A/N: Here's a chiller chapter after all that excitement from last time. Thanks again for taking the time to read or review! I seriously appreciate all the feedback and thoughtful encouragement you guys give me—it means a lot.

Now grab some coffee/tea/water and relax. Happy reading!


Chapter 7: No Distractions

Although the blood from her lips had dried and she sported a nasty bruise, Videl had to swat Gohan away with his constant fussing. It was sweet how he was so worried for her, but they still had work to do.

"Thanks for defending me," Videl said while tying up the bandanna-masked leader and the last of his unconscious cronies. For all his boasting, he was easy to take down with only one punch. And, sadistic as it was, it felt extremely satisfying to do so. The police should have been contacted and would be arriving anytime now.

Gohan shot her a quick, bashful smile as he collected stray knives and guns in their own respective area. "It's no problem."

The crime-fighter scrutinized him. The fighting prowess she witnessed from him was almost unreal. For him to be so formidable to this degree… Videl clenched her fists. She couldn't fall behind any further. She daresay that he could even give her father a run for his money. No, perhaps he was already better.

"By the way, I need a favor from you," Gohan said. He shifted uncomfortably. "About what happened here and my involvement, I'd like for it to be a secret."

"I can't lie to the police, Gohan." Videl crossed her arms. Her report needed to be as detailed and truthful as possible, and withholding information, especially related to crime, wasn't something she was keen on doing.

"Please, Videl? I know it's not right to lie, but you're the only person I trust enough to ask. I don't like drawing attention to myself, and I can't let people know this about me." Glumness etched his face. "It's complicated. They'll think differently of me," he whispered, "and I just want to fit in."

Stifling silence weighed their shoulders as Videl regarded Gohan, whose head drooped slightly low in plea. It suddenly dawned on her that despite spending so much time with him lately, perhaps she didn't know him that well after all. There was always something secretive about him, a barrier that wouldn't let anyone get too close; it was easy to miss given his open and friendly nature, but in terms of his private life… who was Gohan, really? The more she thought about it, the more nagging suspicion crept through her veins. Something about him didn't quite add up.

Based on what she gathered, it had something to do with his monstrous strength, and other reasons why he tried so hard to hide his own talents. Another piece to the puzzle clicked into place, all the reasons why he tossed all the games and matches before agreeing to compete seriously with Videl. She couldn't fathom his frivolity at first, but now, it started to make sense.

Gohan didn't want to stand out. Out of all people, Videl understood this feeling too well. It was suffocating being constantly under the spotlight and having your life picked apart under a microscope. Privacy was a luxury, one she couldn't deprive him of when she so desperately yearned for it herself no matter how used to it she got.

He still gazed at her imploringly, and Videl reached up to flick him on the forehead. Startled, Gohan reeled back.

"You worry way too much," she said, her shoulders sinking with a sigh. "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret. But not for free."

"Um, what's the price?" Gohan questioned. Videl rolled her eyes.

"I'm not talking about money, silly," she said. "In exchange for withholding information, I want to gain information. Tell me more about yourself, like your past and how you learned to fight. Of course, starting with what you feel comfortable about." As much as she wanted to unravel all the mysteries and secrets behind Gohan, they had plenty of time. He put up with her nosiness and competitive nature, so it would only be fair to respect his autonomy.

Gohan's earlier sullenness melted away into mirth instead. "I—I can do that." He finally smiled, relieved. "Thank you, Videl."

"I'm technically ripping you off, so no thanks needed," Videl said wryly, but Gohan simply shrugged. They shook hands to seal the deal, and she said, "Now let's hurry and come up with something believable."

After all, how would they explain Gohan's involvement when all these bodies were lying unconscious at his hands, and while protecting his privacy?

The story went something like this: Gohan, heartbroken and concerned about his friends' safety, felt a surge of unmitigated courage rush through him. He rashly snuck after the robbers so that he could at least get the license plate of the getaway car. Alas, before he could, he saw a bright light, and out of it stepped Videl, who sagely said he was too young to risk his life. Nobly, she said to leave it up to her to protect him. She valiantly fought off the bad guys—BAM! POW!—and saved them all. As she walked off heroically into the sunset, peace was restored to the city.

"That's ridiculous," Videl told Gohan bluntly, who was still gesturing grandly at his tale. She could hear sirens blaring in the distance, and soon enough red and blue lights flashed in her peripheral. Nonetheless, her lips quirked upwards. "I can work with it though."


Weeks have passed since the café incident, and life had more or less resumed like usual. Videl had her communicuff replaced no problem, and when she and Gohan reunited with their friends, Sharpner and Erasa gave them an earful for being reckless and lacking self-preservation. Even so, the martial artists took the scolding and were eventually given a relieved hug from Erasa.

There was an unspoken agreement among the quartet to avoid cafes when they hung out, mostly for the benefit of the blonds, who were most shaken up by the event. Gohan wasn't particularly affected, as if he had experienced far worse. Videl asked him about it, but he merely shook his head and whispered, "Another time." Even though the curiosity ate at her mind, she swallowed the inquisition.

And, true to their deal, Videl gradually learned more about Gohan, no snooping or blackmail needed. (… Not that she considered it or anything. Ahem.) He came from a family of martial artists. His father and his father's friends largely influenced his fighting style. His first training regimen involved being thrown into the wild to fend for himself. He did promise to introduce her to his martial arts friends one day, when she was ready, whatever that meant.

"They like their privacy," he explained, "and martial arts has changed a lot. Some of the things taught in the past would be unfathomable today."

Argh, why did he have to say something so mysterious and vague with no leads? The curiosity grew like a ravenous animal, and she was hoping to coax some secret skills out of Gohan. What was the scope of his knowledge? What other techniques did she not know and could potentially master?

Sometimes he would point out a scar and each had a story behind them. Videl thought he might have left out a few details and tended to be vague, but she stopped prying when one day he told her he got one when his long lost uncle kidnapped him. What kind of whack shit had he been through?

Videl was also getting desperate. She was no closer to defeating Gohan in a fair match. When she thought her physical and intellectual performances improved and was pushed to the max, he still managed to be a step in front of her. It was infuriating how effortless he made it all look.

At this point, it didn't matter if their competitions involved sports or academics. She just wanted to win in anything, damn it. Surely he had to have some kind of weakness!

Right now, papers crinkled in Videl's grip, and a near perfect score of their latest exam was written in bold red at the top. She was happy with it, but still, of course Gohan had to get full marks and the extra credit right too, meaning it was her loss once again. The frustration only fired her up more.

"Just you watch, Gohan," Videl said fiercely. "Next time, I'll definitely surpass you!"

"That's what you said last time," Gohan teased. "Still, I can't wait for it to happen."

His words could have been interpreted as goading or sarcasm, but coming from him, it was only said in genuine goodwill, something Videl was quick to identify. She stuffed the papers in her bag and shot him a challenging look.

"It'll happen sooner than you think," she promised. The end of the term was drawing near, meaning their final project was in a team setting this time, rather than an individual exam. "For the project, my group is going to be the best."

"I should hope so." Mrs. Stapler's voice cut into the conversation, and Videl looked up in time to see her settle handouts on her table. "You're both in the same group, so I'm expecting high results."

Videl froze. "I thought our partners are randomly assigned?"

"Indeed they are. And you're paired up with Gohan, as well as Sharpner and Erasa," their teacher said, moving away to finish passing out her papers.

"How lucky! What are the odds that the four of us would be together?" Erasa said happily from beside Videl. Sharpner slouched back, utterly disinterested.

"Very lucky," Gohan agreed. To Videl, he leaned towards her and smiled pleasantly. "I look forward to working with you."

Videl's eye twitched. Work together? No competing? Her brain did not compute. Up until this point, they have never once cooperated, especially during gym class when she'd go out of her way to make sure they were on opposing teams.

And, slowly, the horror sunk in. Actually, forget about beating Gohan—there was something more important at stake.

Videl leveled a glare at Sharpner. "I don't trust you," she gritted out.

Sharpner groaned. "You're seriously not still hung up over the last time we were paired up together, are you?"

"Because of your slacking and procrastination, our overall grade went down."

"That was in middle school!"

"Yeah, and I never forgot!"

Letting go of grudges certainly wasn't one of Videl's admirable traits. She recalled the first and last time they made a poster together, and it was honestly one of the worst times of her life. Sharpner did everything last minute and conveniently disappeared at the crucial moments. It was hell trying to get him to do his fair share of the work. The thought of doing another project with him opened a buried trauma Videl would love to forget. It was a miracle she didn't strangle him, although she wasn't able to look at his face calmly for weeks.

"Don't worry, Vi," Erasa assuaged while patting Videl's shoulder. "I'll keep an eye on Sharpie and make sure he doesn't get distracted. We're going to be a great team!"

"Exactly," Gohan agreed. "I know we can count on each other."

"Tch. Group projects are stupid," Sharpner muttered. Erasa reached over to flick him on the back of his head, earning a scowl.

"What he means," Erasa coughed, "is that even though group projects are drab, it's doable. If it makes you feel better Videl, we can plan a time to meet up and work on it together."

"Let's do it." Videl nodded, although her unease didn't completely fade away. Seeing everyone cooperate did mollify her though; she would have to trust that this time, everything would go smoothly. And, even if it was disappointing that she wouldn't be competing with Gohan this time around, it was nice to know that there was another person in their team that was reliable.

Noticing her gaze on him, Gohan gave her a reassuring smile. Sharpner nodded in reluctant acceptance, and Erasa gave a thumbs up. Perhaps she didn't need to worry so much after all. Working together wouldn't be so bad, and there were worse things that could happen. Her friends were trustworthy people. They hardly ever let her down.


"Where the hell are they?"

Videl was pacing, checking the watch on the wall constantly. It was the weekend, and the quartet had agreed to meet up at their local library to get a head start on their project. Except, an hour had passed, and she saw no hair of Erasa or Sharpner. Any message she sent to them was left cold and unread.

Gohan popped out from behind a bookshelf, finishing his fourth walk around the library in attempt to locate their friends in case they missed each other. He lightly jogged up to Videl. "I still don't see them. Try giving them another call."

"I just did," Videl replied, holding up her phone to show it went straight to voicemail. "It's unusual for Sharpner and Erasa not to pick up. This is driving me crazy."

While tardiness wasn't usually such a big deal, it was exhausting waiting for someone to arrive far past the allotted time. Videl scoured through her mobile once more, this time scrolling through social media. What she saw made her freeze.

Sharpner had posted a picture of himself an hour ago, flexing smugly. It was a panoramic image of him and Erasa with tickets in hand, both grinning in delight. In the background were massive rollercoasters and other rides, along with the caption, "Work hard. Play harder."

Gohan peeked over her shoulder.

"Looks like we found them," he said. Videl could only stare mutely. Then, her blood boiled.

"An amusement park?" Videl uttered in disbelief. "Really? Really? They ditched us just so they can play at the amusement park?" She closed her eyes and inhaled as if to reel in her temper. If Gohan listened closely, he could hear her mutter, "Erasaaa! What happened to keeping him in check?!"

Sharpner and Erasa didn't strike him as the types to pull this kind of stunt, so maybe some sort of miscommunication happened, Gohan reasoned. To Videl, he asked, "What now?"

"We're going after them," she said with a hard glint in her eye. She quickly gathered up her belongings, and Gohan followed suit, watching as she stomped out the library. Throwing a capsule to the ground, her jetcopter appeared in a puff of smoke, and she opened the door, gesturing for him to hop in.

"Are you sure we should follow them?" Gohan said, growing a little concerned about the fearsome look on Videl's face. It looked alarmingly similar to Vegeta when he was out for blood. "It's a little inconvenient, and we could always reschedule."

"No," Videl insisted, slamming the door shut. Her knuckles turned white at how hard she gripped the steering wheel. "If we don't drag them out now, it'll happen again. And I speak from personal experience."

"Let me guess: middle school?" Gohan buckled in.

"Don't remind me." Videl groaned. He could practically feel her fury rolling off of her in waves, and her eyes glinted. "Listen. We go to the amusement park. We're not there to play. No distractions. Understood?"

"Right. No distractions," Gohan echoed back. With that settled, Videl faced forward and they took off, the city quickly shrinking below them. They had a mission to complete, and there was plenty at stake. Finding Sharpner and Erasa was top priority. There was no room for distractions.


No wind blew, the air still and eerie. His eyes narrowed in dangerous concentration, calculatingly sweeping over every nook and cranny. His muscles strained with tension and alertness. The world fell away in a blur, and all noise ceased to exist while he stood in rapt attention, nothing escaping his sight.

A sharp movement lunged from his left. Immediately, he pulled the trigger.


With the first shot, it was like a flip switched. They came spilling out all at once. One from the top, the bottom, and then a multitude of the enemy in all directions. He narrowed in on them all, and with lightening quick reflexes, hit each target without mercy.

Bang, bang, bang!

None could escape him. He was the hunter; they were the prey. Each adversary fell victim to his fire, mere empty corpses scattered on the battlefield. He fired and fired and fired until that was all he saw and felt deep in his blood and bones, fingers numb from obliterating all in their destructive path until—

He ran out of plastic duckies to hit.

The game stuttered to a stop, and the flat little yellow ducks popped back up innocently in their linear formation. Above his head, glitzy lights spelled out "NEW RECORD!"

Gohan cheered and held a fist up in victory. From beside him, Videl cursed, slamming her toy gun against the countertop, and her own score—lower than his—flashed adjacently overhead.

Honestly, Gohan was having the time of his life, and looking at Videl, he knew that she was too. He had no idea what happened. The moment they arrived at the amusement park, things were going as planned. Since the amusement park wasn't too big to begin with, they would surely track down Sharpner and Erasa's location at some point.

While Gohan wasn't particularly bothered by his flighty friends, what concerned him more was the permanent scowl blemishing Videl's face. Seeing her upset stirred something in his stomach, and somehow, he wanted to make her feel better.

How? It was to do something she loved. And, Gohan knew better than anyone else that she loved a challenge.

She resisted at first. No distractions, she had insisted when Gohan suggested they check out the go-karts. It was easy for him to be intrigued too. This was his first time at such a place, and he was itching to experience it all. After a lot of begging and prompting, Videl finally relented, saying that just one game wouldn't hurt. And, he could see the glimmer in her eyes, the same look when she saw a potential chance to duke it out on each other.

He really did intend to play just one game, honest. He wanted her to smile after all, and it worked a little too well. From that point on, everything spiraled out of control. One game turned into two. Then three. Then four, five, six… he lost count. Their purpose for being here had long been forgotten, and both were too engrossed in competing to care.

Currently, they were hashing it out on a shooting game, and Gohan pocketed yet another victory. He remembered sparing just a single glance in her direction before they armed up. Videl's expression was schooled in a determined focus with the tiniest scrunch between her brows, and she wore a small smile. It was lethally cute.

He quickly nabbed the top prize: a giant green dinosaur plushie, just one of the many adorable animals added to his new collection. Beside him, he had a bag stuffed full of them, all earned from the game booths they raided. Videl had a similar pile by her own feet, earning envy from pointing children and other passerby's.

"My little brother is going to love this," Gohan said happily, holding the dinosaur close. It gave a squeak in response.

"I demand a rematch!" Videl said hotly. She had already picked a leopard plushie as her prize. "There's no way this is your first time playing carnival games. Who on earth gets a perfect score every time? Aren't these supposed to be rigged?"

She was already pulling out another wad of cash. They had been taking turns, and Gohan vaguely wondered how much pocket money he had left to spare before running dry. Looking at Videl though, he decided every penny was worth it. Even though she was pouting and plotting his downfall, she was practically glowing with happiness, and that made him feel warm inside.

"Sure, we can play again," Gohan said contentedly, grinning. He had such a soft spot for her.

"Sorry to burst your bubble," the game operator interrupted, looking tired, "but you two are bad for my business. You've taken too much. Kindly leave."

Welp. That was that.

"Guess we can check out something else to do," Gohan said, gently pulling Videl away, who looked ready to argue with the operator. His eyes fell on the rows of food stalls just up ahead, tantalizing aromas wafting under his nose. "And, I'm getting kind of hungry."

Given the chillier season, the amusement park wasn't as crowded as one would expect. Laughter and elated yells reverberated from roller coasters and other thrill rides throughout the park. Teacups spun in dizzying synchrony, and bright colors and decorations painted a promise of fun.

After eating, Gohan and Videl strolled leisurely around, in no hurry. They eagerly scoped out all there was to do. Ring toss, hoop dunk, fishing—they had already played them all, each competition as heated as the other. Each wore a wide smile. Both their arms were buried in stuffed animals and other goodies, and they could barely hold onto the dessert they just bought.

With great relish, Gohan chomped down the last of his ice cream cone. He stared hungrily at Videl's, who was still working on hers.

"Want a bite?" she asked, holding the cone up for him to grab. He didn't need to be asked twice. Gohan leaned forward and bit a generous amount off, too happy chewing to notice surprise cross Videl's face, then a blush. She stiffly turned away to recover.

"H-hey, didn't you bite offmore than half the strawberry?" she accused, pointing at the leftover piece.

Gohan suddenly looked innocent. "Oops."

"Don't 'oops' me, mister. I'm watching you. That was a deliberate attempt at fruit theft."

"If I recall right, you offered first."

Videl laughed, nudging his side. "Dense cabbage."

Gohan nudged her back. "Stubborn girl."

The sun was setting, and they took a seat on a bench to relax. A gentle breeze cooled his skin, and once more his gaze rested on Videl. She looked satisfied, free and unencumbered. Mission accomplished, he thought to himself.

Noticing his stare, Videl said, "What are you thinking about?"

"That I'm glad you're having fun," Gohan said as he rummaged through his prize bag. He couldn't wait to see the look on Goten's face when he came home. "What about you?"

"That I don't believe this is your first time here," Videl said, letting out a frustrated yell. "Lies! Why are you so good at games?"

"I just have pretty fast reflexes," he said humbly. As a half-Saiyan, it was only natural that his senses were sharper. Videl shook her head.

"No, that takes skills to polish, and even professionals have a hard time with these game booths," she said, brows furrowed in displeasure and skepticism. "I know you're holding secrets from me, and there's so much I want to ask you, but you won't budge unless you slip up."

"You've snuck a lot out of me already, so I think that persistence is paying off," Gohan said wryly. She returned the look.

"I'm not stopping, so don't get your hopes up."

"I wouldn't dare."

"Gah! I'm just annoyed. Once I think I have the upper hand, you just have to prove me wrong," she grumbled with the slightest pout.

"You don't have anything to prove though. You're skilled and capable," Gohan said. "I've always wondered, but why are you so fixated on being the best?"

The smile faded from her face, and she turned to stare wistfully at the distant sky. Nostalgia. Disappointment. "I made a promise with somebody once. That I'd become strong enough to protect those dear to me. Yet, I can't beat you in a fight. Hell, I can't even beat you in a silly carnival game. Sometimes… sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be able to catch up to you."

"You're already plenty talented," Gohan said, and he meant every word.

"But I could be better," Videl replied. "Fighting with you made me realize that I have so much to learn. You're amazing. Honestly… you're kind of like my goal."

That was the highest form of a compliment he had ever received from her, and Gohan felt a pang in his chest. He vaguely wondered if he was worthy of her admiration, especially since he was still keeping the full truth from her, and how everything about him was far from ordinary. He wanted to tell her, didn't like holding back, yet doubt and fear always held him down. Would she think differently of him?

He wasn't ready to tell her yet, not right now. But, there was at least one thing he felt he needed to say to her.

"Videl," he said softly, reaching out. Before he knew what he was doing, he had gently nudged her face towards his. It felt so natural, so right. Her surprised blue eyes locked with his.

"Gohan?" Her lips parted ever so slightly, and her cheeks turned a lovely, rosy shade.

"You don't give yourself enough credit for just how amazing you are," Gohan said. The words lingered at the tip of his tongue before spilling out faster than he could think. "You're the one who goes out to fight for people who can't."

And you look so captivating while doing it.

"Your sense of justice and fighting spirit are what makes you so strong."

I can't look away.

"You have such a good heart. It's what makes me…you make me—" Gohan gulped. It was happening again. The racing heartbeat. The warmth flooding to his cheeks. The heightened awareness. A steady, startling realization crossed his face.

"You make me feel…sick."

Just like that, whatever moment they just shared shattered.

"I make you sick?" Videl drew back from his touch and frowned, a little offended. And… hurt?

"Yes. No! I mean—argh!" Gohan fumbled over his words, mortified. Now, he was rambling. "Sorry, that came out wrong. You don't make me sick. At all. I don't know why I said that. I've been concerned about my health lately, you see, and I think I'm coming down with something. Don't know what yet, but I might have it figured out soon."

"Oh. That sucks," Videl said. "I hope it's nothing serious."

"Me too. I'll let you know when I find out."

An awkward silence eclipsed them, and Gohan inwardly berated himself. Did he really just say that? How did he go from trying to encourage Videl to downright insulting her? Him and his cursed mouth! Why was he like this?

He stole a glance at Videl, who was fidgeting absentmindedly with her leopard plushie. She looked troubled. And, she was related to his sickness somehow, but how did that even make sense? He felt so confused. Unless…there was a textbook out there that named this phenomenon.

Gohan abruptly stood up with newfound cheer, knocking over his prize bag in the process. Videl jumped a little and sent him a questioning stare.

"Hey, I don't think we've tried that over there yet," he said and pointed to a ride that induced plenty of screaming. "Wanna check it out?"

"Sure." Videl gave him a small, lopsided smile, and Gohan felt relief rush through him. She wasn't mad at him. "Last one before closing time."

They quickly gathered their goods and made way for the line. It was also by chance a pair passed by in front of them, a boy and a girl pleasantly sharing cotton candy together. Gohan made surprised eye contact with Sharpner and Erasa, and both stopped in their tracks.

Erasa smiled brightly and cheerfully waved. "Vi! Gohan! I'm so glad to see you. You should have let us know you were coming!"

"Yeah, didn't you get my message?" said Sharpner.

Gohan quickly glanced at Videl. He could pinpoint the exact moment fury reignited in her eyes. Oh no.


She lunged for them both, with a yell. She was so going to give them a peace of her mind. Before she could reach them though, she felt strong arms wrap around her stomach and lift her up, effectively locking her in place. Sharpner and Erasa inched back in alarm.

"Let me go, Gohan! I have a bone to pick with them!" Videl thrashed in his grip, trying and failing to break free.

"Calm down first, Videl. I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding!" Gohan said.

"Yeah, what's got your panties up in a twist?" Sharpner commented, which only added fuel to the fire.

Videl whispered menacingly, "Come closer so that something else can be twisted. What do you prefer? An arm? A leg?"

"No, thanks. Gohan, whatever you do, don't let go of her."

"Stop! Stop!" Erasa butted in, trying to mediate. She placed her hands on her hips, a rare show of annoyance. "It's not like Videl to be mad for no reason. Can't you all stop being gorillas for once and have a civilized conversation?"

She had a point. Videl breathed in, then exhaled as if to expel all the anger out of her. Seeing her body deflate and revert out of combat-mode, Gohan carefully let her down and unwound his arms from around her waist.

"You two never showed up to work on our project today," Videl said crossly.

"Huh?" Sharpner's nose scrunched in confusion. "That's our plan for tomorrow. Sunday."

"No, we agreed to meet today, on Saturday. One o'clock," Videl argued.

"I'm pretty sure our notes said at two o'clock though," Erasa piped in, unsure.

It was Gohan's turn to be perplexed. "I thought we were meeting up on both days."

Everyone could only stare blankly at each other. Wordlessly, they each pulled out a sticky note written by Sharpner, with the time and date of their meeting in handwriting that could only be described as chicken scratch. It was no wonder they got the date and time wrong. They all suddenly felt foolish.

"I feel a headache coming on." Videl sighed, massaging her temples. "But why didn't either of you return my calls?"

"We were too busy going on rides," Erasa said.

"After I checked my phone, you never replied," added Sharpner. Videl took out her mobile, and sure enough, there were unread messages from them both flashing on the screen. She hadn't checked it for a while now since she and Gohan were too busy competing with each other.

"Sorry for getting mad at you guys," Videl said. "And for thinking you ditched."

"Tch. It's whatever." Sharpner shrugged. "I mean, I know I was pretty dumb in middle school—"

"It's good to be self-aware."

"—but even I want to graduate from this hell hole."

So Videl had nothing to worry about after all, and all was resolved. Relieved, she met Gohan's gaze, and he grinned as if to say that see? Everything worked out just fine. And, it did. He even went along to humor her for the day despite her complicated self. Somehow, he knew just how to handle her.

At that moment, something clicked in her mind. It was an unwanted, intrusive thought, one that recalled memories of fleeting touches and sweet words minutes prior to when they ran into their friends.

Slowly, a red hue tinged her cheeks, and Videl turned away from Gohan. She was wrong. There was one thing that had yet to be resolved.


A/N: Gohan is slowly but surely connecting the dots. Videl seems a little smitten. And we have just a couple chapters left to go. Hooray! I have a side project for Taking a Hint I'll tell you guys on the next update, so thank you for your patience. See you next time!