Eve grumbled to herself as she looked in the mirror. Why did she have to attend a wake for a man she didn't even really know or care about. The best she could do was a simple, elbow length short dark grey dress that rippled on the bottom. She had been lacking in her black clothing options...especially the same color of black. She had plenty of skirts and leggings and shoes, but her shirts were always an accent. So...they would have to deal with a shorter grey dress and heels. Plus, it was just a wake and not a funeral... If anything, Eve was going to see Caroline before she even headed out to the Lockwood mansion. Firstly, to tag along with Liz to the wake to not feel so alone...since what happened last night, she didn't really want to be near Damon...Well...She did, but she didn't. Emotions were complicated and as soon as she left this shithole of a town, they were getting shut off for a few decades.

Eve put her hair up into a ponytail the best she could, but she knew there were flyaways. How could there not be with how curly her hair was getting. Probably from the stress. Her hair was gaining the weight that the nice vampire metabolism wouldn't allow. Eve snickered to herself at the thought, looking at herself over in the mirror. Soft makeup with a winged eyeliner...Who knew, maybe there was a proper suitor at this wake. Eve snorted at the thought before leaving her room.

"I'm off ta de hospital!" Eve called out, closing her bedroom door. No one answered. Eve felt a sudden loneliness that she quickly brushed off and shoved down as she walked down the stairs and out the door to her car. Eve looked at her phone before calling Liz. Eve continued to walk out of the house and to her car as Liz finally answered.

"Hello?" Liz answered.

"Hey, I'm on de way ta de hospital now." Eve said, unlocking her car and getting into the driver's side. "How is she?" Eve asked, starting the car and buckling herself in.

"Better." Liz said with a happy sigh. Eve couldn't help but smile. She sounded so much calmer… "She is watching some garbage reality show though." Liz muttered, sounding a little disappointed in Caroline's choice of hobbies. Eve let out a laugh as she began the drive to the hospital.

"Which one?" Eve asked curiously. Finally, a light conversation. No vampires, no girl problems, no Damon troubles...just normal. Liz let out a sigh.

"The one with all the shirtless men and drunk women." Liz muttered, sounding like she was whispering. Eve snickered. She had gotten a call at nearly 4 AM from a VERY groggy and drugged Caroline and Eve knew they wouldn't head to the get together for the mayor for a little while once she showed up.

"Jersey Shore?" Eve asked with a laugh. Liz sighed making Eve continue her laughter. "I'll be dere soon." Eve stated, watching the road in front of her. "Don't let yer brain rot too much. Ya have a town ta sheriff." Eve sassed. Liz let out another annoyed sigh before Eve hung up and focused on her drive. Well, as much as she could. Her mind was still buzzing with intrusive thoughts. Intrusive being code for Damon.

Despite dumping all of her emotional baggage onto him last night and only getting back sad looks, there was still part of her that wanted him around. Wanted to stay in the Godforsaken town...But she knew better. It was those pesky emotions she kept feeling. Part of her remembered what she said in a near breakdown in the hospital room with Damon, saying she wanted to end her rivalry...She did want to end it. And what better way to end it then without emotions so that when she ended up getting her heart staked or head ripped off or some other quick death (as if Alistair would be so generous) that she didn't care for anyone she had met throughout her life. Most of them were dead anyway. What would it matter if a few remembered her. She'd be dead.

Even the thought sent a shiver down her spine at how heartless it sounded. God, she was an awful vampire. Why was she even dealing with so many conflicting emotions to begin with. She had the option. A simple switch and it would all be a bad dream. A bad feeling. But without a proper goodbye, she knew, even with the switch being flipped that there would be an ache. From a certain blonde haired ball of sunshine...and a dark haired devil. Eve sighed as she drove up to the hospital and parked her car. Now, to prepare for the barrage of questions she would receive about anything and everything from said ball of sunshine.

Eve let herself breathe as she walked into the hospital and made her way to Caroline's room. As she approached, she paused and listened.

"It's okay!" Caroline said with a slight groan of pain in her tone, despite it sounding as chipper as ever. "They say I'm healing really quick." Caroline said happily. Eve smiled at the news. Damon had given her some blood. Good. Eve walked up and stood in the doorway to Caroline's room and looked around.

"My turn." Matt said and leaned down and kissed Caroline. Bonnie was beginning to cry, but she looked happy...Eve let herself smile...As soon as Matt pulled away, Eve walked into the room and made herself known.

"Are ya givin' out kisses?" Eve asked, pulling everyone's attention to her as she stood at the end of the bed. Eve looked over at Caroline and puckered her lips, making kissing noises at the girl. Caroline's eyes lit up as she motioned for Eve to come closer. That smile alone lifted the cold she had felt in her chest from her own thoughts. Eve dramatically shoved Matt aside as she walked up to the side of the bed to be closer to Caroline. Caroline let out a giggle as Eve continued to make the kissing noises as she got closer to Caroline. Caroline tugged Eve down to her side and gave her a big kiss. Right on the mouth. Eve couldn't help but pull back and burst out laughing. "Sorry Matt, it seems dat Caroline and I are now datin'." Eve said through her laughter as Caroline only gave him a simple shrug with a shit-eating grin. Eve plopped herself down beside Caroline's legs. Matt let out an amused scoff.

"She takes you to New York for one week…" Matt said, folding his arms and trailing off playfully. Caroline only nodded back at him.

"Wow, what a monogamistic thought." Caroline sassed back, folding her arms gently across her chest. "Why are you crying?" Caroline asked, turning their attention back towards Bonnie.

"I'm just happy you're okay." Bonnie said, letting happy tears fall. Matt gently rubbed her arm. More warmth filled Eve as she saw the lighter side of Bonnie.

"Oh, I love you guys!" Caroline said affectionately, grabbing hold of Bonnie's hand as Bonnie pulled Matt into a side hug.

"We love you." Bonnie said through her happy tears. Eve couldn't help but smile as the three shared a moment...or four, but she felt like a third wheel to the trio. They must have known each other for a long time. It was a small town, after all…

"Caroline?" Everyone turned around to the door to see a nurse. "It looks like it's time for your medicine." The nurse said gently. That was a cue to have everyone leave. Caroline let out a sigh.

"Once you're all done with the wake or whatever, call me or text me, okay?" Caroline asked towards Bonnie and Matt. Bonnie nodded, pulling her sweater around her tighter and walked around Matt.

"Am I allowed to kiss you or is that right now reserved to Red?" Matt asked. Eve squinted back at him playful as he pointed at her accusingly. Caroline let out a hum.

"I mean, I'm giving out kisses, so I guess." Caroline sassed back at him playfully as he leaned over her and kissed her. Eve couldn't help but snicker as she stood up from the bed as Matt left. Caroline grabbed onto her hand. Eve raised an eyebrow back at her.

"Please text me during the wake." Caroline begged. "I know you're like, high key, a rude bitch, so like, please. I'm so bored." Caroline sassed. Eve couldn't help but snort at her wording.

"Aye, Care. I'll text ya." Eve smiled back, patting Caroline's hand. Caroline smiled brightly at the idea. Eve could almost feel the warmth radiating off the girl. "I'll come see ya later too." Eve smiled as she put Caroline's hand back onto her bed. "Love ya, bitch." Eve sassed as she turned to leave and wiggled her fingers.

"Love ya more!" Caroline called out to her as Eve left the hospital room. As Eve left, she nearly collided with Liz.

"Hi!" Eve said, smiling as Liz looked at the closed door to Caroline's room. Liz gave a smile back.

"Are you ready?" Liz asked, glancing back at the door, looking a little worried. Eve nodded, grabbing and looping her arm with the worrying sheriff.

"Yup." Eve popped. "De nurse isn't one of dem, so yer good." Eve whispered, starting to pull Liz from the door. Liz let out a small sigh.

"How are you so sure?" Liz asked. Eve nearly rolled her eyes but kept them looking straight ahead as the two finally began walking somewhat in sync.

"I put some vervain in de water cooler. Saw her drink a cup before I got ta Caroline's room." Eve lied through her teeth as the two passed a water cooler. "Luckily, vervain has no taste." Eve smiled. That wasn't a lie...well, at least there wasn't a taste to humans. Liz let out a more satisfied sigh at her explanation. "I drove meself, so when we leave de wake ya can just drive me back here." Eve said as the two left the hospital.

"We could drive separately." Liz suggested, slightly pausing their walk. "I would hate to be there late when you could just come back here yourself." Liz said gently. Eve shrugged.

"I've got no plans, Lizzy." Eve shrugged, nudging her towards her police car. "We can hang out. Or do ya still dink I'm a nasty vampire?" Eve sassed, feeling her tone having a bit of bite to it. Liz tensed up at the comment. Liz let out another sigh, before she nodded towards the police car and unlocked the doors. Eve walked around and got into the passenger side as Liz got into the driver's side. Eve buckled herself in as Liz did the same. Eve watched as Liz turned to say something about the seatbelt, but stopped herself as she saw it was already on. Liz was a mom… "I'm still not too sure why that noise affected you...or why it affected the mayor..." Liz trailed off as she started the car. "But I have to figure out something to tell Carol because you're still alive but he's not." Liz said, sounding guilty about the whole thing.

"Well...ya were handcuffed ta a radiator, so…" Eve muttered, annoyed at the memory of finding the woman locked up because of Johnathan Gilbert. Katherine tried to kill him? Eve would finish the job when she got the chance…

"I know...I just…" Liz grumbled as she began driving. "I just wish they hadn't gone over my head about the whole vampire device to begin with." Liz snapped, her hands tightening around the steering wheel. "If it hadn't worked, my deputies would have been put in danger for nothing…" Liz continued, sounding more and more pissed. "I didn't become the sheriff of this town just for the badge." Liz stated seriously, glancing over at Eve. "I became the sheriff to serve and protect these people." Liz said. The pride in her voice made Eve smile. What a concept…

"It's a little hard ta do when people don't listen...and handcuff ya...ta a radiator." Eve emphasised her points. "I dink ya aren't listenin' ta de last bit." Eve chastised. Liz rolled her eyes back at her as they drove up to a big mansion. Eve leaned forward and looked at the building. "It looks different den I remember." Eve stated aloud, looking at the new and more modern mansion of the Lockwoods.

"You've been here before?" Liz asked as she parked the police car close to the house. Closer than others were able to park. Oh to be a sheriff of a town with a police car...Eve could get a police car if she wanted…

"Wh-" Eve got out before she blinked and looked over at Liz. "Oh, I mean, not like...personally, but...I've seen it in de paper." Eve stuttered out, annoyed that an innocent comment could twist her up like it had. She had to remember...Liz wasn't her vampire friend. Liz was a human friend who hated vampires...Liz only raised an eyebrow at her before she luckily ignored the statement and got out of the car. Eve followed and caught up to her quickly.

"I just know Carol is going to want answers…" Liz muttered aloud as the two walked up to the mansion's front door. Tyler stood at the front, greeting and welcoming people inside.

"Well, ya've had yer hands busy with...well, Caroline nearly dyin'." Eve snarked back as they began to walk up the stairs to the door entrance. Liz gave a disapproving glare as the two got up to where Tyler was.

"Hey Tyler." Liz said gently, as they got to the top landing.

"Mrs. Forbes." Tyler said respectfully. "My mom's been asking for you." Tyler said nodding into the mansion. Liz gave a forced and sympathetic smile back at him before looking back at Eve before entering into the home. "Hey…" Tyler greeted Eve. Eve gave him a similar, sympathetic smile. "I...I don't think we've ever actually had a proper introduction." Tyler said, extending his hand hesitantly. Eve shook his hand. "Tyler." Tyler said with a small smile. Eve let out a soft laugh.

"Me name's Eve." Eve smiled, shaking Tyler's hand. "Nice ta meet ya." Eve smiled back at the boy. Tyler gave a small smile back before it slowly died.

"How's...How's Caroline?" Tyler asked, nodding politely at the people who passed him and entered his home.

"She's doin' better." Eve smiled. "She's goin' ta make a full and speedy recovery." Eve said happily. Tyler seemed to relax at the comment.

"That's good." Tyler sighed out, shaking the hand of a man that walked by.

"So...how...how are ya doin'?" Eve asked a little awkwardly. She had known this kid for a little while...but only now were the two having a conversation. And the only time Caroline talked about him was when it came to Matt...and Matt did not like him for...making out with his mom? Eve wasn't sure of the details. Tyler let out a bitter laugh.

"I'm stuck on door duty welcoming all these people who I've never even met come in and say how sorry they are and how good a man my dad was." Tyler grumbled, giving a small and fake smile towards a group of people who came in. Eve raised an eyebrow back at his suddenly bitter comment. "You were part of that city council thing he did, right? You've met him. What did you think of him?" Tyler asked coldly. Eve let her thoughts sit for a moment before she shrugged.

"I didn't know him." Eve stated truthfully. "I met de man a few times, but he was in a position of power, so he never showed anythin' he didn't want people ta see." Eve shrugged, seeing Tyler's eyes light up for a moment at her comment. "I kind of just came here fer Liz so yer mom wouldn't chew her head off fer somethin' she didn't even do." Eve said, looking around Tyler for a moment. "Which...she probably already is…" Eve said slightly flinching at the idea before turning her attention back to Tyler.

"I just don't understand why he was even in the old Gilbert building to begin with." Tyler said, folding his arms and shaking his head, looking out at his front yard. "And...and all I can think of was that he was doing something shady…" Tyler shrugged, his features slowly turning to anger. "And now he's dead and everyone is...is so sorry." Tyler muttered lowly, letting the bitterness in his voice take over. Eve bit the inside of her cheek for a moment.

"Me own father was...well, he was an alcoholic asshole." Eve stated, watching Tyler's brows raise in surprise. "He was abusive, always hittin' either me ma, me er me older brother." Eve began, watching Tyler put his full attention on her century old story. "He was a big part of a city council, so he never really showed his abusive side...well...not a lot." Eve shrugged, turning and looking out across the huge front yard...Less than a mile away was her old, torn down home… "People dought he was a respectable man...Until he let his anger out and word got out about de abuse." Eve muttered, her mind filling the empty lawn with an extravagant party that the old Lockwood's would put on. "I was...so relieved when he died of a heart attack." Eve said, closing her eyes and letting the memory replay in her mind...Sofya had been the one to tell her. Her mind flashed to New York...and then to Alistair before she opened her eyes again and blinked. The memories faded away as reality took over. "Point is, put on a show fer de people, yer family, whoever needs ta see it." Eve said, turning back towards Tyler as his eyes landed on an older looking SUV as it drove up the drive. "Ya can hate family and miss dem as well fer de good memories too. Just don't let either consume ya." Eve said softly, gently patting his arm.

"That's...actually nice advice." Tyler stated as his attention landed on the man who was driving the SUV as he parked in front of the steps and got out quickly. "So the black sheep returns." Tyler muttered aloud as the man began walking up the steps towards him. Eve couldn't help but stare at the man. He didn't look dressed for a wake, wearing a flowy white button up with a grey tank top under it and khakis. His hair was dark and curled ever so slightly and when he looked up at Tyler, his blue eyes shimmered for a moment. God, she really did have a type. Eve's heart fluttered for a moment when he glanced her way and smiled.

"Tyler?" The man asked as he got up to the top landing towards the teenager beside her.

"Yeah." Tyler said, nodding his head. His arms were folded.

"What happened to you?" The man asked as Eve stood awkwardly behind Tyler, trying not to eavesdrop, but it was kind of difficult when she was right next to them. "In my mind, you're twelve years old." The man joked.

"Then that's two years older than the last time you saw me, Uncle Mason." Tyler sassed back. Eve tried to cover up her snort with a cough as the two hugged.

"It's good to see you again, but you know, it's rude not to introduce friends." Uncle Mason sassed. Eve felt her ears begin to burn as Tyler turned around.

"We're kind of just friends...of friends." Tyler stated. Eve squinted back at him for him to raise an eyebrow back at her. "We just properly introduced ourselves not 10 minutes ago, don't give me that look." Tyler sassed back. Eve squinted harder before letting herself snicker.

"Aye, yer not wrong." Eve sassed back suddenly feeling eyes on her. "Well, me name is Eve, Tyler's friend of a friend." Eve smiled, reaching her hand out to Mason. Mason smiled back.

"Mason." He introduced himself with a chuckle. Eve felt her ears begin to burn. Caroline was going to hear about this. Despite being nearly 120 years old, Caroline's high school-esque personality had infected her like a fungus. Gossiping about a cute boy. Eve nearly laughed.

"Okay, both of you need to go inside before my mom finds me not greeting guests." Tyler chastised, gently pushing both Eve and Mason into the house. Either Eve was using her invite nearly 100 years ago or Tyler had just let her in. Either way, Eve wasn't going to complain that she wasn't smacked by an invisible wall and having to awkwardly explain it as a mime trick… Luckily it didn't come to that because that was a shit idea.

"So, friend of a friend…" Mason's voice pulled Eve's attention from the entrance back to him as the two walked into the foyer. "Did you know my brother?" Mason asked buttoning a few of his bottom buttons as the two took only a few more steps inside.. "Or were you just friends of a friend to him too?" Mason asked, stopping and turning his full attention from his buttons to her.. Eve began to sputter at the seriousness in his tone...

"We were on a council." Eve said quickly, feeling like she needed to explain herself. Mason let out a single 'mmm' sound, sounding a little displeased. Eve felt her ears burn in embarrassment as words continued to spew from her mouth. "I-I mean, I didn't-we weren't so much friends on de council either, er, um…" Eve began to stutter out a response as Mason looked at her for a moment before chuckling.

"Hey, it's okay." Mason stated with a smile. "I was just messing with you." Mason said, gently pushing Eve's shoulder. Eve's eyes snapped shut as she flinched from the action. Eve quickly opened her eyes as she felt her ears begin to burn from her own response... Mason's arms quickly folded. "I'm not good with 'serious'…" Mason explained. Eve felt annoyed with herself. It was just 2 years shy of a century since she died and became a vampire, and yet she still flinched when people touched her...well, certain people...Eve bit her tongue to ignore the ache in her chest. "I just wanted to see if you were close or some kind of mistress or something." Mason shrugged. Eve's brows rose quickly at the comment as a nervous laugh left her mouth.

"I-no, I- dat wasn't a laugh like 'haha, I was a mistress' laugh bu-but more of a 'I wasn't dat close so I wasn't in de know' kind of laugh." Eve stammered out, annoyed by how she was acting...Mason smiled back at her with a mischievous look.

"Sorry, I just saw the dress and assumed the worst." Mason shrugged with a little laugh. "I mean, I bet that Carol would have kicked you out of here by now if she assumed anything." Mason said, looking around the place to try and see her.

"Well, I did just get here." Eve said aloud. Fuck she needed a drink if she was going to keep word vomiting on this man like she was… "Ya know, not ta...not ta try and prove meself wrong about-about de whole bein' a mistress ding..." Eve let out another nervous laugh which thankfully Mason returned with a lighter one.

"You're cute." Mason smiled back at her. Eve felt her face begin to warm. She really needed a drink. "So, if you're friends of little Tyler's friends...does that make you like what...13?" Mason sassed back down at her. Eve let out a puff of a laugh.

"Try 22." Eve sassed back, folding her arms. Mason let out a scoff.

"Oh, so still a baby." Mason snarked back. Eve rolled her eyes back at him before looking around. Everyone had glasses of different colored liquids. The. Lockwoods. Went. Hard. Eve would die on that grave.

Eve let out a huff and turned and walked towards a man walking around with a tray of what looked like red wine. Eve flagged the man down and grabbed a glass, luckily without any need for compulsion to let her have the drink. When she turned around she raised the glass to Mason and sipped on the wine. Eve couldn't help the scowl at the taste. She drank heavy whiskey that had better taste than that. When she looked back up at Mason, he was laughing at her. Eve felt her ears warm at his reaction.

"Eve." Eve nearly jumped at Liz's hushed voice so close to her. Eve turned around, making sure not to spill the shitty wine. "Give." Liz stated, taking the glass from her. Eve opened her mouth to protest but Liz only gave her a look.

"Lizzy McDonald?" Mason's voice pulled Eve and Liz's attention back towards the man. "Keeping alcohol away from the minors I see. Always the party pooper. Now with a badge." Mason said in a teasing voice as he took a step closer to Eve. Eve scoffed at his comment, reaching for the glass of wine once more only for Liz to switch hands and keep it away from her. Eve froze as she felt a hand ghost across her back.

"Mason Lockwood." Liz stated with a smile. Eve took a small step back, running into the hand and nearly tripping from the sudden, actual, contact. Eve turned and raised an eyebrow back at Mason. "It's Forbes now, and Sheriff, if you want an actual title for 'party pooper'." Liz sassed back at him as Mason nodded towards the ground where Eve would have stepped. On the ground was a beaded or pearl bracelet. "How are those waves treating you?" Liz asked with a snarky smile as Eve gave an apologetic smile back at Mason. She didn't mean to come off so paranoid and fearful of any touch...

"I'm not a minor, I'm 22." Eve muttered, turning her attention back to Liz. Liz blinked and looked back to Eve with a confused look.

"Waves are treating me well." Mason smirked back. "Sheriff, huh?" Mason said, sounding impressed. "It makes sense. Especially with how many parties you broke up of mine." Mason said with a teasing tone. Eve let out an annoyed sigh as she reached into her pockets and pulled out her phone and took the case off to grab her ID.

"Liz, I swear." Eve muttered, showing Liz her ID. "You've seen me drink!" Eve sassed. Liz looked at the ID before handing back the wine.

"Hey, I can watch after this minor if you want." Mason snarked, nodding back towards Eve. Eve let out an annoyed huff as she moved the ID to face him instead of Liz.

"Sorry Eve, I forget with you and Caroline being so close." Liz apologized back. "The mom in me came out." Liz said with a little laugh. Eve rolled her eyes as Mason grabbed the ID from her hand and began inspecting it closely. "But...if you're busy…" Liz trailed off making Eve look back over at her with a raised eyebrow. Liz looked between Eve and Mason and raised an eyebrow before giving back such a mom smile Eve wanted to crawl into a hole and die from it. "It's nothing important." Liz said, giving Eve a different look to say that it really wasn't important but it had something to do with vampires… Eve was getting good at reading this woman; it was scary.

"Don't you worry, Sheriff Forbes," Mason said, saluting the woman with Eve's ID still in his hand. "I'll keep an eye on her." Mason said, finishing his salute, smirking down at Eve. Eve let out an annoyed groan, despite the heat that began to burn her ears. Liz gave back a smile before turning and leaving the two. "It looks real enough, but you're still a baby in my eyes." Mason said, handing back Eve's ID. Eve let out another annoyed huff.

"And what are ya, de crypt keeper?" Eve asked, snatching the ID from his hand and shoving it back behind her phone cover.

"I'll have you know, I turned 30 last month." Mason sassed back at her. Eve let out a hiss of air.

"So more like de crypt keeper's great-great-greeeat-grandpa." Eve snarked back at him. Mason rolled his eyes as he reached out and motioned for the wine. Eve handed it to him. Mason took a sip and made a similar scowl she had made.

"Alright then, listen here baby," Mason said, placing the glass on a decorative table and leaning down to her level...which wasn't that far from his with her heels. At the nickname, Eve felt her stomach flip. "I know where they have better drinks if you're willing to follow me." Mason said in a whisper. Eve couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips as she raised her eyebrow back at him.

"What does de great-great-great grandfather of de crypt keeper dink is a better drink?" Eve asked in a whisper back, playing along with him. Mason looked around suspiciously before he grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her towards a hallway just beside the two.

"Whiskey." Mason said as they stood near the wall. Eve made a motion with her hands for him to specify. Mason let out a huff. "The good shit. Like 60 to 80 percent. Expensive booze." Mason rolled his eyes having to explain himself. Eve thought about it for a moment before she nodded.

"Jameson?" Eve asked back in a hushed voice. Mason's brows shot up ever so slightly.

"And then some." Mason said with a slow growing smile. Eve squinted at him playfully. Mason squinted back. "You in, little girl?" Mason asked without un-squinting his eyes at her.

"I'm in." Eve stated, the serious demeanor quickly disappearing as the thought of a good drink, and an adventure with a cute man took over her emotions.

"Mason?" Eve heard behind him. Mason quickly straightened himself out and turned around to be greeted by Mrs. Lockwood.

"Carol...hi." Mason said with a soft smile, his playful demeanor quickly disappearing. "How...how are you doing?" Mason asked, reaching out and touching her arm. Carol looked taken back by the gesture and gave a strong smile, despite the sadness that dwelled in her eyes.

"Well...I've been better." Carol stated seriously, letting some emotion escape before she forced herself to smile when Eve caught her attention. Eve noticed something spark in her eyes when she looked back at Eve...Mason nodded back, looking back at Eve before pulling himself away from Carol and nodding for Eve to take a few steps away with him as well.

"Upstairs. I'll be there in 5." Mason whispered quickly. Eve's brows furrowed as she looked up at him. "The booze is up there, but don't go snooping." Mason said with a little smirk, gently booping her nose. Eve looked at her nose for a second before looking back up at him. Eve looked him up and down for a moment at the action which only lead to him doing the same...only his felt far more intimate than it should have. Eve took in a breath and nodded before turning around. Eve flinched as a hand grabbed her arm quickly and pulled her back around. Eve looked at Mason who was still smirking. "Keep your mind out of the gutter, baby girl." Mason said with a wink before he let her arm go and turned back to Carol. Eve felt her whole face flush at the comment as she quickly turned back around to make her way towards the stairs. Eve turned back around before she started going up the stairs and looked around the room. Someone was looking at her...she felt it. But just as quickly as she felt eyes staring at her, they left just as quickly…

Damon didn't like it...the heavy feeling in his chest wasn't going away. Luckily, his discomfort would blend in well with the people at the Mayor's wake...Damon had already downed some very bad wine by the time he saw Liz walk into the Lockwood's foyer. Damon quickly made his way over to her. He didn't want to be alone with his thoughts at the moment, and Liz would have to be his destruction for the day. The only other person he wanted to be near was kind of sorta unbelievably pissed with him...rightfully so. Damon shook his head clear of any more thoughts of a certain Irish woman that was making his heart ache as he caught Liz's attention.

"Damon." Liz said, letting out a slight sigh before looking around her.

"Sheriff Forbes!" Damon heard a voice raise above the gentle conversations of the room. Liz closed her eyes before opening them back up and looking at Damon for help.

"Carol is going to want an explanation for what happened last night." Liz said quickly, turning her back towards where Mrs. Lockwood was coming. "But, let's move away from the front door." Liz said. Mrs. Lockwood's footsteps were quickly approaching the two. Damon noticed Liz's attention turn towards the front door, slightly concerned but more so annoyed. Damon let his eyes follow to where Liz was looking. Damon's heart skipped a beat as he saw the back of the only red haired woman who lived in Mystic Falls...well, who knew if there were other curly redheads in the town, Damon's focus was only on his…

"I want to know exactly who's responsible for killing my husband." Mrs. Lockwood's sharp and quiet voice snapped Damon's attention back towards the woman as she walked past both Liz and him into the next room. Liz quickly followed with Damon in between the two women.

"I'm looking into it, but you have to be straight with me." Liz stated seriously, slowing her steps as Mrs. Lockwood turned towards her. "Is there any reason Richard was affected by the vampire device?" Liz asked in a much more hushed tone. Damon nearly flinched at the way Mrs. Lockwood's face scrunched up in anger.

"What are you implying?" Mrs. Lockwood snapped back, trying to keep herself quiet. "That he was one of them?" Mrs. Lockwood hissed. Damon quickly butted in.

"No, no. No one's implying that." Damon said, trying to de-escalate her anger, but he could practically feel the tension from the two growing.

"Your deputy screwed up, plain and simple, which makes you responsible." Mrs. Lockwood hissed back angrily.

"Carol…" Damon tried once more.

"Your husband is the one who helped John Gilbert execute his idiot plan in the first place." Liz snapped quietly back. Damon turned towards Liz.

"Liz." Damon tried, but was once again ignored.

"Someone got my husband killed." Mrs. Lockwood stated, her voice softening at her words. Damon looked between the two, still feeling the thickness in the air.

"We're all on edge here." Damon said, looking between the two women, finally pulling their attention towards him. "You suffered a great loss." Damon stated, looking directly at Carol. "The while town has." Danon continued, looking back over at Liz. "We have to stick together, okay?" Damon said, hesitantly touching the two women on the shoulder...Even after years, he was still cautious when it came to physical touch. Evie showed you that. The thought came into his head just as quickly as he shoved it down. "Trust each other, we'll get through this." Damon said, once more looking between the two...Liz nodded while Mrs. Lockwood sighed and blinked away the tears beginning to form her eyes...She said nothing else as she walked away from the two. Liz let out a short sigh.

"I'm sorry." Liz muttered aloud, folding her arms.

"It's okay." Damon reassured, rubbing the woman's shoulder before letting his arm drop to his side. "You've been a little preoccupied with Caroline." Damon said gently. "How is she doing, by the way?" Damon asked, already knowing the answer…

"She's better." Liz said with a gentle smile. "The doctor's said she's healing really quickly...which is a relief." Liz said with a small, relieved sigh. Damon smiled back down at her before his eyes caught red just in the other room near the front door. Damon tried to ignore it… "You owe me some coffee, by the way." Liz said, turning her body to face where they had come from... Damon raised an eyebrow back down at her. "I don't know how much coffee you have at that big mansion of yours, but I'm not used to having to caffeinate two girls." Liz continued, folding her arms and looking back up to him playfully. Damon blinked down at her, confused only for a moment before his heart fluttered at the realization that she was talking about Evie.

"I'll pay you back." Damon snarked back down at her as his curiosity finally peaked and he looked to where he knew she was. Damon's heart skipped a beat as he looked at her...His mind quickly darkened. Why couldn't you just tell her that you're in love with her? Why are you letting Katherine haunt you? Why do you keep putting yourself in these positions where you hurt people you care about?

"I'll be right back." Liz said, pulling Damon out of his mind as she began walking over to the two. Two? Damon's attention left Eve's as he looked over to the man she was standing beside and talking with...Damon watched as Liz walked up to the two, but Damon's attention was on how the man was laughing...how even from a distance, Damon could tell Eve had done something to make her embarrass herself. After spending nearly a century teasing and taunting the woman, Damon knew what made her tick and blush like crazy, even without actually seeing the red across her pale, freckled face.

"Eve." Damon listened as Liz said something quietly. Damon couldn't help the smile that slowly fell onto his lips as he watched Eve jump and turn around to face Liz. "Give." Liz stated, taking the glass of red wine from Eve. Damon's brows furrowed at Liz's actions.

"Lizzy McDonald?" Damon felt the smile he had shift into a frown as the man opened his mouth to speak. "Keeping the alcohol away from the minors I see." The man teased. "Always the party pooper. Now with a badge." The man sassed. Damon tried to keep the scowl he felt growing on his face away as he watched as the man take a step closer to Evie...Damon tried to keep his attention on Eve instead as she tried to grab the glass of wine back from Liz.

Damon felt himself take a step towards the foyer as he saw the man's hand nearly touch her back…. Before forcing himself to stop.No. He couldn't go over there and wrap his arm around her waist and pull her away from the man who was waaay too close to her…

"Mason Lockwood." Damon felt his teeth clench as he saw Eve take a step back and freeze when the man's hand actually touched her back. "It's Forbes now, and Sheriff, if you want an actual title for 'party pooper'." Liz sassed, but Damon had to focus on his own slowly rising anger. Damon took in a small breath of air. He couldn't tell Evie that the wine she had been trying to grab was shitty and that he knew a much tastier red drink she could have...And he especially couldn't go over and snap that man's neck for being so close and touchy-feely with his… "How are those waves treating you?" Liz asked, forcing Damon to focus on her playful tone.

"I'm not a minor, I'm 22." Eve grumbled aloud back at Liz who looked down at her, confused.

"Waves are treating me well." The man, Mason, said, making Damon bite his tongue to keep himself from moving or doing anything...Why was this man causing him such irrational irritation...It's because of her, stupid. Damon rolled his eyes at his own thoughts. "Sheriff huh?" Mason asked, sounding playfully impressed. "It makes sense. Especially with how many parties you broke up of mine." Mason teased. Damon's attention slid back over to Eve as she let out a small puff of air before she reached into her pockets of her dress, which Damon would have dramatically mentioned...if the two weren't on such rocky grounds…

"Liz, I swear." Eve muttered, pulling her ID from the back of her phone. She took my advice on keeping her ID with her in her phone. Damon shook his head slightly. "You've seen me drink!" Eve snarked back at her as Liz looked over the ID before reluctantly handing the wine back to her.

"Sorry Eve, I forget with you and Caroline being so close…" Liz apologized back to Eve as Eve didn't chug the whole wine down just to spite the woman...She must have known it wasn't good… "The mom in me came out." Liz said with a laugh. Eve nearly stuck her tongue out at the woman before Mason snatched the ID from her hands. Damon's hands balled up for a moment. "But...if you're busy…" Liz said playfully before looking between the two...Damon's blood wasn't boiling...but it sure did feel incredibly hot… "It's nothing important." Liz continued as Eve's cheeks became a light pink at the implication.

"Don't you worry, Sheriff Forbes," Mason said, sarcastically saluting Liz with Eve's ID still in his hand. "I'll keep an eye on her." Mason said, smirking down at Eve. Damon's teeth clenched as he let his feet carry him to the outer wall of the foyer that the three were chatting in. Luckily, he was close enough to the wall to keep him from being seen right away...not that he was watching them...Damon nearly scoffed at his own bullshit lie to himself.

Liz turned to walk back to where Damon had been but stopped as she saw he wasn't there anymore...Damon nearly rolled his eyes as Liz simply shrugged and walked back to where he had been anyway. He was kind of hoping to have some company while at the wake of a man he didn't really care about and who he saw get his neck snapped...Liz was out for the moment, to not seem too desperate for attention. Evie was out because...well, he was an idiot. Stefan was out since he kissed Elena / Katherine even though Katherine 100% kissed him first. Elena was out for the same reason. Damon let his attention wander back to the pair, despite knowing it was a bad idea, seeing how he reacted with just seeing the two be near one another…Damon watched as this Mason guy took a sip of the bad wine and scowl at it. A little satisfaction ran through Damon's veins.

"Alright then, listen here baby," Mason said, placing the glass on a table beside the two. Damon's skin crawled at the way he said 'baby' towards Eve...especially with the way he leaned down to her…"I know where they have better drinks if you're willing to follow me." The man whispered to Eve only making Damon more uncomfortable...especially at the way Eve's face lit up at the thought of better booze.

"What does de great-great-great grandfather of de crypt keeper dink is a better drink?" Eve asked back playfully just as quietly as him. Damon felt himself take a step towards the two as Mason grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the hallway just beside them.

"Excuse me." A woman huffed, breaking Damon's concentration from Eve and Mason's conversation as he stepped around her, giving her a growled out apology before he forced himself once again to stop his movement to go to Eve...She had such a gravitational on him that he had to stop himself from being sucked in...He missed her. When Damon focused on the two once more he had missed something.

"I'm in." Damon heard Eve say as his attention was turned towards Mrs. Lockwood walking over towards where the two were.

"Mason?" Damon saw Carol asked as the two remained just out of view.

"Carol...hi." Mason said softly. "How...how are you doing?" Mason asked, Damon was now able to see his hand touch her shoulder.

"Well...I've been better." Carol stated with a small crack in her voice before she looked as if she forced herself to smile, looking over at Eve. Carol stood, watching the two as Damon watched her…

"Upstairs. I'll be there in 5." Mason whispered...and suddenly Damon's blood was boiling. "The booze is up there, but don't go snooping." Mason said playfully but still in a whisper. Damon forced himself to take a deep breath. He would not murder this man. He would not murder this man. "Keep your mind out of the gutter, baby girl." Mason said lowly...and Damon allowed himself to take a few more steps towards the entrance to better see what was going on...but then Mason walked out with Carol into the main foyer and began talking with her. He would not kill this man. The words seemed to blur in his mind as he finally saw Eve again.

The stairs were just a few steps from where Eve was. She took a few steps towards the stairs before she stopped. Damon blinked before he made himself walk back over to where he had originally been...Eve was far too good at sensing when people were staring at her...and that's all Damon wanted to do. More than anything, he wanted her to turn around and look at him...smile...wave...anything...but Damon knew she wouldn't… Not right now. Damon wished it wasn't right now so he could go and just...be near the woman. But he was being a good...friend.

"Maybe dat's all we're meant ta be."

Damon tried to shake her words from his head but only seemed to rattle them around...Finally, Liz found him and made her way over to him. Liz walked up to him with a raised eyebrow but Damon ignored it, his attention landing back on Mason Lockwood.

"Who's the guy with Carol?" Damon asked, folding his arms and nodding towards where the two were now talking. Liz looked conflicted for a moment. Damon nearly sighed. Liz had been a very big advocate for the Evie and Damon train…

"It's the mayor's younger brother, Mason Lockwood." Liz said, still tense on explaining who he was. Damon needed to act less hostile towards the man...Kind of hard when he was being friendly with…

"Is he on the council?" Damon asked, trying to make Liz realize he was just getting information on the new man in town for vampire reasons...compared to relationship reasons...which they totally weren't about… "Like John Gilbert when he rolled in?" Damon asked, ignoring the way his mind was tearing the man limb from limb. Liz relaxed slightly as she let out a small chuckle.

"He's nothing like John." Liz stated seriously. "For one, he's not an ass." Damon's jaw clenched ever so slightly. "He's not a believer either." Liz explained, hopefully ignoring Damon's hostile actions… "He wants nothing to do with the council." Liz continued, looking over at the two as she spoke. "He's too preoccupied finding the perfect wave." Liz sassed back. Damon forced himself to smile back at her for her comment.

"Sheriff!" Someone called out towards Liz, turning her attention towards whoever was calling her. Liz looked back at him apologetically. Damon simply waved his hand at her before he folded his arms.

"You're good." Damon said, nodding towards where the voice called. "Thanks for the information." Damon said with a small said with a small smile as he forced himself to leave the foyer and get his mind off of this Mason character and...

Damon was bored. This whole wake thing was so boring. All he wanted to do was go back to the boarding house and drink his problems away with bourbon and not shitty Lockwood wine. Why weren't they serving whiskey. Out of all the times that they could serve the hard shit Damon knew they had, they chose the wake of the Mayor to break out the box wine and call it fancy? Damon forced himself not to slump and walk around the place in a dramatic fashion. It wasn't like anyone would notice and laugh at his actions...Damon decided to wander into the dining room and walk beside the table, picking up a few grapes and popping them in his mouth.

"Did you know the Gilbert device affected Tyler Lockwood?" Damon blinked and turned slightly to see the familiar witch following close behind him. Damon shrugged a little.

"Well…" Damon muttered, eating another grape. "I know it took the mayor down." Damon stated nonchalantly as a woman snuck behind the two.

"Don't you want to know why?" Bonnie asked curiously. Damon rolled his eyes as he turned his body toward her fully now.

"Yes Bonnie, I would love to know why a non-vampire was tortured by the vampire torture device that you let John Gilbert use against us." Damon snarked back down to her before grabbing more grapes. "Speaking of guilt, how's Caroline?" Damon asked, turning back around and walking away from the witch. He already knew that Caroline was healing up and getting better.

"She's much better." Bonnie stated sharply back at him as she continued to follow behind him.

"You're welcome." Damon smirked back around to her.

"No. You're welcome." Bonnie sassed back. Damon turned back around towards Bonnie at the comment.

"Why am I welcome?" Damon asked, looking at her.

"You live to see another day." Damon couldn't help the small chuckle that left his mouth.

"No good deed goes unpunished with you, does it?" Damon snarked back down at her with a smirk.

"Doesn't undo the bad." Bonnie stated back. Damon threw another grape into his mouth as he looked at the sass leaving the short girl and slowly turned to irritation. "I know what you are Damon." Bonnie muttered. Damon feigned a surprised look that only seemed to annoy the girl more. "You might have Elena and the sheriff and everybody else fooled, but not me." Bonnie muttered, folding her arms. Damon kept his eyes from rolling but only barely. "One wrong move and I'm gonna take you out." Bonnie stated confidently. Damon couldn't help the smirk that grew on his face at the sudden confidence of this little witch.

"Now you need to stop with the witches' brew." Damon sassesd back down at her, wagging his finger at her. "You're starting to believe your own press." Damon muttered with a smirk before he felt the witch start to give him a migraine. Damon pressed his hands to his head as the pain started to grow before it disappeared.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Bonnie sassed back at him. "You were saying?" Bonnie stated with a smirk of her own showing slightly as she walked around him. Damon let himself sigh.

Unedited 6/18/20

The PINING IS BACK BABEYY. But it ain't what u expecteddd. This one is a little shorter, but I have to write a paper for my final and I'm not sure how long that will take so I cut it a little short. Oops.
ANYWAY! I hope you like this chapter and all the JEALOUSY from the most dramatic bitch - Damon. And I'm just sayin' you should all stay around cause we gettin' to Katherine and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH BOY. Anyway! I'll leave you with this chapter of flirting and jelly. 3333 I love you all!