The three of them were lazing around the Falcon's lounge on their way back to Coruscant from visiting a site where Luke was considering starting his Jedi Academy. Chewbacca had agreed to remain in the cockpit for a while, giving Luke, Leia, and Han some time to spend together before they each returned to their busy lives.

It was getting late, and Leia was half asleep on the couch while Luke and Han tossed baby names back and forth. Han and Leia had discussed it a few times but were having a hard time coming up with anything, especially since they were expecting twins, and they wanted the names to go together at least to some extent. They wanted to call the girl Jaina after Han's mother, but other than that, nothing was certain.

Luke and Han had been coming up with ideas for some time now, and initially Leia had been vetoing all of them, but now she was too tired. The names were growing steadily more ridiculous as time went on.

"How about Jabba?" Luke said jokingly.

"Come on, kid," Han said, laughing, "That's not even funny. Bantha?"

"C-3PO the second?"


"Nerfie? Or Chewbacca Jr?"

"How about Millennium Falcon Solo?" Han asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"No," Leia mumbled from across the room.

The men chuckled.

"What about middle names?" Luke asked. "Personally I've always wanted a nephew called Millennium Falcon Luke Solo."

"You know, that does sound pretty good," Han said.

Leia sighed dramatically.

"What's your middle name?" Han asked Luke.

"Don't have one," he said, shrugging.

"Me neither," said Han. "I don't really see the point, anyway."

"Do you have a middle name, Leia?" Luke asked his twin sister.

"Hmm?" she murmured.

"What's your full name?"

She groaned. "Don't make me say it."

"That bad, huh?"

"Not really."

"Then just tell us!"

"I'm trying to sleep."

"I guess we'll be forced to assume that your middle name is Nerfie," Han said regretfully, shaking his head.

Leia's eyes popped open and she glared at her husband and her brother as she said flatly, "My full name is Her Royal Highness Leia Breha Rominaria Oro Jobal Isatabith of the House of Organa, Crown Princess of Alderaan." She paused for a second, and then added, "There should be a 'Solo' in there somewhere, too. Can you let me sleep now?"

They both stared at her for a second, and then Han broke the silence.

"Damn, woman, you've got enough middle names for all of us."