Aloha people! I am back from my slumber. I have come to bless you with a story about New York and Solangelo. Enjoy!

T Warnings For Chapter One: Making out, a tiny swear word

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson.

The last thing Nico di Angelo wanted was to be noticed in his little corner. So naturally, he didn't last 30 minutes before somebody came up to him. In the dim light of the party (which was totally unnecessary), Nico could barely make out his blonde hair and blue eyes, though he clearly was really athletic, judging from the typical surfer body he had. 'Great,' Nico thought to himself. 'Just what I need. A hot jock making me feel like shit.'

It didn't quite go down like that, though. Once the jock was close enough to speak normally over the music, he grinned at Nico. "Hey, Darling," he said in an exaggerted southern accent. "Why are you stand here alone?" he asked in his normal voice (Nico decided he liked his voice). Nico blushed and didn't say anything. "Aw, c'mon, Sunshine," he said. "Don't be like that. Tell me. You look like you'd rather collapse than spend another minute here."

Nico gave a small smile. "Well, you're not wrong," he said. Jock boy laughed. "Progress!" he exclaimed, making Nico smile again. "Alright, before I loose you, my name's Will Solace. Yours?" he asked. 'Will,' Nico thought. 'I like that. It sounds nice.' He blinked to make himself stop thinking about it. 'You literally just learned his name,' he scolded himself.

"Um, Nico. Nico di Angelo," he said. Will smiled again. "Victory!" he yelled, making heads turn to look at them. Nico flushed, though Will seemed unfazed by the attention, instead turning back to look at Nico.

"Okay, di Angelo. You look like death. D'you want to get out of here? I won't like, kidnap you or something. Promise," he said. Nico nodded eagerly, making Will laugh again. "Calm down there, Sunshine-" He was interrupted by Nico going "Do not me call Sunshine," which moderately startled him. He raised an eyebrow. "Fine, then Death Boy," he said. Nico thought it was better than sunshine, so he didn't say anything about it, just grinned. "Great then, Sunshine," he said, and dragged a blushing Will Solace to the front door.

"Alright, di Angelo. New York is a big place. It's generally pretty. I'm going to take you to my favourite places, so you better pick something to listen to," Will said as soon as they were in the car.

Will showed Nico his collection, which was mostly Beyoncé and Britney Spears. He considered putting on Toxic (ironically) but decided against it. He'd probably never hear the end of it from Will. After going through the entire collection, the wrinkled his nose. "How about the radio instead?" he suggested. Will put a hand to his heart, feigning hurt. "I feel offended," he said, pretending to then wipe away a tear. "Do you not think my music taste is simply spectacular?"


"Well, thanks," Will said. Nico laughed, and leaned to turn on the radio. He switched through the stations before finding Kerrang! and turned the volume up (the day they started streaming to the US was the best day of his life). He was greeted by the familiar vocals of Gerard Way signing Na Na Na. He smiled triumphantly and turned his head to look at Will. He was staring blankly at the radio. When the song ended, he turned to look at Nico. "You chose that over Beyoncé," he stated. Nico nodded. "Yes," he confirmed for good measure. Will shook his head and started the car.

"So, where are we going?" Nico asked. "Well, we're really close to central park, so we're going there first," Will said. "You've probably been, but it's still one of my favourite places," he said bluntly. Nico laughed and Will smiled. "And anyway, it's only about 12:30. We'll get there in about 5, so we'll have about 25 minutes to roam before the park closes. I think that's enough time."

Nico nodded. He didn't know that the park closed, but at 15 he'd just barely been in New York for 5 years, but he hadn't started leaving the house until a year ago, when his half-sister Hazel came into the picture. 4 years inside can turn somebody pretty pale, and his olive complexion was replaced by deathly pale long ago.

The rest of the short ride was spent in comfortable silence. Once they had pulled up to central park, they roamed the path, Will pointing out random places and little anecdotes that went along with them. They sat at a bench, and he prompted Nico to now talk about himself.

"Well, there's not much to say. I used to live in Vegas, for about 6 years. The first four years of my life are foggy. I'm pretty sure I was in Italy with my mother and sister, though. The only thing I remember clearly was the hotel we were staying in on vacation collapsing, which killed my mother..." he trailed off, looking down at his hands. He barely remembered his mother, but the thought of her death was enough to bring tears to his eyes. Will scooted closer. "Hey," he said softly. "You okay?" Nico nodded and leaned on his arm.

"Um, anyway. Then my sister and I moved to Vegas. We stayed with a nanny our father had hired in a hotel & casino called the 'Lotus Casino'. Time seemed to move slower there. The 6 years felt like 6 days. Anyway, Bianca and I went to a boarding school for about a month or two. Bianca left on a trip with Percy Jackson and Thalia, who are my cousins, and our friends Zoë and Grover. When they came back, Percy told me that a metal beam had fallen and he didn't get to Bianca in time...the beam crushed her-" He stopped as his voice cracked, and turned is head into Will's arm. He wrapped an arm around Nico protectively, and he let the tears fall onto his jacket.

'Compose yourself, di Angelo,' he said to himself. Once the tears stopped, he shifted so that he wasn't practically buried in Will's jacket, but with his arm still around his waist. "Anyway, after yelling at Percy and nearly killing him, I asked my father for help. He payed for a small apartment for a bit. Then, my half-sister Hazel came into the picture. She brought along some of my other friends too. Her boyfriend Frank Zhang, our friends Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Reyna, and Piper McLean-" He was interrupted by Will's cry of disbelief. "How can you just casually say you're friends with the Piper McLean?!" he cried.

Nico grinned. "I could introduce you," he suggested. Will nodded so fast Nico thought his neck would snap. He laughed.

"Anyway, along with Percy and his girlfriend Annabeth, we all bought a house together, which was where the party was hosted, despite my protests. And that leads me here," he concluded.

There was a silence, then a small "Wow" came from Will. He smiled (again. Damn this boy). They sat in comfortable silence, Nico curling into Will like a cat. After a bit, Will shook Nico. "Come on Death Boy," he said, grinning. "The park's about to close. Already 1 a.m., and we have a lot more to see tonight."

"I present to you, the Empire State Building!"

They were standing in front of it (they couldn't go in; it was closed), and it was huge. Well, obviously, but getting up-close and person with it, it was really big.

"Wow," Nico said, which just about summed up what he was feeling right now. He was also a bit tired. The drive to was about 4 hours, occasionally stopping here and there at Will's favorite spots. They stopped at a gas station to get food, drinks, and gas, but otherwise they didn't stop. In Will's words, the Empire State was the "absolute best thing in all of New York history."

"Even Lady Liberty?" Nico had asked.

"Even Lady Liberty," he had replied, grinning. (Course, he was bummed he wouldn't get to see Lady Liberty, but didn't say that to him because he was driving Nico all around New York. And it was apparently closed, but whatever. He was still bummed).

Nico felt a hand slip into his and tug him along the sidewalk. He jumped, startled, and stumbled before regaining his balance. "W-where are we going?" he asked. Will shook his head. "You'll see."

Nico was a little miffed at being dragged along after they had just gotten to the Empire State, but didn't say anything. He tried to think of something, anything except the fact that Will's hand was really warm and fit perfectly into his, or the butterflies in his stomach that had turned into frantic bison.

Eventually they stopped outside a small cafe with an "Open" sign flashing on its window. Will let go of his hand (dammit) and gestured towards the cafe. "Ta da!" he exclaimed. Nico stared at him. "You dragged me along for 10 minutes just so we could eat?"

Will rolled his eyes. "No, silly," he said. "My mom own this place. She lets me eat here for free, so I figured we'd stop here since neither of us have money."

He wasn't wrong, and he figured it couldn't be that bad. "Okay, fine," he said. "We'll eat here. But I better get an embarrassing story from your mom."

Will blushed and started walking towards the door, Nico trailing behind him. As Will was opening the door, Nico realized that Will technically had dragged him along just to eat. When he pointed it out, Will turned a brighter shade of red and told Nico to get inside.

At first he was concerned as to why his mother made her employees come in at the literal ass crack of dawn, but it was just Will's mom in the kitchen. She fussed over him and was polite to Nico, not even hesitating when Nico asked for an embarrassing story. Will thanked his mom, and she bid them goodbye, and they left.

The walk back to the car was spent in comfortable silence. Once they were in, Will turned to him. "So, Death Boy," he said. "Ready to go back?" Nico looked down at his lap. 'No,' he thought to himself. "Yeah," he said aloud, looking up to meet Will's eyes. He smiled, started the car, and began the trip home to Manhattan.

Nico dreaded the moment Will stopped to let Nico out to go home. What if they didn't stay in touch? The thought of not seeing Will again terrified him more than what he would admit. But all good things must come to an end, and Will eventually pulled up by the curb of he house Nico and his friends shared.

"So, I guess this is goodbye, then," Nico said, disappointment clear in his voice. Will nodded, looking down. Nico started to unbuckle his seat belt and was about to open the door when Will grabbed his arm. "Wait-" Will said, his voice slightly hoarse.

"What?" he asked. There was a moment of silence before Will's hand turned his head and then his lips were on his. After a second, Nico kissed him back with the same passion.

Will was the first to pull away, lips swollen and bruised, and Nico knew he looked the same way. A bright red blush adorned both their cheeks. Nico cleared his throat. "Bye, Sunshine," he said. Will shook his head and smiled at him. Nico turned back to open the door of the car. He walked to his front porch, hearing Will's car drive away and fighting down the lump in his throat.

This took longer than what I meant to, mostly because I have never seen New York and I know nothing about it. Anyway, the next chapter will be up in the next week or so. Adios for now.