A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading my very first fan fiction uploaded on here! I usually go on Wattpad but I decided to take a wee little break but I still might post this on there as well. But anyway, I hope you like it and please review because your feedback and thoughts are very much appreciated and they make me want to grace you with updates :D OH AND BEFORE I TOTES FORGET! This story is set after the events of The Return/Jailbreak/Full Disclosure and still follows the story line of the show. As far as Rebecca Sugar's story line, I haven't changed anything except maybe the dialogue to fit my OC up in therre :3 I'm gonna shut and let you read now. Enjoy!

CHAPTER 1: Beach City Residents

I plopped my sweaty frame on the small, white love seat, desperately needing relief in my arms and legs. I rubbed my temples to soothe the headache that was building up. I instantly regretted staying up all night unpacking when I felt a wave of morning sickness wash over me. The morning sun was creeping through the window shades and I hadn't ate anything in the last twenty-four hours since I had arrived in Beach City. My stomach began to roar in hunger while I cringed at the feeling. I was hungry but there wasn't any food in the house yet and I didn't feel like chatting or getting friendly with the residents of this small town yet even though I would have to face them sooner or later. I just decided to suck it up and take it like a man.

I went to hit the shower then back into the room to pick out an outfit for the day. I decided to go for a black t-shirt and my light high-waisted shorts along with some high top converse. I grabbed my brown leather backpack and sunglasses and headed out to my car. I didn't live exactly in Beach City. I resided in a small house that my father had built for me about a year ago. But some parts of the house look kind of older and if you explore deep enough, you'd probably find some pretty ancient looking stuff, too.

The commute to Beach City was only eight or nine minutes away which was nice I guess. I like to walk most places anyway to clear my mind and for exercise. When I arrived to the city, I didn't know where to go. I had parked my car on a strip and decided to walk down the boardwalk to see what I could find. I saw a place with a large carrier of french fries and thought it would be better for lunch than a breakfast. I kept walking until I found a pizzeria called "Fish Stew Pizza". It sounded gross at first but when I stopped to read the gimmick, it said: "Tastes better than it sounds." That made me chuckle to myself. Totally gotta go there for dinner one day.

When I came across a place with a giant donut on top of it, I knew I had found my destination. I went inside to be greeted with the smell of coffee and sugar. It was vacant of any customers and I was thankful for that. When approached the counter, a short, curly blonde haired girl greeted me.

"Hi, welcome to The Big Donut. What can I get you today?" she said with a smile. I returned it and took a look at the vast selection of donuts and decide to go along with what I usually got back at the donut shops at home. "Hi and yeah, one glazed donut and a coffee, please." I said politely, reaching into my backpack for my wallet. "Sure thing.. You must be new to Beach City because I've never seen you." She said while taking my glazed donut from the window and placing it in a paper bag. "Yeah, I just moved here actually. I just came out to the city to see where everything is." I said, looking around the shop. The shop itself had a bunch of shelves filled with other

"Oh really? Where in the city do you live?" Just then, a tall guy with tan skin, an orange mohawk and stretched earlobes walked in from the back with a flustered look on his face and sweat forming on his temples. "Sadie, I could really use your help with these packages out here. They are way too hea-" he paused and looked at me. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and smile charmingly at me while pushing Sadie out of the way to lean on the counter in front of me. "Hey sweety, how are you doing?" He said. I grimaced and took a step back. "Mm.. I've been better." He leaned forward even more and continued to flirt with me.

"Lars, cut it out! Leave her alone!" Sadie piped up with reddening cheeks. She handed me my coffee and donut and I gave her the money. "Oh lighten up, Sadie. She's clearly into it! Right babe?" He said with a cool demeanor. I raised my eyebrows at his word choice. I know this fool did NOT just call me 'babe'? I gave him a smile. "Oh sugar, I'm definitely not your 'babe', nor will I ever or want to be your 'babe'. So if you call me that again, I will not hesitate to kick your butt. Got that?" I lightly smacked his face a couple times and chuckled.

It was kind of hard to not laugh at his suddenly embarrassed and humiliated face now. Even Sadie chuckled and handed me my change. "Keep it. It's a tip." I said. "Bye Lars." I said with a flirtatious smile making him blush and get more angry. "Whatever.." he mumbled as I exited the shop.

As I opened the door, a little body about half my height ran in the shop. "Thank you!" he waved to me for opening the door for him. I nodded with a smile before leaving. I looked through the window at the little boy with Sadie. He had dark, curly hair and had an adorably thick build, but seemed very spry. He wore a red shirt with a yellow star in the middle of it and cuffed blue jeans with red sandals. This little boy just oozed cuteness and utter happiness.

When I got back home, I had nothing to do. I didn't feel like watching a movie or television. I didn't feel like reading and I wasn't to keen on going back the city yet. I decided to make a mental list of this that could take up my day. I had decided to work on my music for a while, see if I could come up with anything. Then, I would go and do some exercises and then I would go back to Beach City for some dinner. I also need to go grocery shopping soon, but I guess that could wait until tomorrow. And then I would go to bed and read then. I had the rest of my day planned out and decided to get going.

I seated myself on my balcony with a big umbrella table with my songbook and a pencil. I hadn't had my instruments yet because I didn't tune my guitar due to my piano not having any batteries in it so that I could tune it. Great. But that didn't stop the flow of lyrics coming from my pencil and onto my paper.

I give you all of me,

but it still ain't enough to make you happy.

I give you everything,

but it still don't measure up.

Feels like a walked five thousand miles,

didn't even come close.

Feels like I try to make you smile,

but you don't even care, no..

I stopped, saddened but satisfied with what I wrote. I fit pretty well with the predicament that I'm in right now.


My name is Rockelle Hastings. I am sixteen years old,

and I am alone.

I stared out at the sky, now a shade of a dark turquoise. I guess I stayed out a bit longer than I hoped to. I then went for my backpack and sunglasses as the sun was beginning to set and I didn't want it in my eyes. I got back in my car with my current destination being "Fish Stew Pizza." I drove to Beach City and walked down the boardwalk until I found the pizzeria. I walked in and my eyes met with two darker skinned girls having a spat; one in a t-shirt, leggings, and an apron. The other was wearing a jacket with a fur trimmed hood, a white tank, shorts and flats. "Whoa," I said cautiously stepping inside when the bell above the door ringed.

Their head snapped towards me and I felt like I was interrupting, obviously. The girl with the apron muttered something to the other, saying something to make her huff and turn around to face me. "Welcome to Fish Stew Pizza, how can I help you?" the apron wearing girl said. "Hi, can I have a combination pizza to go, please?" I asked. She nodded and yelled in the back to a man with a thick accent of some sort who also called for her help.

That left me and the one with the coat. She looked at me with scrutiny in her eyes and I did too. She turned away and walked the other side of the counter quickly and grabbed a pair of keys from a drawer and returned back to her place in front of me. "Never seen you here at all. You must be new. Who are you?" she said with an amused smirk. "Rocky Hastings.. And you?" I hesitated. Could I trust her with my name? God knows what kind of person this chick could be. She giggled and answered me. "I'm Jenny Pizza.. Do you live around here?" she asked. "Eh, I live on the outskirts of Beach City." I said.

We talked for a little while until I received my pizza. We kept talking even after that and I just ate my pizza there. The girl with the apron even found an interest in our conversation. She turned out to be Jenny's twin sister, Kiki and she took a liking to me real fast.

Our conversations seemed like it lasted for hours, consisting of vague information about where I came from, how I liked Beach City so far, what I liked to do for fun, if I was fun (which if you were wondering, that was asked by Jenny who received a punch in the arm and a glare from Kiki). We laughed and I stayed until their father, Kofi yelled at the twins to help clean up and asked me nicely to leave after they introduced me. "It is getting pretty late. I guess I should get going. It was nice meeting you guys." I said grabbing my belongings, as Jenny gave me a piece of paper. "Give me a call if you wanna chill out sometime." she said. I smiled and headed out.


The Pizza Twins and I would become great friends.

As I got ready for bed, I looked in the mirror and smiled to myself as I placed Jenny's number on my vanity and proceeded to place my hair in a do rag neatly. I then got up and turned around. I then stared at the shiny, magenta and maroon looking gem embedded in my back. I stared at it with teary eyes. I stared at it with hateful eyes. I stared at it with loving eyes. I reached for it with my hand to stroke it. It was cold to the touch; lifeless. Just the same as it had been for the past sixteen years. I couldn't bear to look at or touch it any longer, for I would surely give up all strength and break down right there. I got up and went over to my bed and set my alarm clock and got under the covers. I need to let sleep take over me. Fast.