Bruce stands before the window pane. The glass took up an entire wall of the suite. The walls were almost a peachy tone. And a damn chandelier hung above his head. A chandelier. Clark was the kind of guy who'd admire this sort of place. A man who probably paid a large chunk of the scraps he made working for the daily planet to get this room.

A sigh leaves his lips. He rests his hand on the glass. He looks down at a city not his own. The lights of Metropolis shun brightly. Blinding him. What has he done? For the first time in his career as Batman he's neglected his duties. Harley Quinn was still around and the Joker's sitting in Arkham. No doubt planning his escape. If he hasn't already. His skin tingles, gut sinking in guilt.

He turns from the glass. All for what? He looks toward the bed. Shame tightening his stomach. His fists clench. Clark was gone, off to bring back coffee. Bruce hastily shoves his feet into his shoes. He grabs his jacket and swings it over his arms. He steps towards the door, casting a glance behind him. His eyes linger over the room before shutting the door.


Harley lay on her back, sighing. The stream trickling beside her. "Y'know what Red?"

"What?" Ivy looked at the sky, her fingers tracing little circles atop Harley's abdomen. Harley's stomach was taught, with strong muscles beneath her skin. Many people don't know how strong she is.

"We ought to stay here, maybe make this our new hideout. Waddya say?"

Ivy smiles. "Maybe." She turns to her, the biggest grin on her face. "Can you convince me?" Her heart definitely didn't leap at the fact that Harley said "our" hideout.

Harley turns to her, her eyes alight with a smile. "I've got you wrapped around my pinky finger."

"Yes you do." She rolls over, attacking Harley with a set of butterfly kisses to her neck. They keep this up for an hour, periodically switching between kissing and laughing to grasping each other like animals.

Harley rolls onto her back, "We've got work to do." Her smiles catches Ivy off guard, who can only smile and nod in agreement.


"That BITCH!" A pale fist hits a grimy cement wall. The knuckles crack but the person on the other end of the fist couldn't care less. His teeth grind, the yellow cracked teeth nearly chipping from the force. His eyes are narrowed cruelly, making his eyes acquire an almost predatory glow on the dim cell.

His slicks his hair back as much as possible. They'd finally taken the restraints off. Which delighted him greatly. But the amount of security constantly monitoring his cell hadn't decreased. In fact it'd grown. He'd been curious as to why this occurred, but he didn't have to wonder too long. He'd overheard some inmates talking beside his cell yesterday. Offhandedly mentioning that the Bat was nowhere to be found in Gotham.

Oh the wasted opportunity. An escape was nearly impossible without someone on the outside. Which he thought he'd had. But that foolhardy woman was probably off somewhere trying to survive without him. At first he understood her tardiness, maybe she needed more time. He is a patient man of course, but his skepticism grew after the first week of nothing. But he passed that off as her needing more time to execute her plan. But then the second week passed, and the third, fourth…

He'd heard some things about what was going on in the outside world. Superman had been here, and Poison Ivy was missing. No one's seen her in Gotham anywhere.

He stiffens when he hears someone coming by. He makes himself small, curling into a ball near the corner of the cell to make himself as invisible as possible.

"Yeah no one's seen her."

"That's funny…"

A large man and a woman equally as large pass by his cell. They held nightsticks, tasers, and he was sure a gun somewhere on their person.

The man turns to the woman. "Yeah it is. Batman hasn't apprehended her and it doesn't seem like he's even trying. But I will admit, with those Lesbos and that freak Joker gone things have gotten a lot quieter."

The woman laughs, "True," She pauses, her eyes going wide, "Wait they've got a thing?"

"Probably not. But they've always been close and then they disappear at the same time. Plus that maniac hasn't tried bustin' the Joker out once. She's definitely at least gettin' it from someone besides her Puddin'." His voice sours on the last word. "If not that Ivy chick then someone. Or she just got sick of the Clown."

There's a loud booming noise and the guards stiffen, turning in the direction of the noise. They gasp at the sight. The Joker was clawing at the Plexiglas that separated him from the world. His fingers clawed with a striking force. Portions of his nails snapping backwards. His screams of anger were muffled against the glass.

His eyes were wild, bulging past the sockets and bloodshot. He kicked at the glass. And audible thud and a slight warping of the glass occurring. Immediately the guards has their tasers out, with a night stick in the other hand.


"I'll kill her! I'll kill her I'll kill her! I'll feel their blood between my fingers! Her and that plant bitch!"

One gives the other a nod and they charge their tasers.

3 months later...

Harley sits up and stretches, the sound of birds, yes birds, were in the air. She feels a presence in her bed. Their arms wrap around her and she's happy. Damn it she's happy. She turns toward Ivy, her breath quickening a bit before evening out.

Ivy's eyes pop open, and when she sees Harley a warm smile spreads across her face. "Hey love."

Harley giggles, rolling over her, planting each hand on either side of her head. "Hello love." She kisses her. Ivy's hands grasp the back of her head. Gently tugging her down. Not hard enough that Harley wouldn't be unable to pull away. Everything was her choice. Their gazes lock onto each other, so absorbed in the other.

They eventually realize they have things to do. Harley moves and tries to ignore how damn gorgeous Ivy looks when she gets out of bed. If she hadn't been wearing something like she often doesn't when they sleep, then she didn't know what she'd do with herself.

They'd managed to make a little base in the woods. Secret contractors who were sure to stay quiet, expensive botanist equipment, and gag weapons, even a basement for storage.

Of course nothing was really finished yet. Their bedroom was made of hardly polished wood and windows hadn't yet been installed. They had no furniture, only a bed in a small round room for the moment.

The little building was circular and colored to blend in with the forest on the outside, with only one floor excluding the basement for now. It was buried deeper in the woods than where they'd initially settled by the stream but they still frequently visited that beautiful little spot.

They also hadn't been back to Gotham once since the incident. They couldn't afford the risk. It was hard for both of them, especially Harley. She was dying to do something, even rob a convenience store for the hell of it. But Ivy helped with her urges, sometimes having to hold her as she rocked back and forth.

But today, well today was the day.

Harley led the way to basement where their things lay. Throughout the entire thing Harley couldn't help but giggle as they opened the secret door in their tiny bedroom which led to a stairway leading into the basement. It was large, big enough to have a sleek black car sitting in the middle of the room. On either side were their costumes inside glass cases.

Before Ivy can say anything Harley's already gotten her new costume out of case. Her hair had grown longer, beginning to curl at the edges. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much of a hindrance. Ivy watched as Harley carefully split her hair in two sections. Binding each one in her signature ponytails. She grabs the mask, looking at it carefully. Her shoulders sag, her gaze turning wistful. "I miss my old one." Instead of her usual black and red get up, she had only a small black mask, face paint, black lipstick and a costume made of striped stockings, red shoes, and a reimagined clown outfit. She loved it, it was sleeker, not too corny, and worked a lot better than her old one. But still, it wasn't her old one.

Ivy quickly sits beside her. "Come on Harls. You need something new, something different. We've got to erase every trace of the bastard from your life."

Harley's body visibly begins to sag even further. "I guess."

"Trust me Harley. I know what's best for you."

At that Harley's shoulder does the tiniest twist but Ivy's already gone to suit up on the other side of the room.

By the time they're ready they've both forgotten about the incident. They hop into the car, Harley giving her a kiss on the cheek before lvy started the engine.



Bruce startles, which surprises both him and Alfred. "Yes Alfred?"

Alfred raises an eyebrow inquisitively. "Have you considered what happens after Pamela Isley and Harleen Quinzel come back to Gotham?"

Bruce looks back to his computer screen the silence echoing in the cave. "Yes. Like I've said I'd rather deal with criminals who have a stronger sense of morality."

"Do you think once that power is acquired that sense of morality will be as strong?"

Bruce is surprised a bit by his question. Then he's surprised that he's surprised by it in the first place. "If not, then I'll deal with it as it comes." He says simply. "Anything else Alfred?"

"No Sir. But how are things in Metropolis?"

He answers without skipping a beat, "Not my jurisdiction."

"Very well sir." With that Alfred is gone.


"You ready Harls?"

Harley Quinn nods in excitement. "Oh darlin' I was born ready." They get out of the car at the same time. Recently they've been out of funds, from the reservations to the medical care Harley's been needing from "private doctors". Even though Ivy had underestimated Harley's healing factor, which made her feel a bit uneasy. It had taken a long, long time and even still she wasn't sure if Harley was completely fine. There were the beginnings of a scar forming from and the sutures had long fallen out. The wound still gave Harley trouble and she couldn't completely be her spry flippy self at the moment.

They marched up to the bank, smiles on their faces. Usually they'd do this a little more covert, and you know, at night, but Harley was itching for some action. And honestly, Ivy was too. And what better a way to tell everyone they were back in town? Plus they had a little something planned.

Harley walked right into the doors, slamming them open and immediately pulling a gun out. She pointed the weapon at the terrified clerk. "Alright listen up everyone, no one gets hurt if you don't try and be a hero." She presses her back to wall. Looking at the clerk she says, "Go into the vault and get as much as you can. No silent alarm here, my," She smiles, "Lady here's gonna know." Harley tosses her several large bags. The woman trembles, but quickly does as ordered. Going into the back, the audible thump of her tossing the bundles of money into the bags could be heard even out in the lobby.

Harley surveys the scene, there were two security guards, and the rest civilians. Few children, shit, it'd have to be calm today. The woman returns, another worker helping to carry the large sums of money with her. Harley motions her head toward Ivy, who takes her signal to check the money. Ivy does, holding bills to the light. The air was still and silent, muggy even inside the building.

"It's real Harls'." Despite her amazement she manages to keep her voice steady and intimidating. With that Ivy's slinging both bags over her shoulders and walks right out. Harley stayed behind, telling everyone it was alright to leave now. At first they were afraid, terrified even. So she yelled that if they didn't leave she'd unload her bullets inside each of them one by one. An empty threat of course, but that got them going, a smile on her face as the last of them were ushered outside.

She hears the motor purring outside, and she takes in a deep breath. Any moment now. She waited, alone in the gilded room. The light coming in from the glass ceiling made her white painted skin glow. She could see the dust motes in the air. Feel each breath entering and exiting her body. Her chest rose and fell harshly. She was waiting for the inevitable.

The air cooled as she heard a shatter. It was like time slowed down. It was like she finally felt the joy she'd been longing for for so long. He'd taken the bait. It was so easy, like he was walking right into her hands. Maybe he'd underestimated them. Or maybe, just maybe he wasn't on his game. No there was no maybe about it, something's wrong, he'd never fall for a trap like this. He's not thinking clearly. What happened? She thinks in a bit of alarm.

She almost felt his presence near her. He was coming, His steps not as silent as they'd used to be. Or maybe he knew there was no use since he'd made such a grand entrance through the skylight. No, he definitely wasn't on his game. Before he gets too close she swings her leg, catching him in the jaw. Again. No, he'd never get caught on the same thing twice. She flips away from Batman's grappling hook. It put pressure on her injury, but she ignored it. She ignored the pain. Because it was worth it.

They wouldn't need to even use the trap, she realizes. He's practically a sitting duck. She could do anything to him. It's the first time in a long time she's fighting Batman yet his body seems to sag, like it doesn't want to support its weight. He's heavy, sluggish. His fighting is half-hearted. It's like he's self-destructing. Imploding.

She practically feels the floor's vibrations as batman ran swiftly toward her. She leaps out of the way. "Aye Bats. I know you've got more in ya'. What's wrong, don't got your Superman to save you?" His body snaps alert, as if waking up. And before she can so much as move he's tripped her. Her world is soon tumbling down. But she's soon recovering and back on her steady feet. She quickly maneuvers to the other side of the room in a series of semi-fluid flips.

He runs to her, as he came closer she lept up, like a cat, grabbing his shoulders midway, with her momentum and using their combined weight to slam him down into the marble ground. There was a thump, and groan of pain. "I don't appreciate you bringing supers in for a fight Bats. I thought you were better than that. Cheater" She dug her heal in the hand that reached for some device. His body's given up again. She can see it. And she already knows that she's won. This should be harder, she thinks in alarm. Is Superman coming again? Is that why he's not trying so hard?

"H-Harley-" She cut him off. Digging her foot deeper into his wrist.

"I thought I was going to die ya know." Her voice lowers, eyes darkening. Her blues eyes becoming glassy. She forgets about how shitty of a hero he is today. All she can think about was the pain, in her body, in Ivy's eyes. "I've got nightmares. I thought they would be over when I recovered from the Joker throwing me off the roof. But now I've got another memory that haunts me." She throws something down onto the ground, it encapsulates his other hand. "She doesn't know."

Her grin widens, turning cruel. For the first time in a long while Bruce begins to panic. "I'm sorry." His voice isn't pleading, it's only… apologetic.

Harley pauses for a moment, considering his words. "I bet ya are." She grimaces before aiming her gun at him. Then shakes her head and brings out a switchblade. "I forgive ya. But an eye for an eye Batman. An eye for an eye." She kneels down, putting her knee on his wrist.

Harley lets out a loud cackling laugh. "I'm bullshitting about that eye for an eye nonsense. But we can't have you meddling in our business for a while now can we Batman?" She looks for the telltale weak spot in his armor. She looked around his non-vital areas and then she finds it. The weak spot and it's on his outer thigh.


"Bite down Bats."


"I told ya."

She takes the blade and digs it downward and deep into his leg. The cry that's heard echoes against the wall of the building. Harley twists slightly before pulling it out. "You should regain full mobility in time. I made sure I severed no tendons and if you take good care there will be minimal scar tissue. But you could bleed to death without help, but don't worry, the cops will be here soon." She pats his head before standing.

"Stay away Batman." With that she takes out a grappling hook. She shoots for the ceiling and in a flash she's gone.

It's not long before she'd reunited with a happy Ivy. It seems for once everything is perfect. No one can stand in their way.

And somewhere in Arkham Asylum a man is laughing as he watches the news.