Okay, so this is a small one, but there are more to come ;) Have fun, and ,please, REVIEW!

Chapter 8

The Stabbington brothers and Eugene are running. Eugene sees the wanted poster.

"This is ridiculous!" Eugene grumbled. "What kind of artist draws these things? My nose always looks terrible!"

Elsa gave him a look. "You are on a wanted poster and you are worried about your nose?"

He gaped at her, surprised. Up until that point she had been so quiet that he had almost forgotten she was there. Elsa managed not to squirm under the scrutiny. After all, to-be-Queens do not squirm; they are poised, and composed under stress. And most, unlike Elsa, are used to attention.

"Well… yeah." He answered after a while.

"Uh, uh… Ugh! Oh no. No no no no no no no no no no, this is bad, this is very, very bad, this is really bad…"

"Your future self seems to be more logical." She commented.

He turns the poster, showing it to the brothers. "They just can't get my nose right!"

Her eyes widened. He smirked. "You were saying…?"

"Who cares?"

He crouches by the tree and gestures to the brothers' poster.

"Well it's easy for you to say! You guys look amazing."

The guards are coming. Eugene stuffs the poster into the satchel.

"Hey! They are still chasing you!" Rapunzel noticed happily.

Eugene stared at her. "Yes…" He said holding the 'e'. "Which means…?"

She smiled proudly. "Which means that you didn't win the bet just yet."

He blinked. "Oh." This whole bet idea starts to seem a bit… awful.

They run straight into a dead end.

"Dang it!" Eugene mumbled.

"Now we've got you, Rider." The Chief of the Guards seemed rather excited. There was no way they couldn't catch him now.

"Uh, all right, okay, give me a boost, and I'll pull you up."

Or, um, maybe there was.

"Give us the satchel first."

Eugene puts his hands to his chest, looking hurt.

"Uh? I just–I can't believe that after all we've been through together, you don't trust me?"

The brother holds out his hand for the satchel. Droll stare.


Many people chuckled.

Eugene hands the satchel over and they help him up.

The Stabbington on top reaches up.

"Now help us up, pretty boy."

"Sorry." Eugene shows them the satchel, tossing it up, snatching it from mid-air. "My hands are full."

Rapunzel tried to hide a giggle.

"Wow." Kristoff said amazed with a mischievous smile.

Elsa grimaced. "Are you always this cocky?"

Eugene snorted. "Are you always this nerdy?"

Her eyes widened. She did not expect such an answer. And it was not true. She was not a… a nerd! She was just… Mature. Really mature. And cautious. And self-restrained. And concealed. And a bit stiff. But that was what she was supposed to be like, she was going to be the Queen. And, above all, it was the only way to keep her secret. To not let anyone in. Not let anyone see. To be the good girl she always had to be. She sighed and turned to look at the screen, her eyes away from Eugene's puzzled ones.


The Stabbington searches for the satchel. He then shakes his fist.


A bunch of guards on horses run behind Eugene.

"Retrieve that satchel at any cost!" the Chief yells.

"Yes sir!"

Maximus neighs, the other brown horses neigh in reply. The guards shoot arrows at Eugene, but at the last second he bends under a fallen tree trunk, on which the arrows nailed.

"That was close" Rapunzel blew relieved, now cuddling herself in agony. It was obvious on whose side she was, and that irritated the King.

Eugene keeps running and jumps over a weird shaped tree, which was blocking the way. The guards stop once they see it, but Maximus and the chief on his top jump over it.

"We got him now, Maximus!"

Eugene swings into the saddle, knocking the captain off.

"Yey! Go Eugene!" yelled Rapunzel and he chuckled. Her parents glared at her. She didn't notice.

The one next to Kristoff giggled and squeaked, "Tarzan!", but seeing everyone staring, stopped. "Oh, don't mind me."

Eugene rides Maximus. "Ya! Haha! –Oh!"

Maximus comes to abrupt halt, turns to glare at him and grunts angrily.

"That's my boy." The Captain of the Guard said smirking.

"What's wrong with this horse?" Eugene grumbled.

Rapunzel gasped. "Eugene! He's my bride's mate!"

He blinked. "What?"

"He was that horse, from the wedding!"

"But that was a girl, didn't you see what it was wearing?"

She shook her head. "It wasn't a girl."

He raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"

She bit her lip. "I… I just do."

He smiled cunningly. "Aha."

"Ugh! Come on, fleabag, forward!"

Maximus stares at satchel and tries to snatch it.

Many people chuckled.

"I like him." Kristoff said. "He's smart. He reminds me of Sven."

"No! Stop it, stop it! Give it to me–give me that!-"

The satchel goes flying, getting caught on the branch.

"No!" Everybody shouted together.

They trip and drag and use every under handed trick they can to get the satchel first.

People were in hysterics watching them fight for the crown.

"The branch, it won't hold them." Kristoff realized. The laughter died.


The branch breaks. Both scream/neigh.

Many were left open-mouthed. The others stared wide-eyed. There was utter terror in Rapunzel's eyes.

Anna burst out laughing.

Everyone glared at her. "Are you serious?" Kristoff scolded her.

She didn't stop. "I am- ugh! S-s-so s- haha! Sor-r- hahaha!"

Elsa put a hand over her mouth. Unbeknownst to the others, she was trying to hold herself from bursting into laughter too.

They both land, Maximus immediately starts looking for Eugene, while he hides behind a rock. Once Max passes without seeing him, he looks for a better place to hide, stumbling into the ivy covered tunnel. He runs inside and remains still, as Max returns sniffing for him, but misses the entrance.

Eugene walks the other way and gets out of the tunnel.

"Wait… OH MY GOD! Do you know where you are?" Rapunzel squeaked.

"Uh… no."

"That's where my tower is!" she cheered.


His eyes widen and he gasps in awe. The tower appears. He hears Maximus neigh from behind him, and hurries to climb it with a couple of his arrows.

"Eugene!" Rapunzel cheered again. "We are about to meet!" She started clapping and jumping up and down her seat in excitement.

"I know blondie…" He said cautiously and rubbed the back of his neck. "This does not bode well…"

Eugene enters the tower, panting. He opens the satchel and looks inside.

"Alone at last."


He falls forward and Rapunzel is standing behind him terrified, holding a frying pan.

The audience immediately burst out laughing.

"Ouch!" Eugene complained, and Rapunzel covered her mouth with a hand, shocked at her actions.

"Oh my god, Eugene, I am so sorry! Are you okay?"

He glared at her.

"Right, of course you're okay, I didn't really hit you." she mumbled to herself quickly. "But still, I'm sorry!"

"That… is a really nice way to meet your other half." Kristoff commented between giggles, which caused Anna to laugh even harder.

"Look who's talking…" the one next to him mattered.

"What?" he asked confused.

"One word." The person said. "Carrots."

Kristoff frowned. Carrots? What was that supposed to mean?

"You'll see."