To those who thought that this was an update, I apologize to you all for not updating this story. It's been nearly a year, or at least close to one since I've uploaded the last chapter. That in of itself is far too long, but I've just been so busy with college. I'll be doing things I've never done before, having a roommate for the first time, being on my own, etc. I had planned to finish this story, and maybe one day I will, but multiple things have come up in my life that takes precedence over this story. And I will not lie, I've lost motivation to finish this through laziness to write, not knowing how much more I wanted to put into the story (which I'll get into in a bit), and how to end it. I had already written down ideas that I had wanted to implement, I still love to write, and just that I don't do it anymore for this fanfic let alone website. I'm concentrating more on my art skills for when I'm in college this coming semester, and this may be the last time you all hear from me save for any PMs I may get.
I'll always respond when I can to those, but as for this fic I'm afraid to say that it'll be on (most likely permanent) hiatus. Maybe one day I'll come back to this fic, give it the proper ending it needed that I failed to come to in my own mind. I mentioned earlier that I had wanted to put more into the story before the end, like where it left off with the attack in the latest chapter, what would happen to Ruby, Jaune, Rinaldor, Abell, and everyone else. I even had a rough draft for each little arc as I planned on skipping towards a part where Beacon was taken back. I won't go too much into details as I'll leave it to your own imaginations to think about how the story could have ended from the last point. But after Beacon was retaken back by Vale forces, alongside some outside help, I was going to have the leaders of each Kingdom meet to have them all assault Hedrikon. A big old mass and plan to kill the Grimm King Abell, but where the powers of the Maidens came in, alongside Ruby's eyes, AND the power of the Dark Soul….man there was just so many ideas and paths to take.
In the end, college work, real life, my job, it had all sapped my want to write this fic anymore, not to mention I lost interest in RWBY during Volume 5. Multiple people have told me to watch it anyways, but I just can't force myself to do it. I think that played a larger role as well when I think about it, but regardless maybe if I get back into finishing it I'll come back to this.
Now the last thing I'm going to say, okay second to last, is that if anyone is willing, and I mean truly willing, to try and finish this story then PM me. If you can show the love and dedication that I once had for this to me then I'll tell you all my ideas, share them with you, so that you can carry on the torch. And for anyone and everyone that not only stuck with this story through its small beginning, but left your own comments and criticisms I appreciate all of you. I didn't want to leave this in silence forever as I didn't think that was fair to you all, so I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the love, support, and care that you showed this story and me as a writer. I hope you all have been doing well, I love you all, and may the flames guide your way…
Good luck out there in the world.