The call came at seven in the afternoon. Muramasa had just put down his knife and fork, and was leaning back with a satisfied smile at the wonderful meal Mayumi had cooked for him and Mahiro. Her food was always a blessed gift in his eyes.

Mahiro had been telling them about a recent job offering she had received at working for a private security firm, which while sounding risky, Muramasa couldn't help but be proud that she was making advancements in her life and following what she was passionate about. Even if it was protecting some paying business man.

Ideally he would have preferred if she chose the option to and train the police academy, but it was her choice and either one she made he would be happy as long as she was.

If only Kyo would show the same enthusiasm for something.

He couldn't just be a drifter his entire life.

The telephone came alive with the loud shrill of the ringing.

Mahiro jumped up from the table and walked over to the wall telephone and picked up the receive answering with a chirpy voice. "Hello."

Silence followed as Mahiro listened to whatever was on the other end. Muramasa noted concern flicker across her eyes, but all she did was nod silently before giving any verbal confirmation. Turning to look at Muramasa with a great deal of worry in her eyes, she held out the receiver to him.

"It's important."

A little tense, Muramasa stood and took over from Mahiro. Mayumi was beginning to put away the dishes with Mahiro's help the girl whispering something into her ear secretively. Now Muramasa was worried.

"Muramasa speaking."

"Hey." A groggy voice that he did not instantly recognise. Kyo.

"Kyo," alarmed, he had never heard Kyo sound so… weak, "is everything alright. Where are you?"

"The hospital." He responded as if was the most normal thing in the world.

Muramasa's heart was doing backflips, jail this morning and now the hospital? "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," there he goes again with brushing everything off, "just got into a fight with someone I couldn't beat."

Startled, Muramasa calmed considerable before chuckling, "Well, there's a first for everything." Surprised that Kyo would even admit to not being able to win in a fight.

"I suppose there is."

"So who was the lucky man that managed to put you out of commission."

"Nozomu Shiina."

Muramasa exhaled long and hard. "Kyo," the warning evident in his tone. A tone that even Kyo would cower slightly from. The boy would never forget who it was that taught him to fight. "Whatever you have done to piss Nozomu off as badly as you did, I had better hope that you didn'-"

"Naa, he was just pissed that I had spent the night Yuya."

His son never ceased to surprise him with his… idiocy? "But… you spent the night in a jail cell?" Muramasa now needing that confirmation for himself as he was well beyond confusion.

"Might have forgotten to clarify the minor details." There it was again, that tone that told Muramasa that Kyo was loving every moment of this. "Nozomu isn't as spineless as he looks, broke four ribs and dislocated my shoulder. Then fixed them up." At that last bit Kyo lost his humour to something a little more grumpy, while Muramasa winced at how badly Kyo's injuries sounded.

"Yuya got arrested as well?" Choosing not to focus on the injuries as Kyo would just brush them off as nothing.

"She was the one who called the cops on me."

Shaking his head at how crazy he imagined Kyos last twenty hour hours to have been, Muramasa was now lost for words. "Again, I hope that you are not playing with that girl to piss of Nozomu."

"I wouldn't do that." Lo and behold, there it was again. That tone that piqued Muramasa's curiosity while the finality of his words urged Muramasa to leave it at that. Maybe there was something that Kyo showed an interest for.

On the other side of the town in the local hospital, Kyo was perched upright in a hospital bed. While his injuries where painful, the doctors had told him that if he wanted he could have been discharged there and then as long as he was collected by someone and didn't drive himself.

However, at the insistence of some little loud mouthed nuisance he was forced into a single room for the night.

Kyo did not want to stay in the hospital at all, and after the night sleeping in the cell all he really wanted was to get home, shower and collapse into his own bed. To make matters worse this is where Nozomu worked, and after the way he had reacted, Kyo had a few pangs of worry that the man may come at him in the middle of the night with poison or something drastic.

It nagged at Kyo that there was someone who he couldn't fight. Nozomu was a decently strong man, but his punches arched too much and his stance was easily broken. Kyo wouldn't even have had to break a sweat to block them, instead having to hold his stance while Nozomu had kicked the shit out of him had been the hardest part.

How the hell could he have retaliated with his sister right there watching? That pissed him off more than anything, not being able to retaliate or risk the thought of upsetting Yuya.

"Kyo you still there?" Muramasa asked over the line with the same concern he had heard when he first answer, but lessened to some degree of understanding.

"Here old man."

"Alright, do you want me to come pick you up from the hospital?"

Kyo looked down at the person had been the cause of so much annoyance these last two days, her head resting on the mattress, soft breaths escaped her in her sleep with both hands tightly clasped in one of his own. He smiles softly. "Don't worry about it old man, I'm comfortable here for now. I'll be home in the morning."

A little fluff at the end :) Hope you all enjoyed it. Please leave reviews to offer any positive or negative feedback. I welcome all of it to help me develop as a mildly creative person. Unnecessary rudeness is gonna be ignored

Also I feel I should note that I know nothing about getting arrested (yup, im a good girl) or how the bail system works... and this is all for creative purpouse! Dont take it too seriously. :) just some fun