Chapter 33: It will be alright
Splinter blinked in confusion. That was what was wrong. Donatello's eyes didn't hold the familiar warmth and he looked completely lost sitting on the floor. Despair filled him as Splinter whispered, bringing Donatello so he could look into his eyes, "Do…. Do you not know who I am?"
Donatello broke eye contact, gazing at his hands. "I'm sorry…. I don't."
Splinter's throat tightened. It didn't work. The cure may have restored his son physically, but his mind…. His memories…. Gone. "I'm Splinter, you're father. Do you….. know who you are?" Donatello ducked his head and shook his head. "My poor son."
"I'm….. your son?"
Splinter stifled a cry and nodded. "You are Donatello, my son."
"Donatello?" Donatello breathed, looking up at Splinter in wonder. "That feels….. right."
Splinter gave a small smile. Maybe his son was buried deep down. "I'm glad, my son. Don't worry. We'll do everything to help you."
"We? There is more than just you and I?" Donatello asked.
Splinter nodded. "Of course. You have three brothers and a sister."
"I do?"
"Yes. They're names are Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Karai. They should be home soon," Splinter said. "How would you like to move to the living room?" Donatello glanced around the room and nodded slowly. Donnie placed his hands on the ground and tried to push himself up. His limbs shook as he dropped onto the ground. "Easy, my son. Your body must not be fully healed." Splinter tucked his arms under his son and helped him to his feet. Slowly the two made their way to the living room and Splinter sat Donatello on the couch. "I'll get you something to drink."
Donatello sighed as the large rat, Splinter, left the room. This was so strange. How was a rat his father? It didn't really make sense but deep down, it felt right. Just like his name. It was all strange. He didn't recognize the area he was in or anything. He didn't know any of his past either. Another weird thing was the heaviness of his limbs, like he had forgotten how to walk. Donatello placed his head in his hands. Nothing made sense.
"Here you are, my son," Splinter said, holding out a glass of water.
"Thanks," Donatello whispered, taking the glass.
"I've got something for you, my son. Maybe it will help with your memory," Splinter spoke softly, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a strip of fabric. Splinter held the fabric up to reveal a bright purple bandana with two holes cut out for the eyes. "Want me to help?" Donatello nodded as Splinter tied the bandana on his face.
"Thank you." Donatello reached up and touched the material. It was new.
"Sensei! We're back! And we've got pizza!"
Donatello jumped at the happy voice and automatically turned to the entrance of the place he was in. Splinter placed a hand on his shoulder, silently telling him everything was alright. Jumping over the turnstiles, was another turtle, wearing a bright orange bandana, holding a pizza box as he smiled. The turtle landed on his feet and looked into the room. His face brightened even more when it landed on Donatello. The pizza box landed on the floor with a thump as the turtle launched himself at the couch.
"Michelangelo, wait…."
The turtle didn't register the words as he vaulted over the couch and wrapped Donatello in a tight hug. "Oh, Donnie! You're back! I knew Rockwell would be able to cure you. I just knew it! I'm so happy, Donnie! Now, everything can go back to normal! Right? Come on, why don't you say something? Donnie?" The turtle's bright blue eyes were shimmering with tears as the smile on his face twitched.
Donatello blinked down at the turtle, unsure about what to do. This had to be one of his brothers and, if Splinter's words were correct, this was Michelangelo. How does one break that they don't remember them?
"Donnie?" The small voice cracked near the end.
Donatello stiffened and turned to Splinter, pleading for help. Splinter took a deep breath and gently pulled Michelangelo from Donatello. "Michelangelo, there is something Donatello must tell you."
Donatello ducked his head. Splinter wasn't going to sugar coat anything and now he had to be the one to bring up the subject. Donatello took a moment to glance over at the entrance to see two other turtles and a girl with black hair standing just a few feet behind the couch, watching the interaction closely. The two turtles had to be Leonardo and Raphael and the girl must be Karai. How was a human girl related to four turtles?
"Donnie? What do you have to tell me?"
Donatello looked back over to the orange banded turtle, his blue eyes wide and innocent, full of sunshine. Something deep inside hated how he was going to crush that sunshine and all he wanted to do was hug this turtle close. How was he going to break this news?
"It's alright, Donatello," Splinter soothed. "We're all here to support you."
Donatello sighed and met the turtle's eyes. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you."
"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you."
A loud thump echoed through the lair as all eyes flashed over to the entrance to see Raphael on his knees, his eyes blank. Leo was frozen, reaching out to him, with his hands hovering over his shoulders. Mikey slowly turned back to Donnie, who was looking at Leo and Raph like he had never seen them before.
It explained everything. The missing spark in his brother's eyes, why he didn't hug back, why he didn't say anything, how he looked to Splinter for help. Mikey could feel the tears well up. "No no no no no no no no. The cure….. it's supposed to work. Why didn't it work?" This turtle sitting in front of him looked like his brother, but Mikey couldn't feel the familiar warmth of Donatello.
"It worked physically," Splinter spoke, placing a hand on Donatello's shoulder. "But his memories seem to be locked away in a deep part of his mind. I think with meditation and being around those who love him will bring those memories back."
Mikey nodded, trying to not cry. Donatello didn't look up. He looked so lost, like he wasn't sure if he belonged or not. Mikey took a breath and placed a hand on Donnie's knee. "Don't worry, bro. We'll help you out."
Donnie gave a small smile. "Thanks."
"So, how are you feeling, Donnie?" Karai asked, sitting down next to Mikey.
"Fine, I guess," Donnie nearly whispered. "This is all just so confusing to me."
"It will all be okay. We'll help you," Karai said gently.
"Thanks," Donnie said softly.
"This can't have happened!" Raph suddenly yelled as he leapt to his feet and ran across the living room and into his room, slamming the door shut. Donnie jumped at the sudden noise, unsure about what to do. Leo glanced over at Donnie before leaving himself, following after Raph.
Master Splinter sighed and placed a hand on Donatello's shoulder. "It is alright, my son. It will be alright."
Author's Note: Heart break! I've been loving your reactions. Can't you tell I love torturing my favorite character?
agentcocacole: I loved your review! The whole universe thing made me laugh.
Juanita27: You're on the right track with the mutations. After so long, it would be tough to regain his physical strength.
Turtle Lover101: Yep. No memory.
Fever To Write: I just love plot twists. Glad you're enjoying them.
Pilyartquitect: He was cured physically but not mentally. Rockwell said this may happen with the cure.
Bipper Cipher3: You'll have to wait to find out.
Andraia452: Lol. XD Love it!