Chapter 1: The Arrangements

I don't own any of the characters from Bleach or Blue Exorcist. I'm just borrowing them and using them in a crossover to entertain you guys.

A/N: Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction I'm writing, but I've read several different crossovers and thought of some ideas for good anime crossovers that I wanted to give it a shot. The events from Bleach take place when Ichigo can't control his inner hollow and as for Blue Exorcist, it's after Rin defeats Satan and resumes his studies to become an exorcist. Also, don't be afraid to tell me what you think about it. I would like to hear your opinions because it will help me with future chapters and fanfictions. Anyone, even if you're just a guest and don't have an account, can leave a comment/review about a fanfiction, so please don't be shy about telling whether your comment is good or bad. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and with that in mind, let's right into it!

Ichigo's POV

After defeating the Bounts, I resumed my normal life, but I then took a turn for the worst when both the Arrancars and the Vizards appeared in Karakura town. My inner hollow kept getting closer and closer to the surface where I almost was consumed by it. I promised myself I wouldn't allow my inner hollow to take control and lose my sanity. However, it's gotten to the point where I'm so confused and don't know what to do. Before I would go see the Vizards for help, I decided to see Urahara at his shop and see if there was any advice Urahara could give me to control my inner hollow.

"Well, if it isn't Ichigo," said Urahara calmly. "What brings you to my shop today?"

"I wanted to ask you a couple…" Ichigo tried to finish his statement, but got interrupted when Jinta and Ururu came into the shop after completing their outside chores.

"Alright Urahara we finished our…huh hey it's carrot top," said Jinta.

"Yay, Strawberry's here!" said Ururu excitedly, but in her gentle, quiet voice.

"HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GOING TO CALL ME CARROT TOP EVERY FREAKING TIME I COME HERE!?" Ichigo yelling at Jinta and then begins to talk to Ururu in a calmer tone. "And why do you keep calling me Strawberry? I know that's one of the meanings to my name, besides number one protector, but my name is suppose to sound cool so why do you call me that?"

"Because Ichigo I think you're a very sweet guy, like a strawberry. It just doesn't seem anyone takes your name into perspective as to who you really are as a person," said Ururu in a gentle tone.

I was shocked by what Ururu said and it is true, nobody really thinks about how my name means 'strawberry' and actually takes it seriously. For Ururu to say that really cheered me up and she actually got a smile on my face. After having my inner hollow being a pain in the ass lately, it's always good to hear some words of encouragement.

"One other thing Ichigo," said Ururu. "Have you ever thought about dying your hair pink?"


"Well, I was only thinking that if you dyed your hair pink it would grab Oriheme's attention. After all, the ladies love their pink and all your friends, including Urahara and Yoruichi, know you have a crush on Oriheme. Urahara and Renji have told us that every time you're near Oriheme, you always seem to be 'checking her out'," said Ururu.

["What the hell kind of imagination runs through this girl's mind, I mean seriously I don't check out Oriheme 'all the time'?! AAAAAAHHHHHH, I JUST ADMITTED TO MYSELF THAT I DO CHECK OUT ORIHEME! What am I going to do, what am I going to do?! If people find out I actually think this, they'll think I'm some sort of pervert or something along those lines! I have to stay calm and not let my manly hormones take control of me. Man, now I have another thing to worry about," Ichigo thought to himself.]

"Alright Ururu, that's enough. As much I would love to see Ichigo with pink hair, you kind of put him in a state of shock. Now, I want you and Jinta to go clean up the back closet, unpack the boxes of new shipments, and help Tessai with the dishes." Urahara said. Ururu and Jinta left to do the chores Urahara ordered them to do, leaving me alone with Urahara. "You had some questions you wanted to ask me Ichigo."

"Lately, whenever I use my bankai, I feel the presence of my inner hollow. It's been frightening me because I can't suppress it due to me being too weak and when I can't suppress it, I only get my friends hurt. If this keeps up, I'll not only lose control of myself, but I'll lose everything I hold dear to me! I don't want that to happen, but I was also confused on what to do. This group called the Vizards asked me to join them because they know about my inner hollow. I thought about going to them to see if I could learn how to control it, but that Shinji guy just freaks me out and I don't know if they would want me to stay in their group for good if I go there. There was also the thought about quitting being a soul reaper, which I don't want to do. I then decided before I went to the Vizards for assistance, I would go to you and see if you're any help to me or not. The two questions I want to ask is one, 'do you know how I can suppress my inner hollow' and two, 'do you know anyone who's expert or at least has some idea on how I may be able to control my inner hollow, besides the Vizards'?"

"To sum it up, I don't know how to suppress the activity of an inner hollow, which you probably knew or else I would have helped train you by now," stated Urahara. "However, it was good of you to come and see me though because I in fact know someone who may be able to help you out. His name is Mephisto Pheles and he's the director of True Cross Academy, where there are regular classes for the normal kids and a cram school for students who want to become exwires while also taking the regular classes. Anyways, Mephisto is not only a powerful exorcist, but he's actually a demon king as well."

"Wait, so you're telling me they're letting a demon king run a school for your average day kids! What are they thinking, does the staff not realize he could lose his sanity at any time and put the kids in danger?!"

"I know, I know, but the regular staff doesn't know of Mephisto's true identity and besides, he left his home of Gehenna, the demon world, to live in Assiah, or what we call the world of the living. You don't have to worry about Mephisto, Ichigo. He's been a good friend of mine for a few decades and all the times I went to see him, he never once lost his sanity. If you're interested, I can give Mephisto a call and ask if you can attend the cram school at True Cross Academy and get help with controlling your inner hollow. Even though your inner hollow acts as your killer instinct, it's almost like a demonic version of yourself. Mephisto has learned to control his demonic powers over the centuries and if it's control of your inner hollow you want, he would be the first man I would suggest to you. You never hear much about True Cross Academy here because it lies in an alternate dimension that's parallel to our world, but it has an excellent reputation and Mephisto can easily pick you up. Attending the cram school will help you not only keep you up with your day classes, but you'll also learn different ways to take down demons, or what we call hollows. You will also get time to do some training to help you become stronger. After hearing this, are you interested in going? Once you make the decision, you won't be able to get out of it. Mephisto isn't the type of guy that likes it when you drop out of a schedule arrangement." said Urahara.

"(Ichigo signs) I'll give demon guy a shot. At least it'll be better than hanging around that creepy Shinji. I can hardly imagine what the other Vizards would be like and I don't want to know for a while. I'll at least be around regular kids at the school and right now, anything is better than being around Shinji. He's been a total pervert at school, especially when he's playing with Oriheme's body."

"Good, I'll make the arrangements with Mephisto tonight," Urahara said with a cheerful look on his face. "I'll give you a call when I hear from him, but before you go, there's one thing I ask of you."


"Relax kid, relax. It has nothing to do with dying your hair pink," Urahara said ["Even though you might receive a good first impression from Mephisto," Urahara thought to himself]. "No, all that I'm asking you to do is to continue your physical training to stay in lean shape and to monitor for any hollow/demon activity. You see, Mephisto asked me if I knew some soul reapers that would be willing to go over to True Cross Academy to help with a demon infiltration. I was going to ask Renji, Rukia, and Ikkaku if they would help out, but now that you're going, you'll be enough."

"But what if I…" I tried to finish my statement, but I was soon interrupted by Urahara.

"You're not going to lose control, I promise you that much. Besides, Mephisto has a lot of strong exorcists that can monitor and stop you in case you do lose control. Ichigo, I want you to take this journey on your own because you want to become stronger for your friends, right?" I nodded my head in agreement. "So if your friends were to come along and you lost control, you would feel more depressed than you already are if something bad were to happen to them. I know you would never forgive yourself, that's just the kind of person you are Ichigo. Now go home for now and after I have dinner, I'll make the phone call to Mephisto and will later inform you on what's going on. Also, don't worry about school, I'll tell them you're taking an 'educational' (hand quoting the word educational) trip with me and you should be back within the next month or so. Don't tell anyone else about what's going on, except you can tell your family you're going away. Is that cool with you?"

"That's cool with me, but whoever believes that crap are complete fools. Anyways, thanks for the help Urahara. I'll be seeing you around."

Not long after that, I left Urahara's shop and I made my way home only to be attacked by my crazy dad first thing when I came in. He's done it so many times to where I expected it to happen and gave him a good kick in the gut. My dad really should have learned by now that trick has gotten old, but yet he still does it at the least convenient times. That night, I anxiously waited for Urahara to call me and see what the deal is to where that was the only thing on my mind. Luckily, there weren't any hollows for me to take down, so they must be giving me a break for once. I knew that once I got the phone call from Urahara, I would tell my dad, Karin, and Yuzu about 'the trip' I'm going on. All that I hope for is that this trip is actually worth it, otherwise, this whole thing would be a complete waste of time and loss of time to control my hollow.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you for all of your support. I'm sorry that this chapter was mainly information, but I have to cover this now, in order for it to make sense later on. I do require you to continue reading on because it really does get better. I have more chapters up that get a lot better (especially chapter 3 and 4) and if you read them and tell me what you think, that's all I ask. If you decide you don't like it, you don't have to continue reading on and I'm cool with that, too.