Thank you to Jules Ann for the help and ideas. You all should check out her stories! They are really great stories!

Chapter 4: Jaspers POV

Great. How was I supposed to tell my favorite and only niece that she had a cavity? It was bad enough that I had to do a cleaning on her. She trusts me not to hurt her or cause her any pain.

That might change now. I groaned softly enough to where I wouldn't startle my niece.

I turned to face my niece. She sat in the chair quietly. Looking around the room.

"I'll be right back Darlin'. I need to go and get Papa. You stay put." I told her.

"Yes Uncle Jasper." Nessie said quietly.

I patted her hand on the way out and went and got my Father.

"What's is Jasper? Is Nessie giving you a hard time?" Carlisle asked.

"Not at the moment. I'm afraid, she might have a cavity. I saw a dark spot on the left side of her bottom jaw where it was hurting her a little while ago. Can you come and make sure you're seeing what I am seeing?" I asked.

I hope I was right. I didn't want to scare Nessie anymore then she already is.

Pa and I went back into the room and Pa gave Nessie a smile. She gave a small one in return.

I took him over to the screen and sure enough, Pa said, "It looks like your right Jasper. We need to get that taken care of. That will be on today's agenda. We'll see how she feels after we fill her cavity in."

"Yes Sir." I said.

"You can tell Nessie then. Make sure she tells you the truth if she is really hurting." Pa said.

I nodded my head. We made our way to my niece.

"Hello Darlin'. Thanks for waiting so nicely. Can I ask you something? I need you to be honest with me." I told her.

Nessie nodded her head nervously.

"It looks like you have a small cavity on you left, bottom jaw. That's where you were hurting right before we came in here right?" I asked.

I knelt down so I was at her level. She was quite for minute. I had a feeling she was trying to figure out if she was going to lie or not.

"Don't lie to me Darlin'. I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth." I said.

"Yes Uncle Jasper. It was hurting when I was brushing my teeth right before we came here." Nessie said.

"Thank you for telling me the truth. Can I ask you another question?" I asked.

Nessie nodded her head again.

"Have you been flossing and brushing your teeth regularly?" I asked.

Nessie looked at me with a scared look. Like she knew she was in trouble.

" No Uncle Jasper. I brush every night but I don't floss and rinse though." Nessie mumbled.

"Oh Nessie. I am sure that is why you have a cavity. You need to take better care of your teeth Darlin'. I'm going to stand by and watch you morning and night to make sure you brush and floss and rinse if I have too. If you need help flossing, I'll be happy to help. Well come down here and take care of that okay?" I told her.

"Yes Uncle Jasper. I'm scared." Nessie whimpers.

"Hey Darlin', it's okay to be scared. I'm scared you're going to bite my fingers off during your checkup. I'll make you a deal. If you don't bite my hand off today, we can do anything you want the rest of the day. Just you and me." I told her.

"You promise? Anything?" Nessie asked. She was considering this option.

"Yes Darlin', anything. You name it." I told her.

"Can you teach me to play Checkers? Read our book? And watch Frozen?" Nessie asked.

Frozen? Really? What did I get myself into.

I chuckled, "It will be your day. But, you have to promise me you will behave. No trying to run away and escape."

I held out my pinky finger and she hooked hers with mine.

"After we are done taking care of your teeth, you and I are going to my office and we are going to talk about the proper use of taking care of your teeth. Then we will have fun." I promised her.

Nessie sighed and I chuckled.

I looked over at Pa to see if he was still there. I had forgotten about him. He was standing in the door way, leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face.

I took off the heavy apron that was on Nessie and then helped her down off the chair.

I took her tiny hand in my gloved hand, and led her back in the dental room.

" I am going to put you up here in the exam table. Then I am going to have you move towards the end of the table so the light can shine on your mouth. Are you ready Darlin'?" I asked.

Nessie was clutching onto my hand tightly. I rubbed my thumb and finger on her tiny hand.

"You'll be okay Darlin'. I know it's scary, but you're doing so well." I told her.

Pa, Mama, and Emmett were sitting in the room while I was doing all the work. It made me kinda nervous since everyone was watching me.

"If you wait right here, I need to change my gloves and wash my hands. Maybe Emmett can come over and say hi." I said.

I turned to look at my older brother and he nodded his head yes. He got up and came over to talk to Nessie.

"Hi ya Kiddo! Are you feeling better?" Emmett asked.

I turned to see Nessie shrug her shoulders.

"Well Kiddo. I'll make a deal with you. If you don't try and run away and bite Uncle Jaspers' hands off, you and I can have a Mario Kart and Smash Brother game night tonight. How does that sound?" Emmett asked.

I was by the sink then and I took off my gloves and quickly washed my hands good with soap and water. Then I dried them off and put a new pair of latex gloves on.

I walked back over to my niece and brother.

"Does that sound like a deal?" Emmett asked.

Nessie smiled and said yes.

"Can Uncle Jasper play with us too?" Nessie asked.

I smirked at Emmett who gave me a big goofy grin. Darn this kid. She has both of us wrapped around our fingers and she knew it.

"Of course, I'll play. Well kick Uncle Emmett's butt!" I said.

"Okay." Nessie said.

"Time to get down to business Darlin'. You ready?" I asked.

"No." Nessie whimpered.

"Well take it nice and slow. Absolutely no rush, okay?" I said.

I saw Ma go and talk to Pa. Pa smiled at Ma and Ma left the room. Pa sat back down at the desk in the room.

"Okay Nessie. I am going to lift you up onto the exam table. Emmett is going to help you move down so I can take a look at your tooth a little better okay? You are going to rest your head right here." I said.

I patted the spot at the end of the table.

"Then I am going to this lamp that is up above and shine it right on your mouth so I can see your teeth better, okay?" I explain.

"Let me clean the table really quick and then we will get started." I said.

I got the cleaning spray and quickly sprayed the table. I put it away and washed my hands again with soap and water and then dried them off. Then I put a fresh pair of latex gloves on.

I waked back over to the exam table and Emmett was talking to Nessie.

" Alright Darlin', I am going to put you up on the table. Are you ready? All we are going to do right now is get you settled and on the table. okay?" I said.

Emmett gave Nessie a wink and I easily put Nessie up on the table. She started to whimper and she realized things were getting real.

"You're okay Nessie. Take deep breaths for me. You're starting not to look so good. Do you feel okay?" I asked.

I put both my hands on her face and then felt her forehead. She felt warm and clammy. She was starting to get another panic attack.

"Look at me Ness. You're going to be okay. Take deep breaths. Follow my breathing. Breath in, breath out slowly." I instructed.

Nessie tried to look at me but she couldn't. The poor girl was scared to death.