AN: This is it, the final chapter of this fic. Wow. Can you guys believe it?

It's the end of the day, Elena is planning on catching a ride with Caroline to the Mikaelsons once she gets what she need out of her locker.

"Elena!" She hears a familiar voice call, and then the person is in her view. It's Rebekah. She focuses on the present to the point where she's almost sure Elijah can see it-she always needs to be aware when with Rebekah.

"Yeah?" She asks, grabbing her history textbook.

"Are you planning on seeing Elijah after school?" Rebekah inquires.

"Yes, I am." Elena replies, and she almost reaches to see what Elijah is thinking.

"I can give you a ride." Rebekah says, and Elena shuts her locker.

"Thank you." Elena is sure Caroline won't mind-she's packing up at Elena's house and then going home to sleep too. She texts Caroline the new plans, and tells Ric as well.

Rebekah looks at her with something she can't identify in her eyes.

"Are you ready to go?" Rebekah asks casually. Elena nods and Rebekah starts walking. Elena follows, and as she walks, she tries to find out what Elijah is doing. Nothing. His mind is blissfully empty. She can still feel his presence in her head, but he's just sleeping without any dreams.

Rebekah unlocks the car and Elena get in when she realizes what the Original is doing.

"Elena, you and I haven't always been friendly, and honestly until about a week ago I still didn't like you. But you make Elijah happy. He's your soulmate. If you ever hurt him-well. You know how much I love stabbing and throwing things." Rebekah says casually, and had it been anyone else, it wouldn't have sounded like much of a threat. But it did, and Elena takes a deep breath.

"I'm not planning on hurting him. I don't want to hurt him." She says carefully, and there's something shifting, Elijah is partially awake. Rebekah continues driving and doesn't look at her.


"I'm not going to hurt Elijah." Elena says again, after a few minutes.

"You'd better not. You don't just have me to deal with if you do." Rebekah warns.

"I know." Elena reminds her.

"Alright, I'm glad we had this little chat." Rebekah remarks as she parks.

Elena gets out of the car, and Rebekah is gone when she does. When she reaches the front door, it's opened by Klaus.

"Klaus." She says.

"Come walk with me." He says it like it's a suggestion, but it's a command.

"Let me set my stuff down first." Elena tells him, and sets her bag by the stairs. He watches, and then walks. She follows.

"I've already killed you once. If you break Elijah's heart, I'll do it again." He says, nonchalantly.

"I'm not going to. I love him." She tells Klaus, and he looks faintly surprised. They see Finn walking towards them, and he says something she can't hear. Klaus walks away.

"I'm sure I don't need to tell you not to hurt him." He says, and Elena shakes her head.

"Have a nice day, Elena." Finn says, and departs.

"You too." She says, and bumps into Kol.

"Alright. I'm ready." She says, and he looks faintly looks like Elijah when he does.

"For what?" He asks, as he walks slowly up the stairs with her.

She stops, and so does he.

"Aren't you going to give me the shovel talk like the rest of your siblings?" She asks.

"What's that?" He asks, and she forgets that he's not caught up on all of the slang he missed. She explains it, and his grin grows wider.

"Who was first?" He questions, and they begin their slow pace up the stairs again.

"Rebekah, then Klaus and Finn." She informs him. He laughs.

"Aren't you going to give me shovel talk?" She asks. He shakes his head.

"I know you won't hurt him." It's honest. He's seen the way they interact, sees the way they behave around each other. She wouldn't dream of it. Elena wouldn't want to, he thinks. She stops for a second.

"Thank you." She says and he looks thoughtful.

"I also don't want to know what you'd threaten me with." She adds, and he just grins at her. He's about to walk back down the stairs, when she asks him an odd question.

"Does he ever wear anything other than suits?" She wants to know. Kol pauses.

"No. Not this decade." He tells her. She looks mystified, and he can't resist.

"I mean, you'll see him naked at some point, but even that's a birthday suit, so-" He trails off and she's scarlet. He forgot how much fun humans are. She opens the door to Elijah's room, and he wiggles his eyebrows. He likes hearing her embarrassed heart. It's proof he was successful.

Elijah is in bed, she notices, and even his pajamas look suit like. She unties her converse, and knows he's asleep. She sets her converse by the bed, takes off her hoodie, sets her phone for an alarm in a few hours, and moves under the covers. She carefully sits next to him, curious to see if she can wake him up with just her thoughts.


"Elena?" He asks, and his thoughts sound like yawning-even though he isn't physically doing it.

"Wake up." She suggests, and he opens his eyes.

"Hi." She says.

"Hello there." He draws it out, and it reminds her of the day they met. She moves onto her side, and he pulls the covers up, and there's no place she'd rather be. He pulls her closer, and she closes her eyes.
