The Solo family was gathered around their tiny dining room table, just finishing up one of the rare meals that all five of them got to eat together, as it was one of the days when Leia had no political meetings, and Han happened to be on the same planet as his family.

The kids and Han were just about done when the family patriarch glanced over at his wife's plate.

Which was still completely untouched. Han rolled his eyes.

Many people may have assumed that his wife was troubled, or perhaps even ill, but Han had known Leia for almost fifteen years now, and he knew that neither was the case. Leia was, quite simply, just a notoriously picky eater, no matter how adamantly she tried to hide it.

He watched her for a moment. She was absentmindedly twisting her fork through the pasta that he had made for dinner and watching the kids, the corners of her mouth turning upwards in amusement as the boys took turns trying to untie Jaina's braids by using the Force. Jaina responded by raising up the pitcher of water on the middle of the table and levitating it threateningly over her brothers' heads.

The smile slipped from Leia's face and she quickly reached out with her own control to place the pitcher swiftly down on the table.

"Okay, that's enough of that," she told them sternly. "If you're done eating, you may ask to be excused."

"May I be excused, Mommy?" Anakin asked sweetly.

"Us, too," said the twins in unison.

"Yes, you may," she allowed. "Go get ready for your baths, okay?"

They all nodded and hopped up from the table. As soon as they were out of sight, Jacen and Anakin yelped, and Jaina giggled. It seemed that she had somehow gotten her revenge after all.

Leia shook her head and Han chuckled. She got up and began to pile up the dirty dishes.

"What do you think you're doing?" Han asked.

Leia looked up, halfway expecting one of the kids to be back in the kitchen, up to no good. But Han was looking directly at her.

"I'm clearing the table?" she said slowly, an eyebrow quirked.

"You didn't finish eating," he accused, with a nod towards her plate.

"I... I'm not that hungry," she retorted, still looking confused.

"Yeah, okay," Han said with another roll of his eyes. He pulled the pile of dishes from her and set them in the sink. Then he turned and pointed at her chair. "Sit. Eat."

Her mouth fell open slightly. "Han, really?"

"Yes, really. You never eat what I cook. And you can't live on ration bars, you know."

She sank into the chair and looked at her husband doubtfully.

"Well, go on," he instructed.

She picked up the fork and twisted some noodles onto it. And silently wished that she'd given in to the children's begging about getting a pet. That was how she'd gone through her entire childhood without eating a single thing that looked even slightly mysterious. She risked a glance up at Han, wondering if there was a way to make food disappear with the Force, and if she could figure it out without him noticing.

No such luck. He was staring directly at her. Waiting.

Han sighed. "You really don't want to eat it, do you?"

"No, I don't!"

"Well, your Worship -"

"-don't call me that," she scowled.

"Oh, sorry. It's just you're acting so royally needy -"

"Han! I am not!"

"Come on, princess, our four and five year olds just ate their entire plates without a single complaint! It's just pasta. What happened to 'giving things a try because it's disrespectful to not graciously accept the hospitality of others'?" he asked, quoting word-for-word what she was always telling their kids.

"I don't know," Leia whined, poking a piece of something in the pasta with her fork. "What even is this?"

"It's just fish," he said, crossing his arms.

"I don't like fish," she pouted.

"Well, you're going to eat it. And it tastes better warm, so I recommend that you eat it in the near future."

"And what if I don't?" she challenged.

Han scowled. He hadn't thought this far ahead. "Then... then you don't get dessert."

"Dessert?" she asked, raising her eyebrows in amusement. "What's for dessert?"

"Don't worry, it's something you like."

"You're going to have to be more specific, so that I can properly weigh the pros and cons of eating this."

Han rolled his eyes yet again. "I'm for dessert," he concluded, as though it should've been totally obvious to her.

Leia threw her head back and laughed. "Alright, you've convinced me. I'll try your stupid -"

There was a loud crash in the hallway.

"Mom!" Jacen shouted.

"Dad-dy!" cried Jaina. "Anakin has Mommy's lightsaber!"

"Oh, shit," Han cursed, running out of the room. "Anakin!"

Leia quickly got up to follow him out, but Jaina had silently slipped into the room.

"Mommy, quick," she said, trying not to giggle, "I know how to make food disappear. Don't worry, it's easy. I'll teach you if you just promise that Daddy won't cook anymore!"

Before Leia could reply, Jaina had scrunched up her face in concentration, and then all of the pasta was gone. She flashed a smile at her mother and then ducked under the table.

Leia's mouth fell opened in surprise, and Han re-entered the room.

"He didn't have the lightsaber," he said, confused. "I wonder why the twins would say - hey, did you eat all of that?"

"Um, yeah."

Han narrowed his eyes and looked in the sink, refrigerator and even the garbage bin. The food was, of course, nowhere to be found.

Leia smiled triumphantly.

"Yeah, okay," Han said, still looking suspicious.

"Daddy, I'm ready for my bath!" called Jacen from down the hallway.

"You win this time, princess," he said, and then swiftly exited the room.

Jaina popped back up from under the table.

"Did you just cause a diversion so I didn't have to eat?" Leia asked, more to herself than to her daughter.

"Yep," Jaina beamed.

"You know I should probably scold you for that, right? You know better than to joke about playing with the lightsaber."

Jaina's bottom lip pushed out in a pout. "I was just trying to help you."

"I know, I know. You're not in trouble."

Her daughter's crooked smile reappeared almost instantly.

"I'll go get ready for my bath now." The little girl was halfway out of the room when her mother called her back.

"Jaina, how did you know -"

"The Force is strong in my family," Jaina called in a smug, sing-song voice as she skipped down the hallway.

Leia shook her head, laughing. "That's my girl."

She grabbed a ration bar from the cupboard and headed down the hallway towards her bedroom, where she would hopefully be able to finish it and hide the evidence before her husband got done with bath duty.