Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom and Supernatural and are the intellectual property of their owners. This story is for free of charge.
A/N: English is my third language so sorry in advance for butchering it with my grammar and vocabulary. This is a two/three-shot
Word count: 924 Words (1,5 pages in Times New Roman 12p)
Summary: What if Jessica and Jasmine Fenton were the same person? two/three-shot
Jazz Fenton's day went from peaceful to full out stressing.
Firstly, she was awoken from her peaceful sleep by her boyfriend, Sam Winchester, who heard a burglar. The burglar who appeared to be none other than her boyfriends older brother, Dean Winchester. The brother, Dean, has a rather weird way of saying hi to his brother by breaking in and flirting with his brothers girlfriend, me. He was a sex maniac who also smelled like cheap booze, gunpowder and sex.
Secondly, Dean had than convinced Sam to have a private talk over their missing father on a 'hunting trip' and ended up on a road trip just a few days before he has to defend his diploma.
Thirdly, they were talking in code over the supernatural like I didn't know what they meant. You don't grow up with my late parents and don't believe in it. It was blatantly obvious for a psychology major that Sam's spat with his father had something to do with these 'hunting trips' because of his sudden complete change in posture.
Fourthly, she was out of milk, coffee and bread so had to survive on dry biscuits and water till she got a chance to go to the market.
And finally, her dear little brother, Danny Fenton, was standing in front of the door for his triennial visit from Amity Park. A town that despite its current lack of Ghost Portal has stayed a gathering spot of the supernatural. Instead conscious ghost, they now got werewolves in the forests, deteriorated/detrimental ghosts in old buildings, windigos in the old mines on the hill and the daily demon possessions. We still sometimes reconsider restarting the portal again, just to drive them away.
"Hey sis, how are you doing these days and where is my future brother in law?" Asked a obnoxious Daniel Fenton who hugged her the moment she opened the door.
"He is on a 'hunting trip' in some no name village with his brother searching for his missing dad."
"That is what you get for hooking up with someone with hunter ancestry," said the hybrid jokingly.
"Hypocrite much. No, he and his father had a spat, probably over college and hunting commitment. Sam hasn't made any mention of it, but I could see right through him. He wants a apple pie life, complete with picket-fence which is in stark contrast with his youth. He doesn't talk much about it but the clues are there. He is a bit of a rebel" Jazz kept rambling on and on about psychological complexes and how it applied on her lover.
"Sounds interesting."
"So how is Amity?"
"Yeah, about that. It was a bigger mess than ever before, the death toll was reaching too high so I had to make a devil pact with the ghosts. Recreation and activation of the Portal and the banning of the Fenton family, in return for none damaging human scaring and hunting down of the other supernatural beings. It seemed like a good deal, so I took it. The natural portal were already stabilizing when I left. So, can I sleep here tonight?"
"Of course." Jazz groaned. "But you have to stop being so impulsive. What about our stuff?"
"Stored it in a thermos. Did you know that the EOC (Emergency Ops Center) doubles as a panser?"
"No, you didn't drive a tank across the streets, did you?"
"Of course not, I flew it here and landed it on the roof. Don't worry, it is invisible." Danny tried to reassure her.
"Fine, but you are sleeping on the couch. Anything else new?"
"I found out why the demons attacked." Danny pulled out a glowing purple stone "This stone sends out a special type of radiation that is like a demon's kryptonite. An alloy of radiating ectoranium, puring silver, and stabilizing iron, they called it REDEMPTION or Radiats Eliminating Demon-Extractionrays as a Mutual Purifying Tempest In Overall Nature. The demon will feel excruciating pain in a sphere with a radius of 10 meter, inversely exponentially increasing in function of the distance. Contact can kill it and causes amnesia to the host, if it is still alive. The demon mom and dad were testing it on escape and alarmed his superiors. The rest is history. We shouldn't have convinced them to shut down the Portal, then they would have become interested in other supernatural creatures and stayed with the ghost hunting and would still be alive. If only I had reacted faster." Said Danny solomy.
"We don't know that for sure, Danny. They would have stumbled upon demons anyway. And you tried, but they were with too many attacks at once. You still got me" Jazz tried to comfort her little brother. He saw the outcome of the Pyrrhic victory, the death of mom, dad and his friends, as his own responsibility. That dammed hero-complex. "Try to sleep for a bit. I just have to call Sam and I will also call it a night. You know where everything is?"
"Yeah. And Jazz, thanks."
"Its nothing little brother. Night."
"No, Jazz just call. Her mysterious brother is staying with her at the moment. And she wants to have a little chat. She is suspicious, I could hear the sarcasm when she said 'hunting trip'."
"That is your problem, Sammy. You wanted the apple pie life."
"Stop calling me Sammy, Jerk."
"Whatever, Bitch. Night."
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