BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ! 'Damn alarm clock' I groan groggily. I attempt to reach it to turn it off and miss half a dozen times before I finally reach the button. Silence fills the room and I sigh in content. I wait another minute before even attempting to get up. Once I find the motivation I sit up and stretch and rub my eyes. I look around the room and notice Haruhi isn't in it nor do I hear her out in the other room. 'That's weird.' I glance at the clock and my eyes get as huge as saucers. The time read 0815 which translates to 8:15 AM…. School starts at 8:30…. It's a twenty minute walk from here to there…. "DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!" I quickly jump out of bed swiftly getting around for school. I get dressed in record time and grab my bag hauling my butt out the door and down the street. Thankfully Dad wasn't home yet from work cause I'm sure he wouldn't have let me leave until I greeted him properly.

I dashed down the streets as fast as my feet would carry me. I ran through people, knocking some down in the process. I got a lot of angry shouts and angry looks but I didn't care. The only thought going through my head at the moment was 'gotta get to school'. Being late isn't such a huge deal if it's not an everyday thing but I was told by the school if I didn't start making it on time I was going to get kicked out. Go thirty days without being late and the school would leave me alone about it. Sounds easy enough, right? Nope. I AM not and will NEVER be a morning person. I'd be late to my own funeral if it gets scheduled before noon. Thankfully luck decided to be on my side for once since I wasn't held up by any red lights or traffic. The school quickly came into view but I couldn't relax yet. I had to make it into my classroom which was on the other side of the building. I only had a left, right, right, left, and right turns before coming to my hallway where my classroom would be. A clock in the third hallway I was running down stated I only had about ninety seconds left before I would be tardy.

I put the last of my strength into my running and somehow made it into the classroom with about ten seconds to spare. I skidded to a stop in front of my desk totally winded from my morning run. "I… made…it." I said aloud huffing and puffing trying to get oxygen back into my body. I slumped into my chair and lay across my desk totally spent.

"Well look who decided to show up on time." The twins snickered. "Thought you were a goner for sure." I was too tired to comment and notice Haruhi looking at me concerned.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I accuse pouting slightly.

"I did. I tried about five different times and someone kept moaning at me to leave them alone so I did." Haruhi defended herself. I roll my eyes at her but knew this was totally my fault. Again, not a morning person.

"Hey, where's the teacher?" I ask noticing that the bell had rung but class hadn't started yet.

"Oh she may have had some car troubles this morning." Hikaru smiles evilly.

"What did you do and why?" I ask suspicious.

"Well we may or may not have let the air out of her tires and unplugged somethings in the engine." Kaoru answered me mirroring Hikaru's smile.

"We didn't think you'd make it on time so we thought we would help you out. School would be way too boring if you got kicked out." The twins synchronized. "So you should be thanking us." I groan out loud and let my head hit my desk making a loud smacking noise. I mumble incoherently at them and they start tugging on me trying to get me to say it out loud.

I lift my head up looking at the two of them who had moved in front of my desk. "….Thanks." I mumble and blush. I quickly put my head back down hiding my cherry red face. "Say that again, we didn't hear you." They tease me.

"Get your ears checked then cause I didn't say nothing." I defend myself.

"Oh come on Ryder, that's not very nice." Twin smirks look down on me totally amused. I just growl at them looking away. I then notice Haruhi giving me an odd stare.

"Hey Ryder… where's your hoodie?" She asks. I give her a confused look.

"Obviously I'm-" I start to answer and feel for the hood of my hoodie and find nothing there. I start to panic. My hoodie is the equivalent of Hani's pink bunny Usa-chan. Without it I feel exposed and unsafe. "Where the hell is it? I never forget it." I start going through my school bag emptying the contents on my desk and the floor surrounding me. The only things I see are books, pencils, pens, erasers, and notebooks. "No, no. No, no, no, no." I shake my head in denial. How could I have forgotten it? I've had that hoodie since forever.

"Hey are you okay?" Kaoru asks me concerned. I give him a blank stare not really sure how to answer that. Thankfully I didn't have to since the teacher decided to show up at that moment.

"Sorry class, I had a bit of car trouble. If you would all turn to page three hundred and ninety four we can get started." I get another concerned glance from the twins and Haruhi but they return to their seats to start the day.

To sum up my entire day in one word would be it sucked. All the girls in close proximity would surround me like vultures commenting on my decision to not wear my hood during nonhosting hours. It's kind of hard to walk when a gazillion people stand in your way and as I tried to out maneuver them I ran into another group of girls carrying a large cake and wound up with chocolate everywhere. Had to then take a shower in the special locker room for the hosts, Kyoya oh so graciously lent me another uniform (meaning he put it on my already impossible debt to pay back), and my hair frizzed up into a giant puffball. Thankfully Kaoru had some hair product on him and he was able to tame the puffball of doom but only after he and Hikaru laughed at my ridiculous form.

Music class was a disaster. We got a new piece to practice on and I kept reading the notes wrong. On top of that two of my strings broke on my violin! The counselor that I have been forced to see decided he was going to try out a new therapy with me… He had me play with random toys and just watched what I did. He would talk if I spoke to him but he was more interested in seeing how I reacted. At first I just stared at him and the toys thinking it was some sort of prank but he insisted and threatened to take out his beloved puppets. Later in the day I find out he was doing a research paper using his "troubled students" as his guinea pigs for whatever he wanted to learn. Then there was the disaster in science class but let's not go into detail about that. Just know something erupted and green goo got cemented on the ceiling plus a few other things.

I big long drawn out sigh was let out by me as I sat on a bench in a deserted hallway. Classes were done for the day and I had a small break before club started. 'It certainly can't get any worse right?' I mentally question depressed. I then hear footsteps approaching my hallway. I don't bother to look who it is hoping they will just pass by me quickly. "There he is!" a male voice exclaimed. "Ryder-kun! We need to talk."

"Hn. Make it snappy." I retort a little peeved as I finally look over to who is approaching me. It was a group of three guys. The one out in front had shaggy sand blonde hair with hazel eyes. The one next to him had short spikey black hair and dark brown eyes while the last guy had brown hair and green eyes. They were all guys from class 1-B.

"Well aren't you all sunshine and rainbows." The guy with black hair snickered. I believe his name was Hiro.

"I'll show you where the sun doesn't shine if -." I growl back threatening but get cut off.

"Now, now. We aren't here to start a fight, right Hiro?" The blonde hair guy named Keiji chided us. "We wanna talk about this-huh where is it?" Keiji tried to pull something out of his pocket but nothing was there. "Raiden do you have it?" The brown hair boy named Raiden silently pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Keiji. "And we wanna talk about this." Keiji unfolded it and shoved it in my face for me to look at. I growl in annoyance and rip it out of his hands. I then start looking over the piece of paper surprised at what I see on it. "We would love it if you would join us being our fourth member."

"Uhh, you do know what this is right?" I ask in disbelief.

"Of course we do! When we heard you playing this song," Hiro starts to sing way off key to the melody of the song he is referring to, "We really liked it so we looked it up, found more like it and then ran across this ad. So we want to participate but know nothing about this so who better to teach us than the person who got us hooked on it." I looked at him like he just grew another head.

"Please Ryder-kun." Keiji pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"We really do need you Ryder-kun." Raiden added upon seeing my hesitation. Once again I let out a big sigh.

"Alright, alright. I'll join. But don't come crying to me when mommy and daddy have a coronary." I responded and got a big collective yes and high fives in return. I shook my head at them knowing I was probably going to regret this but it would be kind of awesome if the results turned out to be amazing. "You guys are gonna have to accommodate my schedule though." They quickly agreed to that and we parted ways.

-Mini time skip to the club-

Today the club decided to day was a good day for cosplay so everyone dressed in kimonos. When Tamaki was going on about mine he was really playing it up to be spectacular. I know why he was, but it still was annoying to hear him yap about it. I looked at Kyoya seeing him ready to argue but I just wasn't in the mood to fight with anyone today so I silently took the garment from Tamaki and went to get changed. Tamaki squealed in delight saying his plan of persuasion worked… that is until the twins shot him down hard and made him depressed. That really got the twins going and they kept making fun of our idiot king. Though when they thought I was out of ear shot the rest of the hosts were murmuring about me concerned.

I stared at the garment for a couple of moments scrutinizing it but it really wasn't that bad. The main colors of my kimono were a deep red and gold. The background was red and the gold was the pattern on the kimono that looked like branches with leaves. I did a once over on my appearance and it looked really good one me. The one thing you can count on with these boys is that they will never steer you wrong in the fashion department. I exited the changing room only to be glomped by my tiny senior Hani. He gave me a small smile before letting go and going to his station with Mori. I headed over to mine waiting for the first customers of the day. Thankfully today I didn't have a lot of girls lined up so I was able to roam around with Haruhi. We were currently by the twin's station hearing the girls coo over their matching kimonos. "Our Mother designed everything the hosts are wearing today. If you see something you like we can take an order for you." Hikaru smiled at his guests. I guess I did have to be on the girl's side today. The two of them did look cute in their outfits. Then again I am biased with the color blue but I'm sure if I said that out loud to them I'd never hear the end of it.

"Our grandmother even helped us put them on." Kaoru smiled. I looked at Haruhi to see if she knew that but she just shrugged her shoulders at me. The both of us must have missed her and now that they are on the subject of their family I am curious as to what they look like. Hikaru gently grabbed Kaoru's face and turned it towards himself and Kaoru started to blush.

"But you know the only one who will be undressing you is me, Kaoru." Hikaru tenderly says.

"Hikaru, you're embarrassing me in front of everybody." Kaoru turns his face away with tears in his eyes. The girls squeal at the fake brotherly love. I just sigh. It still is a little nauseating to see them perform but there's no use in getting bent out of shape over it. If I did they would just intensify their acts. A couple of girls come up to both Haruhi and I.

"Haruhi, Ryder. You both look so cute in your kimonos." The girls say. "Almost like a girl." The last statement was obviously directed at Haruhi since she was wearing a light purple kimono with pink flowers. She really did look adorable.

"Thanks." Haruhi replies for the both of us not really interested.

"Haruhi, Ryder." Now it was Kyoya's turn to speak to us. "You've booked more appointments. It seems you've both had a steady stream of new customers lately. Keep up the good work. I'm not going to charge interest like I normally would so keep this up and you'll be able to pay us back. Although that rental fee for the kimonos you are wearing are nothing to sneeze at." Haruhi gives him a look of despair and I just stare blankly at him. 'So not in the mood for any of this.' I mentally sigh. Kyoya is like a heartless tax collector and unfortunately Haruhi and I made his list. Yay us…

"Oh Kyoya." Another guest appears along with a friend.

"I can't get over how good you look in that kimono." The friend adds on. "Are you planning to release any more picture books of the host club?" I wasn't too happy when I found out Kyoya had been secretly taking pictures of Haruhi and I and selling them to the crazy girls at this school but it is helping us pay back more of our debt so I eventually conceded to let it continue.

"Unfortunately we don't have anything planned at present ladies." Kyoya fake smiles at them. Hikaru and Kaoru overhearing this peek over the wall divider at him.

"But doesn't the club make a lot of money…"Hikaru whispers.

"…from the sale of promotional items?" Kaoru finishes up also whispering. Kyoya then gets out some blurry photos and turns to face the twins.

"That's true but those items were of but poor quality. Those picture books were filled with nothing but amateur hidden camera shots. However if we want to create some higher quality money making products I'm afraid we'd have to draw up from the schools budget." Kyoya answers them getting out a calculator at the end trying to figure it all out. The twins realize their mistake in asking Kyoya about money and quietly slide back down to their side to hide. If it wasn't for Kyoya the host club would have been over before it began. Tamaki has no real leadership qualities and can't understand the meaning of the word budget. Plus with all those sweets Hani eats, it's gotta be expensive.

"Haru-chan, Ry-chan." Hani cried at us. Speaking of the sweets loving senior, he is crying and holding onto one sandal with the other one nowhere to be seen. "I don't know how but I lost one of my sandals!" Haruhi floats over to Hani trying to comfort him.

"But you were just wearing them, weren't you?" She questions.

"Mitsukuni." The tall silent senior Mori intervened. He then grabs Hani's foot and places the sandal back onto its rightful place. "I noticed that you dropped it." Hani then hugs Mori exclaiming his name and crying tears of joy.

"This is seriously creeping me out. Tears certainly are popular today. How can they even cry that easily?" I say to myself and I try to sneak away from everyone. I then bump into Kaoru while lost in thought and notice something fall out of his kimono sleeve. I pick it up and see it's an eye drop bottle. I hold it up to my face with a look of disbelief. The twins come on either side of me not in the least bit embarrassed for cheating.

"For your information it's common for a host to use eye drops." Kaoru replies matter of factly.

"No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears." Hikaru adds in.

"That is totally cheating." I glare at them. Hikaru slings an arm around me and pokes my face.

"Oh don't be such a party pooper." He chides me.

"Here Ryder." Kaoru starts to pull something out of his other sleeve and places a box with a piece of pink candy inside of it onto my hands. "This is for you. You seemed to have had a bad day today so we got this for you to cheer you up."

"I can seriously have this?" I question with a light blush on my cheeks.

"Aren't you the cutest." They grin at me. I look back down at the piece of candy before looking back up at them smiling for real. Today had been pretty crappy so I'm happy they cared enough to do something for me. They may be annoying but they do have their nice moments, although rare. The girls started to gush about the whole ordeal and of course Tamaki had to get in on the action.

"Here Ryder. Daddy will help make your day even better. Take as much as you want!" Tamaki says with tears in his eyes. Although I'm sure the gesture was supposed to be sweet it really wasn't. I just give him a blank look as he keeps piling on more and more of those candies onto my hands. The twins looked a little peeved that Tamaki was hogging all the glory from their idea.

"Let me guess, your tears are fake too." I say sarcastically.

"How could you!" Tamaki replies appalled. "My tears are always genuine. Being able to cry without the aid of eye drops is the mark of a true host. Tell me do I impress you? Have you fallen for me yet?" I can hear the twins yawning in the background obviously bored, Hani is sleeping on Mori, while Kyoya is attending to one of his books, and Haruhi is just staring blankly at the two of us.

"Yeah right." I sighed. I grab Haruhi's hand and switch places with her. "This is the one you want. So leave me out of any delusions you may have."

"Hey!" Haruhi yells at me. "Did you seriously just sacrifice me!?"

"Well of course. You're way better at handling him than I am and consider it payback for not waking me up this morning." I smirk totally amused. Haruhi was going to say something else before being distracted by a new girl waiting by the door.

"Looks like the host club has a brand new guest." The twins harmonize. They slide over the door and pull out roses from who knows where.

"Come on in. What are you waiting for?" Kaoru tries to flirtily coax the girl inside and failing.

"Watching from afar is no fun." Hikaru then tries upon seeing Kaoru's attempt not working.

"Please miss." They try together.

"Stop that." Tamaki orders somehow appearing on the other side of all of them. "How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first time guests?" He then turns around to face the new soon to be love stricken fangirl and turns on his princely act. "Please you don't have to be afraid my princess." He tries to lift her chin so she's looking at him and Tamaki leans in closer. "I welcome you to the Ouran Host Club." The girl starts to mumble things under her breath as she looks up at Tamaki. 'Three…Two…One. Another girl falling victim to his charm.' I mentally sigh continuing to watch. She then does the unexpected and shoves the king of the club away from her.

"NO! Don't touch me!" She yells grossed out by the king of the host club. "You're phony!" The twins, Hani, Haruhi, and I are all surprised and stare at the scene in front of us with mouths open. The only people not affected by this are Mori and Kyoya but that's pretty normal. 'I thought all girls got weak in the knees for the boss.' I mentally ponder. 'Wait did I just call that blonde idiot my boss? I have been around the twins too much.' Tamaki dramatically spins around in circles holding onto his face.

"What do you mean I'm phony?" His muffled question comes out. He obviously shocked and hurt by what the girl has said.

"Just what I said you're phony!" The girl points a finger at him. "I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this host club!" Tamaki backs away from the girl upset. "You shouldn't be spreading your love around so easily like that you stupid," Tamaki acts as if a giant arrow with the word stupid has struck him in the back, "you must be a dimwitted narcissist," again Tamaki acts like he is struck, "your incompetent, you're a commoner, you're disgusting!" After being "struck" by the invisible arrows Tamaki then acts as if he gets electrocuted and somehow starts to fall backwards in slow motion. 'Seriously how does he do this stuff!?" I gape at him. The twins are thoroughly impressed though.

"He's created a new technique." Hikaru exclaims.

"One man slow motion." Kaoru names said new technique.

"I don't suppose you are…"Kyoya trails off getting the twins and my attention once again.

"Oh it's you!" The girl cries and starts to run at Kyoya and jumps off Tamaki using him like a springboard into Kyoya's arms. "Kyoya! Oh how I've longed to meet you my one and only Prince Charming." Due to the unexpected surprise visitor who has Tamaki out of sorts the club shut down early. We all got dressed into our uniforms to hear this girl's story. She basically told us how she and Kyoya are madly in love and engaged to be married in the near future.

"Fiancé!?" Hikaru questions astonished.

"Kyoya-sempai?" Kaoru asks not believing it.

"Of course. My name is Renge Houshakuji and I'll be transferring into Ouran Academy's first year class A tomorrow." Renge assures us happily. The hosts all look at Tamaki who is in his corner of woe once again.

"Why is he sulking?" Hikaru asks annoyed.

"Because Mommy was keeping a secret from Daddy." Kaoru snickers in response.

"Whatever. Why does everyone insist on referring to us like we're husband and wife?" Kyoya asks peeved.

"Maybe because we can all see you being the lovely housewife." I laugh at his expense which only gets me a glare in return. I can't help it. If Kyoya was actually a girl he could so be Tamaki's wife. They'd make an interesting couple!

"Oh this is a story of love at first sight." Renge gushes not paying attention to us in the least. She goes off into some fantasy land and keeps explaining everything. "I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the back yard when you thought no one was looking. And how sweet it was when you reached out to that poor little injured kitten."

"Is she serious?" The twins ask not believing a word she was saying.

"Are you sure you have the right person? I mean this is Kyoya-sempai we're talking about." I deadpan at her. Kyoya gets an anime sweat drop not sure how to take what I just said. I mean this is Kyoya. He doesn't have a heart to begin with so gazing at flowers and rescuing animals just isn't possible.

"Ryder! Be more polite to Kyoya-sempai." The twins harshly whisper in my ears. "Angering him isn't a good idea." I just roll my eyes at them. If I wanna anger him I will… though I probably shouldn't. The horrors that can await me are endless.

"No way! I can recognize my love anywhere!" Renge defends aggressively. The twins start running around in the background going in circles yelling "WAH! Who is this girl talking about!? WAH shut it off! STOP HER!" due to all the confusion this girl is causing us. The rest of us are giving her really creeped out confused stares. "He's a gentle man who's kind to everyone but doesn't ask for anything in return. He likes solitude but in fact sometimes he gets lonely. He looks like the star of the popular dating sim Uki-Doki Memorial. You're my real life Ichijo Miyabi!" We all freeze at her words before it starts to sink in and only half of us grasp the situation.

"Uki?" Haruhi asks.

"Doki?" Hani also questions.

"Otaku!" Tamaki yells afraid.

"Otaku!?" Hikaru also yells afraid. Mori just stands there confused not knowing what she is talking about.

"I've never seen one before!" Kaoru yells panicking.

"Ewwww an Otaku! Take them first! I don't want your Otaku germs!" I dramatically yell hiding behind the twins and Tamaki.

"Now you're sacrificing us? And after we gave you that candy?" The twins ask me a little hurt as all three stare at me in disbelief.

"Otakuism is highly contagious. Do you want me to turn into a raving lunatic like her?" I argue back at them. They start to imagine what I'd be like if I acted like Renge before shaking their heads freaked out by whatever they had just conjured up. "Didn't think so. Plus boys are more resistant to that disease so you should be fine… maybe…. Okay probably not but I'd save you… eventually…maybe." They give me looks of contempt as I smile as sweetly as possible at them.

"I get it now. You're in love with that character. Projecting that love onto me and you somehow deluded yourself into thinking we're engaged. I assume this Miyabi character probably has glasses as well." Kyoya concludes from the girls incoherent ramblings. We all surround him staring.

"So she made it all up?" Tamaki questions. "You're not really her fiancé, right?"

"Well no. I don't remember ever asking for her hand in marriage. Besides, this is the first time I've ever met the woman." Kyoya answer Tamaki. Tamaki then sighs in relief as the rest of us stare in disbelief at how Kyoya kept this tidbit of information from us from the start.

"You know he should have said that from the beginning." I mutter annoyed.

"You said it." The twins nod in agreement equally as annoyed as I was. Somehow or other the twins had maneuvered me to sit in between them on a couch opposite of Renge and Kyoya as we continue to watch the scene in front of us continue to unfold. Haruhi, Tamaki, Hani, and Mori are standing behind them and Renge keeps looking lovingly at Kyoya.

"So according to my research, I understand that you're in charge of managing the club. Is that true, Kyoya?" Renge asks in awe.

"That's right." Hani answers cutely. "Kyo-chan is our director!"

"Only cause no one else is capable of handling it." I mutter and see Kyoya smirk. How he heard me but not the twins who were closer is beyond me but he does take great pride in his work even if it goes unappreciated by everyone else.

"You're the clubs director?" the deluded girls eyes light up. "That's perfect. Oh wow! I've always wanted to wear a sandwich board to advertise a business!"

"What do you think we are? A bakery?" I ask exasperated, not that she was listening to anyone.

"We don't advertise we're just a host club." The twins add onto my comment equally as aggravated by her delusions.

"I've made up my mind! I'm going to become the manager of this host club!" Renge continues on ignoring the three of us. I hear disgruntled groans from the boys beside me.

"I swear this girl may be finding herself buried six feet under tonight if she keeps this up. Wanna help? Cause moving a dead body is a lot of work for just one person." I whisper to the twins and get identical smirks in response.

"I'm curious as to how you would know that." Kaoru asks amused.

"If I tell you I'd have to kill you. So don't ask." I smirk loving how his eyes widened for a split second. "I'll just give you one tip; use Lyme when covering up a body." (A/N: Okay I've never killed anybody but my neighbor is from Ireland and her father was in the Irish Mafia and we were joking about hiding a dead body a while back and she said this to me which I didn't believe till she started talking about her father. All Irish women are crazy just as an FYI and I would know cause I'm half Irish.)

"Hahaha!" Hikaru laughs at me slinging an arm around me. "This is why you're our favorite toy!"

"Toy?" I question but Renge then draws our attention back to her.

"Well boys. I look forward to working with all of you." She giggles happily. Renge heads back to her residence before the rest of us and the club member's discus her presence a bit longer.

"Kyoya is this really a good idea?" Tamaki asks worried.

"Miss Houshakuji is the only daughter of an important Ootari family client." Kyoya stresses the word only to us. "So please be polite and try not to offend her." Tamaki sinks closer to the ground in a defeated manner.

"Alright then." Tamaki quickly regains his composure and looks in Haruhi's direction. "Haruhi…" Tamaki places a hand on her shoulder then quickly turns running away from her. "This will be part of your host club training so daddy will have to be cold-hearted!" The twins linked arms with me running away fake crying. I can see Hani giddily getting a piggy back ride from Mori as Mori runs away from Haruhi as well. She stands there with one of her hands reached towards us upset at how the responsibility of handling Renge was thrust upon her. The twins keep drag me out the door and before they do I hear Kyoya threaten Haruhi with doubling the debt if anything were to go wrong. We get a good distance away before Hikaru and Kaoru release me.

"You know all of my stuff is back in the club room." I monotonously say to them.

"That's okay." Hikaru smiles at me.

"I'm sure Haruhi will grab it for you." Kaoru says while patting me on the head.

"Of course the two of you would just assume that." I sigh. "Do you really think it'll be okay to leave Haruhi with Renge?"

"Don't know but if the boss says too then we will." The twins answer together. I just sigh and let them get a bit ahead of me as I continue to follow them out to the front entrance. They start horsing around laughing at how dumb Tamaki was today. I smile as I listen and stuff my hands into my jacket pockets and feel my right hand brush against something hard. Confused I pull it out and see the pink candy the twins had given to me earlier.

"Oh yeah." I mumble to myself.

"Oh yeah what?" they ask me confused. I held up the candy Kaoru handed me earlier to show them what I was talking about.

"I never did thank you for it… so thanks." I smile and quicken my stride so I could kiss both of them on one side of their cheeks as a thank you. As I did that I squeezed through them and noticed they stopped walking. I turn around and see them standing there blushing bright red. "Ahahahaha! So you guys are human."

"W-what was that for?" Kaoru stutters shocked.

"I thought I already told you. I was thanking you for the treat." I smirk amused. "I really was having a bad day so thanks for making it a little bit better. Though I am surprised the two of you have a sweet side. I've always thought the only things you could be are rude and annoying." I start to walk away from the flustered twins when I feel them wrap their arms around my abdomen and lean their heads against my sides. I look down at them slightly surprised.

"Now that was just mean." They pout up at me.

"I can't start having you guys think I'm nice." I was my curt reply.

"You? Nice? Like that would ever happen. You wouldn't be able to pull it off." Hikaru bluntly states.

"Yeah that would just be weird." Kaoru readily agrees. This for whatever reason pisses me off so in retaliation I hit them on the top of their heads with my fists.

"OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" They yell at me letting go to rub their newly forming goose eggs.

"I could so pull it off if I wanted too!" I defensively argue back at them. They look at each other in disbelief before turning their attention back on me pulling on my cheeks as punishment. "OW! WET GO OV MEH!"

"If your first reaction is to go around hitting people…" Kaoru starts and let's go of one side of my face.

"… then you can't pull it off." Hikaru finishes also letting go of the other side of my face. I rub my cheeks and glare at them. I huff and lightly kick Hikaru in the shin and storm away. "OUCH! Why was I the only one to get kicked!?"

"CAUSE I FELT LIKE IT!" I yell angry.

"Oh yeah. No one is ever going to mistake her for nice." The double gangers agree shaking their heads at my retreating figure.

"I HEARD THAT!" I quickly glare at them and pick up my pace.

"We only say it out of love!" They tease before I am out of hearing range.

"No good… idiotic… dumb… GRRR! Twins!" I curse to myself. "I sometimes don't even know why I bother." I decided I wasn't going to stick around to wait for Haruhi because if I did I'd end up seeing Hikaru and Kaoru again. Thinking of everyone's best interest, plus having no desire to see them, I just went home.

-Twenty minutes later arriving at home-

I open the door to the apartment and see my adoptive father siting at the table reading the paper and sipping on coffee. To sum up the man in one word would be: tranny. He had long ago dyed his hair maroon and grew it out to just beneath his shoulder blades. He had the same color eyes as Haruhi but his personality was something else to be desired. I've been living with him for the past six years and I still haven't gotten used to him. "Hey sweetie-pie!" He chirped happily. He was always trying to call me cutesy names. I asked him once why he did it and his response was "Well it's because I love you!" If he had left it at that it wouldn't be as annoying but the guy doesn't know when to shut his mouth because he added on "And to help you become more girly!"

"Quit calling me that!" I bark annoyed. He fake cries at how mean I could be. I get it enough at school I don't need to hear it from him too.

"Where's Haruhi?" He finally asks when he sees her lack of presence.

"I ditched her at school. She'll be home soon." I huffed.

"Hmmm. Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" he then started to dig through his bag he takes for work and starts to pull something out. I stare at him for a minute before identifying what he pulled out.

"Wha…where… How…." I sputter. "WHY DO YOU HAVE MY HOODIE!?"

"Calm down." Ranka nervously laughs holding my hoodie out for me to take. "I accidently grabbed it last night. But it's safe and sound now." I open and close my mouth repeatedly trying to form a coherent sentence but nothing will come out. So I quickly take my hoodie from him clinging onto it and give him my death glare. "R-Ryder. I promise it was a-an accident." I glare for another minute before going into mine and Haruhi's shared room for the rest of the night and putting my hoodie somewhere safe.

-Next Day at School-

I had actually gotten up on time and was at school early. I was wearing my trusted hoodie once again with my hood up. The girls I passed looked a little disappointed but didn't say anything about it. Haruhi was telling me about a sale going on at the supermarket and we needed to stop there on our way home tonight. I just hned at her telling her I was half listening but she didn't really notice my lack of attention. When we reached our classroom I saw the club's resident trouble makers talking to some of their fangirls looking painfully bored. "Well aren't you two chipper this morning." I tease. They twins lazily look in our direction and instantly light up when seeing us. The girls take their leave to let us have some time to ourselves.

"Good morning Haruhi, Ryder!" The twins cheerfully greet us in loud obnoxious voices.

"Shut up…it's too early for you to be this loud." I complain with a lackadaisical attitude. "Well I'm surprised you found your way to the school so early." Hikaru teases me not at all perturbed by my less than caring attitude.

"If I put my mind to it even I can get up early." I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah? Just like you can be nice?" Hikaru mocks.

"Do you want me to kick you in the shin again?" I respond annoyed. Hikaru jumps behind Kaoru and shakes his head at me not wanting to get hurt. "Wise decision."

"What's this about you being nice?" Haruhi asks us confused.

"Oh nothing." The three of us answer at once. She just tilts her head in confusion but doesn't care enough to look further into it.

"It looks like you found your hoodie. I was hoping it'd stay lost longer. It's a shame you're hiding your face again," Kaoru sighs. "I would have thought by now you would have stopped."

"Yeah right. Ryder doesn't have it in her to not wear it." Hikaru states arrogantly.

"I can stop wearing it whenever I want too! I just choose not to." I growl back at them.

"Really? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is then?" Twin smirks look at me. I gulp nervously knowing I just got myself into trouble but I can't back down from their challenge. "We dare you to go one month without wearing your hood, at home and here at school."

"Okay but why should I do it if there's no incentive. That'd just be boring so when I complete this little dare of yours what do I get?" I ask.

"Hmmmm…. How about we buy you any treat you want." They try tempting me.

"No thanks. What I want is something I can get on my own." I shake my head at them.

"Alright then. How about any treat you want plus we cut down your debt by a third?" Once again trying to tempt me.

"Sounds… fair." I respond back with a little hesitation.

"Great! But just know if you lose there will be a punishment game. We've been needing a new doll to play dress up with." They give me their signature devil smirk which causes me to shiver involuntarily. Knowing them I'll be dressed head to toe in pink lacey things. "And we'll begin your month starting… now!"

"Wait, now? Why not start this tomorrow?" I ask slightly panicked.

"Are you already trying to back out of our deal?" Hikaru huffs irritated.

"Of course not! It just makes more sense to start tomorrow." I defend myself.

"But we want to start now so we start now!" Two sets of identical hands rush towards me in an attempt to pull my hood down, I side step one of them but the other manages to catch me. I struggle for a minute before I give up and let them do as they please. The world gets a little bit brighter as the hood fall away from my face and the twins smirk at me in victory. "Just remember one full month or else its dress up time." I groan at them in dismay and slump into my chair at my desk depressed.

"You guys really are evil." I whine. I keep running my hand through my hair at the alien feeling of not wearing something on my head. I still hadn't gotten used to not wearing it during host hours. This doesn't bode so well. I may really have to play dress up for the twins. I make a pathetic whimper in the back of my throat at the situation I got myself into.

"She's already starting to crack." Kaoru softly taunts in my right ear.

"She knows she doesn't have the will power to press on." Hikaru taunts in my other ear.

"So she should just give up and be at our house at 0800 Saturday." Both smirk at me. I grumble under my breath and elbow them in the sternum. I hear identical gasps for air as the devil's sit on the floor trying to catch their breath.

"Oops. Didn't know you were there." I smile amused.

"Like hell you didn't." Hikaru grumbles up at me. SMACK! "Ouch! What was that for!?"

"Gentlemen don't use such foul language." I chuckle at the glare I'm receiving.

"Since when have you cared about how gentlemen talk?" Kaoru inquires suspicious.

"I've always cared. I mean how am I supposed to be a good host when I keep seeing the two of you act this way. You guys have been in the club longer than me and you both are older than me so it's only natural that I look up to you guys for guidance." I tease while trying to keep a straight face and failing. Their mouths are just about hitting the floor with what I'm saying. "Well maybe I should ask Kyoya-sempai to have you two join me on my manners sessions. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"There's no way in hell…"Hikaru starts.

"…that's ever gonna happen." Kaoru finishes uninterested. "Nice try though." I just laugh at them and see the teacher walk in signaling the day as begun.

Hour one of my bet with the twins went by surprisingly well. No catastrophes, no alien invasions, or ghost armies trying for world domination. The twins tried to get me to slip up and I almost did once or twice but I quickly recovered and when the teacher wasn't looking I'd smack at least one of them on the head. Haruhi wasn't very amused by our antics and would give us her glare of doom and would harshly whisper at us about how we are interfering with her concentration. This would cause us to snicker and have the teacher yell at us but we really didn't care.

During my free period I was escorted to the guidance counselor's office to talk about my feelings. So I did just that and really let him have it for using me as his pawn in whatever paper he was trying to write. The man pretended to get all teary eyed but my resolve wasn't so weak. He asked about my hoodie and proceeded to tell him about the bet I had with Tweedledee and Tweedledum. It got all excited thinking it would further push me towards success. He really is an idiot cause as soon as this long month is over the hood comes back on. Music went a lot better today. My violin had all its strings, I got the notes correct, and we even had some free time at the end. My three new partners in crime came up to me to talk about our upcoming scandal and we all agreed to meet at Hiro's house this weekend to actually practice for it.

I arrived to the host club well after Haruhi and noticed a lack of her and Renge though I could smell something baking in the next room. The other host were spying through the door cooing over the scene of Haruhi and Renge baking. "Why are they baking though?" Hikaru questioned.

"Renge said she was going to make cookies for Kyo-chan." Hani cutely replied.

"So basically she really did mistake us for a bakery." I sighed annoyed. I could hear it not going well in the other room. Renge apparently had no idea how to cook and was causing problems for Haruhi.

"Dummies! Are all your eyes knotholes?" Tamaki questions us annoyed. "In the room full of sweet fragrance…cute cookies, which have just been baked. And two female classmates, who are getting along very well. Everything is well planned. This is one big project to make Haruhi realize she is a girl!" The twins were trying to tug on me to get me to hang out with them as Tamaki kept going on with his delusion. "The gentle atmosphere that only girls can possess will aid Haruhi to realize she is a girl."

"What am I? Chopped liver?" I ask annoyed. The twins just shrug at me not really caring.

"You're too noisy you phony prince." A peeved Renge appears holding a bag of cookies in her hand. Tamaki cries out and hides in his emo corner. She turns to Kyoya with hearts in her eyes. "Kyoya-sama, I've learned how to bake peasants' cookies from Haruhi-kun. It was my first time so I was a bit scared so they got a bit burnt but I did the best I could. And I already know what you're going to say." She goes into her deluded dream world as the cookies get passed around.

"She wasn't kidding. These cookies really are burnt." Hani complains as Mori comes up to him to get rid of the cookies.

"Don't eat those Mitsukuni. It's bad for you." Mori states worried. Upon hearing this Renge goes into a type of Medusa mode and chases the two oldest hosts around the room with Hani crying as he gets carried around by Mori. Haruhi at this point as entered the room and has the cookies in question in her hands. I decide that to give it a go and reach for a cookie.

"For her first attempt they really aren't that bad. A bit burnt but got a good flavor to them." I say as I put the rest of the cookie in my mouth. Before I could actually eat it my chin is being lifted up to meet the eyes of Hikaru.

"May I try?" He questions me as he leans forward and bites off a piece of the cookie.

Next I feel someone putting their hand on my head and I turn towards the source and see Kaoru towering over me. "Uh-oh Ryder. You've got crumbs on your face." Kaoru proceeds to lick it off as I stand there blushing lightly.

"Did you see what they just did!?" Tamaki asks enraged. He continues his rant to Kyoya who isn't paying much attention to him.

"And suddenly the trio of troublemakers are even closer than they've ever been before." Kyoya states as the twins are smirking in victory and laughing at Tamaki's dispense.

"If you wanted some get it from the bag and don't ever lick me again." I huff embarrassed.

"Aww you're so cute." Both twins hug me squishing me.

"Quit sexually harassing my daughter you shady twins!" Tamaki pulls me from their grip and has me pressed up against his chest. "Don't worry, daddy's got you."

I push him off me and give him a small glare. "The only sexual harassment I get around here is from you Blondie."

"Sexual harassment?! If I'm the harasser then those two must be atrocious criminals!" Tamaki wails pointing his finger at my classmates. "Someone needs to call the police!"

"Okay, okay we get it boss. We're sorry." Hikaru and Kaoru annoyedly whine to the host club's king.

"You guys are gonna pay!" Tamaki continues his rant.

"Cut it out, we didn't do anything wrong. Why won't you give us a break?" The double gangers argue back.

"I knew you guys were shady but you've crossed the line!"

"Yeah we'd apologize but-" the twins get cut off by a sudden outburst by Renge.

"EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! EXCEPT FOR KYOYA, ALL YOUR CHARACTERS ARE LUKE WARM!" Renge dramatically shouts at us. 'Well this isn't going to be fun.' I mentally sigh. "Each of you needs to have some sort of dark side, do you understand? Girls are vulnerable to handsome young men who are troubled. If you keep carrying on like this, it's only a matter of time before the girls get tired of you and stop coming all together. Are you trying to ruin my precious Kyoya's business? As your manager it's my duty to change your character backgrounds. We'll start with you!" She points to Hani and he starts crying. All the members of the club are giving the lunatic girl in front of us creeped out looks.

"If all you are is cute inside and out then you're no different than a baby. Therefore, from now on you are the baby-faced thug! And Mori-sempai you are his childhood friend, the flunky. The twins will be basketball players who's enslaved in their own world. Haruhi, you're an honor student who's constantly being bullied. Ryder since you've already got a dark side we'll have to do the opposite for you! So you are now the traumatized orphan who can't make any real friends and makes dolls to cope with your situation! And as for you Tamaki, you're the school idol who's admired for his good looks but actually has an inferiority complex you're hiding from the world… the lonely prince." Renge turns towards Kyoya gushing at him. "And Kyoya. You're perfect just the way you are! So I want you to stay as kind and affectionate as ever. Kay?"

"Thank you. I'm honored." Kyoya slightly bows his head towards her. Tamaki is being dramatic in the background acting like he has been wounded and mumbling about being the lonely prince.

"Is anyone else as concerned as I am about this?" I question not really sure how to take what just transpired. The twins drag Kyoya away from Renge and bring him over my way.

"Come on Kyoya-sempai." Hikaru pleads with the shadow king.

"You've got to do something." Kaoru adds.

"Why? It seems like the boss is up for it." Kyoya points over to our self-proclaimed leader who is posing and asking Renge what she thinks of it. Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, and I groan at his enthusiasm. "Let's just wait and see how things turn out. I bet it will be interesting. It always is."

"You know, I am interested in how she knew Ryder made dolls." Haruhi ponders out loud while tilting her head to the side. I feel all eyes on me and I try to turn invisible.

"You make dolls? That's perfect!" Renge gushes. "Bring some of them with you tomorrow."

"Oh Ryder. Why didn't you tell us this sooner." The twins taunt while putting their arms around me and poking me in my reddened face.

"I think it's cute." Hani smiles at me. "I can't wait to see them! Right Takashi?" Mori grunts in response.

"Oh this is why Daddy loves you." Tamaki cries as he tries to hug me but I get out of the twins grasp and dodge him.

"God damn-it! Leave me alone!" I bark embarrassed.

I hear a sigh leave Kyoya's lips. "Here I thought we were making progress with your training after what you said this morning. I guess I know you are hearing me when I speak but getting you to apply the information is the tricky part. Don't worry; I'll whip you in shape yet." Kyoya smiles his I-will-get-what-I-want-so-just-give-up-now smile. I glare at them all and grab Haruhi by her jacket dragging her off home with me.

"Why couldn't you have kept your damn mouth shut until we got home. There was no freaking way the otaku knew about my hobby and you just had to blurt it out in front of these morons. How dense can you be?" I ask irritated. She tries to defend herself but I kept giving her an earful all the way home. I finally release Haruhi from my grasp once we enter the front door and proceed to go through my stock of dolls and see which ones I should take. I grab a couple and stuff them into my bag and lock myself away in my shared bedroom for the night.

-Time skip to next day during hosting hours-

Somehow we went from changing our characters to filming a movie. The twins were currently doing their part of the movie by playing basketball. The next scene showed Tamaki and the twins interacting with Haruhi being chased by Hani and Mori in the background. The acting wasn't horrible, maybe a little over the top, but still tolerable. Renge did the voiceover every time they scene changed. Hani finally cornered Haruhi against a tree acting cold towards her but he couldn't handle it. He ended up crying and hugging Haruhi while he apologized. Renge wasn't too pleased. "CUT! CUT! CUT! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? You've gotta stick to the script!"

"But I can't!" Hani cried back at Renge.

"Stop rolling cameraman." Renge barks orders to the film crew.

"How'd we go to changing our character to shooting a movie about them?" Hikaru asks out loud.

"Well I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by all this. And how did she get an entire film crew here so quickly?" I respond to Hikaru.

Kyoya decides to help us out by explaining things to us. "Apparently she flew them in from Hollywood. Don't you recognize the director? He directed the vampire movie Millennium Snow. It was the number one grossing box office hit in America last year."

"Damn you rich people." I grumbled under my breath. The twins snicker at me while I dodge an incoming attack from Kyoya who is right behind me. "HA! You missed" My victory was short lived as he got me on the second attempt.

"And another thing," Hikaru starts to complain while tapping his hand against the script. "how come this script portrays Kaoru as the pitcher?" Kaoru just agrees but I don't think he really minds it.

"What does that mean?" Haruhi who had walked up to us sometime during our conversation asks.

The twins look at her and answer at the same time. "If you don't know, we're not telling you."

"Good choice." I say to them. Haruhi doesn't need to be corrupted by anything shady like that. Haruhi continues to give us a confused look which we choose to ignore. Tamaki runs up to Haruhi and grabs her attention as I converse with the twins more.

"So Ryder… where are these dolls you were supposed to bring?" Kaoru smirks at me. "I wanna see them!"

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that!" Hikaru's eyes light up excited. "Bring them out! Show us, show us!"

"Alright already!" I bark at them. "God. You're worse than two year olds." I grudgingly get my back pack and start pulling out the dolls. The faces of the twins went from excited to freaked out in less than a second.

"Why are they…" Hikaru starts.

"…zombies?" Kaoru finishes up the question.

"Because zombies are cute." I defend. "I still don't understand why Renge won't allow them into the movie. They are adorable! I mean who doesn't want to be chased down by zombies and have their brains eaten."

"Ummm, like everyone." The twins deadpan at me. "We should have known this would have happened."

"You two just have no taste." I huff offended. "Hey! Be careful with Kiki!"

"Kiki? And it's a doll. It's not like I can hurt it." Hikaru smirks at me as he holds the doll outside my reach. Why did he have to be so tall?

"Yeah that only applies to normal people. You'd go out of your way to prove it could be done. Now give her back!" I grumble and jump for the doll and miss it. "I still say we should use these for my imaginary doll friends. I mean it fits me better, don't you think?"

"It certainly fits you better but we don't need to give the customers nightmares." Kyoya intercepts the doll from Hikaru and hands it back to me. "I mean they are a bit creepy looking."

"I have no idea why you guys think that. Like I said, they're adorable." I analyze the doll in my hand. One eye was popping out only keeping attached to the eye socket by a thread, the hair was missing in some spots with the brain sticking out, the dress was ripped and looked like it had blood on it… it looked like a real cloth zombie doll.

"This is why you aren't in charge of the props but you did do a good job with the stitches. You've been doing this for a while haven't you?" Kaoru asks me impressed. He gently takes it out of my hands and examines her more closely before handing her back to me. I finally put her back in my bag where she could be safe from my classmates.

"Yup!" I chirped happily at him and smile. "Haruhi does the cooking, I sew. Makes things a bit more even between us." We suddenly hear a crash from around the corner and I notice Haruhi is nowhere to be seen. Tamaki was the closest and got to the scene first. I quickly followed suit. By the time I got around the corner I see Tamaki slug the culprit in the face and had him pinned up against the wall. I see Haruhi crotched down with tears in her eyes.

Tamaki looked pissed. "Would you like to be expelled together?" Tamaki's low cold voice asks.

"Wa-wait, you started the quarrel first…" the other boy tried to defend them but turned to see Mori standing behind him.

"Teacher this way! They're scary class D people!" The twins shouted trying to get a faculty members attention. Both boys freaked out and they fled the scene tripping over one another in their haste.

After the two escaped Tamaki grabbed Haruhi's face and bent down to her level looking concerned. "Haruhi. Are you in any pain?" Haruhi kept wiping at her left eye and I see something on her finger.

"Yeah. It's my contact." Haruhi responds showing Tamaki the item in question. It takes the host king by surprise as he continues to stare at her. "It must have slipped out."

The Host King starts to laugh at Haruhi. "I see how it is. You're able to cry without using eye drops! So you're a full-fledged host now!" Haruhi just smiles back at him and Renge goes and ruins the moment by opening her mouth.

"Y-yo-you. Please tell me you got that cameraman!" Renge pleads. The guy gives her and thumbs up in response. "Other than Haruhi's contact falling out, that was an ideal final scene! All it needs now is a moving narration by my sweet Kyoya!" CRASH! I jump at what sounds like glass breaking and turn to see Kyoya with a huge rock where he is smashing it into the camera. The cameraman cries over his loss and Renge doesn't look too good. "What? Is something wrong?"

"I'm terribly sorry but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I think you've caused enough trouble around here Renge. Please stop being such a pest." Kyoya says to her coldly and it went silent for several moments. I was shocked he finally said something to her. Didn't think he would since she was an important family client.

Renge starts to cry at him not knowing why he was acting like he was. "But you're supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You're supposed to be kind and affectionate, Kyoya. Why are you acting so differently? Tell me why!?"

"Because that's not the real Kyoya." Tamaki smiles softly at her while answering. Renge ends up falling on her knees as she continues to mourn over the new development.

"Does it really matter?" Haruhi asks walking up to her and getting down on her level. "Who cares if Kyoya is a little different then you imagined. Take a good look at the person inside and get to know them little by little. It's a lot more fun that way."

Renge quiets down and thinks for a minute. "I'm sorry for causing trouble." She slowly disappears into the school as I walk up to Haruhi and check for any injuries. "I'm fine Ryder. Quit mother henning me."

"I swear if those punks left bruises…" I start to threaten but don't finish. They weren't worth the air it would take. "Come on let's get you home." I start dragging the girl away from the scene and the rest of the club follows us. Everyone asked about Haruhi's well-being as we walked back up to the music room to retrieve our stuff.

"Alright we're leaving first." Haruhi called out to everyone as we were ready to make our departure back home.

"Bye Haruhi, bye Ryder." Tamaki smiled and waved at us. "See you guys tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah. See ya tomorrow Tamaki-sempai." I returned his farewell. I didn't take three steps before the tall blonde had me in his clutches.

"OH MY GOSH MY SWEET LITTLE GIRL FINALLY RECONIZED ME!" Tamaki screeches in my ear as he starts spinning us around.

"GET OFF ME YOU DUMB BLONDE!" I yell as I squirm around trying to free myself of him with little success.

"But Daddy just wants to show you how much he loves you." Tamaki smiles happily still twirling us around in circles.

"GRRR! Why do you have to be so infuriating!?" I ask as I finally free myself from him. "You're not my dad you're my sempai now leave me alone! Come one Haruhi lets go." I grab Haruhi and run before Tamaki can grab a hold of me again.

"Don't worry Ryder! Daddy and you can celebrate this tomorrow after school!" Tamaki shouts down the hall at us.

"Don't hold your breath!" I rebuke him while flipping him off. Once we got outside I slow down for Haruhi's sake. Once home, we did our usual routine and the day ended without any more excitement.

-Time Skip-

It had been several days since the shooting of the movie and the incident with the class D punks. The host club was open for business as usual when a pack of wild fan girls comes in squealing in delight. "We bought the video!" one girl exclaimed excited. "I especially like your role as the lonely prince Tamaki-sempai."

"I liked the scene in the rain!" another added.

"I was blown away by Hikaru's and Kaoru's deep relationship!" a third girl praised.

"I want to see more of Hani-kun's evil side."

"I loved seeing a softer side to Ryder-kun. Those dolls were so cute I want one for myself now."

All the hosts blink in surprise at the girls comments before they all turned to Kyoya for an explanation. "Kyoya…" the host king snaps his fingers.

"Do you think I'm such an idiot as to break the camera without taking the data? The sales are going just fine. Of course the violent scenes have been edited." The shadow king replies gleefully happy with the sales. "Aren't you happy to have more money for the club? We all look at each other in disbelief wondering how he plans things like this so well.

"What dolls did you end up using for Ryder's scenes?" Hani asks curious.

"My zombie dolls." I answer. "I refused to film anything if I couldn't use them. Every other doll he tried to replace them with were way too girly. I told you they'd like them." Kyoya barely glances my way at my comment as we hear a familiar voice greet us.

"Good day everyone." Renge greets.

"Renge? But I thought you went back to France?" Tamaki questions her surprised.

The girl ignores him and turns her attention towards Haruhi. "I can't believe I hadn't realized this sooner. It was so chivalrous of you to risk your life to protect me. I could feel the love when you lectured me about judging people." Renge at this point walks closer to Haruhi and grabs her hands. "When you said it was fun to get to know people little by little you were talking about me!"

"Yeah…" Haruhi replies not sure how to take this. Tamaki isn't taking this new development well.

Renge grabs Haruhi's arm and starts to drag her off. "Come on Haruhi. Let's go to my house and play some games together. I think it's time you got to know me better." We all just watch at what is going on not interfering in the slightest.

"Hey Kyoya-sempai." Hikaru starts.

"You okay with that?" Kaoru finishes the question.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Kyoya counters smugly. "Everything Renge said is true."

"NO IT ISN'T!" Tamaki seethes.

"But I thought you were the one who wanted her to have a female friend in the first place?" Kyoya asks barely able to suppress his mirth.

"Well yeah. Female companion, not a girlfriend! Ryder do something!" Tamaki whines at me.

"I see nothing wrong with it." I say indifferently. "You wanted Haruhi to have a female companion she got one since I'm apparently not good enough for her so now you have no room to complain. This is called karma and she is a real bitch ain't she?" Tamaki pales at my words and rushes off to save Haruhi.

"So Ryder. How'd you convince Kyoya-sempai to let you use your creepy dolls?" the double gangers ask me amused.

"Quit calling them creepy!" I huff annoyed. "It was either that or no me in the movie. And since the movie was about the host club I had to be in it as an official member. I'd say he made a good choice since they are selling like hot cakes."

The twins ruffle my hair up and squish me between them. "I'd say he did. Now I want to see it just to see your part." Kaoru smiled at me. I lightly blush at his comment and turn my head away from him. "Aww is little Ryder blushing?"

I quickly jab him in the side with my elbow. "Hn. Shut up…"

The long awaited chapter is finished! I am sooooooooooooo sorry about the long wait. The end of last year and beginning of this year kinda sucked. I was super depressed from several losses and then school started back up and that kept me super busy. This summer is gonna be a really busy one so I don't promise anything. I'll try to get another chapter before it starts but if I don't it won't be till the fall when I'll post again. Thanks for all the support and I hope you guys continue to enjoy this series.