"Bree?" He asks his voice filled with disbelief and hesitant hope.

"It's me." I whisper, still in shock that I called him after four years.

"Are you okay?" His voice is laced with concern.

"Yes." I reply, though it feels like a lie.

He takes a deep breath before speaking, "When your GPS stopped giving a signal six months after you left I thought-" His voice cracks and he stops speaking, "It doesn't matter, I'm just glad your okay."

Guilt immediately settles in my stomach, but I ignore it. "Can we meet up somewhere?" I hesitantly ask, not sure if he'll accept the new me.

"Of course, you can come here whenever you want. Everyone's going to be so excited-" He says but I cut him off.

"I'm not ready to see them yet, please don't tell them." I plead.

He gets really serious, "We though you were dead, they still think you are dead. Bree, they deserve to know."

"Okay, but I'm not ready to see them yet." I say.

"Okay. When and where do you want to meet up?" He asks.

"I live two hours away in Zeddtown, and there's a coffee shop called Clarity. We can meet there at 3 tomorrow if you want." I say.

"Of course. And when did my little girl start drinking coffee?" He says, I can practically see the smile on his face.

"I love you." He says suddenly. "I know I didn't say it much, but I just wanted you to know."

"I knew, and I love you too." I say.

"I'll see you tomorrow Bree." He sounds hesitant to say goodbye. I know its because he doesn't want to lose me again.

"Yes tomorrow." I say and then hang up.

I put the phone in the receiver and walk out of my kitchen to my small living space. My 500sq foot apartment is a far cry from the mansion I grew up in, but I love it anyway. I see the T.V. on and a little boy with sandy hair, sky blue eyes, and tan skin sitting in front of it playing with the blocks he got for Christmas. When he sees me his eyes light up and a smile spreads across his face.

I sit next to him and say, "Tomorrow we are going to meet my dad."

A/N I really got to stop writing new stories and start focusing on my unfinished ones.

Anyway please me know what you think.

Have a great summer.