

In the days that followed the assault, the plumbers began to rebuild the space station, and there were other duties to attend to.

Everyone gathered at the memorial services for Manny, and the other fallen plumbers. Helen, Pierce, Alan, and Cooper sat in the front with Max. Behind them in the second row sat Gwen, Kevin, Rook and Albedo; Ben sat in the aisle in a wheelchair; they had left the babies with Ben's parents.

Most of them shed quiet tears as the names were read, then Kevin pushed Ben's wheelchair to a podium to read the eulogy Gwen had helped him prepare. He thought Pierce should do it, he had known Manny longer but Pierce couldn't bring himself to speak in front of a group right now.

After the services for Manny and the other Plumbers they had lost, there was a wake, people embraced and spoke fondly about the friends they had lost.

Pierce stood off in a corner looking uncomfortable, no-one could safely embrace him without being impaled.

Kevin noticed this and nudged Gwen, there was a whispered conversation between them.

"Go ahead," she told him.

"Do ya think I should, he looks uncomfortable enough already and I ain't really the huggin' type."

"Just do it Kevin!"

Kevin walked over to where Pierce stood, staring awkwardly at the barely touched drink he was holding.

"Pierce," Kevin said carefully, "Look man, I'm sorry about Manny, he was a good guy."

"Yeah, he was," Pierce quietly agreed.

Without any further preamble Kevin once again said "I'm sorry", then absorbed tritanium from the space station's walls and embraced him and offer comfort over the loss of his friend.

This was completely unexpected, he wasn't used to getting hugs from anyone; and Kevin was exactly known as the most affectionate or sympathetic guy. It had been so long since Pierce had been able to embrace anyone that he just accepted the gesture.

Everyone noticed this, but nobody said anything until Gwen and Helen walked over to Kevin and thanked him.

"Yeah, well kinda I know what Pierce is goin' through, when we thought we were goin' to lose Ben, I went through the same thing."

After the wake, Albedo took Ben and the babies back to the new, well protected, house Max instructed the Plumbers to set up for them, complete with a security system designed by Cooper.

"Ben," Albedo asked as he wheeled him into the house, "Do you think we should make our arrangement official?"

"What do you mean, Albedo?"

"It seems like a rather foolish Human custom, but I thought you might want to do it. However, if you don't I shall be fine with it."

"Albedo," Ben said in a tired pain-filled voice, "I'm really tired, and I haven't taken any of my medication, I wanted to keep my head clear for the services; can you stop being cryptic and just tell me what's on your mind."

"Yes Ben, I apologize, what I am trying to ask you is," Albedo paused and considered his next words carefully before kneeling in front of Ben, taking his hand and asking, "Ben do want us to be joined in matrimony?"

Hastily he added, "As I said if you don't wish to, I understand; after all we practically are wed, we've been living and sleeping together for almost a year now and have had two children together."

"Way to kill the mood, Albedo," Ben said dryly, but he had a slight smile and actually wiped a tear from his eye "But yes, I will."

"Thank you, Ben, we can start making the arrangements as soon as you're well and after everyone has had time to grieve."

"Sounds good, now could you roll me into the bedroom I could really use that medicine and some rest now."

"Yes, of course, Ben," Albedo said; and after he put the babies in the nursery that Gwen and Kevin had designed and prepared for them, he wheeled Ben into their room.

It was still strange to think about it but they were truly becoming a family together.

Just as Albedo got Ben settled into bed, a loud cry came from the room next door followed immediately by a slightly higher pitched one.

"Welcome to the family Mr. Tennyson," Albedo said dryly but wit a smile on his face; "You too, Mr. Tennyson," Ben said in a weak voice, but he too had a slight smile on his face.

Albedo turned down the lights to let Ben get some rest and went to see to the needs of their children.

It was still amazing to think about it, five years ago he wanted Ben dead, now they had a young family together, and he couldn't imagine his life without Ben.

A flash of light appeared in the living room, and Azmuth stood there.

"Azmuth," Albedo asked warily, "What are you doing here?"

He was more than a little nervous to see his former mentor here.

"I have been watching you closely, Albedo; you have impressed me, especially during this crisis."

"The Galvan High Council has forgiven you, and the Magisters of the Plumbers are issuing a pardon."

"So, you're going to allow me to return to being a Galvan," Albedo asked and it wasn't with hopeful expectation but nervousness.

"Do you wish to return to your original form?"

"No," Albedo couldn't believe it even as he said it, "I would choose to remain in this form."

"You have chosen well my former pupil," Azmuth told him, "I had hoped that would be your decision; you are happier and your life is better now than it ever was as a Galvan."

"You may remain in this form and stay with Ben Tennyson if that is what you both desire."

"It is Azmuth," Albedo told him.

"Very well, so be it," Azmuth said then adjusted a control on Albedo's omnitrix and there was a brief flash of light. Albedo felt a strange warm sensation, it began his chest and moved out towards his limbs.

"What did you just do?" Albedo asked nervously; "You no longer simply have the form of a human, you are human, Albedo."

"I have also completely unlocked your omnitrix; it has full capabilities. You may use this to transform into the form of a Galvan, as well as the other beings in the Omnitrix but it will be temporary."

"Thank you Azmuth," Albedo told him with genuine gratitude.

"I wish you and Ben Tennyson all the best, may you have a good life together," Azmuth said before vanishing again.

Albedo smiled slightly then went back to the bedroom to wait for Ben to awaken so he could surprise him with the best news they'd both had since they discovered they were going to be parents.

Azmuth was right, this was going to be a good life


Finally, it's finished, it has been a long journey, but it was worth the trip.

This has been the longest story I've written, not by word count; that goes to "Unusual Circumstances," but in terms of the number of chapters.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Cartoon Network and Man of Action for creating all the worlds and characters in Ben-10, including one of the most interesting villains in any animated series, Albedo.

Thank you also to all the readers who've favorited and reviewed this story and stuck with me during the almost three years it's taken to right this.