Same Story Again and Again...

Ivy sat alone in the darkened room. Waiting. There was nothing particularly interesting in the news. Surprisingly, the humans weren't up to some evil plan to use her brothers and sisters for their own gain. A sigh goes past her unpainted lips. Yes she was glad that her babies weren't suffering at the hand of man, but she couldn't simply sit here all day. What would there be to do? Maybe she could gather intelligence on the activities of the humans. See if she could help the environment in some small way. Just as she is moving to go to her desk she hears a noise near the entrance of her hideout. Her body tenses; brain going into fight or flight mode. Maybe that nuisance of a bat has finally found her hideout. But why? Especially now when he should be having his hands full with the joker's recent decision to steal funds from the Gotham City Bank. She approaches the door, but not off-guard. She doesn't call out to see who they might be; lest she expose herself. Although she doesn't have to wait for very long.

Another sigh passes her unpainted lips. Harley stood there, her tears mixing with black makeup and staining her cheeks. It's the same story. Over and over and over again. Her fists tremble. "Again?" It's all she says. It's all that she can say. The figure before her nods, her now messy ponytails swaying with the motion of her head. Harley's biting her trembling lower lip. No matter how many times she showed up at her doorstep like this, it was always a shock to the system to see her like this. Harley's usual jovial persona replaced by sadness, and shame, and fear. Ivy's heart hurt at the sight of her. Harley is such an intelligent woman. A strong and beautiful person that doesn't deserve this. None of this. "I'll kill him." Ivy's voice is dark, it's low and rough.

At her threat Harley's groveling at her feet. Her arms wrap loosely around her waist. She's crying full force again. "No please! Mr. J Didn't mean anything by it! I mean whateva' happened it was my fault! My fault I tell ya'! Please don't go after him!" Her pleas degrade into near unintelligible begging. Ivy breathes in deeply and helps her up.

She holds unto her arms, and looks into her eyes. "Harley, I promise that I won't go after the joker for hurting you. Please, just come in. Are you hungry? Injured?" She helps her inside. Harley leans unto Ivy for support. She limps inside the small space. She nearly collapses unto the bed the Ivy sleeps in. Ivy sits at her desk, a bit of a smile on her lips when she hears a little bit of snoring coming from the mattress. The smile contrasted with the sadness in her eyes.