Part 13: Hell's Fury and Women Scorned

"You couldn't have had worser timing," Lex spoke into the phone, voice strained as he was trying to remain civil to the man who just couldn't stop making his life more miserable.

"Son," Lionel's stern voice came from the other line. "He is your brother. Your blood. You can't just turn your back on him. Especially when he needs you most."

Resisting the insane urge to race over to Metropolis and beat the living hell out of his 'father', Lex rubbed his temples to warn off the migraine he felt coming on. "Why can't you just hire someone to babysit him? It's not like you can't afford it."

"Don't you think I would've tried that already? It's useless," Lionel said, a tinge of annoyance seeping in his tone. "The boy just can't seem to stay out of trouble. And since I need to leave on a business trip in two hours, it's up to you to take care of him. Don't let me down, son."

Hearing the dialtone, Lex let out a heavy sigh before putting the phone back into its cradle and looking up at the young man sitting on the other side of his office, sprawled out on the leather sofa.

"So," Lucas beamed, sounding way too cheery for his brother's liking. "Just you and me, huh?"


The only sound echoing through the large library was that of a pen tapping agitatedly against a notebook, apart from the occasional sounds of frustration coming from the blonde. She was pissed. She was truly and utterly pissed. No one made her wait for one whole fucking hour! No one! Especially when the person in question had downed about a hundred cups of coffee within the timeframe of a few hours.

Chloe was beyond herself, ready to pounce on the first person she set eyes on. As soon as the personnel had noticed the homicidal twinkle in her eyes, they had been smart enough not to get anywhere near the girl.

Too busy thinking of ways to castrate that damned Lex, she failed to notice the arrival of another Luthor.

Lucas was casually strolling through the many corridors when he passed the library and something caught his eye. Taking a few steps back, he peeked in and got a clear view of this gorgeous creature sitting on the couch. Almost instantly, a predatory grin spread across his handsome features, and he was about to enter when their gazes locked. It was like a murderous fire ignited in her eyes. "Oh fuck." And gone he was.

Further down the corridor, Lex was trying to walk as fast as possible without running, only to see his younger brother heading in his direction, seemingly more than a bit upset. "Lex!" Lucas practically yelled, actually relieved to see the bald guy. "There's some chick in the library that desperately wants to talk to you." 'Rather him six feet under than me.'

"Sullivan," Lex breathed, looking past Lucas towards the blonde striding towards them. He could swear he heard her growl.

"Luthor," she barked back, making it sound like the most disgusting thing in the world. "What the (expletive) were you thinking!"

"Chloe, I can explain-"

"Don't you 'Chloe' me. It's still Miss Sullivan to you, you (expletive)," she hissed and Lex could already feel a rant coming on. "I've been waiting in that (explective) chamber for 60 minutes now, and if you hadn't been aware of it before, I'm not the most patient person in the world. If you ask me to be here at ten, I'm here at ten. I don't (expletive) show up an HOUR late! It was YOU who arranged this! I skipped school for you, (expletive)! You've got a dozen lackeys here, and it was too much trouble to just have them inform me that you'll be running late? You've got to be (several expletives) kiddin' me! And as if that wasn't enough, I've got Shakespeare staring me in the face, smirking at me with his ridiculous 'thys' and 'thous'! I swear, if those boys weren't drunk last night, I never would've let them bunk in my room. My bed sheets smell like (expletive) alcohol. Do you KNOW how many times you've gotta wash them to get that stench out? Well, I'd tell ya, but it's still there! Yes, sir! And now I'm gonna (expletive) lose my baby Torch, all because you don't find me important enough to waste your precious time on!" Lucas was practically quivering, while Lex just stood there, shocked.

"You had two guys in your bed?"

"Will you shut the (expletive) up! I'm not done yet!" She raged, now standing dangerously close to him. Lucas was trying to be as quiet as possible, praying to god his imitation of an inanimate object was enough to keep him from being on the receiving end of this extremely dangerous looking girl's wrath. One line just kept repeating in his mind, stating something that hadn't been clear to him up untill now. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'

Lex waited for the next flow of angry words to hit him, but when nothing came, his eyebrows raised questionly at the petite woman. "Done?" Her mouth opened and it looked as if she was gonna start again, but all that came out was a loud grumble.

"Thank god," came Lucas' rather shaky response from behind them, filled with intense relief. The next thing they heard were footsteps thundered down the hallway. Even though the urge to break out into a ful-blown run was almost tempting, he could just restrain himself from it until he rounded the corner. At the small tinge of guilt for leaving his brother behind, he told himself that it wasn't as if he'd known Lex for that long of a time, anyway. 'Each man for himself, buddy.'