Hello guys and gals! I'm going to try and be faster with updates (Edit: Hopefully)! Reviews, follows and favorites are life for me! And not to mention they keep the story alive! (Other than a certain someone at school who yells at me not to kill anyone, DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. pandasaurus16) I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I do take suggestions by the way. I will read every one but I will only accept ones I feel fit the story. Also Ihso will be known from now on as, Shinobu. It was brought to me by the Beta that it would better if my Japanese character had a Japanese name. Enjoy:

"Hello Kallen." – Author Comment

"You're alive? YOU BASTARD." – Thought

Slight spoilers for Tokyo Ghoul manga – Flash back

Disclaimer: Tell me to not to kill anyone and I will kill them

Disclaimer 2: I do not own Code Geass or Tokyo Ghoul or Death Note

"I'm Kira." Those words were like poison to the assassin. Each word was filled with murderous intent. And all the target had said was a name. The assassin could only watch petrified as his target's left eye changed colors. A white and brown eye was flooded with foreign colors, unnatural to the human eye. Black dye consumed the eye and brown irises became red. A stark contrast to the right eye. The eyes are said to be the gate way to the soul. And the assassin could see no soul in those dead eyes. Instead all he could see was death, death itself.

The assassin stood motionless, his limbs had been frozen in fear. Alarms from his primal instincts, that had long forgotten, were going off in his head, yelling at him to leave. To run for his life. But even with his instincts screaming at him, he knew it would be useless to run. Kira would find him. Kira was all-powerful. The small medical room seemed to shrink as he gazed longer into those soulless eyes. A horrible voice awoke him from his thoughts.

"Why have you come?" There was a hiss in the monster's speech. Thinking quickly he fell to the floor and shriveled into a bow. Yet even on his knees and with his face looking to the ground, the ever present danger had not left him. As he felt those dead eyes on him. They were judging his life in every agonizing second. With every breath they saw him take his life was being decided. He was not worthy to look at his master now. He had threatened to attack him. And only did he realize it now. But he had killed the innocent, those Kira had pledged to protect, right in front of the man himself.

He needed to dig himself out of this grave now. He needed to atone for his sins. He needed a way out. He couldn't run. He couldn't hide. He couldn't even attack. He was too scared at the idea of attacking a man as powerful as him. He could only talk. And he could barely do that now as his life was on the line.

"Fo-forgive me sir. I- I just thought you wou- would want me to kill a survivor." Sweat was dripping down his face now. He, a humble servant, had disturbed his just master's life. Thoughts of previous conversations with his gang came to mind. 'I think that those Kira kills are damned to hell that they lose their souls to him to.' It had been funny at the time because Kira's wrath hadn't been focused on his own life. But now it was, oh the irony. He collected his wits and gave his best poker face, even though Kira wouldn't see it.

"My name is Haruto, I am but a humble servant. I one of your clan, the Stroke. Maius bonum est cunctis privatus doloribus aegris sacrafice- All pain is sacrifice for the greater good." This was the Stroke's secret phrase. Only those that had passed initiation could say it. It had been one of the most brutal weeks he had ever faced. Scars he had "earned" those days would forever remind him of those cold nights. But it had been all worth it. He had joined his master's services. He pulled up his sleeves to show a marking on his arms. A tattoo of a coffin with a skull on it. Another sign as proof he was from the Stroke. The tattoo that labeled you for life. It was a sign of absolute loyalty and was only given to the best of the best in the gang. It was the final contract. "I was sent by the leader of my group to finish of the master's work."

"Finish my work? Are you calling your god weak?" Silence followed as Haruto fully grasped his master's anger. The sound of snapping fingers was heard in the following silence. He prayed that those wouldn't be sounds in the future. That that crack wasn't meant to be his bones snapping in two.

"No master! We only thought-" He could barely register what happened next. As a rough hand grasped onto his neck, suffocating him. In the next split second he was slammed into the wall. Death was coming and Haruto knew it.

"DO NOT THINK! FOLLOW BLINDLY! THAT IS LOYALTY!" The grip of his master's hand increased and it became harder to breath once again. The servant had trouble forming his next words. Not only because he couldn't take in enough air in, but because he knew he would he die. His only hope was to appeal to the master's mercy. But he had no idea how to.

"I'm sorry ma-" The grip around his throat tightened again. No air could travel into his lungs now. Eyes bulged as he gasped for air. His body felt like it was getting heavier. He stared pleadingly into his master's eyes only for him to look into the eyes of death itself. "This is master."

His arms started to feel a lot heavier. Next he lost feeling in his legs. Then a dark black consumed his vision. He fell unconscious and his body fell limp in Kaneki's hand. Kaneki released the body and let it fall slumped up against the wall. The boy was barely alive. Barely breathing too.

Kaneki turned away from the body and grabbed the dropped knife, which had been long forgotten. He quickly set to faking his attack in the room. He grabbed another blade, one that had been in the boy's pocket. And sliced his throat. Purposely missing the major artery. He wiped the blade of his prints and placed it in the boy's hands. Blood covered the choke marks making the stage seem even more realistic.

"They will think he tried to commit suicide after his attack." The hybrid then walked to the medical help button on his bed stand and turned to face the door. He pressed the button, with help coming he could now fake his wounds. Kaneki then held the original medium sized blade to himself. The blade pointed at his stomach. He thrust the blade into it. Blade met skin and it traveled deep into his stomach, ripping apart organs and tissue.

"Good thing I haven't eaten in a week. My skin is weaker as a result. Even then it's also thanks to this world that anything can penetrate my skin." Kaneki let the pain register to his brain and felt his eyes get heavier. He listened to the pain as it consumed his body. He fell to the ground as blood continued to flow from his wound and passed out.

The sound of tapping heals hitting the ground franticly filled the silent hallway. They continued to get louder and louder and eventually Kaneki's call nurse came in shortly after. Turning the corner she was met with pools of blood and four bodies slumped on the floor. The scene was gruesome. Blood was everywhere and had reached the floor. She dropped her clipboard into the scarlet pool and the papers it held were polluted with the liquid substance. Her natural reaction would have been to call for help. Get a phone and call the emergence team. But faced with overwhelming pressure and gross amounts of blood she wanted to only scream. Screaming was a bad practice in a hospital. It showed you were unprofessional and you couldn't handle the stress. And yet that's what she did.

L watched in silence. It seemed Haise Sasaki was not what he originally thought to be. He was so more mysterious and complex than he could have ever thought. And although he had heard straight from the boy's mouth, "I'm Kira." He knew that the black haired creature had been lying. The real Kira would have never done a thing like that. Yes, he would try and get a name like Haise had. But he would have killed the boy immediately after. Kira killed anyone that went after him, or at least L assumed from his threats. The girl detective of the deceased FBI agent had died too, shortly after seeking out the killer of her husband. Further proving his thoughts. L could only assume that Kira had spared the police so far, because he needed to gain their support.

With their support he could get names. Names to use and kill with. So Haise had only said what he did to scare the boy. L could see how that might confuse even scare him a little. But to scare the man that badly was a different story. What had Haise done to scare the kid that badly? Granted that Haise's movements were intimidating, it wasn't enough to set a man that scared. The attacker looked like he almost had peed himself. But with his poor camera positioning he couldn't see what Haise had done.

L had missed something. Or rather the camera had missed something. To simply claim to be Kira would not be enough to throw the attacker off. He would have to prove himself somehow. And L had missed what Haise had done. L would save the security tape and watch it again to see if he could find what happened. But he doubted he would find anything again. It was a very rare occurrence he missed something.

No Kira would never have attacked the intruder with such brute strength. This all but cleared Haise Sasaki of being Kira. Haise had criminal friends, he didn't show the same intelligence as Kira, he didn't behave like Kira. But in these actions something was made clear to L. Haise. Wasn't. Human. A huge assumption yes, but to choke a fully grown adult male, who was obviously fit, with one hand, they would need immeasurable strength. Inhuman strength. Opening up the Security Camera operating system, L took out the CD that had everything the cameras had seen.

Getting out of his chair, L left the security room in silence. Contemplating his next move. Now he had two objectives: Catch Kira and Find out what Haise Sasaki was. Walking down the hallway he picked out his phone from his pants pocket and dialed a number.

"Watari we have another player in the game." And with that an undeclared war had been started. L would now face forces from the gods' of death, but would also learn that he had been fighting a being not of this world. One more sinister and complex than he had ever thought possible. One with a black and red eye.

Now things were getting more serious.

Uush had made it out of the building fairly easily. He had ran through the emergency room side of the building. And he had gained the attention of about three or so guards including police as he ran throughout the building. The high traffic of the crowded halls had been more than enough to escape the pursuing cops. Doctors rushing from room to room, Nurses looking at checklists and not at their surroundings, even emergency teams transporting victims had slowed the cops down. These people were all obstacles for the chasers and the chasee. Hell it had been so chaotic of a chase that one guard, the one who had started the chase, had actually been run over by a rushing doctor. Naturally Uush took advantage of the situation and ran out the back, escaping all the other cops. Who had been too far behind to see him run out.

It really was too easy to evade cops nowadays. Back in Germany as a kid Uush had not had the best of friend groups. He got in trouble a lot and his parents as a result had sent him to medical school to continue the family trade and break the rebellious attitude he had. These Japanese cops lacked experience against a former delinquent like him.

Uush was almost tempted to stay around the hospital and see if they would notice him. A game of hide and seek sparked by his child self. But decided against it, not wanting to tempt the fates. He continued to walk away from the hospital, after all his mission to see if Kaneki was fine had gone well. From the brief exchange he was able to tell that Kaneki was totally fine. His act of being frail would only work on the doctors and the detectives, not him. He had spent enough time with the hybrid to know his tells. The doctor had been walking for a while now and decided to throw off his medical garments. It would bring to much attention to him. Why would a doctor be in the streets so far away from the hospital? He took off his white shirt and stethoscope and threw them in a random trashcan. Making sure to take out his phone first. He continued to walk through the streets aimlessly. The doctor walked pass a TV network building. Not knowing that the building would soon be ground zero for Kira's next attack on the world.

Helen hadn't been expecting a day like this. When she had first got her job they had told her it was a quiet little task. Just file this and that and help the customers. They had been right too. Days went by where she only to do an hours' worth of work. But today the hospital had been busy as hell. All her other co-workers had gone out for a new CD release. Leaving her alone to do all the work. Some friends they were. So far today she has had to file six construction injuries, fifteen house related accidents, and twelve car accidents. And it was only noon. She had only finished six of the reports fully to. She was so into her work that she missed the loud squeaking of the swinging door that lead into the room.

"Daine?" Helen flinched having been scared from her work. She looked up to the doctor. "Great more work." She gave a heavy sigh, and looked back down to her work. Ignoring the doctor now, or at least tried to as she replied. Making sure to sound angry.

"It's Helen, Daine took the day off. How may I help you?" The doctor nodded wordlessly and handed her a file containing several packets of papers. She didn't even glance up. "Put it on the table." The doctor retracted the file and went to place it on the adjoining side table.

"That's a lot of papers…" He let the words hang in the air. Hoping she would make a side comment. She didn't reply and let the sound of her pen moving across the papers she had in front of her do the talking. 'No comment' was what they were saying.

"I'll leave my file on the top." She gave a brief 'Mmhm.' "The file is labeled with two names just so you know."

This seemed to grab the girl's attention. "And how did that happen?"

"The person who brought the victim in told the nurse the victim's name was Ihso. When we did a back ground check on him we found out it was, Shinobu." It wasn't a completely common thing. But when the hospital was given a false name double paper work was needed. The doctor left the room, leaving the girl to her work. He'd make sure to report the other workers who had left her to the higher ups. That girl didn't need that much paper work.

"Damit." She muttered as the pen ran out of ink. She looked to her office mug where she and her partners kept their pens. And wasn't surprised to find out that there was a lack in pens, in that there were none. She got up from her seat prepared to go to the supply closet when something caught her eye. The doctor had left his pen on the files. She walked to the piles of work and grabbed the pen and returned to her seat. Paying no mind that the newest file was placed in the 'Alive and in Stable Condition' pile.

September 19th

"These are your belongings Mr. Sasaki. I just need you to sign these papers and you'll finally be able to leave with you stuff." The kind desk worker handed Kaneki several papers with large paragraphs on them. Being the airhead he was, the half-ghoul decided to read them all, just to make sure these were proper papers. This was noticed by the young lady worker. "You know out of all the hundreds of people I've seen no one has ever read those papers. Mind telling me why you chose to be different?"

Kaneki kept reading his papers and replied as he signed a page. "I've learned over the years to never sign anything without first reading it." He signed another page.

"Did you have a bad experience with a lawyer or something?" She had clearly found the time in her work schedule to question the young boy.

"Or something. It's a long story I prefer not to talk about with just anyone." He signed the final paper and handed them back to the lady who looked disappointed that the conversation ended so soon.

"Maybe we can talk about it sometime cutie." She took out a piece of paper and a pen. She then handed him a small parchment of paper with a phone number on it. "Maybe we can have a tea together or something and talk about it." She winked at him as he turned to leave. He passed the short line of people that had been behind him and left the hospital. He began to look for a cab to take him home.

"What is it with women suddenly flirting with me? Am I really that attractive to them? Women confuse me, especially Touka." Kaneki pinched his nose in frustration. He was getting a little tired of all the attention. He rubbed his head in frustration.

"Who's Touka?" The half-ghoul's eyes opened in shock as he heard the last person he wanted to be around right now. He looked over his shoulder to see a certain prodigy detective looking at him. "Is she perhaps a lover or classmate? I haven't read anything about her so I'm naturally curios you see." Kaneki didn't take the obvious bait. "Not talking I see." Again he gave no reply. L continued to try and get him to talk. "You know for someone who suffered a heart attack and a stab in the abdomen you seem to be awfully mobile. Care to share why?"

Seeing no end to the detective's prying he finally gave in. Trying to remain as passive as possible, to not ignite any suspicion against him. After all a victim should have nothing to hide. "I hate hospitals. Never heard a good story about them." Now he would try and turn the tables to avoid the last question. "And I don't care to stay in a place where I can be so freely attacked." Maybe he could change the conversation and get the detective defensive.

"Ah yes, I'm deeply sorry about that. My detectives messed up and you were attacked." Kaneki gave a hum in response, still facing the street. "But I am curios on how you were able to survive such an attack when the man was so focused on your death." Kaneki gave a sigh as he should have known that he would be questioned again. L stared at his back fully knowing that Kaneki had dodged his last question.

"As I said before, the man was untrained and failed to realize a stab to the stomach would be fatal. He was also stupid enough to let me contact the nurse with my medical help button. He must have sliced his throat, or at least tried too, when he heard the nurse running down the hall. He was probably scared that Kira would kill him for a failed mission." Growing tired of the interrogation Kaneki tried once again to find a cab. He finally got one to notice him and they pulled up in front of him. Kaneki tried to enter the car only for it to be forcefully closed. Noticing that L's hand was the one that had shut it.

"Need to be somewhere in a hurry? I doubt it since you just got out of the hospital and all. Why don't I take you to someplace so we can eat? Perhaps we can visit that coffee shop you work at. If I remember correctly it was not for from here and named...oh what was it? Oh yes, it was "Breath of Air Café "right? Quite a boring name if you ask me. Would've been more memorable of a name if it was catchier."

Kaneki was finding it harder to keep passive. L was getting dangerously close to disrespecting the people he loved and cared for. Kaneki turned to his right and stared for a while into the super detective's eyes. "It's not polite to insult a place like that. And you don't need to remember them for their name, what you need to remember them by is their coffee."

Still staring at one another, L responded with his own opinions yet again. "I do remember them by their coffee. I went there with Light the day you were admitted into the hospital, and I dare to say it was the worst coffee I ever had."

"He's trying to provoke me isn't he? He's hoping to get me mad so I might slip up on something. Dirty but a good tactic nonetheless."

"Well then I must have been a waitress or waiter I haven't trained yet. You see the manager has been trying to find more people for me to train and since I missed my shift that day they must have sent out the newbies. But I'd be happy to make you another cup sometime." Kaneki broke eye contact with L. "In fact I have nothing better to do as you've said, so why don't we head there now. That way I can make you coffee and you can get all the details you can from me."

A new voice interrupted the conversation. "Hey kid and freak, you getting in or what?"

"What do you mean Ryuk?"

"He's supposed to be dead Light. He has passed his date and yet still walks among you humans alive and well. (Irony, since you know he almost died on his last date with Rize. *wink wink nudge nudge* and yet still lives.)

L took his chair out and sat down at his desk. He propped his head on his arms. "What are you saying Ryuk? Are you saying Haise Sasaki has achieved immortality? That he has beaten death? That he is more powerful than you mighty Shinigami?"

Ryuk stood hovering behind his muse. "These are all questions I cannot answer."

Light turned violently to stare at the god of death, with anger in his eyes. "Why!"

"I have already told you Light. I will not help you in your goals. Me telling you this was only to level the playing field. And Light. I don't know what he did to survive. I have never seen or heard anything about this kind of thing happening. It is up to you to find out how he did." Light stared at Ryuk for a little more and then returned to putting his head on his arms. And then he started laughing. A deep dark kind of laugh. It started soft and grew louder, but never became loud enough for anyone outside or in the house to hear. "What is so funny Light?"

"Everything Ryuk. First I am given a worthy adversary and now I am given a being who has defied death! The ultimate force of nature! An objective of immortality that has started wars! Whipped out races! And now the key to its secrets lies before me! And if I achieve immortality my world of peace will live on forever! Haise Sasaki I will find out what you did to live, through any means necessary! God must really be on my side to give me such a gift!"

Ryuk watched his muse with a sick smile. He came to this world to cure his boredom. And by simply dropping a book into this world he had inadvertently started a war. A war of deceit and lies. A war unlike any other. And things were only just starting.

"And then I met you outside." Kaneki set his cup of coffee down and joined L at their table. It seemed L hadn't taken any notes at all, and worse yet not had any of the coffee Kaneki made for him. "Why haven't you had any of the coffee I made for you? Afraid it's poisoned?" Kaneki had meant it as a joke, but judging by how L didn't respond he had accidentally hit the nail on the head. Which worried Kaneki.

"Tell me Kaneki how was life on a farm? You lived on one for most of your life and when your parents died you were forced to maintain everything. And then when you got enough money you hired some farm hands, a big responsibility for someone so young." The abruptness of this question surprised the halfa. But he would have to respond and give a suitable answer, something Uush had made him practice, a lot.

"I'm surprised you would ask. Knowing about my life puts a lot of people off. They get all small in a sense and stop talking about it. It seems to affect them more than me. But anyways back on topic, my dad was distant with me. Our relationship wasn't the best. Our best connection was that we both loved books and mom. Other than that we barely talked, him working so much. Him forcing me to work at the ripe of three didn't help either. But I can't really talk shit about him either. Him forcing me to work was what gave me enough experience to work the farm when he died. My mom and I had a gr-" Suddenly Kaneki's mind stopped working as he grabbed his head in pain.

"Haise! What's happening!?' It was L. But why would he care? He had been cold to him the whole time they'd known each other. His head kept hurting more and more. Memories that he didn't remember were flashing before him.

A feminine voice called out in the dark. "Ken sweetie can you get the lights please."The voice was kind and caring.


"Ken I said get the lights." The ladies voice became harder.

"Yes mommy…" A small silhouette rose in front of the window, illuminated by the full moon. The small figure moved to the wall and flipped the lights on as the other voice had instructed. The previously dark room was now illuminated. But young Ken wished they were still off. So he wouldn't have to see the blood surrounding the room. His blood.

"Oh Ken sweetie you really shouldn't make your mommy work more than she already does." Her tone was light and sweet. But how could a voice so sweet do this atrocity. How could mother so supposedly sweet beat her child at night and care for him at day?

Ken's whole body was pulsating from the pain. Red marks littered his body and were accented by the red lines of blood dripping from his wounds. One of the chairs that had been placed at the living room table was now broken. Its legs had broken under the weight of Kaneki being hit repeatedly by his mother's savage blows. Each one full of rage. Each one with malicious intent.

There was a smear of blood on the corner of the wall where he had been slammed into. His frail little body had been no obstacle for the fully grown woman's throws. That had been the first blow of the night. Six P.M. had been when it had started that night. It was now Nine P.M. The beatings had only stopped for now. They would occur again like any other night.

He would have to tell his friends that he'd fallen down the stairs again, just as he did every time the marks were to much to hide.

And yet all the young boy could think of was how strong was. How kind she was. And how much she loved him.

He smiled and looked at his mother. The woman was still on the floor resting. Tonight had been more violent than usual. Ken decided to get his mother some much needed water from the sink. As he got the water and returned with glass in hand he kept smiling. He placed the water down next to his mom and laid down beside her.

"I love you mommy."

The pain went away as fast as it had come. "Haise are you okay?" Kaneki lifted his head. He tried to come up with a bogus excuse for what had just happened. But couldn't think of anything as his brain had not fully recovered yet. "Do we need to go back to the hospital?"

"No no. I'm fine. I just remembered her death." Kaneki said it solemnly. He had put real emotion in those worlds, even if they were fake.

"How did she die?"

"She killed herself. The death of my father was too much for her. She blamed herself for everything. And the work got to her too. I saw her the day she died you know." Ken forced his voice to a whisper. "Most suicide victims do it late at night or early in the morning as to not face their family. But I saw her that morning with a smile on her face. That was the last thing I saw before I came back home to see her. She hung herself in front the house." The two remained silent. "The doctor said that she killed herself right after I had left the house to get supplies from town. I can still remember her, hanging there as crows played with her body."

"Haise have you ever sought out help for this? That was a very violent reaction."

"No, I don't wanna burden anyone. Anyways the work on the farm was what kept me sane. That and my dad's books." Kaneki took a sip of his barely touched coffee. "I'm going to go home now and rest." L got up as well. It seemed L's hard detective mode had done a complete one-eighty, as he now seemed sympathetic.

"I'll accompany you outside." The two both exited the cafe, each with heavy minds.

Wordlessly Kaneki hailed a cab. But before he could even get inside he was cut off yet again by L, who got in his cab before he even could. L pated the seat next to him signaling for him to get in. "Please get in Haise. I want to take you home, so we can further our conversation about your troubles. I may be a detective but I can help you with your issues. Just give me twenty minutes more of your time at your house. Then you can kick me out."

Kaneki gave a light nod. He closed his eyes as L gave the directions to his house.

"Maybe L was just playing hard ball with me? Trying to get me to break and spill something. Guess he stopped his acting when he saw me go into whatever that was." Kaneki continued to dwell to himself as he rode silently in the car. The ride was extremely quiet and only the occasional bump in the road made a noise. It continued like for a while until L's phone went off.

"Yes, I am out right now with Haise. There was a pause, Kaneki opened his eyes just barely enough to see. L's expression had become suddenly grave and serous once again. "Alright hold the phone to the TV." Another pause. "Send anyone who is close enough to the station and turn the broadcast of now!" The taxi stopped as it reached Haise's house. L ran out of the car and dashed into the house. Haise payed the driver and ran inside.

"Hey I was watching that you jack ass!" Haise ran in to see Shinobu yelling at L, who had changed the TV to Sakura TV Station. On the screen was Kira in big black letters as a modified voice spoke.

"Stop Aizawa now! Do not let him leave the building at any cost! Listen to me his death is tragic but he died trying to stop Kira! We need to play smart here! Killing ourselves solves nothing!" L's voice was strained as he spoke into the phone. He must have been talking to his associates. "Aizawa I need the directors on the phone now. Put both phones on speaker!""Mr. Yagami please wait!"

Deciding that this wasn't for their ears Kaneki pulled Shinobu to the kitchen where they wouldn't hear L. Things were just starting to cool down. Why did everything have to get dangerous again?

Okay, so I've been dead for about a month or two? Well I have a good reason why. My cat peed on my computer and destroyed the mother board. Easy fix right? NOPE. Send it off to Toshiba to be fixed, they send it back with no software at all. So it's just a paper weight. We have to BUY ALREADY OWNED software. We order windows 8 from them. We get 10. Not good because updates and stuff. We finally get it working and boom. None of my games work right. Frame rates from 66 to 8 in a second. Games are unplayable. We ask staples to fix it. Money spent and barely any improvement. So I'm just getting a new computer.

Also I was heavily uninspired during this chapter as I was occupied with some pretty heavy life events. Events that are still happening on low scale. And to give you an idea of sorts, I had intended this chapter to come out the next week from chapter 7. That's how badly life got.

This story has been continued because of reviews, favorites and follows. I can't believe I'm about to get a 100 favs/ 100+ follows. (Ps-Notify me if I have errors anywhere. A little too tired to look over the whole thing.)