It was about a week since Richard had recieved the news that he wasn't the CEO of Pied Piper anymore, and Monica had come over to invite the Pied Piper team to an official dinner by the request of Laura, who wanted a sit-down with the members. Assuming this was to see who was essential on the team and who wasn't, now that Richard wasn't CEO anymore, Raviga would probably bring their own people on in order to benefit the company in the way they deem fit. Moninca then asked to speak to Richard alone, and they both went into the backyard.

"I didn't want to announce it in there but technically, Richard, you're not actually invited. She wants people who are...officially apart of the team. I'm so sorry, I know this really, really sucks."

Despite Monicas genuine concern, Richard wasn't willing to forgive and forget yet.

"Yeah, Monica, I'd say it really does suck. It's fucking embarrasing to be fired from my own company, and I am just..."

He stops talking and rubs his eyes, sighing.

"I am just done. This company has drained me emotionally, physically, and I just, I can't do it anymore. I need time alone, even just 5, minutes, of time to myself. Without Pied Piper."

Monica nodded, she understood the effort that he went through for a company that never showed it's appreciation, and although she didn't want to contribute any more than she had to his pain, she had to ask one more question.

"I know this probably seems like the worst idea right now, and I agree it's going to seem like adding insult to injury, but you should come to the dinner. You're not technically invited, but each member has the option to bring a "date" and assuming not all of them will have one, I think you should go."

Richard opened his mouth slightly in shock and started to laugh, half out of nerves and half out of anger.

"You're kidding me, right? I mean, you, you have to be fucking, kidding me!"

He began to pace back and fourth near the pool, while Monica followed him.

"Just, promise me you'll think about it, okay? Even though Raviga completely screwed you over with this, it's still your company. Well not really, but the future of it still matters. You're the one that makes all of this happen, and you don't want to see it thrown away. I think it's a good idea to see what they have planned."

Richard can remember another time she said things like this when she was urging him to choose Peter Gregory over Gavin Belsons deal, but she still made a fair point. Richard stopped pacing and stood with his hands intertwined behind his head. He sighed and said,

"I'll think about it."

His voice lowered, he turned to Monica and said

"I think you should leave. Please. Now."

She gave him a sympathetic look and said,

"Bye, Richard."

She then made her way to her car out front. Richard covered his eyes, felt a wave of nausea, and threw up on the lawn. His anxiety from the converstation caught up with him, and he was partly relieved that he hadn't done it in front of Monica. He decided to sit on one of the lawn chairs and stare at the sky, thinking over his options. It must have been about 10 minutes when he saw Jared leave the house and start walking over to the pool.

"Richard, are you alright?"