AN:There IS a squeal BUT Kung Fu Prime Theme is more of a prequeal and has nothing to do with the book itself. There is a summery to the book on the bottom of my profile next to the stories and other summaries of books I will make. Its about Optimus because I picture him as Ratchets charge, so, he would most likely live with Ratchet as a Medic in training. I know he was a data clerk, but the song said that 'master Trion saw the warrior blossom'. So Alpha Trion insted of mentoring him as a data clerk will teach him the ways of kung fu, and, of the Prime. Also not to confuse, Optimus will be called the Dragon Warrior because, its Kung Fu. He is being taught and Im picturing it as a rank before Prime. I would also like to say that the Furious 5 will be: Viper-Snowdrop Tigress:Starflame Monkey:Sideswipe Mantis:Jazz Crane:Prowl.