Jack's heart soared. It was really Carly! He took a step forward to meet her, and had to quickly backpedal. Oh right, no floor… His heart plummeted to his toes.
"Thank goodness you're all right!" Carly sighed. She was a tad irritated still, Jack had allowed his ambitions to cloud his judgement, but at least he was okay.
Greiger, Mara, Max, Lise and Yusei filed into the underground chamber. What was left of it, at least. They didn't have much of a staircase to stand on.
"What's happening?" Max asked. Despite the quietness of his voice, it echoed across the mostly empty chamber.
"Well…" Jack's eyes darted to Carly for help. She crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows expectantly. Jack might not have the ability to communicate telepathically with her, like Lise and Yusei did, but he knew she was just as upset with him as the others. With good reason too. "I was looking for more power, and…I found it…"
"Lemme guess," Lise said, voice dripping with sarcasm. She looked better than she had in the tunnel, most likely due to finally being able to suppress the Crimson Dragon's power. "You have to beat that little fire demon or you're fucked?"
"Pretty much."
"Don't forget, Jackie," Familiar waggled his finger at his opponent. "If you lose, the Crimson Devil gets to claim your body as his own!"
"I love you, man," Yusei said, staring down at his friend. "But really?"
"Okay, I get it! I messed up!" Jack grumbled. "I got myself into this mess, and I'll get myself out of it."
"Good," Carly's scathing expression softened into an encouraging smile. "We'll be here with you the entire way."
"Oh, that's where you're wrong," Familiar broke into a malevolent grin.
"What?" Jack felt cold despite the warmth of the flaming torches. This wasn't good.
The statue behind Familiar glowed golden-red. Cracks began to form, warping down the statue like the fingers of lightning strikes. Blackened-reddish coils erupted from the dark pit below.
Lise shoved Greiger back towards the door. "You have to leave!"
Yusei coaxed Max and Mara on too. "Take them and get out of here!"
Familiar giggled and extended his hand. "I don't think so!" A cyclone of wind and dark power burst out of his fiery palm. The cyclone hit the wall above the door. The wall caved in, raining stones down over the door.
Greiger, Carly, Lise, and Yusei made sure Max and Mara weren't hurt. But their one exit route was gone.
"Or we could stay here," Lise laughed nervously. This just went from bad to worse.
And it's about to get a whole lot worse! Yusei pointed at the black and red coils coming for them.
Jack looked on in horror as his friends fended off the coils. Familiar stood, grinning and waiting. Everyone in this room was trapped already, but making Jack miserable just made his job all the more fun.
Lise punched another coil out of her way. Her fists crackled with orange chi lightning. She and her fellow Signers couldn't use the Crimson Dragon's power, but she could still defend herself. Greiger had pushed Max and Mara behind him, his massive body acting as their shield. It was harder for the coils to scoop up someone so small, and with their backs to the wall. Carly wasn't really a fighter, but she wasn't opposed to stomping on the coils trying to slither up her ankles. Yusei batted away a coil, annoyed at their persistency.
"Talk about advanced alleyway fighting," Yusei commented dryly when their efforts brought him back to back with Lise.
"Think of it as an extreme group project," Lise suggested, axe-kicking a coil trying to sneak its way around behind Carly.
Yusei made a disbelieving sound with his mouth. "One that ends better than our previous 'group projects.'"
"Call them off!" Jack shouted at Familiar. "This isn't necessary!"
"But it is," Familiar snickered. "Your friends are just as trapped as you are, but it's your fault!" He shrugged, spreading his hands. "And I just can't risk the Crimson Dragon making a guest appearance. You know how she likes to help."
"Everybody still doing okay?" Yusei asked, checking in with the others.
"Oh, you know," Carly swallowed thickly, trying to mask her fear with humor. "Hanging in there."
"I don't think they're after us so much as the three of you," Greiger said. Max and Mara had done as they were told, and stayed hidden. Even though they were terrified, they trusted their brother.
"Can't imagine why," Lise muttered darkly. She sliced a coil going after Carly in half with a well-placed knife hand.
"Thanks," Carly let out a breath of relief.
"No problem."
Carly wasn't sure what to do. They couldn't keep this up, and the little fire thing wasn't going to call whatever these things were off. Something had to give, and judging by how little stairway they had, the odds were not in their favor. Carly's eyes fell on one of the reddish coils that looked like it had come from the back wall. It had traveled in between Max and Mara's feet, behind Greiger, and behind herself as well, and Yusei. And it was headed…
"Lise!" Carly cried out. "Below you!"
But it was too late. The coil jumped Lise, wrapping her up in seconds, and pinning her arms to her chest. "No! Lemme go!" Lise struggled to break free, but it was hard without her arms. The coil started pulling her away, sweeping past everyone else to trip them. With everyone sprawling, there was no one to help Lise. Her sneakers dragging along the stairs didn't stop the coil from yanking her away either.
"NO!" Yusei pushed to his feet mid-sprint, and ran down the stairs, two at a time. He reached for Lise's foot, he could make it, she was right there! But then she was out of reach, and he was falling.
Carly snagged Yusei's coat before he could fall into the pit below. Yusei had all the momentum, so they both would have gone down if Greiger hadn't grabbed Carly by the back of her vest. All three made it back to relative safety of the staircase.
"One down," Familiar grinned at Lise's struggles as she was brought beside him.
"Let me go right now, you shitty excuse for a fucking candle!" Lise spat, her fists clenched. If looks could kill…
"Not happening. Jackie needs to learn after all."
"Bullshit!" Yusei roared. His hands were clenched into fists. Usually a more mellow person, Yusei was not having it today. "Let her fucking go, or I'll break you!"
Even Carly took a step back from him. "Whoa…"
"Let the Crimson Dragon go?" Familiar pretended to be appalled, clutching pearls style. With his other hand, he used a flaming finger to wrench Lise's face forward by her chin. "I don't think you understand how this game works. The Crimson Devil will be more than happy to have the Crimson Dragon as a sacrifice." Familiar sneered particularly nastily. "Or even a queen."
Yusei's knuckles cracked. Familiar was lucky an endless pit separated him from Yusei. Jack grimaced, watching their exchange, and the rage in Yusei's eyes. He was already worried about putting Carly in danger. He'd have a lot of apologizing to do later to Lise, Yusei, and Greiger and the kids. Assuming he made it out of this.
Familiar snickered, letting Lise's chin go. Her head dropped. She hadn't expected him to be done so soon. But when she lifted her head, she understood why. "Behind you!"
Another coil pounced on Yusei. In seconds he was stuck. Arms pinned to his sides. Yusei's struggles proved just as fruitful as Lise's.
"And that's two for two!" Familiar giggled, clapping maniacally along with his twisted dance. "That means no Crimson Dragon help for you, Jackie!" Familiar pointed.
"That's enough!" Jack swiped his arm through the air. "I won't let you toy with me or my friends! They weren't interfering!"
"Oh Jack, power is more than having the most. It's about utilizing the tools you have to crush the will to live and fight on in your opponent!"
"No…" Jack's violet eyes flickered over to Carly's for a second.
"Observe," Familiar snapped his fingers.
The coils trapping Lise and Yusei loosened. "Huh?" It wasn't to exact mercy. The coils stretched so that there was more length by their captives' faces. With the extra length, they tightened around Lise and Yusei's throats.
Greiger lowered to hold his siblings close. He had to make sure they wouldn't see this. Whatever happened, Jack was in for more than just a duel. This was psychological torture.
"Stop?" Familiar cocked his head innocently. Lise and Yusei were turning red. It only seemed to make Familiar happier. "Why would I?" He extended his hand, palm out. Another cyclone of darkness erupted out of his extended digits.
A cyclone that hit Carly square in the chest. She screamed, slamming into the wall behind her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she crumpled into a heap on the staircase.
"Carly! CARLY!" Jack screamed. She wasn't moving, and she'd been hurt. Because of me! Carly! Please, you have to be all right!
"Please…" Jack sank to his knees. "Please stop…"
Familiar licked his lips. It was as if he was tasting Jack's desperation and despair. He liked it a little too much. "That's better. I like to see my Master's future body grovel." He snapped his fingers again.
Just in time. Lise and Yusei had started turning blue. The coils retreated, joining the others wrapped around their captives' shoulders.
"You two okay?" Jack asked tentatively.
"Define okay…" Lise murmured in between her coughs.
Yusei offered a weak nod.
Jack returned the gesture. "And Carly?"
Greiger was gently ascertaining the damage. He propped Carly up against the wall in a more comfrtoable sitting position. "She'll be all right. Hitting her head knocked her out."
Now Jack allowed himself a moment to relax. He needed to catch his breath. This fucker fights dirty! I won't allow him to continue to hurt my friends, especially Carly. I have to win this duel.
"Now I remember who you are!" Greiger glared at the Familiar and the statue behind him. "The Crimson Dragon is an Earthbound Immortal! An Immortal sealed away in its geoglyph an additional five thousand years before the others. The Immortal that fought the Crimson Dragon to exhaustion is Scar-Red Nova!"
"You figured it out," Familiar smirked. "The Earthbound Immortal even the Dark Signers couldn't use is my Master."
Jack's hands had started shaking. He swallowed. What is this fear that I have?
"Scary isn't it? Because the Crimson Devil will revive soon!"
At Familiar's words, the earth began to shake. Max and Mara clung to Greiger. Lise bit down on one of her hands to keep from screaming the pain was so much. Her head felt like it was splitting in two. Just like it felt whenever a Dark Signer summoned the Earthbound Immortals.
Above ground, purple flames ripped across the surface of the Nazca Lines. In the dark sky, the same geoglyph blazed in the sky. The Dark Sign geoglyph of Scar-Red Nova.
Jack: 1600
Familiar: 4000
Jack took a long, deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. It is not ending here. It can't. I have to win this. "I'm not giving in. It's my turn!"
"Before you get going," Familiar snapped his fingers again.
The top coil restraining both Lise and Yusei unfurled, and curled back around their mouths. Familiar smiled as Lise and Yusei both made muffled sounds of protest.
Jack's eyes narrowed. He would not allow himself to be deterred by Familiar's tricks. "Was that really necessary?"
Familiar shrugged. "They can see my cards."
"Fine then. I summon Dark Resonator!"
"A tuner," Greiger frowned. "He's still using power."
"Level five Big Piece Golem and level three Dark Resonator tuning! I synchro summon my very soul, Red Dragon Archfiend!"
"It's appeared! Your ace monster!"
"Red Dragon Archfiend, attack directly!"
"Can he defeat the Devil's power?" Max whispered. Mara took his hand and squeezed. She didn't have an answer for her brother.
"Absolute power force!"
"No matter what trick you pull, the result will be the same! Due to the effect of Yomi Boat Watchman in my graveyard, I can special summon one monster with Yomi in its name if a monster declares an attack. Appear now, Yomi Frontier Guard! And I destroy all of my own monsters due to Yomi Ghoul's effect. If Yomi Frontier Guard is destroyed, it ends the battle phase and inflicts eight hundred points of damage!"
Jack: 800
Familiar: 4000
"Turn end," Jack said.
"Destroying his own monster, ending the Battle Phase, and inflicting damage to the opponent. What a perfect combo."
Greiger nodded at Mara. "In the next turn, if the combo connects, Jack will be at zero lifepoints."
"Jack…" Max whispered.
"My turn! I draw! And I end again." Familiar winked and stretched as if he had all the time in the world. "I've got nothing to do, after all."
"Then it's my turn," Jack peeked at his new card. "I attack you directly with Red Dragon Archfiend!"
Lise and Yusei's gasps were muffled. Yet their wide eyes clearly showed their fear. Jack wouldn't throw away all their lives and his own, right?
"Interesting. I'll play along with you! When a monster declares attack, I special summon Yomi Frontier Guard to my field due to Yomi Boat Watchmen's effect."
Jack plucked a card from his hand. "When a monster was special summoned during the battle phase, I can special summon Extra Veiler from my hand!"
Jack's new monster resembled a bull fighter. He carried a red flag and sword. His clothes were tightly fitting and crisp to match his big, black hat. Blue hair fell down his back in a clean braid.
(Extra Veiler: Atk: 600 Def: 200)
Familiar laughed. "What can you do with that monster? Yomi Frontier Guard is destroyed due to Yomi Ghoul's effect in my graveyard. Battle phase is skipped, and I inflict eight hundred points of damage."
"Extra Veiler's effect activates!" Jack countered. "This turn I return back the damage you inflicted!"
Jack: 800
Familiar: 3200
"I set one card face down and end my turn. Extra Veiler that hasn't attacked is destroyed due to Red Dragon Archfiend's effect in the end phase."
"A counter attack," Mara whispered breathlessly.
"And inflicted damage back," Greiger added.
Max blinked down at his hero. "He changed his style?"
Familiar curled his hands together. "Don't you understand my feelings? For you alone to reach this place, it's impossible. The Crimson Devil knows it too. Even if you change your way of fighting, Jack Atlas, you can't beat me or my master. Just fight like you always do and become one with the Crimson Devil!"
"Don't listen to him, Jack!"
"Oh, she's awake," Mara offered Carly her hand.
Carly smiled at the young girl and took her hand. She was a little wobbly, but stood up. Her dark eyes were narrowed directly at her boyfriend. "Don't listen, Jack, because if you lose, I'll defeat you myself!"
Jack couldn't help but smile. I think I finally understand why Yusei always says being 'killed' by his love would be an honor. "I'd look forward to it."
Carly rolled her eyes. She was smiling though. "Just stick it to this Crimson Devil, would you?"
"Promise," Jack nodded. He pointed dramatically at Familiar. "Tell your master that he can't do as he wishes anymore!"
Familiar rolled his eyes. "I can't hear you!" he taunted. "But my Master doesn't appreciate your defiance!"
The statue glowed brighter. Power burst out of the statue like a shockwave. There was nothing for Jack to hang on to atop his tiny rock of an island. The outburst sent him flying.
"Jack!" All his friends shouted out his name, even Lise and Yusei did what they were capable of.
Luckily, Jack reached out just in time. His right hand grasped the edge of the rocky island, his body dangling haphazardly.
"Even if you put your life on the line, you'll still lose! Eventually, your body would become one with the Crimson Devil!"
Jack grit his teeth. He started the climb back up.
"I'm okay, Carly," he responded as calmly as he could. I refuse to let her worry even more. "I'll find a way out. It won't end here." With one final heave he was back atop the rock island on his feet. "I won't lose! As long as my soul burns, I'll fight! Even if you catch me, my soul will burn even more!"
Greiger clapped a comforting hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "The undying spirit: Burning Soul! I remember! The Crimson Devil doesn't only fear the Crimson Dragon. There was a legendary Signer called Burning Soul."
"Huh?" Carly blinked at him.
"Ten thousand years ago, when the Crimson Dragon and Earthbound Immortals fought, the strongest Immortal was Crimson Devil Scar-Red Nova. He fought the Crimson Dragon to a stand-still, and then a man appeared from the depths. He was known as Burning Soul. When they fought each other, a miracle happened! He took on the power of the Crimson Dragon alone, defeated and sealed the Crimson Devil away. The undying spirit, Burning Soul's descendant…maybe it's Jack…"
"Burning Soul…" Carly repeated, weighing the words in her mouth. She clenched her fists, nostrils steaming. "Sounds like an amazing scoop!"
"Appear now, Crimson Devil!" Jack demanded.
Familiar waggled his finger patronizingly. "Don't be so over confident! After all, you're no match against the Crimson Devil! It's my turn, and I'll end with a facedown."
"My turn."
"Trap card open! Battle Mania! This turn, all monsters who can attack must attack!"
Jack wasn't deterred. "I summon Synchro Gunner!"
(Synchro Gunner: Atk: 0 Def: 0)
The little steampunk monster resembled a robotic ghostbuster. It was ready to attack or bust ghosts. Whatever came first.
"Synchro Gunner's effect activates! I remove a synchro monster from play and inflict six hundred points of damage to my opponent! I remove Red Dragon Archfiend! Feel my dragon's soul!"
Out of Synchro Gunner's vacuum gun, Red Dragon Archfiend's form burst out in a fiery wall of wrath! Familiar could do nothing to stop the effect.
Jack: 800
Familiar: 2600
All right! Lise grinned behind her gag. He's fighting back!
Yusei was smiling too. That's right, be smart about your offense!
Carly literally jumped for joy. "Way to go, Jack!"
"On the turn this effect is activated, the battle phase is skipped," Jack added. "Then the monster removed from play returns to my field during the standby phase."
"How dare you," Familiar clenched his fists. "UNFORGIVABLE!"
Jack ignored Familiar tantrum. He had to get his friends out of trouble. "Trap card open, Nightmare Demon's. I release Synchro Gunner from my field, and special summon three Nightmare Demon tokens to your field!"
"When Nightmare Demon tokens are destroyed, you take eight hundred points of damage for each of them!"
"What should I do? There's Yomi Ghoul in my graveyard!" Familiar danced around as crazily as the tokens. Lise and Yusei's coils had to move them out of the way to make room for his tantrum.
"All of your monsters are destroyed," Jack said.
Familiar screamed as all three tokens went up in smoke. All because of his own combo.
Jack: 800
Familiar: 200
Max gasped, pointing. "He's at two hundred lifepoints!"
Greiger nodded. "He got past the Yomi combo."
"Any more of this and the Crimson Devil won't forgive you!" Familiar screeched. "You'll be burned with flames of rage!"
The statue glowed brightly again. Stones from the shockwave of force flew at Jack. He refused to budge, using his duel disk to shield his face.
"My turn," Familiar snarled once the glow had died down. "I remove from play Yomi Ghoul, Yomi Frontier Guard, and Yomi Boat Watchman from my graveyard to special summon King of Yomi Mictlancoatl!"
(King of Yomi Mictlancoatl: Atk: 3800 Def: 3000)
The new monster resembled a grotesque perversion of Quetzalcoatl.
"Feel the wrath of the Crimson Devil!"
The statue glowed again, throwing more stones at Jack. He was being pushed and further to the edge…
"Look!" Max pointed at the wall behind the statue.
Big, yellow eyes stared out from behind the statue. Eyes connected to a large red body that was waiting to burst out from the confines of the statue's seal!
"King of Yomi Mictlancoatl, attack Jack Atlas directly!"
"Trap open: Screen Reflector! Monsters with two thousand attack or more can't declare an attack!"
Familiar was eager to end things. "Then I activate King of Yomi Mictlancoatl's effect! Once per turn, I can destroy one face up card and inflict six hundred points of damage to my opponent! I destroy Screen Reflector!"
Jack: 200
Familiar: 200
Carly winced. "Their lifepoints are the same now."
"I activate the continuous spell Magical Martial Law from my hand! By sending three monsters with the same name to the graveyard, until the next turn in my end phase, you can't activate spell cards! I send three Bewitched Butterflies to the graveyard!"
"Those are the cards in Max's deck from before! This is all the Crimson Devil's doing! We've been used!" Greiger gasped.
"Turn end."
The chamber rumbled ominously. The yellow eyes of the Crimson Devil stared hungrily at Jack.
"The ritual is reaching its end! You will become one with my monster and your friends will become sacrifices!" The Devil's massive, red hands burst through the wall. His face quickly followed.
"Whoa!" Carly blurted, eyes wide.
"My master says there's nothing in your hand that can stop us, Jack Atlas!"
The stairs beneath Carly's feet began to give way. "Quick! Back up the steps!"
"Carly! Greiger! Max! Mara!"
"We're okay!" Carly called out to him through the falling stone ceiling. "Finish the duel!"
"Time for the climax of our ritual!"
"I've had enough of you capturing, torturing, and hurting my friends!" Jack growled. "Our bonds are strong! As long as I'm standing here, my soul will burn, and I will get us out of this!"
Carly smiled, her cheeks flushed a little. "Jack…"
"The match has been decided, fool!" Familiar snickered. "My master will take everything!"
"My soul won't be taken so easily!" Jack placed his fist over his heart. "Don't you forget! My soul will come back to me!" His fist began to glow, a glow that burst into dancing flames. "My soul…return to me!" Jack's ace monster came back due to Synchro Gunner's ability.
"So what? My master won't forgive you anymore!"
"I can feel it! My fiery soul!"
"No way!"
"My undying spirit!"
"Just like the legendary man!" Mara clapped her hands together.
"It's my…turn!" Jack's flaming hand drew his card.
"I won't let you! I won't let you!"
The roof caved in. Massive chunks of earth and rock hurtled straight for Jack!
"Oh no!"
Jack and Yusei's Signer marks began to glow. Lise grinned, looking down at her glowing palms as the rest of her body followed.
"Uh oh," Familiar whimpered. He started backing away, wringing his wrists.
Yusei smiled behind his gag. Lise in full on glow mode was terrifying. In a good way.
In a flash of red light the binding coils were obliterated. Lise stepped into freedom with a smile, eyes and body glowing a warm, bright red. "Uh oh is right." Her expression turned fierce. "Now get the fuck outta my way." She practically bitch slapped the coils trying to recapture her on her way to free Yusei. Familiar didn't try to stop her.
"Thanks for the save," Yusei said the moment he was free. "Shall we give Jack a hand too?"
"Follow me," Lise smiled, taking his hand as she morphed into full on dragon mode.
In the Crimson Dragon's form, she stood behind Jack. They had given each other strength to free themselves, to win, and it was Jack's turn now. Yusei was right there too, sitting on the Crimson Dragon's back.
"It's protecting us," Greiger said.
Carly cupped her hands into a megaphone. "Take the win so we can go home, Jack!"
"By removing Synchro Gunner, in this standby phase Red Dragon Archfiend is revived! When there is a synchro monster on my field, I can special summon the tuner monster Creation Resonator!"
(Creation Resonator: Atk: 800 Def: 600)
Creation Resonator was similar to its brethren Dark Resonator. Except this monster carried a large electric fan on its back.
"Next, I summon the tuner Attack Gainer!"
Attack Gainer was like a small child wearing armor. The reds, whites, and greens made for an iconic costume.
(Attack Gainer: Atk: 0 Def: 0)
"Level eight Red Dragon Archfiend, level one Attack Gainer, and level three Creation Resonator double tune!"
"Is that possible?!" Greiger gasped.
"Double tune?!" Carly whipped out her camera. I've gotta get this on tape!
"With my undying soul's power, once again the Crimson Devil shall be sealed away!" Jack raised his hand to take his new power; a new advanced synchro monster!
"What in the world?" Familiar had lost all control. His captives were gone, and he was about get creamed. "It can't be! It can't be! It can't be!"
The Crimson Devil's form began to fade, as if it couldn't maintain its corporeal body.
"Crimson Devil, I will take all your power! The ruler and the devil become one with my wild soul to shake the heavens! I synchro summon… Scar-Red Nova Dragon!"
(Scar-Red Nova Dragon: Atk: 3500 Def: 3000)
Jack's new ultimate monster was definitely a more advanced Red Dragon Archfiend. The dragon's multiple wings, and even its legs, were adorned with flame patterns.
"Uh oh…" Familiar whimpered again. Now he was really in trouble!
"Scar-Red Nova Dragon's effect activates! For every tuner monster in my graveyard, it gains five hundred attack points! I have four tuner monsters in my graveyard, so Scar-Red Nova Dragon's attack rises by two thousand and becomes five thousand five hundred!"
"Th-That's impossible!"
"I've reached the ultimate power thanks to you! This is my new fighting soul! Scar-Red Nova Dragon, attack King of Yomi Mictlancoatl! Burning Soul!"
Jack: 200
Familiar: 0
The statue couldn't handle the force of the attack. It fell forward, crushing its servant beneath it. And that wasn't the only thing collapsing. The stairs and Jack's stone island fell away. Their occupants began to fall into the pit below, along with the remains of the chamber.
The Crimson Dragon had it handled though. She swooped down, catching everyone in her mouth and claws.
The shrine was destroyed. Now only stairs to nowhere and rubble. The Crimson Dragon had deposited all its passengers, minus Lise and Yusei safely to the ground. Jack, Carly, Greiger, Max and Mara were all okay. Everything seemed to be right, back to normal.
Jack was the first to rise. He caught the Crimson Dragon curling into the clouds of the blue sky above.
"Shame about the shrine, Greiger," Jack said. "I apologize for putting you all at risk."
"Don't worry about," Greiger sighed. He pulled his siblings close. "We brought you here to lead you to your doom, apparently!"
Jack smiled. "We'll call it even."
They shook hands.
"Glad we all made it out alive," Carly got to her feet, brushing dust off her.
"Carly!" Jack rushed over, taking her hands in his. His violet eyes met her dark brown eyes. "I'm so sorry for putting you in danger like that. I was selfish and impulsive, and I'm sorry."
"I appreciate you saying that," Carly smiled. She aimed a good kick at Jack's ankle.
"That was for making me worry!"
"I admit I deserved that," Jack grunted.
"And this is for being brave and sweet," Carly tugged gently on Jack's hair to pull him low enough for a kiss.
Jack flushed pink. "I could get used to this."
"Where are Lise and Yusei?" Mara put her hand up to block the sunlight to search the sky.
"Good question…"
The Crimson Dragon might have over shot on how high she climbed before giving Lise her body back. As the dragon's body disappeared beneath him, Yusei realized he and Lise were hurtling through the air. And Lise was left unconscious.
Their hair whipped upwards in the roaring wind rushing past. At least the sky was blue again. Yusei could see Lise falling just out of reach.
"Lise! We're falling!" Yusei struggled to reach her. "Lise, you've gotta wake up!"
Her brows squished together. Maybe even unconscious she could sense something wasn't right. Finally, Yusei managed to snag her hand. "Lise, come on, please wake up!"
The ground was getting closer and closer.
"Preferably before we die!"
Lise's eyes snapped open. She grasped Yusei's hand tightly, pulling him closer. Her right hand swept outward as the ground came up to meet them. In seconds the two of them were landing safely on their feet in the dusty desert.
"Well, that was a rude awakening," Lise said, catching her breath.
"You all right?" Yusei wasn't ready to let go of her hand yet. He wasn't ready to join the others just yet either.
"Yeah, good thing that was one of my better landings. Much better than when I got shot."
Yusei rolled his eyes. "God that was scary. Wish I'd been there to carry you or something."
"Again with that?" Lise raised an eyebrow at him. "Where is this coming from?"
"I've been keeping track, and most of the time you're unconscious so…"
Lise blinked at him. He wore a mischievous smile she'd been seeing more and more often. "What're you-"
And then Yusei was pulling her up off her feet into his arms. Lise laughed, letting him spin her around a little. "You ass."
"I'm just glad we're okay, and I'm celebrating!" Yusei teased. "I'm still trying to figure out if it's better to hold you while you're unconscious or conscious."
"Oh my god," Lise rolled her eyes. Her arms reached around Yusei's shoulders. "You're conducting a science experiment?"
"An informal one," Yusei teased. "But I'm kinda biased because-"
He never finished his sentence. He didn't mind either. Lise's lips demanded his full attention. His hands tightened under Lise's knees and her back. Lise smiled into their kiss, her thumb brushing against Yusei's tiny triangle mark.
"Conscious," Yusei breathed when they finally broke off. "Definitely conscious."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
After napping on the couch in Lise and Yusei's case, and Greiger insisted everyone stay until dinner, it was time for Jack, Carly, Yusei, and Lise to leave.
"Don't forget, you're all welcome any time," Greiger said.
Lise waved at Mara, then Max. "It was good to see you again!"
"Yeah! Come again soon!" Mara's dark eyes lit up.
"Don't joke around," Jack said cuttingly. "Who wants to go through all that trouble again?" He winked at the kids. He was kidding.
"Jack!" Max came right up to his hero. "From now on, I'll believe in my own deck! If I believe, someday I could make a deck like my King!"
"Yeah, I'll look forward to it. Someday, we'll fight with the decks we believe in. For that, I'll definitely come here again!"
"You're such a softie," Carly chuckled. She climbed aboard his duel runner behind him.
Jack chuckled too. "Don't tell anyone." He brought one of Carly's hands to his lips before driving off first.
Lise saluted them, flying off last behind Jack and Yusei. "Until next time!"
Once Greiger's house was out of sight, Yusei spoke up. "Jack, you've gained a new power too."
Jack nodded. "I took the Crimson Devil's power for my own."
"With Clear Mind, Burning Soul, and Ashes to Phoenix, we're that much closer to crushing Yliaster," Lise said solemnly. But she wasn't about to lose her good mood. They could think about that when they made it back to New Domino City. "Don't forget we're staying an extra day at Master Terra's!"
"Right! It'll be nice to see her again," Carly grinned. The hidden dojo and grounds were beautiful. Plenty of time to draft her new scoop, double check her photos, and maybe spend some alone time with Jack.
"Lead the way," Yusei nodded up to Lise. Their smiles mirrors of each other.
(Blasted out another chapter! Just had to get this one off my chest because I loved all the small ideas I had for this chapter. I couldn't wait to get them all out on the page!
Remember, stay safe, healthy, and do what you can to help. You can go to youtube and watch several stream to donate videos available on youtube to passively donate to BLM movement! A little goes a long way, so we each need to do our part to help!
Once again, to all my readers, thank you so much for your reviews, comments, and just continuing to read my writing over the years. It can be hard and laborious on both fronts, but we're here together to come to the end of this story. So thank you. Cheers!)