Remember when Seth and Randy split up so that Seth could go confront Triple H and Randy could go see AJ? This is the part where Randy goes to see AJ. Takes place the same day as the last chapter, but a few hours later.

AJ Lee woke up that morning in an oversized "Legacy" t-shirt that wasn't hers and a bed that wasn't hers either, still unable to believe that she had actually gone home with the Viper the night of the PPV.

Nothing that night had gone as she had anticipated. The rush of being back in that ring, holding that mic and cutting Nikki down, it was incredible. She loved it more than she thought she would have. She realized she missed it more than she had cared to admit as well.

And had this been a year ago, okay maybe a little more than that, she would have had someone to share that joy and that excited energy with. She would have walked back behind gorilla and been greeted by a smile and a hug and the genuine words of support and praise. He would have been proud of her for the mini pipe bomb. He would have been happy she was doing what she loved.

Well, a lot can change in a year because AJ's conversation with her husband about her Money in the Bank appearance was just about the exact opposite. He wasn't happy, he was furious. He wasn't supportive, he was chastising. And when she told him, or at least tried to tell him that part of her was entertaining the idea of going back, he refused to listen. He was demanding and bitter. He told her he didn't want her making any more appearances unless she talked to him first. He told her that she wasn't allowed to spend any more time with Randy, with her Viper.

And that night, AJ had done just that.

Sure she hadn't run to him after Punk abruptly hung up the phone, but it didn't take long for her to break down in his arms anyway. She didn't seek his comfort but when he offered it, she didn't refuse it either. The truth was, AJ had needed him more than she had ever needed anybody. She needed a friend and Randy had always been that to her.

But waking up in his t-shirt and in his bed, AJ knew she should have felt guilty about it. She had directly went against everything Punk asked or more accurately demanded of her. Perhaps that was why she didn't feel the slightest bit bad about everything. He hurt her by what he said and part of her had wanted nothing more than to hurt him back.

AJ just wished she had listened to that part of her when it told her to give in to her deep-seeded desires and sleep with Randy, not just sleep in his bed. Not that it would have made a difference to Punk anyway though. He'd be no less furious for what did happen than if she told him she and Randy slept together.

Burying her knees in the cotton tee, AJ sighed heavily as she wondered how her relationship had gotten to this point, how their undying love had turned into jealousy and resentment and just absolute bitterness.

Deep down, AJ knew she shouldn't feel that way about a man she had promised her life to, a man who once upon a time she would have moved heaven and earth to spend her life with. She couldn't help it though. They had drifted apart and as much as he blamed WWE, Vince or Randy, as much as she blamed UFC, Dana and Milwaukee, those were all just strains put on an already crumbling foundation. They weren't working anymore because he had changed and for some reason, AJ was the only one who wasn't okay with the new person he had become. That didn't mean she wasn't trying however. It just meant that she was starting to question why she put in so much effort to save a sinking ship.

The Black Widow couldn't help but think about her conversation with the Viper and reflect on what was said as the two talked into the early hours of the morning. She was grateful he had taken the time to listen but not at all surprised, because as far back as she could remember, ever since the two bonded over their mutual dislike for their duties as corporate champions, Randy had always been there for her. Last night had been no different.

Floating through the sea of changes that had become her life, be it the move to Milwaukee so Punk could train for the UFC or adjusting to the fact that she was semi-forced into retirement, it was nice to know that at least one thing hadn't been flipped completely on its axis. That no matter what and no matter when, Randy was still her constant.

And if Punk had found out about that, about the fact she spent the night in the man's hotel room, he would have been even more livid than he had been after her surprise appearance at Money in the Bank. As AJ thought about it, only one thing would have probably enraged Punk more and unfortunately for her, she was in possession of that too.

The ink of Vince's signature had been more than dry at this point but AJ couldn't bring herself to sign on the dotted line just yet. That's because AJ knew if she signed that contract to rejoin the WWE, she would be signing something else too and those were her divorce papers. And even though AJ was at the end of her rope, even though there were days like today where she had to fight herself wondering if saving their marriage was worth it, if it was something she even wanted anymore, one thing hadn't changed. AJ still loved Punk. She still loved her husband. And that love was making her feel sick to her stomach about even thinking of breaking her vows or going behind his back with something as important as the decision to rejoin the WWE.

AJ sighed as she looked down at her phone, a picture from their wedding staring back at her.

It had been the happiest day of her life and considering everything else that happened on September 1, 2014, that was saying something.

Just a few hours after the two had said their nuptials, Punk informed her of the secret he had been keeping since that morning. That of course being the fact that he was givien his pink slip, his walking papers. Of course, AJ was livid but not at him, at the company, the place both of them had given so much too.

That's what made her decision to retire really simple. In those few weeks following the wedding, it was a no-brainer to her to stand by Punk and to leave the company. Ironically, at the time, he was the one convincing her to stay. AJ had made up her mind but she loved the fact that he didn't want her to abandon her dreams for him.

That was then, this was now.

Because the truth was, that day was now far from her memory and that Punk, the loving, supportive husband, was someone she saw less and less of. Somewhere along the line he had become controlling and a dictator in their own marriage. He had taken away her freedoms and restricted her contact, especially with people who still worked for "the enemy."

AJ glanced back at her phone, this time the device open to the call screen. Her finger hovered so carefully over the green button, almost daring herself to press it. But as she waited, the screen went black, bringing her back to square one.

For the next 15 minutes, she engaged in this futile exercise, every time coming up with a different yet equally as valid reason as to why she didn't want to speak to her husband.

She already knew what he was going to say. If she called him, he would reprimand her like a parent does an unruly child and would have seen to it personally that she got on the next flight to Milwaukee. In return, she would have apologized for something she didn't even feel she needed to apologize for.

But that was how it worked with the two of them. She put his needs first and he put her feelings second.

It had been that way for far too long now but what else was she supposed to do? They had taken vows, for better or for worse, she reminded herself. And sure this was bad, but AJ knew she owed it to herself and to what they once meant to each other, to stick it out just a little bit longer. She wanted to make it work. At least she thought she did.

But it was hard to believe they stood a fighting chance on mornings like this, mornings where she couldn't even bring herself to talk to him, when she had to honestly consider how much she loved him compared to how much she loved the world he made her leave behind. She had a decision to make and not much time to do it in. Of course she had wanted to sign the contract, but did she want it enough at the expense of her marriage?

Lost in her thoughts, AJ heard the door click open and smiled when she saw who had been on the other side.

"Ah you're up," Randy said as he put the coffee on the bedside table. "Here, thought you might need this since I know you didn't get much sleep last night."

AJ nodded as she took a sip of the liquid, not realizing just how much she had needed it. "Me? What about you? You let me vent until close to 4 AM about who even knows what, not to mention letting me sleep in your bed while you tried to get that six-foot-five frame of yours comfortable on what amounts to a stiff backed chair with no give. Seriously Randy, you did not have to do that. I could have gotten my own room. I would have figured out something."

Randy shook his head as he drank from his own cup. "After how that scumbag made you feel, there was no way I was letting you spend the night alone. Honestly AJ, you've got one hell of a restraint. If somebody had basically forbidden me to do something they would not have liked what I would have done in response."

AJ just shrugged. "I've learned with him the best thing to do isn't to argue and besides, he did have a point. We agreed to these anti-WWE terms and I broke them without even talking to him first."

Instantly Randy frowned. "You're defending him again."

"Sorry," AJ mumbled, realizing her own mistake. "Force of habit I guess."

Randy just nodded. "Yeah well, you need to change that habit. I can't make you end things with him but I sure as hell won't let you shed anymore tears over the guy. He's a piece of shit AJ, always has been and always will be."

AJ couldn't help but sigh.

There was a time when she would have told Randy to knock it off, when she would have defended Punk and their relationship with every fiber of her being. A time when it was basically second nature and when it felt right. But now it almost felt like it took too much work and that it wasn't worth it. That it was pointless because she wasn't even sure who she was trying to convince more, Randy or herself.

It felt like an obligation and one that was almost at the point where she felt like breaking it. Almost.

"Can we not talk about him right now?" AJ said softly as she absentmindedly twirled the stirrer in her cup. "I think we did enough of that last night. Besides, I don't need an argument right now, especially since I'm sure I'll hear it when I get home."

This only made Randy clench his jaw more. He wanted to honor her wishes and drop the topic, for now at least, but when he heard AJ talk like that it made it difficult. Randy saw red and all of that ire was directed at the man responsible. He had just wished that their talk last night had been enough for AJ to realize Punk wasn't worth any more of her time or her pain and especially not her tears.

"So," Randy spoke into the silence, "what time is your flight?"

"I still have a couple of hours," AJ replied, happy for the little bit of time she had left before seeing and being confronted by her husband.

"You want a ride?" Randy asked. "I've got to go see Amman about my wrist later but I can take you to the airport if you want."

AJ smiled as she gently rested her hand on his knee. "Thanks, but Paige offered and I feel like I haven't spent enough time with her."

Randy just nodded. "Understood."

"I guess I should be going now," AJ said quietly, almost nervously.

"You're welcome to keep the shirt but it might not be your best choice to get on a plane back home with that on your back," Randy said, noticing AJ had still had his t-shirt wrapped snuggly around her body.

AJ looked down, only then remembering she hadn't taken his shirt off. The truth was, she hadn't really wanted to. It was comfortable and familiar. It reminded her of the good times, the times when she had got to watch firsthand as Randy became a mentor to the young Ted and Cody. Times that she always made fun of him for because of how much he cared about his two protégés, even if he would never outwardly show it. AJ knew and because she knew, she realized why she had to return that t-shirt to its rightful owner.

"Probably best I don't come home with that in my suitcase," AJ said as she took the shirt off. "Besides," she added, standing in front of him in nothing but a sports bra and shorts, "you and I both know this means a lot to you. We spent so much time talking about me last night, I didn't even get to ask. Since the funeral. Have you heard from him at all?"

Randy sighed as he shook his head. "He's not returning my calls and I don't blame him. If I was in his situation I probably wouldn't want to speak to me either."

AJ watched as Randy traced the lettering on the shirt. It broke her heart to see him like this, so helpless, so worried. She knew the outside world believed the worst, she knew Triple H refused to see deep down how much he cared, but AJ wasn't like any of them. She knew that right now, Randy had one priority. He was laser-focused on making amends and holding true to the promise he made to Dusty a long time ago. Randy hadn't kept it then but now, with Dusty gone, AJ knew he was going to do everything in his power to keep it now.

"He's gonna be okay and I'm sure he'll be back before you know it," AJ said as she placed her hand gently on his knee. "Cody's always been resilient."

"Yeah I know you're right," Randy replied. "It's just the more time that goes by the more I'm convinced something isn't right."

"Don't think like that," AJ tried to reassure him. "Cody will be fine. I'll be fine. Seth will be fine. Maybe for a change you should stop worrying about us and worry about yourself. Your wrist got badly damaged in that match. Focus on your recovery and the rest will just fall into place."

Randy smiled as he placed his hand on top of hers. "You're right. You're always right."

Sorry for the abrupt and kind of meh end to this one but I've been working on it for a while and just couldn't get it right. I figured at this point, better to get it out there so I can move on to the next chapter. So yeah, don't feel bad if you don't like it because I'm not really thrilled with it either.

That being said, there's one more chapter coming before a time jump. Just a couple months, but enough time for some interesting things to develop and most importantly, for everyone's favorite grandson of a plumber to make his return to the WWE.

In the meantime, hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!