AN: Based on the "we're assigned to this mission in which we have to pretend to be a married couple, but i'm actually really in love with you au"

Because I've been wanting to write it for quite awhile now. I decided screw it I'm doing it. Also it's 12:50 AM and I am tired so It might get a little weird up in here. Just letting you know.

If you'd like to see more comment or send me and ask (anon or not is up to you) on my Tumblr here: ask
Please don't be shy.

Here's the thing about this job alright? Peggy didn't really like it- her coworkers were to blame for that -but it had its a perk. Among those perks were NOT constantly being undermined by coworkers, forced to be the one to go on a coffee run, do mindless repetitive things, or even listen to them commenting about how she was her past lovers girl like it was the only thing she's done in her life. However, among those perks were seeing the look on faces as she took down a suspect or when she'd flawlessly do their jobs for them. The pure look of surprise and shock (perhaps even a tad of jealousy and anger) she loved it. It was those moments she wishes she could pull out her phone and take a picture to hang on the wall in her bedroom.

She was sure, however, their new chief (she hadn't learned or even met the man yet) would find that unbecoming, so maybe a personal album then? Still she was an officer of the law and felt the need to follow her chief's orders to the T...sometimes until they were ridiculous at least. NYPD's officer were known to be courageous and classy right? Well, if you had seen some of the senior officers she worked with you'd question that as well. She was an officer that was true, but she specialized in undercover ops or stealth ops which came in handy she guessed, but it was also how she had learned more by simply playing their charade than if she had thrown them out of a window (which if she did think about it would have various flaws.) so she knew quite a few secrets they more than likely didn't know she knew about. Useful for the future perhaps.

"We're here." Thompson sighed as they stepped up to the door. Peggy rose an eyebrow at him, but he just shrugged and knocked. "NYPD, open up." He gave it a few seconds before knocking again and staring at the door. "NYPD, Jim Strafer? We need to talk to you." With a frustrated sigh, he stepped away from the door to look in through the window. "I don't think he's here- wait, Carter, where are you going?" He asked as Peggy walked down the steps and around the house.

"I have a sneaking suspicion, indulge me." He groaned at her. "Come on just get him to come out, perhaps you could talk about your 'terrible morning'? That might scare him out right to you." She disappeared around the small house before standing with her back to the wall near the back door.

" we need to talk to you about the body we found this morn-" And as Peggy had thought there was a loud crash. Thompson pulled his gun from his holster and barged in through the door.

Peggy just stood there and listened as they needlessly fought for a solid minute or so before the suspect opened the back door. Peggy stood ready, as soon as he appeared he froze for a second staring at her before she hit him, not hard but hard enough to make him back up holding his nose. She took the short second he did so to grab him by his shoulder and shove him against the wall of the house, she ordered his hands behind his back and when he tried to move she reminded him that she had gun to the back of his head. He did as he was told and she cuffed him. Thompson showed up a moment later, nose bleeding included. He grunted something but hadn't the energy to fight with him. She refrained from smirking that surely would have told him 'I just did your job for you' as she'd have to hear the others. Not so much bullying her but him. He didn't deserve that she told herself.

Funny though, this case. It had a lot of consistencies Peggy would have connected with other cases that she happened to just notice as they came into the S.S.R. division. Maybe even past her desk, so it wasn't her fault if she'd drop them and pages would open, or if pages would turn for her. Wasn't her fault, it was magic right? Well, even if it was her fault she couldn't get into much trouble. She herself was a senior agent (which she rightfully was awarded after clearing her friend Howard's name.) now so there was no real harm in it besides a few guys getting antsy she saw the case they were working on. But her "partner" would just talk over her if she even suggested what he thought she was suggesting. Thompson didn't much care for her after he was booted from being "stand in" chief to just an agent again. Though they were agents, as the NYPD would call them they were still cops first so he ultimately respected the decision, but he didn't seem to like the new chief. Peggy liked him just for that aspect, Thompson hated him so she liked the new chief.

There had been a total of three bodies the past week wash up, or rather be dragged out of abandoned locations all with the same MO, hands tied, gagged, blunt force trauma to the head as a killing blow, signs of torture, and a smudge of red paint over the stomach. The exact same kind of paint too, a homemade one. The boys however were scared of what they might have on their hands so much that they treated each body as a separate case and anyone with the theory that a killer such as this was in New York was shut down and told how crazy they were. Peggy could only shake her head.

This Mr. Strafer had been a 'suspect' to one of these murders and was to be brought in and questioned, Peggy, however, had a sneaking suspicion that he was rather a witness. He was found over the body with blood on his hands and ran as soon as he saw the cops, but Peggy looked at his record and realized a couple of things. He wasn't a killer for one, the most he had done was shoplift and gain a DUI. The man may have looked tough but according to his neighbors he wasn't that kind of sort. He'd never have done anything like that.

Peggy sighed as Thompson shoved the man into their offices past the desks to the interrogating room. Peggy wanted to bark at him and tell him to take it easy but knew it was a lost cause. She had been on the receiving end of that treatment once..she knew what he could be like and she didn't like it. AT ALL. She might have actually yelled at him as that thought hit her but something was off, the office was different. She took a moment gaping looking around before it hit her- Cheif's office. The new chief- who was surprisingly a woman. she hadn't expected that -was talking to someone in a suit. Or rather three somebodies. She watched shocked for a moment before the sound of the guy telling Thompson to chill brought her back to reality and she entered the room.

The man looked at her as she shut the door and gulped. He was holding tears back she realized as she saw his eyes brim and the lump forming in his throat.

"So tell me-" Peggy cleared her throat. "Us, why exactly did you kill her?" He looked shocked at the accusation.

"Y-you think i-"

"Yeah I do." He interrupted. Peggy remained quiet. "Here's what I think happened okay? Maybe she was a fine girl for a night and a few bucks- she ripped you off thought. Maybe stole something, or wasn't the service you paid for so she-" the man's jaw clenched hard and Peggy watched as it bothered him. He was one the virge of breaking down. "ended up dead the next day. You fucked up, didn't you?" He looked at her then him back and forth before speaking up.

"I didn't kill her- I loved her." Thompson rolled his eyes. "No listen! I didn't kill her! I was saving up to buy a ring- I...oh god." Then he cried. The tears wouldn't stop and Peggy's heart felt for him.

How could he have done it? Unless he was an extremely well trained liar which she doubted then the man that had his head the table bawling his eyes out telling them about how he and his girl wanted to get married and move away with their daughter, did any of this. Peggy didn't believe it. HE couldn't have.

"You didn't do it." The man's head shot up and looked into her sympathetic eyes, and she raised a hand to halt Thompson as she spoke. "You didn't do it. Did you?" He looked away. "Mr. Strafer, your daughter is going to grow up without a daughter. Don't let her be fatherless too, tell me what happened." He looked to her partner and she quickled shooed Thompson. "Just you and me, tell me." He did. He told her everything.

From the late night walk quickly to meet his daughter's mother all the way to loosing the cops and telling sister-in-law to keep his daughter safe and come stay with her at the house. Every detail was as painful as the last. He had recieved a text to meet her somewhere as she had news, and he took a short way happy that sooner than later they'd be engaged, he arrived to find her dead and tied and gagged. He rushed to cut her down from where she was hung by her arms calling out her name. and painfully trying to revive her. He couldn't do it though and he blamed himself. He blamed himself completely.

Jack Thompson had realized as soon as he stepped out of the room and he saw the look on Daniel's face he wasn't going to like what was about to happen one bit. Daniel gave him a 'sorry shit's happening' look and he felt his stomach drop. Jack had been working this case, trying to get it to be the one he solved the fastest (for records sake it'd look good as hell) but there was something in the air he knew it wasn't going to happen. He had started to believe that maybe this wasn't the guy but reassured himself it was and he done a damn fine job.

When he saw the suits emerge from the chief's office he knew immeaditly. It wasn't that he didn't like feds, it was just that he didn't like cocky feds and 90% of the feds he's met were exactly that. There were three, one that could have been his uncle, another he'd compared to one of those bald hitmen in movies, and the middle one couldn't be older than twenty two. Awfully young for an agent right? He thought so, but if they were about to medle in his case then his thoughts wouldn't matter to them. He'd have NO juristiction over this case at all. The chief stopped the men and talked to him first, he didn't like her but he respected her a hell of a lot more. She told him the run down. He tried to argue but it was useless.

When Peggy was done, she promised the man protection even if she had to ask Howard Stark herself to keep him safe as payment for one of the many favors he owed her. She had also promised the same for his sister-in-law and daughter. What she hadn't expected was Thompson to pull her to the side glancing at the men and giving her a nervouse look.

"We're friends right?" She scoffed and crossed her arms after fixing her shirt and giving him a pointed look that said 'no absolutely not,'. "Alright then we're coworkers, you trust me?" She squinted and backed up a step or two to look at him completely.

"What is this about Agent Thompson? I do have somewhere I need to be. I have promises to keep." She told him. It wouldn't have taken more than five minutes to set up a safe house before she could get Strafer into Witness Protection thanks to some strings, and then perhaps be on time to sit with Angie until she finished her shify which had become a habit she hated to break.

It was almost Five in the afternoon on a friday, which meant Peggy got to go home early if she hurried and Angie would be late on her shift without a ride home. Of course Angie didn't trust Peggy's driving but at least she could walk her home and keep her company and maybe threaten a handsy customer. Peggy had no idea why Angie stayed a waitress, living in the place they did Peggy was sure Howard wouldn't mind it if she focused solely on her acting career and Peggy wouldn't either, but Angie refused and wanted to keep busy. Peggy was sure she didn't want to have nothing to fall back on in case acting didn't work out so she understood, thought Angie was amazing. So Peggy escorted her home when she could, and would wait up for her to come home just as Angie would for her.

He sighed and looked at the men before waving them over. Peggy was confused. The youngest of the men smiled and extended his hand, Peggy looked at it skeptically and noticed the ring but took the hand.

"I'm Agent Barton with the FBI, just call me Jake." His smile was genuine and Peggy stared at him shocked. FBI? What? "We're here about a case, these two idiots are my pals. Names don't need to be known at this time." He sighed playing the earring on his ear lobe for a second or two.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" She asked bluntly looking at them all shocked. He sighed and hid his hands in his pockets nervously. Thompson cleared his throat.

"Turns out those dead bodies aren't just randoms." Jack told her. "They're-"

"All connected." Barton interrupted. "You all have a serial killer on your hands." Peggy almost laughed, she knew it. Instead she nodded not so shocked anymore he rose an eyebrow. "You don't seem surprised Ms. Carter." She blinked at her last name. "Only woman here, and you're notorious in your own ways."

"No I'm not shocked." Jack looked at her. "It's not hard to piece together Thompson. I may have glanced at the files and-"

"They weren't your cases!" He nearly yelled. Jake cleared his throat loud in a 'shut up and listen to me' kind of way. His demeanor changed as well.

"The fact is if you both will," he waved his hand around. "You have a serial killer on your hands I've been assigned to catch and bring in. Kill if necessary if need be, he's been on our list for awhile. The last man who was on this case- died." Peggy gave her condolences and he thanked her with a small sad smile. "The fact is I need your help. Your chief is letting me borrow the both of you, sousa, and an added person until I'm done." Peggy looked at Jack and looked at the men before her.

"What do you need from us, and who is this extra one?" Jack asked in a bored fashion.

"I need a skilled set of hands on this case. The best actually, one to go undercover and the others to be there as unknown 'body guards' if you will." He gave Peggy a look before continuing. "I need you specifically," He admitted. "As our spy I suppose. You'll be going in undercover with an already chosen background, you're unfamiliar to this guy and his people, you'll be our batteringram. Your accent will also throw them off and make it more believable." Peggy sighed but nodded. She understood.

"Alright, so before Jack get's his panties in a twist what's with the extra one?" Sousa asked leaning against the wall next to Thompson. Jake chuckled but continued.

"That's the thing, the cover is," he turned to Peggy. Well shit. "You're going in as a married woman." his face already showed guilt plain as day.

Peggy's jaw chlenched tight and she glared at the man. It remained silent for a good while before she spoke up. "Who's my husband then?" She asked trying to cover the anger in her voice. He gave her a small smile.

"They were properly chosen. They are good with people," Peggy's eyebrows shot up. "They're fluent in italian so it helps the cover, They are...familiar with the criminal scene though they've never stepped foot in it persay," Peggy's stomach dropped. No. "They're an amazing actress," Shit. No. "They're no longer in contact with their...unlawful family and-" Sweet lord. "You know them."

"Who is it?" Jack asked dumbfoundly.

Peggy turned to him and spoke, "Angela Martinelli."

To say Angie didn't enjoy her job at times would be an understatement. She HATED her job at times. The men in the diner were disrespecful and all hands on sometimes. She hated having to smile through the anger that would build up in her chest and march on through the day, it made it harder when Peggy was late. Peggy had a schedule Angie knew that much and Peggy never really messed up said schedule so when it she's late Angie will worry her head off and be distracted. The regulars knew better than to touch Angie when Peggy was around knowing very well that Peggy might break a bone or two if they did anything disrespectable to her or anyone really.

The thought of a seething Peggy practically fuming as she downed her coffee and stood up with a fork in hand was intimidating to many but not Angie. Angie found it somewhat endearing that she cared enough to risk stabbing a man just for commenting about something she didn't like. What she found even more endearing was when she'd be flushed as Angie would bring it up later trying to convince her she did not hold a fork to that mans ribs and threaten- promise him she'd do much more, Angie would never believe her but give her cheek a kiss and thank her. Peggy was stoic enough to never admit to it. Stoic was the right word right? Angie shrugged to herself.

But Peggy was late today. Atleast thirty minutes late and while she shouldn't worry, Angie couldn't help it. Peggy was always here on time, so yes it was very worrying to not see that familiar face walk in through those doors smiling at her taking her usual booth or at the counter and urge Angie to tell her about her day if she had the chance. Peggy had to be one of the few people she knew longer than a few seconds that actually wanted her to keep talking especially when she rambled instead of telling her to shut up because she talked to much. Peggy had actually commented about how much it made her day to hear, especially the comments about people that would come in and Angie would make random backstories for them. Peggy tried but found it rather hard. Still she'd add in some details for Angie and then listen to her rantings about the customers lack of common sense about space which Peggy would agree about.

Angie looked down to the watch on her wrist and sighed scratching a brow impatiently. Maybe she could get someone to take her shift so she could leave early to look for Peggy? Well that might have been a solid plan if it wasn't insanely early and if Lin hadn't taken her shift yesterday to escort Peggy home for a change. She looked up at the sound of the doors opening with hope, but her eyebrow rose as soon as she saw a couple of familiar faces. Chances are they wouldn't recognize her but she remembered them. They were the ones who took Peggy away when she was wrongfully accused, the same ones she tricked once. She grabbed her pen and pad and gave them a look. They were Peggy's know it all coworkers- Daniel who had lost his leg and that she spotted right off the bat wasn't bad -and she was going to have fun with them before a customer called for her.

She took their orders of nothing but a couple cups of coffee and filled their request. She smiled to herself for a second as she stood there before looking around nervously as if she was expecting a not so good someone. They both looked at her confused, Daniel more concerned however, and she tapped her fingers against the table. Before anyone could say anything Angie sat next to Jack forcing him to scoot over and she looked at the both of them. Serves em right.

"You two's here bout the drop off?" She asked. Jack looked to Daniel before nodding slowly. "Meet me out back in an hour, okay? I know T want's it all right away but all I have is just a portion of the money!" She cried quietly to them. "I promise I'll get ya all of it but you gotta gimme some time!"


"I couldn't help it. I spent it all..just don't let him hurt me." Daniel looked at her in shock and concern. Jack was just confused. "You gotta take what I do got to him so maybe he'll gimme a week or two, even if I have to go without eating!" She wiped her eyes. "Promise?" Both nodded silently at her. She then stood up and walked slowly back to the counter and held her head in her hands. Within a few seconds of secret whispers they left the diner in a hurry and she smirked to herself.

Serves 'em right for not even giving Peg a chance when they coulda. They didn't even believe her! Maybe it was because Angie knew her friend better but she could tell when Peggy was lying or atleast bluffing most of the time. She never lied unless she had a good reason, and it always bothered her that Peggy's coworkers never figured that out or tried. Most good people never lied unless there was a reason to it. They didn't have the faith in her like Angie did, and Angie knew Peggy could do anything. She believed that.

Angie sighed to herself and continued her routine of checking on the customers asking if they need refills or anything. It thankfully had toned down at this time it wasn't the morning rush they experienced earlier where she was given all kinds of comments she did not like and all kinds of touches she did not like. You'd think in the 21st century people would have more curtesy but apparently not or it atleast depended on the employee she guess. She justified the days by the backstories she'd make up with Peggy, or imagining the things she'd do to them if this was cartoon or if she was her brother Tony. Tony wasn't violent but could get that way if you pissed him off. Angie was pissed off and worried.

The worry however turned into a smile as she heard the familiar footsteps and deep sigh from a familiar set of lips that she still wished she had the courage to kiss. She looked up smiling rather wide and shifted weight to one of her feet as Peggy herself sat down at the counter with a file in her hand setting in down and covering it with her arms as she leaned forward giving Angie a small smile. She enjoyed this, just a small moment as they smiled at each other before the inevitable Peggy Carter speaking up first. It was this moment Angie wished she could reach over the counter and pull her into a kiss even if it was short but the familiar pang in her chest refused to let and reminded her of several unpleasant things.

"T?" Peggy gave her an amused look. "You tried to convince them your brother was going to have you killed- no I'm sorry in their exact words 'going to have her killed or worse,'?" Angied nodded and chuckled.

"Expelled." Peggy gave her a look. "Oh yea. Expelled from life." She said dramatically. Peggy chuckled and nodded. "So what can I get ya English? Coffee, Tea? Pie?" She saw a familiar flash of yes in her friends eyes Peggy shook her head and smiled sheepishly.

"Actually I was hoping you could help me with something else."

"Oh? As long as it gets me out of here ASAP and away from the grabby grabby hands I'm okay wittit." Peggy frowned. "No biggie."

"No biggie? Ange, they won't keep their bloody hands off you even after you tell them not to touch you!" She said through her teeth. She hated knowing there was nothing she could when Angie and she were at work. Atleast when she was around she instilled enough fear that no one would touch her. She sighed and calmed herself. "Fortunately this..will take you away from all of this atleast for awhile." Angie rose an eyebrow and motioned for her to continue. "...I just want you to know I said no way but they weren't having that, and that if you don't want to do this you really do not have to. No one will force you and if they do I'll break their wrist-" She was rambling nervously. Something she never did.

"Pegs," Angie interrupted and squeezed her hand. "Just tell me okay?" Peggy took a breath and nodded sliding the papre to her. Angie quickly gathered it in her hands and skimmed it. None of this agent jargan made any sense to her besides undercover and serial killer. That was about it. She looked up at Peggy. "Summarize for me?"

"The case I've been working on has as I thought been connected to serial killings dating back to- fifteen years or so?" She waited for Angie to start lecturing her but Angie remained quiet. "The FBI has taken up the case."

"What does that specifically have to do with me and you?" She asked curiously keeping any other questions to herself.

"The man hides behind a criminal organization. He basically relies on it to keep him untouchable because he has a few choice people in his pocket at the moment." Angie nodded taking the information in. "The FBI wants me to go in undercover," Angie opened her mouth to protest but Peggy rose a hand and stopped her. "I am well trained in...certain areas and I am considered foreign because of my accent so I'm less likely to rise suspicions. But," Angie knew there was a but. "they need someone well..knowledged in the not so polite world but someone they and I can trust to go in with me. Someone who can shift attention away from me or to me if the situation calls for it, someone who knows bad people well enough to handle them without raising red flags. And an actress."

"Oh." was all Angie stood. Her father was head of the mafia a few towns away. So of course they'd need someone quick. Angie also knew just bagging someone like that and threatening them wouldn't keep their loyalties.

"Angie you do not have to do this."

The downside was she could get caught mid cover. That was unlikely, it wasn't like she hadn't done this before for her father. Not in the same magnitude but similar. Not only would she be away from work for awhile but she'd actually be doing this with Peggy, she never thought she'd see the day when she could do that. With Peggy. Peggy Carter, spy extraordinare. Her Peggy- well not hers not that she didn't think about that-

"I promise you don't have to." Angie blinked at her.


"No it's alright if you don't want to."


"This was a bad idea I shouldn't have-"

"English." She said sternly gaining her attention. Peggy swallowed nervously. "Will my boss be informed?" Peggy nodded. "Is this going to be longer than a week?" Peggy shrugged. "Do I have to pack?" Peggy nodded. "Can I pack for you?" Peggy snorted.

"There is nothing wrong with the way I pack-"

"I've seen your wardrobe. Skirts are nice but you need more jeans and suits." That was an interesting image. She knew Peggy didn't always wear skirts but she was teasing.


"One last thing before I answer. What's our cover?" Peggy stiffened. Angie was worried for a minute.

"We're married." Angie blinked at her.

"I'm in."

"Sorry, what?"

"You got it. I'm in. Let's go lover!" Angie declared putting the apron down on the counter, grabbing her purse and Peggy's hand before leaving. "We have a wedding to arrange." She teased. Peggy couldn't speak. She was dumbfounded. It was that easy? She had expected Angie to say no.