"Mm?" a deep voice said with a chuckle.
"Did something happen, Shira-sensei?" a blue-haired boy said, reading a book in the corner.
"We've got an assignment, Kuroko." Shira said, his black eyes glinting.
"Another assassination?" he asked, turning a page.
"Well, something like that." Shira opened the document.
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Akashi Seijuro
Status: Assassin
Physical Traits: Red hair, heterochromatic eyes. Yellow and Red. Shortest of the group.
Abilities: Is incredibly accurate in predicting his target's moves. Nicknamed "Emperor Eye" Able to hand off weapons and assist easily.
Other: Obsession with always winning. Leader of the GoA. May have some mental instabilities- as seen when opposed by underlings.
Preferred Weapon: Dagger
Kise Ryouta
Status: Assassin
Physical Traits: Blonde, gold eyes. Noticeably good looking (Works part-time as a model. May use appearance as a tactic.)
Abilities: Was trained fairly late, but has incredibly high athletic and comprehension skills. Can copy any offensive or defensive tactic in a matter of minutes. Nicknamed "Perfect Copy."
Other: Adds the suffix -cchi to people he respects. Also speaks with -ssu. Cold to those that don't mean anything to him. Can be clingy.
Preferred Weapon: None. Is flexible with any weapon. Decides on his weapon according to the situation.
Aomine Daiki
Status: Assassin
Physical Traits: Navy hair, navy eyes. Tanned.
Abilities: Is the most agile and fastest of the five. Overall, is the strongest. Can enter the "Zone" more easily than others, which allows him to attack at an incredible pace.
Other: Has an interest in big-breasted idols. He is tardy and skips training frequently
Weapon: Handgun
Muraskibara Atsushi
Status: Assassin
Physical Traits: Purple hair, purple eyes. Has incredible height- 208 cm.
Abilities: Incredible defensive power, but specializes in offense. (When he feels like it) Is able to block shots and his long limbs assist him in close range combat.
Other: Eats snacks everyday. (Most likely has a sweet tooth.) Only listens to those that are stronger than him. Lazy and easily provoked.
Weapon: Double-edged sword
Midorima Shintarou
Status: Assassin
Physical Traits: Green hair, green eyes. Wears glasses.
Abilities: Excels in long-range combat- is primarily a sniper. Has a near perfect probability of hitting his target, when his shot is undisturbed.
Other: Avid follower of Oha Asa. Carries around his lucky item everyday.
Weapon: Sniper rifle
"Am I killing these assassins?" Kuroko asked, mildly interested.
"Actually, you'll be joining their unit. It's nicknamed the 'Generation of Assassins' in the underground, but it's official name is Teiko." Shira told him, leaning his chin on his hand.
"Join them?"
"I'm not sure if it's permanent, but you will definitely be collecting data on them. As a well-known group, they generate a lot of animosity."
"That's the first thing you taught me not to do, sensei." Kuroko said. "Won't joining them break that rule?"
"You can't say you aren't known, Kuroko. You are quite famous," Shira laughed.
"I have an alias, sensei." Kuroko reminded him politely.
"Indeed. The Phantom." he chuckled. Kuroko merely shook his head with the smallest of a sigh escaping him. As the bluenette left the room, Shira smirked. His best student, Kuroko Tetsuya.
A seemingly innocent child, at first. That was his impression. But when his class had been pressured to assassinate their abusive trainer, he had been chosen. Shira would never forget that day.
"Heh? Are you trying to stand up to me?" the brown-haired teacher said, cracking his neck. Just a moment before, he had slapped a girl to the ground. Shira wanted to stop him. But Daichi, the classes' homeroom teacher had held him back. Daichi had sternly reminded him that this was a class for assassins. And assassins only. If they wanted to get rid of the teacher, they would have to do it by force. Ignoring this, Shira went up to the trainer, Akira-san. When Akira was about to punch a male student, Shira held his arm.
"Aren't you going too far?" Shira asked, narrowing his eyes.
"I knew you were going to step in sometime, Shira-kun." Akira smirked, relaxing his arm. "Since this is a class full of assassins, why don't we do this? I'll let one of your prized students attack me with a real knife. If the knife comes within a one-cm radius of my skin or closer, I'll step down. So choose. Assassinate me." Akira handed him a dagger, with a jagged edge.
Shira knew Akira's brutal methods. Although Akira was a skilled trainer, any disobedience was met with physical discipline. He had been the cause of many successful assassins, but he had made twice the amount of aspiring assassins drop out. Shira glanced around at the class.
Each one of them had their own perks. Nana was incredibly flexible when it came to dodging, being a former gymnast. Takaro had incredible reflexes and the most physical ability. But neither of them would do. Yesterday, the class made an effort to attack him at once. He had experienced them coming at him before, and neither had landed a single scratch nor surprised him immensely.
But there was one.
One with little presence in the class.
Kuroko Tetsuya.
Without noticing, the blue-haired boy had slithered up from behind Shira and startled him, the fake gun almost at his head. Shira had accidentally used his full power to flip him onto the ground.
Neither excelling in physical abilities or special attacks, he had been the one to catch Shira off-guard. Shira walked over to him, and offered the knife to the boy.
"Me?" Kuroko asked, in a slightly surprised tone. His blue eyes showed no sign of alarm, but of mild shock. However, he took the knife with little hesitation.
"Your eyes must have gone bad, Shira-kun." Akira laughed at the sight of the rather small boy. Walking to Shira, he muttered, "You know. No amateur can handle a real knife. Maybe physically, but not mentally. None of them are ready to kill."
"We'll see," Shira dismissed. Akira snorted and stood in the grass field that they had been training in.
"Come," Akira ordered. Kuroko blinked serenely at the teacher, and a smile formed on his face. Not a psychopathic one. Not one with evil intent. A pure, happy smile. He walked towards the teacher, the smile on his face. In one moment, his whole expression changed, and he swung at the air where Akira's head had been. Akira stumbled, his center of gravity shifting to his lower body. Kuroko grabbed his tie and use the momentum to swing himself behind the teacher, who fell to the ground.
"Ah, a one-cm radius?" Kuroko asked innocently, as his blade touched the teacher's neck.
Incredible, Shira had thought.
And incredible was what Kuroko had become.
His alias in the underground was "Phantom." They had decided on that name from his lack of presence. Although the Phantom was incredibly famous, he was the assassin that they all least expected.
Not a single drop of hesitation was in his blood.
He was amazingly capable of observing and grasping people's weaknesses from a single action.
Kuroko had no fear when wielding a weapon.
He had no presence either.
That's what made him the Phantom.
A/N: I actually got my inspiration from this while watching "Classroom Assasination." If any of you have watched it, you'll probably realize that the scene where Kuroko challenges the teacher is very similar to Nagisa with Takaoka. I've always thought that Nagisa and Kuroko were really alike. Karma and Akashi, too.
Please review! It gives me more motivation to write!