The Once And Future King

AN: Well guys, here's the re-write of 'The Dragon Slayer King' and as you guys can see it also has a new title.

So I hope this one is better than the first one was and I hope you all enjoy this re-write.

The harem was made by Johnny Fox

Harem- Naruto x Erza Scarlet x Erza Knightwalker x Juvia Lockser x Hisui E. Fiore x Cana Alberona x Mirajane Strauss

''Normal speech''


''Monster/beast/Non-human speech''

'Monster/beast/Non-human thoughts'

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!


In a small village of about 8,000 people a beautiful miracle was happening to two people. This two had waited 9 month to hold their first ever children. Who might this two be well let's take a quick look shall we?

The first was a man about 22 years of age and was about 6' 2'' with spiky blond hair that was said to be as bright as the sun. He wore a coat with a flame design in the hem of it. He also wore a navy blue anbu style pants and a long sleeve navy blue muscle shirt with black sandals. This man's name was Minato Namikaze and he was currently watching over a beautiful red headed woman.

This red head was about 21 years of age and stood at about 5' 10'' with her beautiful hair reaching her calves. She had a beautiful creamy skin tone with the most peculiar eye color it was a light shade of purple. This woman's name was Kushina Namikaze and she was currently laying on the floor with sweat running down her face.

''Come on Kushina just hold on a little bit longer we're almost there.'' Minato said while leaning on a tree and every now and then looking around.

''I can't Minato, this two want out now… find a cave or something but I won't be able to hold out much more.'' Kushina gasped out while clutching her large belly.

New life was truly beautiful to experience indeed but unfortunately they couldn't enjoy a simple life. It had all started about one week ago when the small village of Konoha received news of an invasion by the king of Fiore himself.

It helped that their village leader Hiruzen Sarutobi had become friends with the king of Fiore. They had then scrabbled their civilian military to check the invading force only to receive news from the sole survivor that the invaders were mages. Minato being one of the few mages in their village chose to take a few of the other to do surveillance.

That's when they saw that the invaders were Zeref worshippers and they decided to spy on them to see what they were after. They overheard one drunken mage blurt out that there was a powerful magical signature coming from their village.

Minato was wondering what that could mean but was found out and him along with his group of ten made a break for it. Two of his men stayed behind to distract the enemy to give them time to get away. Minato and his remaining eight men made it to the village and were able to inform Sarutobi in time for a slaughter.

Why because the group Minato went to check out was nothing but a decoy because while they were getting ready to fight that group another came from behind and caught them off guard.

Everything went downhill from there Minato only thinking of getting his wife of two year out ran toward her location. That's when he found out their target was his unborn twins. He was able to kill four of the six that were there to take his wife.

He then took his wife and made the hardest decision in his life… he abandoned his village in favor of his wife.

That's how we find them right now running from their burning village not knowing if anyone else made it or not. All alone, tired and with Kushina just having gone into labor well thing just went from terrible to fucking hell.

''Kushina please just a little more and we'll get to the shrine so please just hold on.'' Minato said while putting her right arm on his shoulder.

''I-I'll try Minato.'' Kushina grunted out.

They traveled through the forest slowly for about another 10 minutes before they heard branches snapping behind them.

''Sir I found her!'' they heard and slowly turned around to see a man in black clothing yelling and pointing at them.

''Shit… Kushina go run get to the shrine and stay there… they don't know how to enter it so you'll be safe so wait and I'll be there soon ok.'' All he got was a fearful look from his wife.

''B-but…'' she wasn't able to finish due to her contractions.

So all she did was nod and left wobbling a little while Minato stood in front of her and watched as she disappeared. He turned his full attention to the enemy and watched as at least 20 and more coming emerged from the forest and looked at him.

''Step aside or you'll die here.'' The apparent leader said while holding a staff in his left hand while in his right a weird sickly purple magic circle appeared.

''If you want to get to her you'll have to kill me.'' Minato stated with resolve.

''As you wish.'' Was all the man said before firing out a green and purple beam at Minato.


Kushina walked for another five minutes before standing in front of a giant dead end. She looked back were the smoke was rising and were she heard an explosion. With tears in her eyes she turned around and placed her hand on the dead end and a golden magic circle appeared and she vanished in a golden flash.


Minato Namikaze the future leader of his village, the husband to Kushina Namikaze lay in his own pool of blood with a blank stare.

''Sir what should we do with his body?'' one of the cloaked figures asked.

''Leave him, his not the reason we're here for… we came to lend a hand to Grimoire Heart to obtain more brats for his little project and I can't sense the woman anymore so let's go we're done here.'' The man said while walking away.

''Yes lord Zero!'' the groups yelled out.

Once they all left Minato spit out a glob of blood and started to turn around onto his stomach. He then tried to crawl toward the direction of his wife.

Minato was missing his right arm and part of his left leg; he didn't make it very far and instead just laid there.

'I'm sorry Kushina but I won't be able to be there for you and our children…so please stay safe all of you…and remember that I… love…you…''

Those were his lost thought before Minato died in the middle of the forest left there to be nothing but another wild animal's food.


Kushina found herself walking down a brightly lit hallway made of pure white marble floor and walls. As she continued to walk she had to stop every few seconds due to her contractions.

''Come in my child so I may help you'' a very soothing voice sounded out throughout the hallway surprising her.

''Who's there?'' Kushina asked

''Someone who can help now come closer and let me look at you.''

Kushina decided to trust the voice since it filled her with tranquility and made her feel happy. As she got closer she felt the air around her become cool, not cold but more like a gentle refreshing breeze.

When she got to the end she saw a huge white dragon laying on his front paws. The dragon looked like it was naked since she didn't see any scales on it and strangely it looked female.

''Ah so you're the one I felt was able to enter my shrine.'' The dragon spoke with its eyes close.

''Y-yes m-ma'am I'm sorry if I'm intruding but I had…'' she wasn't able to finish

''Yes I know about your village and what happened… no I can't help since I'm not even alive anymore I'm just a spirit that's stuck in this shrine until my life force runs out.'' The dragon responded.

Before Kushina could say any more she fell to her knees and started to scream in pain.

''Calm down and breath child I will do my best to help out… first lay on your back and remove your dress so you can use it as a blanket.'' The dragon calmly stated

Kushina did as told and took off her maternity dress and laid it on the floor while taking deep breaths.

''T-there n-now what umm…'' Kushina wanted to say her name but she didn't even know it.

''I've had many name in my life but I've always liked the title mother of dragons or you can just call me Lily… now though relax and push at three ok?'' Lily told her getting a nod from Kushina

''Ok then… one… two… three push!'' with that Kushina began pushing and screaming.

Things seemed to be going well for a while and Lily kept speaking to Kushina to try and help ease her pain. It wasn't until about two and a half hours later that the problems started.

''Miss Lily… why hasn't any of my children… come out yet!?'' Kushina yelled through the pain.

Lily didn't answer and simply looked between her legs to have a look and what she saw worried her.

''There's some bad news my child.''

''Wha-what news Lily… are my children alright?'' Kushina worriedly blurted out.

''It seems because of what happened tonight the children are somehow entangled in their own umbilical cords and if we don't well… cut you open they will die since natural birth isn't an option anymore .'' Lily answered her with a somber tone.

''Wha-what are you saying?'' Kushina asked with fear.

''It means you won't live after giving birth because of the blood loss… I'll be able to keep you alive for only a few hours after but since I don't have a body anymore I won't be able to heal you with my sky dragon healing arts.'' Lily sadly told her.

''Will they be ok?'' Kushina cried out at the thought of not being there for her children.

''For a while child after that I will regretfully will have them leave since in about five to eight years I'll fully disappear because I'm running on the last bit of life force I've got at the moment.'' Lily said

''Then I want you to take them to a friend of mine that lives in Fiore please or show them the way she'll take care of them I'm sure.'' Kushina said remembering her old childhood friend.

''I'll try but I can't promise anything… now are you ready?'' when she finished she saw Kushina breathe deeply and nod at her with fire in her eyes.

''Save my children Ma'am.''

When those words left her mouth Lily got close and whispered something Kushina couldn't hear and saw a tiny magic circle appear over Lily's right pointer figure and saw it turn from transparent to tangible.

One moment Kushina was ready for anything and the next she was screaming her throat raw from the immense pain in her stomach from having it rip open and having Lily's claw dig into her to remove her children.

''The first one is a boy child.'' Kushina was barely able to look at her newborn son and just barely able to hear his little cry.

''N-nar-naruto… h-his n-name… wi-will be Na-Naruto.'' Kushina rasped out

''Just hang in there a little longer just long enough to name your second child.'' Lily said while digging her claw once more into her earning yet another ear splitting scream of pain.

The second proved a little harder and longer since it was nearly ten minutes before she was able to extract her from Kushina.

''Your second child is a girl.'' Lilly informed her while looking at her for the child's name.

''L-l-lu-lucy… h-h-her… na-name w-w-will be L-lucy.'' Kushina gasped out before dying after naming her second child Lucy who was busy crying her little heart out.

''Lucy and Naruto… hmm what beautiful names your mother chose for the two of you… but sadly I wasn't able to give her any more time with you… her wounds were just to fatal.'' Lily said while looking at the crying babies in her right clawed hands.

Naruto was currently crying while reaching for Lily's face while his sister was crying as well but was somehow trying to reach for Kushina instead.

''You Naruto have the most amazing magic reserve I've ever seen my young ones… but your sister seems to have the most compressed magic power I've seen… you two will make fine mage one day… perhaps I will take one of you as my student.'' Lily said while looking at Naruto

''Lucy I will take you to your mother's friend because you will need a mother more than your brother and I promise you that in time you two will meet again.'' Lily promised while spreading her wings and sending a roar to the ceiling destroying the roof on top.

She grabbed Kushina's body and wrapped it in some clothes that she had lying around and placed her on her back.

'Sigh' ''I don't even know where your mothers friend is… but I guess I'll try to look for the one who has the tiniest trace of smell that matches your mother.''

With that she took flight and soared across the sky passing over the now burned to the ground village of Konoha and gave a small praying for those lost in the invasion.

-3 Days Later-

It had been three days since she had left the shrine and Lily had just noticed that her remaining life force had been cut in half. She now estimated that she had any were from four to five years left to live. She had kept both the child asleep with one of her magic abilities for most of the trip only stopping to change them and feed them milk she was able to acquire from somewhere.

Now though she was flying and was able to finally get a small trace on someone who smelled like Kushina, is only a tiny bit. She found a beautiful woman in what she thought to be her early twenties with long blond hair done up in a high bun.

She was currently wearing a business skirt and blouse and was walking down an empty road with a grocery bag in hand with a man with slicked back blond hair.

Lily not wanting to have someone see them used one of her many wind spells and caught them both in an air bubble that also prevented their yells from being heard.

Both people were scared out of their mind when they found themselves being lifted into the air and then they were floating for a while until the landed in front of the one thing they never thought they'd see in their life.

There in front of them was a huge white dragon looking down at them with what looked like amusement.

''Calm down humans I only wish to talk with you two.'' Lily assured but saw the man get in front of the woman.

''Wha-what is i-it you w-wish to talk ab-about?'' the man bravely stuttered out

''I wish to ask the girl behind you if she knew a woman named Kushina once?''

The moment that name left her mouth the girl stepped in front of the man and looked at her with a shocked face.

''Kushi, you know her? Where is she? Is she ok? Can you take me to her?'' the woman started to bombard her with questions.

Lily got a sad expression when she saw the worry in this woman's eyes at hearing that she knew the red headed mother.

''Yes I did know her… but before you ask anything else I will tell you what happened to her first ok.''

When she saw her nod she began to explain the invasion to how Kushina entered her shrine all the way to the time she helped her deliver her children.

''That's why I'm here right now, to hand over one of her children to you so that you may raise her until the time when both brother and sister can once more reunite.''

''I understand… but please allow me to take Kushi's body please… I would like to bury her in our home town.'' The woman cried out

''Of course… but first I will like to know both your names so as to express my gratitude better.''

''My name is Jude Heartfilia and this is my wife of over a year now Layla Heartfilia.'' Jude answered while bowing a little to show the dragon respect.

''Well then Jude and Layla Heartfilia please take care of little Lucy as it was Kushina's final wish and never let her forget that in time she will see her big brother.'' Lily told them making them smile while Lily laid Kushina's body in front of them and next with her tail gently took Lucy and held her out to Layla to grab.

''Please look after him for both Lucy's and Kushina's sake ok?'' Layla asked while hugging Lucy to her chest and smiling at her.

''Do not fret my child when I have a little less than a week to live I will bring him to you to raise which should be in four to five years.'' Lily informed them making them nod once more.

''Ok then thank you again Miss Lily for doing this for her she would be extremely happy to know that her children will be well looked after.''

''Yes I know… well then I must be off so fair well you two… and fair well to you as well Lucy, for in time you will meet your brother again and be a true family.'' Lily than disappeared in a gust of wind caused by the flap of her wings.

Layla and Jude watched as she left and when she was out of sight Layla looked down at Lucy and saw a small bump in her tiny make shift blanket made from what looked like a green dress.

Layla inspected it and found a small precious jewel and nearly dropped Lucy because of it.

''J-jude! L-look.'' Layla franticly cried out making him stare at her and had his eyes close to popping out.

''Oh my god! With this we can finally become independent enough to start our own business.'' Jude said

''I guess the dragon wanted to help us out after all even if it was financially.'' Layla said while smiling at her husband who smiled back.

Both stood there smiling at the direction Lily left and Layla held onto Lucy a little tighter.


Lily then went straight for a remote region of Fiore and landed next to a big cave and entered it.

''Ah I haven't been in this place for a long time now… how long has it been 5,000 maybe 6,000 years since I've been here.'' Lily said while placing Naruto on a pile of leaves and watched as he slept.

''You are truly fascinating Naruto to be able to sleep through all that… any other new born would have been crying the whole time.'' Lily wondered while laying down next to him and yawning.

''I know you'll grow up to be a very powerful mages… after all you'll be trained by me Lily the first scale-less dragon, she who birth every single dragon… or as I'm called by all other dragons and humans the Mother of Dragons.'' Lily said while yawning again and finally submitting to sleep.

-4 Years Later-

Time had really flown by for Lily as she watched the little four year old Naruto run around the clearing chasing a butterfly.

'My how much has he grown in this past four years is truly amazing indeed, not only him but his magic reserve is through the roof… but it seems like I only have a year left to live so now will be the best time to start his training.'

Lily thought while watching him chase the butterfly around and finally succeeded in catching it only to have it fly at his face spooking him.

''Naruto honey come here please!''

Naruto stopped what he was doing to look at her when she called him and immediately ran to her.

''Yes Mama Lily what is it?'' he asked surprisingly yell for a four year old.

But of course that's to be expected when his parental figure is a dragon who values knowledge over anything else. Lily had literally spent night and day teaching Naruto how to read and write like kids twice his age and trying to expand his intelligence.

It worked like a charm since Naruto was surprisingly gifted with stuff like that. He learned to read at a level that would be difficult for even eight year olds and his penmanship was at a ten year old level since his mother drilled it into him. She kept saying that neat writing was a sign of intelligence and that she wanted him to be seen as an educated person and not a slob.

That is why she also took the time to teach him simple academic stuff like math, writing, reading, and manners. Naruto hated math but she told him he would need it when handling money and she didn't want Naruto to be ripped off if she had any say in the matter.

She also told him about his real mother and what she looked like and acted but sadly couldn't tell him anything more since she only had a brief encounter with her anyways. Naruto though sad was happy to know he also had a sister who according to Lily was a whole ten minutes younger than him. Which meant he had a responsibility to learn all he could so as to be a good role model to his little sister.

''Yes I do honey you know how I told you that I would only be able to be with you for four or five year's right…'' when she received a hesitant nod she continued.

''… Well it seems that I only have one more year left in me… now don't start panicking Naruto because from this day forward I'm going to start teaching you how to utilize magic so you can be ready for anything ok.'' Lily quickly added in when she saw Naruto start to get tears in his eyes.

''Ok b-but how mama I can't learn everything in one year can I?'' asked Naruto

''No you can't that true… but that's also one of the reasons why I chose this place to be our home dear.''

''Huh? What do you mean mama?'' Naruto asked while titling his head to the left.

''I mean that in this cave I built a special place that I used rarely… but I will use it to teach you now… this place it my time distortion room which mean that a this place will help us immensely.'' Lily informed him

''So um what does it do exactly mama?'' Naruto said not getting any of what she said making her sigh.

''Oh well you see a month out here is about three in the time distortion room so were we only have one year left together out here in there we have about three years.'' Lily explained

''Oh now I see, well when do we start mama?'' Naruto said with a happy smile.

''Immediately Naruto because after we're done I'll be taking you to see your sister so you can grow up with her… and who knows maybe you can teach her a few thing about magic no?'' Lily said making Naruto smile brightly at hearing he will finally be able to meet his sister.

''Ok then let's go!'' Naruto screamed while running towards a random direction.

''Naruto the room is in the cave!'' Lily yelled out while sweat dropping at him impulsive action.

''Oh r-right s-sorry.'' Naruto said embarrassed with a little blush in his cheek.

''It's alright now come on we're burning daylight the sooner we start training the sooner we'll be able to make sure you're ready for anything.'' Lily said while walking towards the cave.

With that both entered their cave and went to the far end where a strange magic circle array was carved into the wall. Lily put her left claw on it and the cave was bathed in white light. When it cleared Naruto saw nothing but white everywhere.

''Well Naruto are you ready to train?''

When Naruto heard his surrogate mother's voice change he turned around and saw that she had changed into a very beautiful young woman. Even though he was too young to be interested in girls even he knew that his step-mom was beautiful right now.

For standing in front of him was a woman who looked to be around twenty years old with white hair that reached her backside. She also had a white pale skin tone with a light blush here and there. She also had a pair of electric yellow eyes and a generous bust size. Her legs were long and slender while her waist was not to big yet not too small. All in all, his mother looked like a goddess and also it didn't help that she was stark naked.

''Mama is that you?'' Naruto questioned

''Yes honey it's me you see I have a human form but it's just that I didn't have the power to stay in that form back in the outside world… but in here I do since I stored a little of my power in here should I ever need it and a good thing too huh?'' Lily said while a flash of light later she was clothed once again.

She wore a simple black sports bra and black spandex short.

''Well Naruto are you ready to start training?'' Lily said while placing her right hand on her hip and looked at him with a devilish smirk.

Naruto gulped knowing the training would be difficult but swallowed his fear and nervousness and looked at her.

''Y-yes I'm r-ready mom.'' Naruto said while looking at her for directions.

''Good then first we start off with pyshical training so drop and give me a hundred push-ups, sit-up, jumping jacks, squats, and I want you to run ten laps around this place you hear me.'' Lily said making Naruto pale but nod while dropping to the floor with a waterfall of tears falling down his eyes.

'Why me.'' Naruto thought while doing as his mother told him to.

-3 Years Later-

Though three years had passed Naruto only looked about a year older and he had asked his mother about and all she said was that his body grew according to the outside world's time not this ones.

Naruto had gone really far and Lily was really proud of him, he had learned her branch of Dragon Slayer magic which was basically every elemental style a dragon slayer could learn. She had also shown him her vast library which had taken her centuries to gather. Naruto had studied like crazy learning Re-quip, heavenly body, and maker magic.

That's when she found out that Naruto had an affinity to the slayer arts. He had surprised her in one of her spars with it after all. She could still remember it like it was yesterday man was she proud that day.

-Flashback—1 Year Ago-

Naruto and Lily were currently in the middle of a heated spar were Lily had allowed Naruto freedom to use any magic he wanted on her.

''Come on Naruto you can do better than that I know it.'' Lily teased while stopping a round house kick to her stomach since Naruto was still too small to reach her head.

Naruto though didn't let it get to him since the moment she caught his right foot he used it as balance to bring his other leg up. He tried to kick her under the chin while using his hands like a second pair of feet.

Lily merely titled her head to the right letting the foot fly by harmlessly. She then grabbed it as well and kicked him in the back sending him tumbling on the floor.

Naruto got up tenderly and looked at her and saw her grinning at him in amusement at his feeble attempts at hitting her.

Naruto not liking that look rushed at her and swung his left arm at her 'exposed' mid-section. Only to have Lily back hand him back to the floor with a red mark on his face were the hand made contact.

Naruto having had enough sprung up and took a giant breathe and let loose one of his magic spells.


As Naruto fired his fully powered roar at his mother Lily reared back her fist and without uttering a word her fist was covered in ice and she slammed it into the floor making a huge wall of ice spring forward and block Naruto's attack.

Naruto was breathing heavily and tried to think of a way to get the upper hand in this spar. That's when he came up with a somewhat brilliant idea and smirked thinking it would work.

He put his idea in to motion and the instant his mother's ice wall came down he rushed forward and tried to take out her legs to bring her to the floor. His mom though jumped up like he was expecting her to do and his than used his hands to flip over and aimed straight at her before using his next attack.


That alone made his mom's eyes widen at hearing his attack and because of that surprise she didn't have time to dodge.

She got hit point blank by the pitch black ice tornado and was sent flying into the air where Naruto appeared behind her with both arms over his head and swung down before announcing his next move.


Lily was then hit by what felt like a thousand volt current going through her body. She hit the floor pretty hard and when she was able to look up she saw her son charging up what looked like a cannon made of lighting.

''You give up mom?'' Naruto asked while pointing his move at her.

Lily smiled and nodded getting a tired sigh from Naruto as he dropped to floor in exhaustion.

''Man I'm tired.'' Naruto complained while falling onto his back and trying to catch his breath.

''That was amazing Naruto when did you learn the God Slayer art?'' Lily asked after dusting herself off.

''I haven't finished learning them well not all of them I'm about hmm… 90% done I think all I need is to learn White God Slayer arts, Shadow God Slayer arts, Water God Slayer arts, and the Wind God Slayer arts.'' Naruto said while counting them off in his fingers.

''Amazing… and do you know the other Slayer Arts besides Dragon and God?'' Lily asked.

''A little but every time I learn a new Devil Slayer Arts I get a weird tattoo on my right and left arm see.'' Naruto said while rolling up his sleeves and showing her two tattoos' in his left and right arm that seemed to have about ten smaller ones inside each of them.

''See is that bad mom?'' Naruto questioned.

''No it's not son it just shows that you have mastery over it and when you have a son it will pass on to him without him having to study it like you are doing now… but it will be a problem for him since without the knowledge if his not careful the marks will take over him turning him into a demon so make sure to teach him ok.'' Lily informed him making him nod.

''Ok then come let's go get some rest.'' Lily added while walking back to the house that seemed to have appeared from nowhere.

-Flashback End-


Now though they stood outside of the room and back inside their cave home though little changes in Naruto's five year old appearance his mental growth was that of a seven year old.

''Now Naruto I'm going to give you some money and take you to the town down below and you'll buy enough food to last you awhile ok.''

Lily still in her human form said though she did look really pale and weak and was sweating quite a bit.

''Ok mom but please don't push yourself ok.'' Naruto told her while taking the money and storing it in his Re-quip space which was quite large since he was able to fit his mother's library in it.

''Don't worry honey I still have a good two day left in the bucket so go spend a day in the town, get what you need for I don't know a week or two ok… I'll take you about a weeks' worth of travel and leave you there so you may enjoy the scenery and to also come up with a way to present yourself to your sister ok.'' Lily said making Naruto nod and start to head out the cave and down the mountain in which they lived.

Naruto knew it would take about two hours to get there by walking so he decided to avoid the whole walk and use his lighting magic to get there faster. So with that in mind Naruto disappeared in a stream of yellow lighting.

-Rosemary Town—1 Minute later-

Rosemary was a beautiful small town with no mages or guild in it only farmers and families. The people were enjoying a beautiful sunny day were their children were running around and playing in the park. The old people had smiles on their faces watching the future generation enjoy themselves.

But no one was prepared for a stream of lighting coming down from the heaven and landing straight in the middle of the park scaring the living day light out of the kids. When the lighting disappeared everyone saw a five year old child scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

''Sorry everyone I didn't mean to scare any of you but this is my first time in this village and well I didn't know if this was a good place to land.'' Naruto laughed

''It's alright young mage just refrain from doing it again.'' And elderly man said while waving it off like it was nothing.

Naruto just nodded and ran towards were he could smell food never noticing a little girl about his age looking at him with wide eyes filled with amazement.


As Naruto ran through the crowd he saw all kinds of thing he'd never seen but kept his emotions in check since right now getting what he needed was more important since the sooner he finished the sooner he could leave with his mother to go where his sister was at.

Naruto entered store after store buying anything he'd need from water, apples, already made sandwiches, milk, a few candy bars, orange juice, apple juice, oranges, mango's, kiwi's, ham, bread, cookies, chocolate muffins. Naruto was merely buying stuff he'd heard his mother say were delicious or sweet.

When he finished he was about to leave town via the same way he came when he bumped into someone.

''Ow! Hey watch, were you're going!'' a female voice yelled at him making him look down at the angry red head.

''Sorry about that it's my fault I wasn't looking were I was going please forgive me.'' Naruto said while helping her up

The girl merely looked up at him and stopped before grabbing his hand and standing up while still looking at him.

''Hey your that kid that showed up in the playground in lighting right.'' The girl asked a little too excited.

''Um y-yea.''

All Naruto saw was the girls face change to extreme happiness before going up to his face and grabbing his hands.

''Can you teach me how to use magic to please I promise I'll be the best student ever.'' The girl asked

Naruto looked at her with wide eyes and stared at her while she gave him the puppy dog eyes.

''Um but what about your parents?'' Naruto asked only to see her face grow sad with tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

''My mama and papa died in a fire when I was a baby I've been living in the towns orphanage but I want to leave and see the world so please take me with you.'' The red head pleaded.

'sigh' ''Ok, ok I'll do it but first what's your name mines Naruto.'' He introduced himself.

''Erza's the name so don't forget it.'' Erza said while puffing out her chest trying to look though.

''So no last name?'' Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.

Not that he minded since he also didn't have one not because his mother forgot to tell him. But more on the lines that his biological mother never told his adoptive mother her last name.

''Well no one was able to give it to me since my whole family died so they never bother to look for it… and you don't have one either so why ask for mine?'' Erza accused back trying to hide her sadness at not even having that to remember her parents.

''Well how about you come up one for me and I come up one for you sound like a plan?'' Naruto asked making Erza blush a little since in her little mind Naruto was proposing since she had seen it a lot of time happen.

Or so she thought since the only place she saw it happen was with teenage couple giving each other pet names and she instantly thought they were marrying each other.

''U-um ok so h-how a-are w-we g-g-gonna do this?'' Erza stuttered out while blushing cutely and she started to play with the dirt while keeping her eyes glued to the ground and playing with her pointer fingers.

''Well let's look at each other and see what is the first thing that pops into your head when we look at each other.'' Naruto said making Erza look at him and nod.

For ten minutes they looked at each other and looked up and down while every now and then walking around each other. To the adult walking by they found it cute to see two five years checking each other out.

''I got it.'' Naruto said breaking Erza out of her thought to look at him.

''Ok what'd you get.''

''When I first saw you the first thing I noticed was your hair.'' Naruto said while grabbing a little and feeling it in between his fingers making Erza blush at the closeness.

''Re-really what about m-my hair?'' Erza asked while looking into his eyes.

''I was attracted to the color of your hair… Scarlet… yea I like it Erza… Scarlet, Erza Scarlet yea doesn't that sound nice?'' Naruto questioned her

Erza on the other hand grabbed her hair and looked at it and back at him before smiling and sporting a tiny blush.

''…Scarlet… Erza Scarlet… I like it.'' Erza said while smiling at him a watery smile.

Naruto just smiled at her happy to see her smile, even though he had just met this girl he felt compelled to make her smile like if that would somehow help him.

''I think I also have one for you.'' Erza said while wiping her tears away.

She was happy to finally have a last name to tell other and for some reason this boy made her feel really happy and safe like if she stayed with him nothing could hurt her.

''Really what is it?''

Naruto Heiwa.'' Erza said making Naruto look at her.

''Heiwa?'' Naruto questioned

''Yes it mean peace and harmony… and well even though I just met you just being around you brings me peace so I thought it suited you.'' Erza explained

''Heiwa hmm… yea I like it ok then from now on I'm Naruto Heiwa.'' Erza smiled even more brightly at that.

''Well let's go celebrate our new names shall we Ms. Scarlet.'' Naruto teased

''Why certainly Mr. Heiwa.'' Erza teased back

Both laughed while walking towards a random restaurant to celebrate. They got to a simple shack that served barbeque and they both enjoyed a nice lunch together.

When they left they were both really full and they started to simply walk around and chat about anything. Naruto told her what he was going to teach her over their trip to meet his sister which made Erza a little nervous at the possibility of meeting his family.

Erza though just told him about the town and what it was known for which was their peaceful nature.

Suddenly though an explosion happened near the center of the town scaring Erza and making Naruto go into full mage mode. Naruto grabbed her hand and both started to run away but soon found their way blocked by men in black cloak and weird staffs.

''Hey we have two ov…'' the man wasn't able to finish.


Naruto sent out a massive hurricane speed wind blast at the small group of three sending them flying back.

''Come on Erza we need to find a wait out… this is no accident this is an invasion!'' Naruto screamed over the sound of the screaming people.

''But why… what did we do to them?'' Erza asked while letting him pull her around.

''I don't know but we have to… ahhhhh!'' Naruto didn't finish since he was surprised by a blast of a green plasma blast Erza watched as he flew through the air.

She was about to run toward him when he burst out of the rumble from the building he demolished and stood in front of her.

''Erza I need you to go take as many with you as you can leave them to me.'' Naruto ordered her

''B-but…'' she started only to be silenced by his glare.

''This is no time to argue so do as I say ok now go save anyone you can and leave I'll be right behind you I promise.'' Naruto yelled out making her flinch.

Erza froze for another ten second before nodding and running away but not before screaming out.

''IF YOU DIE HERE I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU UNDERSTOOD!'' Erza screamed out while running down an alley and disappearing.

''Are you kids done with your little soap opera.'' A man asked before he was silence by Naruto's fist made of iron.

His mother had taught him how to keep a level head in battles and how to keep his emotions in check as well. No matter how brave he looked outside inside he was scared shitless but he knew he had to be strong for Erza and everyone else in this town.

''Why you little piece of shit… get him he'll make a great sacrifice for lord Zeref at the tower.''

All Naruto saw was about ten to fifth-teen blast of plasmas coming straight for him and then everything was a blur.

-Sometime Later-

Everything hurt at the moment his head, his arms and his legs but he could've sworn someone was calling him a second ago.

''..Ruto…'' there it was

''…Na…to'' who could it be

''Naru…''' he knew it was familiar

''Naruto!'' then it came to him that voice belonged to…

''Erza?'' Naruto said once his head was a little less blurry

''Naruto!? Thank god you're alright I was worried for a second… what happened?'' Erza asked while giving him a hug.

''Ugh I don't remember… but what I do is me punching one of them and them all of them firing their staffs at me and then nothing.'' Naruto said while massaging his templates.

''Where are we anyways Erza?'' Naruto asked

''On a boat owned by them.'' Erza responded making Naruto look at her.

''And where are we headed for?''

''The tower of heaven.'' A elderly man answer he was sitting right next to him and smiling at him.

''Um who are you?'' Naruto asked

''Naruto this is Rob he helped me find you.'' Erza said

''Oh well thank you.'' Naruto said while he bowed his head a little in gratitude.

''No thanks are necessary my child now then come and sit down nothing we can do now.'' Rob said while looking down at them sadly.

''What do you mean if I use my magic I'd be able to bust us out.'' Naruto said

''Not that easy child for those cuffs on your hands and legs prevent you from using magic at all so please sit down and let me tell you a story about the most amazing guild in all of Fiore.'' Naruto and Erza frowned by decided to listen since there was nothing else to do.

''What guild would that be old man?'' Naruto asked him.

''Oh this guild is known as Fairy Tail and it's not just a guild… it's a family.'' Rob told them.

Both Naruto and Erza both sat a little straighter at that wanting to hear about the guild that was not just a place to find work but one big family.

''Now listen carefully ok… it all started when our first Master Mavis Vermillion…''

All throughout the trip they listened to his tell of Fairy Tail and wondered what it would be like to join. They had forgotten all about the tower for the moment which is what the old man wanted.

How will this change the story of Erza and everyone in Fairy Tail. Well you'll have to wait till next time my friends.

AN: I'm so sorry everyone I know I promised you all five chapters last week but I accidently broke my laptop and had to buy a new one. I just got it yesterday so please forgive me.

I lost everything again so I had to make it all from scratch and I just finished re-writing this. So please forgive me I'm barely getting everything set up here in my new laptop so the updates will be slow.

And also don't expect all future chapters to be this long ok I only did this as a 'please forgive me' chapter.

This is basically chapter one and two put together so please be patient.

The Harem was made by my most loyal reader Johnny Fox.

So since this is his Harem only he can change it so bro if you have any suggestions bring them ok.

Again sorry… next to be updated will be 'The True Slayer' and probably 'The Mages Of The Leaf'

GrimRepaer113 OUT!