A/N: First, this is self-betaed, so if you spot any little grammatical or spelling errors, don't be afraid to let me know. I've had this plot bunny hopping around in my head ever since I watched Jurassic World for the first time. My story operates under the assumption that parallel universes exist. In the Jurassic Park universe, all Pokémon were killed off alongside of the dinosaurs whereas they survived in the Pokémon universe and became the dominant lifeforms (alongside humans) on that version of Earth. Arceus is more or less limited in what he can do as a God in this story in that he can't interfere in massive events like an extinction event, so he created an entirely new universe to start over, AKA the Pokémon universe. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little prologue of my new story; chapter one will be in the POV of our favorite raptor trainer.
Panic, excitement, and loud noises echoed into and throughout this warm, dark place that I call home. I hear muffled voices talking about me, about how I'm developing at an astonishing rate. How I might 'hatch' soon. I don't know what this 'hatch' is, but I don't want to leave my home yet; it's much too nice in here. No, I think I'll stay put.
This space I had once called home is getting smaller as the days go on. I may have to leave if my home gets any more cramped.
I know it doesn't make much sense, but I can feel that I'm not entirely alone. Small whispers echoing through the walls of my home; they feel endearingly familiar, yet foreign at the same time. To whom do these whispers belong to, and why do I feel this warmth spread through my body when I hear them?
The whispers I had started hearing the previous month have stopped completely. I don't understand why this leaves me with such an aching feeling inside. What is this not-physical pain that I'm feeling? Why does it always return twofold when I think of those strange whispers? I'm so terribly confused. The loud, muffled voices from outside of my home sound strangely downtrodden when they speak of me; I can practically feel the dismay that they radiate when they're near me. This unknown aching feeling always returns when they speak about me. I don't understand.
It's gotten so incredibly uncomfortable in this place that I had once called home. I can't even move my… tail. At least, that's what I remember hearing the voices call it. The day is getting closer that I will have to leave this wretched, shrinking place I once called home. I growl in annoyance. I stop when I hear one of the muffled voices speaking in an excited tone. I still haven't managed to learn enough of their tongue to understand the voices. These voices are so frustrating.
It's finally happened. This space is too small for me; I can practically feel the claustrophobia setting in. I can hear crackling as I thrust my head up. I hear a definitive crack, bright light briefly blinding me. Loud noises thunder around me as the muffled voices become much louder and clearer than before. I quickly retreat into the suffocating space I had once called home. More light streams in as this giant, meaty… thing tears holes in the walls to get at me. Panicked and confused, I did the only rational thing someone would do in this situation. I bit it. A strangled, pained gasp, and the gigantic thing jerked away. Curiosity piqued, I squint my eyes and cautiously take a look at the world outside of my old home. My eyes fill with tears as I look around and my gaze lands upon the spots where four other eggs would have been. So those were what the whispers I'd heard belonged to. With a hiccup and a gasp, I started to cry.
"Tyrunt!" I sob as tears roll down my face. I feel something pick me up and hold me close while whispering soft, kind words into my ears. The tears come faster as it intuitively sinks in that the whispers were from my sisters. None of them survived, leaving just me, all alone.