Greetings, my beloved readers.
I understand it has been quite some time since the last time I updated you guys, and for that I apologize. Yes, you are reading that correctly; the great and mighty Arthenius is apologizing to you. I have grown significantly as a person since the last time that I spoke with you, and through an extended period of self reflection I realized how melodramatic and immature I was every time I addressed my viewer base. You can anticipate significantly less of that moving forward.
And, yes, there will be a moving forward. Due to recent developments in my career, I will be spending an exorbitant amount of time in the car and will have nothing better to do but develop my stories. I am currently working out the kinks of a speech to text app so that I can write even while I am driving, which will be a large portion of each of my days. Unfortunately, I have to verbalize every instance of punctuation that I would like to use in my writing, which is already becoming tiresome. For example, to write just this sentence, I had to verbally name the punctuation mark every single time for each of my punctuation marks. But, I digress. Let's return our focus to the matter at hand here.
If you are a long time reader of mine then I hope this message reaches you well, because if you have tolerated me for this long then I'm sure that you would be glad to hear that I am returning to writing. I am sure that, as with all things, interest in these stories has declined overtime. Resultantly, I have a question to propose to those of you are reading this: Do you still have the desire to resurrect the older stories, or should I simply move on to something newer? Personally, I think that it would be a shame to leave the existing worlds in the dust, however I do recognize that these characters are upwards of four and five years older, and your attachment to them likely is not as strong as it once was. I am seeking a symbiotic relationship with you and my writing; I want to enjoy writing, and I want you to enjoy what I write.
As such, please comment below or message me privately what your desires are for my writing moving forward. I cannot promise the realization of your desires individually, however it will still be worth your time to tell me what you think because I will be going with a group consensus. Alternatively, if you just wanted to chat or had questions about any of these stories, or even just wanted to welcome me back, my inbox is always open. You may also reach me on Discord, which will henceforth be the best medium of contact for me, at Das#2503. I look forward to hearing from you all