice for Zach: Micah Solusod (American voice actor for Soul from the "Soul Eater" anime)
Zach's POV:
Just stay away from everyone Zach… See if you can't find Yang, and maybe you'll get through the rest of this with less trouble... I think to myself as I walk amongst the groups of shades within the airship that everyone is taking to Beacon. I can see the whispering shades all about, some turning in my direction. Why do I say shades you might ask? Because that's all they are. Black silhouettes of people, who would be there, but aren't… Yes, I will be breaking the fourth wall constantly. Live with it.
Anyways, as I continue walking, I pull my hood over my head a bit more in an attempt to block myself off from the people around me. My current outfit consists of black combat boots that reach up to my mid-calf area, partially covering my blue jeans. I also have a white, button-up T-shirt on at the moment, which is mostly covered by my zip-up grey hoodie, which is partially unzipped to show the white T-shirt underneath. Hell, this isn't even my entire outfit. But, I don't want to give another reason for the shades to stare at me.
Now, you might be wondering just why it is that the shades around me are all whispering and looking at me… Well, seeing as I have Caucasian skin, blue-grey eyes, and brown hair that's styled to look completely messy underneath my hood, the people around here aren't staring at me because I look different. Instead, let's just say that it has to do with my Semblance and leave it at that, okay? I'm sure you'll find out about it soon enough… But, my Semblance aside, I manage to finally find the person that I've been searching for when I walk through one of the many wooden doors present on this airship. Yang Xiao Long is currently in the process of hugging her little sister Ruby Rose to death, if the purple in Ruby's face is anything to go by anyways… Though, it does confuse me as to why Ruby's here, since I thought that due to her still being 15, she would still be attending Signal.
"Please, stop." I hear Ruby groan as her sister continues to hug the life out of her, Yang eventually releasing her a few seconds later.
"But I'm so proud of you~~~!" The blond girl exclaims with what I assume is a smile, since she's currently facing her sister, and thus has her back to me. However, Ruby simply lets off a sigh at her sister's words.
"Really, sis, it was nothing." She tells Yang, making me raise one of my eyebrows in confusion and interest as I continue to walk towards them, neither one of them noticing me since Yang is still looking at her sister, while Ruby is focused on Yang.
"What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is gonna think you're the bee's knees!" Yang exclaims, looking around the room with her arms held out, probably for emphasis on what she's telling her sister. When she does this, her eyes widen slightly when she notices me. "Zach!" She exclaims, making Ruby look at me as well. I simply give them a small smile in response.
Now, if the three of us were alone, and no one else was around, I would probably be a lot more vocal, and more outgoing with how I actually feel seeing them again. However, since Yang's exclamation drew a bit of attention from the shades around us, I simply raise one of my hands in a nervous greeting. However, when I do this, Yang frowned, reached over, and pulled me over to stand beside her. "Come on Zach, why the shyness? You've known us for how long?" She asks, a small smile making its way onto her face. I simply give her a small frown of my own in response.
"I've known you two for about three years now Yang." I reply in a slightly quieter voice, before pulling my hood a bit more over my face. Unfortunately, Yang notices, and immediately turns to look at the shades all around us, noticing their stares and sending them all a glare with her no-doubt now-red eyes. In response, all the shades around us turn around and pretend to not be looking at us... Well, they stop looking at me. I sigh at this, before turning to Ruby. "So, Ruby, I thought that you were still at Signal." I say, trying to get away from the fact that I'm still uncomfortable with all the shades around us. However, Yang is the one to respond for her sister.
"Ruby here just got bumped up to Beacon with us! I mean, aren't you guys excited?!" She asks me with a wide smile, her eyes that beautiful violet once again… Yes, I like Yang. Heck, we're practically together at this point in time, though we're still pretty much in the… "Flirting" stage since we don't really get all the much time away from all the nameless people who hate me. And when we do… Well, let's just say that we make the most of it and leave it at that. But, our relationship aside, Ruby simply sighs at her sister's words.
"Of course I'm excited Yang, it's just…" The red cloaked girl trials off and gives another sigh. "I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything." Ruby admits with a slightly sad look in her silver eyes. However, Yang walks over to her sister and puts an arm around her shoulders with a small smile on her face.
"But you are special." Yang tells her sister, but before anything else can be said about the topic, one of the holo-screens inside the "room" that we're in starts to play a newscast, and the three of us turn to look at it.
"The robbery was led the notorious criminal, Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale police department. Back to you Lisa." The three of us continue to watch the newscast, and I let off a quiet sigh when it starts to go on about the White Fang, and how they'd interrupted a civil rights movement for the Faunus. I'd heard that the organization had once been extremely peaceful, but a while back they'd started to take more violent actions. However, before the story on the White Fang can continue, the holo-screen is replaced by a hologram of a woman that I'd read about in the pamphlet to Beacon.
"Hello, and welcome to Beacon." She tells the three of us, as well as all the shades around us.
"Who's that?" Yang asks us, and just as I'm about to answer, the woman inadvertently does so herself.
"My name is Glynda Goodwitch." She tells us.
"Well, there's your answer Yang." I say with a small smile, the fact that all the shades are now focused on the woman and not on me also helped to bring out the more "normal" side of me.
"You are among the privileged few who have had the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it." She tells us, getting smiles from the three of us, and what I can assume are smiles from the shades all around us. "You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task. And now, it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge, and the training to protect our world." She announces, before her hologram fades out, and all the shades look out the windows to the city below while Ruby rushes forwards to place her hands on the glass and do the same with a large smile on her face.
"Look! You can see Signal from here." She tells us, me and Yang walking over to stand beside her as Yang places a hand on her sister's shoulder. "I guess home isn't too far after all." Ruby admits with a small smile on her face, Yang giving her an identical one.
"Beacon's our home now." She tells her sister, before looking over at me and giving me a wink. "That also means that we won't have to worry about Dad being overprotective." She says, making me give a small chuckle at the fact that she's basically telling me she won't be holding back when we're able to be alone, and making Ruby's face turn almost as red as her cloak.
"Ya~~~~ng!" She exclaims in embarrassment, making her sister laugh in response, before the three of us hear the sound of someone about to puke, and turn to see a blond haired male turning away from the windows and making his way past us with a hand over his mouth to keep in any vomit that may come out as he attempt to get away from the sight.
"Well, I guess the view isn't for everyone." Yang tells us, making me shrug as I place my hands inside the pockets in the front of my hoodie, a small smirk making its way onto my face since the shades all around us are focused on the blond who's still trying to make his way towards a trash barrel of some sort to deposit his lunch. "Anyways, I wonder who we're gonna meet. Besides past friends like you that is." She says to the two of us, the last part said to me with another wink. Ruby still has a tint of red in her cheeks from embarrassment, but manages to shake her head and get rid of it before giving off a sigh.
"I just hope they're better than Vomit Boy." The red cloaked girl says, before looking down at her sister's shoes, making me follow her gaze to the blonde's boots, which have small specks of green on one of them, no doubt from the guy's failed attempts at holding the puke in his mouth, a trail of similar green specks along the ground cementing my theory. "Oh, Yang, gross! You've got puke on your shoe!" She exclaims, making Yang look down at her boots as well, before she starts to shake them a bit in order to rid them of the offending substance with a disgusted look on her face.
"Gross-gross-gross-gross-gross-gross-!" Yang continues to complain about the puke on her shoes, while Ruby attempts to get away from her sister as vomit starts to fly off her boot as she shakes it.
"Get away! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!" Ruby yells at the same time that Yang continues to yell "Gross!", making me laugh a bit off to the side, though not very loudly since the two are drawing attention to themselves, and since I'm standing next to them, people are also looking at me as well.
I've got to find a way to get over my people problem… I think to myself with a frown, making sure my hoodie is once again blocking the entirety of my face from being seen. But with how it started, and the fact that all the people here know about me… I have a feeling it's gonna be a while before I'm able to act "normal" in public. I think to myself with a mental sigh as the large airship we're in continues to make its way towards Beacon.
A few minutes later, the large aircraft docks, and the three of us, along with the shades around us, make our way towards the exit ramp that will lead us to Beacon. As we pass by Vomit Boy, I give him a few pats on the back. Both to help him get rid of any lingering puke, as well as for reassurance that he'll be alright. Hey, he actually has color. So, being nice to my fellow Main Characters will help out in the long run… At least, as long as they're not the kind of Main Character that's present to be the bully. Otherwise, I'm sticking with my friends and beating their ass when the time comes.
Anyways, after we exit the large aircraft, the three of us pause to get our first good look at Beacon. And I've gotta admit, it's definitely a nice place just from the first glance. And after what I read in the pamphlet, I'd also have to say that it will be a nice place to stay. Currently, I'm still wearing the same clothes as I was on the ship, but now I'm dragging my suitcase with me, which has my other clothes inside, as well as my weapon. As we continue to look at the large academy, Yang crosses her arms under her breasts and leans against my side, myself smirking since the shades of people had all passed by the three of us.
"The view from Vale's got nothing on this." She tells us, and I give a nod of agreement in response to the blonde beauty. However, my good mood quickly vanishes when more shades start to walk by us, and I make sure that my hood is covering my face still, before one shade passes by, and Ruby changes into a flat, Chibi version of herself as she floats in mid-air, her eyes changing into shining, yellow, diamond-shaped stars as she lets off a loud gasp.
"Sis! Zach! That kid's got a collapsible staff!" She exclaims as she floats in mid-air, pointing to one shade in particular, before floating off to the side as her eyes go back to being silver, and she points to another shade. "And she's got a fire sword!" She exclaims after clinging to Yang's arm, and then starts to float off towards the girl in question. However, her sister quickly reaches over, and grabs onto Chibi-Ruby, said girl changing back to normal as she's dragged back to us by her cloak's hood. "Ow! Ow!"
"Easy there little sister. They're just weapons." Yang says with a small shrug. Although, Ruby's face gains a look of shock on it at her sister's comment.
"Just weapons? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us!" Ruby exclaims as she gestures towards the multiple shades walking around with their weapons in hand, before Ruby brings her arms back to her chest as she bounces a little in place with a smile on her face. "They're so cool!" She exclaims, making Yang speak up again, myself staying silent through this conversation due to the multiple shades walking around the area that we're in.
"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?" Yang asks her sister, making Ruby extend her giant, mechanical sniper-scythe and rest it over her shoulder.
"Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose…I just, really like seeing new ones." She tells her sister as she brings her weapon off her shoulder, and holds it in her right hand as she turns to face Yang. "It's like meeting new people… But better." She tells her sister, muttering the last part as she turns away and looks at the ground with a slightly dejected look. If I had problems with getting to know people due to an… Incident, that happened earlier on in my life thanks to my Semblance, then Ruby just didn't know how to interact with people in general. However, Yang wouldn't let this stand, and gives her younger sister a light chuckle.
"Ruby, come on." She says with a smile, bringing her little sister's hood over Ruby's head. "Why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?" She asks.
"But, why do I need friends when I have you and Zach?" She asks. Yeah, let me explain why it is that she's not referring to me as a friend. See, Yang is Ruby's half-sister. Since me and her are practically dating at this point, just not yet due to reasons mentioned before, Ruby has started to look at me as more of an older brother figure. So, because of this, I'm not longer Ruby's "best friend" but instead her older sister's "boyfriend", and/or Ruby's "older brother". You get it? Good. Anyways, after Ruby asks her older sister this question, Yang stops leaning against me and backs up a bit as she raises her hand.
"Well, actually-my-friends-are-here-now-gotta-go-catch-up-kay-c'ya-bye!" She yells to us in an extremely fast voice, before her and the group of shades that surrounded her go running off, leaving me to shrink in on myself a bit, while Ruby is left twirling due to the speed that the group passed her as she stumbles.
"Wait! Where are you going?! Are we supposed to go to our dorms? Where are our dorms? Do we have dorms?... I don't know what I'm doing." Ruby says after none of her questions are answered as her sister and her "friends" go running off. I say "friends" because they were all shades, and thus had no reason for being here other than this once.
However, this all goes through my mind in the time of a couple seconds, which allows me to see Ruby falling towards a cart carrying multiple briefcases, and I quickly slide over and catch Ruby before she can fall and send the pure-white briefcases flying through the air. "Thanks Zach…" Ruby says, swirls still in place of her eyes as she attempts to get her swaying vision back under control.
"No problem." I say, helping her to stand up again as the girl who was pushing the cart walks past us, sending a bit of a glare at Ruby, which makes me send her one of my own. Hey, I may be shy around practically everyone, but when someone's being hateful towards my "little sister", I get a bit protective. Even if this person is colored in and is going to be a Main Character. In response to my glare, the girl simply huffs, and turns around to keep walking.
"Watch what you're doing next time." She says over her shoulder in a haughty voice, making me narrow my eyes a bit more in her direction.
"Sorry!" Ruby calls out, still a bit dizzy, getting another huff in return.
"Yeash, Ice Queen over there just can't accept the fact that it would have been an accident if you had fallen, can she?" I mutter as I notice Ruby stumbling a bit, attempting to stay standing on her own two feet. I'm willing to bet that girl is gonna be one of the Main Characters that's a bully… I think with a mental scowl as I think about the girl in white.
"I guess I'm not the only one having a bad day…" Ruby says as she finally stops swaying, and picks up Crescent Rose from where she dropped it when she almost fell onto Ice Queen's luggage. When Ruby collapses her sniper-scythe into its compact form, another fully-colored person walks over to us. And wouldn't you know it, the guy's Vomit Boy.
"Hey, are you two alright?" He asks, no doubt having seen how Ruby was still a bit dizzy, even if she is able to stand on her own two feet without stumbling around.
"Yeah." Ruby responds with a smile, getting one in return.
"That's good. I'm Jaune." Jaune greets us, getting a small smile out of me since this guy apparently isn't like everyone else, since he isn't immediately either glaring at me, or running away.
"Ruby." The 15 year old replies with a small smile.
"Zach." I tell him with a small nod, before giggling gets my attention and I turn to look at Ruby as she covers her mouth with her hand while looking at Jaune.
"Aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship?" She asks him, making his smile disappear as he sags a bit with a groan, getting more laughter out of Ruby as I give my own quiet chuckles.
"All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!" Jaune says, trying to defend the reason that he puked during the airship ride to Beacon. I'll admit, Jaune kinda reminds me of Natsu from Fairy Tail in regards to his motion sickness… Though, Jaune is able to stand and at least hold his lunch during the ride, whereas Natsu is nothing more than a heap on the floor.
"Look, I'm sorry. Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind." Ruby tells him in an apologetic voice… Though the small smirk that she has on her face tells me that she's not entirely sorry.
"Oh yeah? What if I called you…" Jaune trails off, before sagging once again as we continue walking. "I got nothing." He admits with a dejected tone, getting a chuckle out of me, though it's fairly quiet since we were still walking by multiple shades that were heading in the opposite direction of us on the path that we're following. "Anyways, the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue. Ladies love it." He says with a small smirk, though it doesn't really seem like a real smirk.
"Do they?" Me and Ruby ask him at the same time as we raise an eyebrow each, making Jaune hold out his hands towards us in an attempt to convince us.
"They will…Well I, I hope they will… I mean, my mom always says, uh… Never mind…" He says to us, eventually giving up as his shoulders hang at his sides, getting quiet chuckles out of me and Ruby as we continue walking.
"Um… So… I got this thing." Ruby says as she takes out and extends Crescent Rose, and then stabs it into the ground in an attempt to start up conversation once again. It works.
"Whoa! Is, that a scythe?" Jaune asks as more shades walk by us. In response to Jaune's question, Ruby gives a small smirk.
"It's also a customizable, high impact sniper rifle." She says, picking up Crescent Rose and unfolding the scope for its sniper mode.
"A what?" Jaune asks her in confusion.
"It's also a gun." I translate for him with a small smirk on my face, but it disappears when more shades walk by us, some turning to look at me this time around. When they do this, I try to make myself seem as small as possible… Not that it works since I'm a bit taller than Yang, and thus I'm taller than both Ruby and Jaune.
"Oh. That's cool!" Jaune compliments Ruby, making me smile since despite what Ruby had said earlier, she was easily making a friend right now.
"So what've you got?" She asks Jaune with a small smile, making him stutter a bit since he wasn't expecting that question.
"Oh, uh… I, I got this sword." He says as he unsheathes the sword in question. However, said sword doesn't look like anything except for a regular broadsword.
"Ooooh." Ruby says, making Jaune appear to get a bit more confident as he sheaths the sword once again, and takes out something else. "Yeah, I've got this shield too." He says, the item that he pulled out unfolding into a typical shield that you would see knights wield.
"So, what do they do?" Ruby asks him, trailing her hand along the shield for a few seconds, only to make it fold and unfold on Jaune's arm, making it bounce away from him, and causing the teen to attempt to catch it as he lets off slightly panicked sounds, eventually picking it up off the ground after it fell onto the path.
"The, the shield gets smaller. So, when I get tired of carrying it, I can just… Put it away…" He says, doing just that a moment later. However…
"But… wouldn't it weight the same?" Ruby asks, saying just what I was thinking, and making Jaune sag once again as he lets off a sigh.
"Yeah, it does." He admits, making Ruby attempt to cheer him up.
"Well, I'm kinda a dork when it comes to weapons. I guess I did go a little overboard…" She admits, making me raise an eyebrow.
"Ruby... I'm pretty sure that I went overboard in designing my own weapon…" I admit, making her put a finger to her chin in thought, before laughing.
"Yeah, I think you did." She admits, making Jaune raise an eyebrow, but I simply wave him off.
"You'll find out about mine soon enough…" I say, casting a glance down at my suitcase, which held my weapon in question. However, apparently that's not why Jaune was raising his eyebrow.
"Wait a minute… You guys designed your own weapons?" He asks us, confusing me as to why he was asking.
"Of course!" Ruby exclaims with a smile on her face. "All students at Signal forge their own weapons. Though Zach did make his somewhere else… Anyways, didn't you make yours?" She asks Jaune, making him unsheathe his sword and hold it up for us to see once again as he looks at it.
"It's a hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it to fight in the war." He tells us, no doubt referring to the war between humans and the Grimm a long while back. When Jaune tells us this, I raise my eyebrow in confusion, and Ruby voices my thoughts once again.
"Sounds more like a family heirloom to me! Heh, well I like it! Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days." She says, making Jaune once again look down at the sword held in his hand.
"Yeah… The classics..." He says with a slight chuckle while he once again sheaths his sword, but the chuckle didn't hold any joy in it.
"So, why'd you check on us back there in the courtyard?" Ruby asks Jaune as we start walking again.
"Eh, why not? My mom always says, strangers are just friends you haven't met yet." Jaune tells us, making me raise one of my eyebrows in surprise and confusion.
"Is your mom aware of how those situations usually turn out?" I ask Jaune, referring to the fact that the way those situations usually turn out is that one person ends up either robbed, or dead. My question seems to make Jaune give a nervous chuckle after he thinks about it.
"Hey, where are we going?" Ruby suddenly asks, making the three of us stop walking, and stop talking about that topic.
"Oh, I don't know. I was following you guys." Jaune admits.
Face, meet palm.
Eventually, the three of us managed to make it to the main auditorium, in which everyone was already gathered. Within the crowds of shades, I managed to pick out a couple familiar faces. One of which is Ice Queen, while the other…
"Ruby! Zach! Over here! I saved you guys a couple spots!" Yang exclaims as she waves her hand in order to get Ruby's attention, since I was already looking at her. Although, the fact that everyone else around her is nothing but a silhouette, kinda makes it plainly obvious where she is. In response to her sister's greeting, Ruby waves back, before turning to look at Jaune.
"Oh, hey, I gotta go! See you after the ceremony!" Ruby exclaims as she runs towards Yang, myself following her and giving a small wave to Jaune over my shoulder.
"See ya'". I say with a quiet voice… Stupid shades and their stupid whispers. When I reach the other two, Yang speaks up.
"So, how are your first days going? Little sis, handsome?" She asks, winking at me once again. Yup, I was right with my earlier assumption. Now that her protective father can't be here, she's not holding back with flirting. However, that's quickly shut down by Ruby.
"You mean since you ditched us?" She asks with a slight glare, making Yang raise her hands in defense.
"Sorry, sorry." Yang says, moving slightly towards me. Probably to both get away from the possible eruption of anger from Ruby, but also probably due to the fact that her ass is now presses against my leg, fairly close to my groin I might add. And the fact that she sends me another wink over her shoulder tells me that she did this on purpose.
"It didn't help that some girl also yelled at me when I almost fell into her luggage." Ruby continues, making Yang raise her eyebrow and turn to face me, getting a shrug in response.
"She's telling the truth. Ice Queen got all upset because she almost fell onto the briefcases that she was carrying around." I tell her, once again double checking to make sure that I'm mostly covered by my hood. This time, Yang notices again, and frowns.
"C'mon Zach… Why do you do that?" She asks, her voice taking on a softer tone than she usually has. This is a tone that she reserves for her sister, and me. The kind that tells us just how much she cares for us. I sigh in response to her question, looking around the shades that are around us, some of which are turned in our direction. Yang notices, and lets off a frustrated sigh as she once again turns to glare at all the shades staring at us. And once again, they all turn away from us as Yang turns around to look at me.
"Zach… You can't let everyone around you affect how you act." She says as she stops leaning against me, and instead turns around and wraps me in a hug. And this isn't the kind where she purposefully presses her breasts against me, this is the kind that's comforting and meant to show me just how much she cares about me. Slowly, I let my own arms wrap around her own, fighting against the impulse to stiffen up and not do anything for fear of some of the shades noticing.
After a few seconds of the two of us hugging each other, Yang steps back and gives me a smile. "See? Just like that." She tells me, myself giving her a slightly nervous smile in response, getting a light chuckle. "Baby steps Zach, baby steps." She tells me, resting her hand on my cheek. Before anything else can be said, the three of us hear the sound of loudspeakers turning on, and turn to look at the stage to see two people standing on it.
"I'll… Keep this brief." Says the man standing in front of the microphone, who's none other than Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon. "You have travelled here today in search of knowledge… To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you are finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people." Ozpin tells us, Ruby looking between me and Yang with a large smile on her face, making the two of us give her our own small smiles in response. Then, Ozpin drops the bomb on us.
"But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy." He tells us, making all the shades turn to one another and start to mutter amongst themselves. "In need of purpose… Direction. You assume knowledge will free you off this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." When he finishes, I turn to Yang and Ruby with a slight frown on my face.
"Did he just insult us? I'm not the only one who thinks that he just insulted us, right?" I ask the other two, making them shrug as Goodwitch walks up where Ozpin was standing a few seconds ago.
"You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." She tells us as she follows Ozpin and walks away. When this happens, Yang turns to look at me.
"He seemed kind of… Off." Yang comments, making Ruby nod beside her.
"It's almost like he wasn't even there." Ruby adds, and I nod my own head in agreement.
"Yeah, insulting your students right off the bat doesn't exactly give you the best first impression." I say, getting nods from the other two in response, before Yang and Ruby got ready to leave and grab their stuff for tonight. However, before they did so, Yang walked over to me, and leaned in next to my ear, making sure to press her breasts against my chest as she does so.
"See you later Zach, I just hope that I'll be able to see you shirtless tonight." She whispers. Leave it to Yang to be straight to the point and not beat around the bush. However, in response to her comment, I manage a smile of my own as she leans back with a glint in her eyes. I know, an actual smile! In public!
"Just so long as your sleepwear lets me see a considerable amount of skin, I think we'll be just fine Yang." I respond in a whisper, making the blonde beauty give me a flirtatious wink as she follows Ruby, who once again has a blush of embarrassment on her face. Oh, did I also mention that as she walked away, Yang made sure to add an extra sway to her hips? But, that aside, chalk my reactions up for Zach: 2, Public: 999… Yeah… At least it's a start. I think to myself with a mental sigh as I also head off to look around the school a bit, before heading to the ballroom.
That night I'm walking amongst the ballroom after changing into my sleepwear, heading back to where I'd set up my sleeping bag earlier which was right next to Yang's. As I get closer, I hear the girl in question speak up. "It's like a bi~~~g slumber party." She says as I see her drop onto her sleeping bag next to Ruby.
"I don't think dad would approve of all the boys though." Ruby argues, and right after she says that, Yang's gaze narrows in on me as I walk towards the two.
"I know I do." She says with narrowed eyes, before purring a bit, making me give her another smirk as I get closer to them. As it turns out, I'd followed through with what I'd said earlier, and was only wearing blue jeans. Needless to say, I got quite a few stares from the female populace, some were good with the reason being the six-pack that stood out on my stomach. I'd tell you how I got it, but let's just say that it has to do with my past and leave at that for now. As for the other females, their stares were simply because of who I am… What I am… But, that aside, I focus on the blonde beauty staring at me with narrowed eyes as she licks her lips.
"Hey Yang, I see we both dressed like we said we would." I tell her with a smirk, her talk earlier having gotten through to me on some level, in that I was now able to act semi-normal in public. However, I feel like it's gonna be a while until I can be completely normal in public, or use my Semblance in the presence of others beside Yang.
"Yup, and I am not regretting that decision." She says with the purr still in her voice. As it turns out, Yang is wearing an orange shirt that had her signature flame emblem on it, which allowed me to see a generous amount of her midriff, as well as her cleavage, and she also had a short skirt on that left plenty of her legs to be seen. I give her a smile as I sit down on my sleeping bag, crossing my legs in a lotus position as I do so, and Yang rakes her eyes over my body as I do the same to her. Unfortunately, I don't get a very good look due to the darkness of the ballroom. So, I assume that the same can be said for Yang.
Yeah, like I said before, we're practically dating, and the only thing holding us back was my hesitance due to how the public views me. However, now that she's starting to get through to me on acting normal in public, I feel like it won't be long before we are together. After a few seconds, Yang turns to look at Ruby, and notices her hands are hovering over a book, while her face is beet red at our behavior. "What's that?" The blonde beauty asks her sister, making Ruby shake her head quickly to get rid of the blush as she goes back to writing, though a faint red tint stays in her cheeks.
"A letter to the gang back at signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going." Ruby explains, making Yang smile at her sister.
"Aww, that's so cu~~~~te." Yang says to her sister… Only to get a pillow to the face.
"Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird only knowing two people here." Ruby tells her sister as Yang pushes herself back up onto her elbows.
"What about Jaune? He's… Nice. There you go! Plus one friend! That's a hundred percent increase!" However, Ruby simply turns over on her sleeping bag and interlocks her fingers behind her head.
"Pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend. Back to zero." Ruby says dejectedly. Yeah, as it turns out, we found out after the ceremony the "Ice Queen" that Ruby almost bumped into earlier was actually Weiss Schnee, and heiress to the Schnee dust company. Let's just say that right now, her and Ruby aren't exactly on friendly terms, hence why Ruby is counting her as a "negative friend".
"There's no such thing as negative friends. You just made one friend and one enemy." Yang says in an attempt to make Ruby feel better… Unfortunately, a second pillow to the blonde's face tells us that it didn't really work. Welp, seeing as Yang has had two pillows thrown at her, and Ruby still apparently has one, I'm gonna chalk this up as Anime Logic, just like all the shades around us… Which confuses me as to why the three men over there aren't shades…
But, that aside, Yang has managed to take the dog pillow that Ruby threw at her off her face and give her younger sister a soft smile. "Look, it's only been one day. Trust me you've got friends all around you. You just, haven't met them yet." Yang tells Ruby, sounding strikingly similar to Jaune earlier when he told Ruby a similar thing about how "Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet". However, despite this, Ruby simply rolls over and puts her journal away.
"I'm going to bed. I'll talk to you guys in the morning." She says, making Yang turn to look at me, causing me to shrug in response as I let off a sigh.
"If Ruby wants to sleep, let's let her sleep Yang. After all, maybe it'll be better for her tomorrow." I say, getting a nod from the blonde beauty in front of me as she moves over to lay her head on my lap after I change from a lotus position to just crossing them over one another. (You know, the kind that all us kids were taught in elementary school, "crisscross applesauce".) When she does this, my left hand immediately goes to brushing strands of her hair. This is another thing that's between the two of us. I'm pretty much the only person, besides her family, that Yang allows to touch her hair. If anyone else does it, they can expect to be blasted away by Yang's weapons, or just her punches.
As I continue, the two of us listen as Ruby's breathing gets deeper, indicating that she's fallen asleep. When this happens, Yang pushes herself up and looks down at her younger sister with a small smile. "I'm so proud of her." Yang says, myself smiling a bit as I look at Ruby with Yang.
"I am too. To think Ruby, your 15 year old sister, is being bumped ahead to Beacon by two years… It really says a lot about her, doesn't it?" I ask Yang, getting a nod in response as the blonde beauty moves a strand of hair from Ruby's eyes, and then turns to look at me.
"Thanks for helping her, Zach. It really means a lot to me." She thanks me, making me smile in response.
"Hey, Ruby is like a younger sister to me, of course I'd help her… Though, the fact that you kinda left both of us on our own when you went off with your other friends didn't exactly help." I tell her, making her give a nervous chuckle in response, before she stops and crawls towards me. And when I say crawl, I mean the slow, deliberate crawl. As in, on her hands and knees with a glint in her eyes.
"Well… I suppose I'll just have to find a way to make it up to the two of you." She says, before she reaches me and pushes herself onto her knees, her hands resting on my shoulders as she presses her breasts against my chest. "And I think I know of one way to repay you Zach." She whispers in my ear, making me give a small smirk. Once again, Yang is demonstrating that she isn't one to mince words. Though, the fact that there are a whole bunch of other students around us kinda takes away from the mood.
"Well beautiful, it's unfortunate that there are a whole lot of people around then." I whisper back. Man, in case you couldn't tell, I'd have to say that Yang's done a great job of getting my social problems solved… Or it could just be that it's now close to midnight, and my male hormones, added to how Yang is currently acting, is causing me to act like this… Yeah, I'm gonna go with the second one. However, hormones helping me aside, Yang simply pulls away slightly and gives me a smirk.
"Oh well, I guess instead I'll just have to give you a promise for later." She says with a playful shrug, before leaning in and kissing me. And not on the cheek either. Oh no, this is a full blown kiss on the lips, which Yang proceeds to add her tongue to a few seconds later. Needless to say, I was a bit shocked, and Yang uses it to her advantage as she presses against me a bit more, her barely covered breasts pressing against my shirtless chest as her hands rest on my shoulder, and she moans lightly into the kiss. She pulls away a few seconds later, both of us with red faces due to lack of oxygen. However, Yang is sporting a triumphant grin as she pulls away completely, and sits down on her sleeping bag. "Remember Zach, that's just a promise." She tells me with a wink, before getting into her sleeping bag, and turning to face her sister.
In response, I continue to sit there in surprise for a few seconds, before letting a quiet chuckle escape my lips. "Well then, I look forwards to how the promise turns out beautiful." I reply with a small smile on my face, before getting into my own sleeping bag, and falling asleep a few seconds later.
Unfortunately, my dreams are not as happy as my times with Yang are…
Author's Note Part 2: Alright! So… Writer's Block after Finals week is a bitch… Yeah, as it turns out, last week was filled with taking Finals, and studying for Finals, and then this weekend was taken up with me trying to find the motivation to actually write. As I stated in the first Author's Note, I ended up re-writing that Author's Note, and the first part of this chapter, around 5 times. You have Writers Block to thank for that… Although, I feel like part of it is my brain trying to finally calm down from taking Finals, and thus I had trouble with everything else.
Anyways, for those of you who can guess how I've written out Zach, congratulations! You've found out a single chapter (Possibly two) before everyone else! However, like I said earlier, I'm gonna ask you guys to not write in your guesses in the reviews, since I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. So if you could hold off until I actually give it away that would be great. Now, I'm sure that almost all of you have noticed the scenes that I took out of this. That's because I've included Zach into the story. So, because I made Zach stop Ruby from falling into Weiss's luggage, Weiss doesn't hate Ruby at the moment, just dislike her for what she almost did. Because of this, she didn't yell at Ruby during the ceremony, and because Ruby didn't blow up due to the Dust that Weiss has, she doesn't know Blake at the moment.
So as you can see, I've only incorporated small changes to the plot. However, because Rooster Teeth has made it so that most of the time that Team RWBY spends at the academy isn't gone over, I'll be doing a few original chapters that will just take place during regular school days. Now, you guys don't need to worry! I'm not gonna have it so that the classes are literally like classes in school, I'd say that everyone already has, or had, enough of that during their lives. So instead, I'll only go over classes that they have where interesting things happen. Such as after the fighting classes are introduced in the series during Volume 1, I'll be adding them into my own original chapters.
But, I think that's about it for now. So, here's the Bio for Zach that I promised you guys earlier. Note that I won't be going over everything, since most of it will be revealed over time, and I don't want to give everything away at the get-go.
Name: Zach ******
Age: 17
Appearance: Caucasian skin, blue-grey eyes, brown hair that's styled to look messy.
Outfit: Black combat boots that reach up to his mid-calf area, blue jeans, a white button-up T-shirt, and a grey zip-up hoodie.
Other clothing: N/A
Weapon: N/A
Semblance: N/A
Fighting Class: N/A
Background: N/A
Personality: At first, Zach is very subdued around other people, with the only two that he willingly interacts with being Ruby Rose, and Yang Xiao Long, the two half-sisters. It appears to have something to do with a mixture of both his Semblance, as well as his past. And every student, and possibly adult, seems to know about what it is.
However, Yang eventually had enough with what was happening and what it did to him, and talked to Zach about his personality around other people during the first day that her, Zach and Ruby attended Beacon. She managed to get through to him, and it appeared that little by little, he started to come out of his shell. (Though, Zach argues that it was simply his hormones due to the time of night, mixed with how Yang was acting, that allowed him to become "himself" around other people.)
It is unclear how his personality will continue through the rest of his time at Beacon, but for now, he is trying his best to work past his social problems.
Well guys, I think that's all for this chapter. So thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this, and I hope to see you all in the next chapter, where we finally get to an actual action sequence, and a bit more will be revealed about Zach. Including his weapon! Until then guys!
(Updated July 25th, 2015: Well guys, I've now returned to this story once again! Granted, it hasn't really been that long, but after getting your wisdom teeth removed, a nearly three weeks feels like an eternity.
Anyways, not that much was edited in this chapter, just a few grammar mistakes, as well as details being changed. The only change that I'm sure is the most noticeable is that I've typed out weapons in Bold now, simply because I feel like it will make sense for when certain words are uppercase, while others aren't. But, besides that, there will probably be other, more noticeable changes in later chapters.)