Shaw awoke tangled in the sheets next to Root. The stripes of blood all over the bed reminded her of the previous night's impromptu surgery and what had followed. The sheets were ruined, but she had managed to escape the handcuffs.

Light was pouring in through the window drapes, but Root was still sleeping like she'd been drugged. Of course Shaw had considered using a sedative to give herself time to slip away, but somehow that felt like cheating. She sneered at the innocent and serene expression Root wore as she slept, as if she wasn't the same fiendish hell-creature who drugged her that time to keep her underground. Now she regretted not using it. It was only fair.

But Root was out, and it was time to call them. Unpleasant, but necessary. Carefully, she untangled her legs from Root's and slid out of bed. She silently gathered her clothes, dressed in the other room, and left without a sound.

Three blocks away and still walking, she dialed the number.

"Sameen Shaw," that voice jeered. She answered Agent Lambert with steely silence. "I heard you had quite a night. Tell me, what's it like screwing your girlfriend?"

Shaw stopped dead in her tracks. "I mean, betraying her to Samaritan like this must be difficult, right? Even for a sociopath like you."

"This sociopath is going to come find you and put a bullet in your mouth if you don't shut it."

"Don't be so dramatic, Shaw. We both know who work for, and you've got quite a lot of explaining to do, like why you removed the chip in your wrist and why poor Parks ended up in the hospital."

"Same reason I'll send you there." Shaw held the phone right up to her mouth like a walky-talky. "I didn't like his attitude," she threatened through her gritted teeth.

"Testy!" he complained. "I thought you'd be in a better mood after everything your girlfriend did last night. Unless…" He gasped dramatically. "Did she break something during the surgery? I guess your medical expertise hasn't rubbed off on her yet."

"No, I can still shoot that dumb smirk off your face from 100 yards out."

"What a shame. We'll just have to take extra precautions when we get you fitted for a new one."

Shaw glared at the pedestrians passing her on the sidewalk.

"Try that and you'll need to get fitted for some new hands." Her words were met with chuckles.

"Shaw, you know as much as I find your empty threats endearing, I'm required to inform you that there will be serious repercussions if you continue to irritate Samaritan the way you have."

"You mean irritate you? I'm doing my job. You're just getting in the way, forcing me to keep checking in with you and making me keep a giant fucking tracker in my wrist? It's like you want me to get caught."

"Sameen, Sameen… I would love nothing more than for you to confess everything to your little girlfriend. My greatest hope is that you'll go home to her right now and whisper all the terrible things you've done in her ear. Because the second you do, I get to put a bullet between your eyes- assuming she doesn't kill you first for betraying her."

"Is that supposed to scare me? Your aim is shit."

"Perhaps," he admitted, "but Root's a pretty good shot. Tell me, do you think she'll forgive you?"

Shaw glowered at the traffic camera on the street corner.

"Your time's running out, Shaw. Find Harold before he fixes the machine or Samaritan revokes that little stay of execution for you and your friends. Just keep probing your girlfriend. I'm sure she'll give you his location soon."

The conversation left a burning ache in her gut. Not rage. She yearned to blast that man's head into oblivion, but it was already part of the plan, so she had no reason to fixate on it. It wasn't guilt. She was doing exactly what needed to be done, what no one else could do. She didn't need Root's forgiveness. Forgiveness had no utility. Forgiveness wouldn't save the world from Samaritan. With a growing sense of unease, Shaw continued to pace down the sidewalk.

It must have been fate that brought her to that street corner. The one place she would find the solution to all her problems. A smile cracked the side of her mouth as she recognized the familiar face.

"Hi Ron," she greeted warmly. "Give me five hot dogs with everything you've got."

Back from hiatus. I hope you've enjoyed so far.