Disclaimer: Oregairu and its characters belongs to Watari Wataru, Brainbase and Studio Feels.

A/N: Here it is, MNF's 7th Segment. A few months in the making and finished just in time before I have more reason to actually not touch it -coughs- Persona 5 -coughs-

Anyways, I started this up back at the beginning of the year alongside TSL Mission 2 and a one-shot. So yeah, I was working on 3 different things at once and made some significant progress in them before "it" hit me once more and was forced to focus on one which is this one.

Now, whether or not this chapter is connected to the last two will be entirely up to your perception. I made it to both fit the sequence and not as I have not mentioned who knew anything so there.

Note: Reviews and criticisms are welcome but if you're here to just flame then please just go if this pairing is not your cup of tea. I would only accept it if there is some constructive criticisms to it.

Update: I have removed Fanfic Critic's review not because I don't want negative reviews in my stories but because it was not constructive and was merely another one of their "This is trash because it's HachiYumi" shit that I've seen they do in all other fics with the pairing. It was also clear that said person didn't read the story at all since the review was assuming the supposed ending of this story even though the summary and the story itself had mentioned that's it a collection of one-shots. So yeah, another reason of deleting it. Insulting my work without reading it? Not here. I will also continue to delete any of their or any other's reviews that will only bitch about the pairing and not give a constructive criticism where I could learn from.

Also, maybe you don't need stories from this pairing but SOME of us do and since you don't need them, feel free to leave us alone. Or are you one of those "I don't enjoy this so everyone else shouldn't either"? Sad.

Good day.

Chapter Rating: T

Match not Found

Seventh Segment: My relationship can be typical.

Miura and I's relationship is not really special, at least not to an extent.

Miura is more or less your typical girl but with a more motherly or caring side than most, and I'm your average loner guy who lives under the clouds of doom and gloom with a hint of rainbows thanks to my girlfriend.

So maybe as an individual, we weren't as normal as most but as a couple, we're pretty typical. And like any, we also fall under any typical couple's problems.

We argue, we fight, we make up and the cycle repeats itself. It's a vicious cycle that has a lot of heart aches, but it's normal as far as dating goes. Love does not equal peace. In fact, love is a war. It's up to the people involve to either fight for it or retreat and try again with a different one.

That being said, however, there is some peace in love. Granted, you don't fill your head with illusions that love makes you and your partner as one person because you're not. You're two different people that can have two differing opinions and thoughts, which in most cases, causes the war if one does not agree with the other. So yeah, that kind of mindset is toxic.

Ah, but I'm rambling again, aren't I? What brought this about, I wonder?

Well, any typical couple that goes through that cycle can also add another step. They call it the on and off step. What is that? Some sort of switch? I'll never understand the workings of the normal people. Not in a million years.

But if there's anything I know, it is that Miura and I are currently on the OFF part.

I'd show you a flashback but I don't really want to remember the details of what happened that night.

To put it shortly though, we got into an argument that lead to me saying we needed time off and to her agreeing almost instantly. After the exchange of that decision, we stood in an awkward silence for a moment before walking off on opposite directions. There were no tears on her side and neither from mine as we separated. However, I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I didn't shed any when I got home and locked myself in my room.

That was almost two weeks ago. In school, there was no change in how we acted because no one knew of what we had anyway. She ignored me and I kept to myself like normal but, we do send each other quick glances, a moment to acknowledge that we both still exist to each other. But that was it in terms of communicating, nothing more.

The thing is, there was no official break up or any of the sort so if we're going to go technical then, we're still together as far as I know. It was a cool off, a time to free each other from each other but it was temporary... At least I hope so.

So where am I now?

Now, I'm waiting for my sly junior to meet with me.

Cool offs also gives you free reign to date, if I remember correctly.

But this is not a date. Both parties needs to acknowledge that it is a date in order for it to be one. I don't. Currently, Miura would be the only one I'd ever acknowledge a date with.

"Tch. Where is she?" I muttered to myself after checking my wristwatch for the nth time in the past half an hour.

Isshiki Iroha had invited me out under the ruse of needing help with something. She never gave any details except where and when we would meet. Normally, I would have declined and spend my weekend hauled up in my room with a good book or a video game, but my brother instincts wouldn't shut up and I was forced to comply against my better judgement. Tch. Stupid sis-con tendencies.

"Senpaiii~" Oho. And thus, the sly fox has finally appeared. About damn time too. "Have you been waiting long?" She asked. She leaned forward with her hands behind her back and batted her eyelashes, making it seem like she's the innocent girl that she definitely wasn't.

I"Yeah, like half an hour. What took you? You're the one who even gave the time." I remarked in annoyance. I can't help it, I was irritated. It's common courtesy to show up in time, especially if you were the one who gave it in the first place. I dragged my ass out of bed for this?

"Ahh, wrong answer, Senpaiiii~"


"You were supposed to say, "No. I just got here." Y'knooooow~?" Isshiki pouted, a pout that made my heart thump hard.

Okay, so that was kinda cute.

"Why? I really have been here for a half hour now." I deadpanned.

Her pout intensified that it turned into just a frown.

"Mou~! It's rude to say that to a girl." She remarked and I tilted my head in confusion.

"What's rude is making someone wait after forcing them to go out." I said back.

"Ah, but I didn't force you though, Senpaiii~!"

"Maybe not, but guilt-tripping me isn't any better."


Don't teehee me you adorable flaxen-haired vixen, you.


"Geez. You're out with a cute girl and you're just brooding there because I was a little late?"

That's not why I'm brooding and thirty minutes is certainly not a little late.

"Can we just move this along? My ass and bed broke up because of this, I'd like to have a good reason for it." I said. I know I'm being kinda rude here but, I was definitely not in the mood.

"Fiiiiine~." Isshiki moved to grab hold of my arm before dragging me away from the station where we met up. "I need to go shopping."

"Shopping? Why am I here then? Isshiki, I'm not paying for it." Isshiki continued to drag me along; I tried retrieving my arm but it was no use against the iron grip the vixen locked me into. Seriously, is she strong or am I just really weak?

"I'm not making you pay, don't worry Senpaiiii~!"


"Pack mule, of course! Someone needs to carry the bags, obviously." She said that with no remorse at all. She really just called me a pack mule.

"If you can't carry the bags, then don't go shopping." I deadpanned as I finally managed to take my arm back. Ha! Take that you vixen! I guess I'm not really weak, after all.

"That's rude, y'knoow?"

"You called me a pack mule, I'd say we're even."

She crosses her arms and huffed, her cheeks puffing a bit and damn, she just looks too cute with that reaction, almost rivaling Komachi.

"Okaaaay! Let's just go." She commanded as she walked ahead of me this time instead of dragging my poor body around.

At first I contemplated whether I should go or not. I could just go home and start my original plan of lazing around; she's not restraining me anymore so it should be an easy escape. Rude but easy. After a moment, I've made my decision and followed the flaxen-haired girl instead much to my own dismay. I was already out, it'd be a waste to go back home after I sacrificed my sleep in to get here, might as well enjoy it.

Regret. So much regret.

I should have ran for the hills when I had the chance. I could be snuggled in my bed by now but naaaaw, Hachiman just HAD to let his delusion win. Enjoy it? Pshaw. That's bullshit and I should have known better the minute she said shopping.

Cause right now, two hours later, my feet hurts and my limbs feels heavy as all hell as I carry what I assume is a total of six bags of items I didn't bother knowing; probably clothes.

'Just how much money do you have?' I thought to myself. Isshiki's ability to shop should not be underestimated.

"Aren't you done yet?" I asked, boredom seeping into my tone.

"Eh?! Noooo. I still have some stuff in my miiind~" She replied in that tone she always use.

"Are you rich or something? You bought plenty already!"

"I'm not. I just managed to save up, is all." She rebutted.

"For how long? You seem to have a lot."

"Welllll, you've been rejecting my invitation for like six months, so roughly that long." She answered while shrugging her shoulders before going back to the rack of dresses she was looking through before.

Six months? Wow. I never realized that... Six months... Oh! Now it makes sense. Six months ago was when Miura and I started dating so yeah, I rejected any form of going out with only me and a girl that is not Miura. I may look rotten and have a fairly rotten personality but I can at least take pride in being loyal to my significant other. Hence why I always reject Isshiki's invites.

Why did I agree to go now, I wonder? Now I feel guilty. Sigh. Whatever, we're in free reign now anyway and I don't consider this a date so, that should be fine, right? Right?

Still though, why in the world would Isshiki wait six whole months to go out just for me? Couldn't she have done it with her friends or something? Ah wait, she said something about being a pack mule so that's probably why. After all, she can't make her friends carry her bags like she does with me.

"Senpaiiiii!" Isshiki's whining shook me out of my guilt-tripping stupor as I looked at the pouting girl. "Mou! You're zoning out! Seriously Senpai, pay attention! You got a cute girl with you and you rather stay in your little head?" She shook hers disapprovingly. "This is why you don't have a girlfriend, y'knoooow~?"

For your information, I do have a girlfriend... or had... I'm still not quite sure how this cool off works. Am I single or not? I'm confused.

"Whatever, can we go yet? At least to eat or something. It's twelve and my limbs are killing me." I complained. I would have pouted too but we all know how that would look.

Isshiki just stared at me for a while, perhaps contemplating on whether or not to comply to my simple and completely logical request. Having made her decision, Isshiki nodded.


"Great. Now feed me." I deadpanned/jokingly commanded.

"Wha? Isn't it supposed to be the guy who treats the girl?" She claimed.

"In normal circumstances, sure. But I'm merely your pack mule, remember? So the responsibility of feeding me lies on your hands." I rebuked.

"But that's like totally not riiiiight thooooo~!" Aha. Resorting to the norms isn't gonna work for me. I'm hungry and I'm determined to get food without using a single cent.

"I got out of bed for you and I'm dragging your six tons worth of shopping bags! I think it's even grounding to be fed as compensation for my labor." I remarked. The weight was obviously exaggerated but I had to get my point across; they were heavy.

Isshiki pouted as a last ditch effort but I stood my ground until she sighed and rubbed her temples.

"Fiiiiine!" She whined in agreement.

I have to wonder how many times she said that already.

"But I'm choosing where we eat, Senpai. None of this Saize thing."

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with Saize? It's cheap with good food! Every cent is worth it so why do you people hate it so much?! God.

I nodded. Whatever, I'm getting fed and that's all that matters to me at the moment.

Isshiki seemed to be happy with my acceptance of the terms. "Great! Let's go!" She remarked before latching onto my arm and dragging me away.

Hey! That's totally inappropriate, you know?

But there's not much I can do. Considering I was carrying her bags, I couldn't really maneuver my arm away from her without using a strong enough force but that may pull on her too much and hurt her. Sigh. Again, I'm getting fed so I'm gonna give her this luxury of dragging me like a dog, I suppose.

The Gods of Romantic comedy really loves me.

And by that, I meant he loves screwing with me because fuck him, two middle fingers waaay up for you you meddlesome asshole.

Right now, I'm face to face with a pair of blondes. The other one having olive eyes that are currently burning in hidden rage, glaring enough to drill a hole through my skull.

Talk about your movie cliché.

Hayama Hayato and Miura Yumiko are currently in front of Isshiki and I. Fucking perfect, amirite?

Hayama was giving us his usual smile that is not even remotely close to being real, while Miura is standing beside him, arms crossed, brows furrowed and, lips curled to an obvious frown. One more thing that's noticeable was the gap between them. While Hayama was more or less directly in front of us, Miura was sort of off to the side, a good three feet away from the blonde pretty boy.

Having seen that, I'd have to examine my own position and I realize now why Miura was glaring so much.

In contrast to her distance from Hayama, Isshiki's proximity towards me was scarily close. In fact, she still had her arms latched around mine. Oh shit.

To try and hopelessly fix the situation, I pulled my arm away from Isshiki's grasped and moved a little ways over to the side to give gap between myself and my junior. Glancing at Miura, I noticed her glare had visibly softened with what I just did.

I'm saved. Somewhat.

Luckily for me, Isshiki didn't seem to notice the lack of appendage as she had already gave her full attention to the blonde riajuu.

Tch. Figures. But I am also thankful for once for his presence.

"Hayama-senpai!" Isshiki greeted rather enthusiastically. Her smiled widened and she had leant forward with her hands interlaced behind her back to add to the cuteness effect. As expected from my junior, she's being sly while making it look like she's just being naturally cute. I half expected Miura to scowl but she didn't. Know why? Because she still sorta has that glare directed at me.

Hey hey, I yield, okay? Stop boring holes through my skull already!

Whatever Isshiki and Hayama was talking about went completely over my head as I was busy failing at looking away from the blonde woman; everytime I glance at something or somewhere else, my eyes would automatically come back to her. Like that time with Yuigahama at the lake. Phytits has got nothing to do with this, obviously. It's more of my eyes are telling me who they truly belong to.

That sounds so corny, drats!

But it was true. Looking away from her when she's this close is physically impossible for me. Not to mention, she's looking really pretty today. That being said, I did notice the lack of excessive make-up. It's like she didn't really bother at all and the reason I said she looks really pretty is because I absolutely adore her natural look much more than her superficial one.

Of course she wasn't fully natural at the moment, there were still traces of the light make-up, just nothing too excessive or should I say, nothing that was aiming to impress. It was just your typical I'm-out-of-the-house touch; or something like that. I'm not really up to date in explaining make-up terms or whatever.


Augh! What the hell?! Did she just yelled directly into my ear?!

"What the hell Isshiki?!" I spat as I rubbed the inside of my tortured ear with a finger.

"It's your fault. You weren't listening!"

"Well, obliterating my ear drums is a hella good way to get me to start listening." I remarked sarcastically and rolled my eyes for effect. Ironic how her decision to get me listening is to yell and basically destroy what helps me listen in the first place. She's sly but intelligence may not be fully up her alley.

"Details, details." Isshiki retorted as she shrugged. "Anyway, come onnnn~! Hayama-senpai and Miura-senpai is gonna join us for lunch!"

Wait what? When did this arrangement happen? How long was I in my thoughts?

Before I could verbally show my protest, Isshiki had already grabbed my arm and began dragging me as we follow the backs of the two blondes. One of them stealing glances every now and then at us, each glance a silent warning as I try to squirm my way out of the Vixen's grasp.

'Just great...'

Alone. Just the two of us.

Since Isshiki was paying for my meal, she and Hayama were the ones who went up to the counter to order, leaving Miura and I alone in our booth sitting across from one another. I tried looking everywhere else but at her in an attempt to not make this anymore awkward than it already was. It doesn't help that Miura was still glaring at me.

'Jesus woman, please stop already!'

When my gaze accidentally landed on her, her eyes soften and she twiddled with her hair, an absolute sign she was either embarrassed or nervous or sometimes, sad.

"H-hey, is your ear okay?" I heard her say in a low voice.


"Your ear." She deadpanned this time. "I saw what Iroha did, it miffed me to be honest, I was holding myself back from pulling her off of you to check."

"O-oh. Y-yeah, it's fine now." I answered. A familiar heat was obviously trying to make its way to my face at the sound of her concern for my well-being.

She still cares about me.

But, she's Miura. It's natural for her to worry over someone; I shouldn't feel special, right? Right.

She nodded at my response and like a flash, loses all the softness in her gaze and was once more transformed into a hardened glare.

'Oh come on!'

"Why are you glaring at me so much?"

"Oh geez, I dunno. My boyfriend is on a date with another girl, should I feel happy about that and shoot you approving smiles?" She replied sarcastically, her arms now crossed beneath her chest.

She called me boyfriend! That means-

"First, I'm not on a date with Isshiki, I'm merely her pack mule. Second, boyfriend? You mean-"

"Yes I mean that!" She cut me off. "It's a cool off Hikio, not a break-up!"

"Yeah... That was never really clear to me...?"

"Ugh. Cool off means we just need time away from each other, it's not permanent."

"And like, I know it also means some free reigns to date or something but I didn't actually think you'd go on one!"

"And also, I don't even have a right to be annoyed by this because I agreed to it but damn it, I'm mad at seeing some other girl clutching on your arm like that!"

Miura exhaled a breath as the last of her outburst came out. I was surprised she managed to keep her volume down low enough to not garner attention from anyone but also managed to get the information across that she was pissed and jealous to me.

"I'm not on a date with Isshiki." I said firmly this time.


"No, seriously. She asked for my help and I helped her, I'm just a pack mule."

"Last I know, pack mules don't intertwine arms with their owner."

"That was all her and I tried prying myself off!"


"Well, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Hayama? You're on a date with him yourself."

"I am not!"

"Yeah, sure."

"Why would I?"

"Why wouldn't you would be the better question, he's Hayama after all and-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Hikio!" With that tone and the intensity of her glare, I knew I crossed the line somewhat.

She hated whenever I hint at her former feelings for the blonde and that was exactly what I was going to to do before. She wasn't angry to be defensive or because she was guilty of still having those feelings; she's angry because that meant I was demeaning her feelings for me and my own worth to her. She's angry because it meant I was placing Hayama above myself once more and she hated that.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered.

"Whatever, date Iroha for all I care." She huffed annoyed as she looked away to the side.

I sighed and rubbed my temple.

Carefully choosing my words this time around, I rebuked once more.

"I'm not on a date with Isshiki," I repeated for the third time now. "If I was, then wouldn't yours be considered a date too?"


"No? What's the difference?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The difference is, Hayama has no feelings for me whatsoever while Isshiki likes you." She looked straight at me this time. "And I kept a good distance from him too because I'm 'taken' while Isshiki was clutching on you like her life depended on it."

"One of our lives was seriously depending on it..."

"What?" She looked to the side once more, as if ignoring my presence.

"Uh. Nothing." I cleared my throat. "Then why are you here with Hayama?"

"We planned on going out with the entire group but they cancelled last minute," Miura then did the typical girl thing of looking at her nails as she continued explaining. "We thought it was a waste of a day so we decided to go through with it even with just us," Now, she was looking at me, glaring actually.

That's almost like her natural look... Actually, it IS her natural look.

"But not once did I ever considered it a date, at all." She finished with a tone of finality.

"Alright," I started. "Listen, I'm sorry, okay? Let me be shot if I'm lying but I'm really not on a date with Isshiki." I explained once more. "Maybe Isshiki has a thing for me, maybe she doesn't. Either way, it won't change the fact that I do not consider this a date." Of course I'm aware of Isshiki's possible crush on me, even if I tried to dismiss the idea as impossible because she was openly into Hayama.

Miura just stared at me for a while before letting out a sigh. "Sorry." She muttered and I quirked an eyebrow.

"I know you're not lying, I'm just annoyed. I guess I was just trying to justify my irritation by believing this whole thing was more than what it actually is." She started twirling her locks once again. "I mean, I haven't talked to you for two weeks and the first time I saw you directly, another girl had herself wrapped around your arm. I don't know about you but as your girlfriend, that didn't bode well with me. Even more so since I couldn't do anything about it." She casted her view south after what she said.

"I missed you a lot, y'know?" She looked downcast as she uttered those words, a face I didn't want to see. But if I was being honest, hearing what she just said made me feel a bit happy.

I missed her too. A lot.

That was no secret to anyone who knows, of course I'd miss her. Two whole weeks without her fussing over me or nagging at me was lonely, I have to admit.

Heck, even her constant jabs was something I missed. I'm no masochist by any means but y'know.

"I mi–"

"Tada! Here comes the foooooood~!" Isshiki exclaimed as she cut me off while placing the tray with our food on it on the table, just right behind her, Hayama followed while carrying his own tray with his and Miura's orders. Afterwards, Isshiki slid herself next to me and blondie did the same next to Miura.

And just like that, it vanished.

Miura's features shows no more of the sad look she donned not even a minute ago, she's back to looking completely neutral; as if our entire conversation earlier never happened.

The rest of the lunch period was spent on casual conversations and of course, eating. I would occasionally steal glances at Miura and I would catch her doing the same to me; Also, I don't think I even remember what was being talked about while we were eating, my mind was certainly not on the topic but rather, it was too busy running and trying to understand what I should do about Miura.

Ugh. The food was unsatisfying too, too light for someone who had done heavy lifting. Seriously, we should have totally just went with Saize.

After having our less than satisfying fill, Isshiki and I separated from the two blondes. I was surprised Isshiki didn't insist on joining Hayama, heck she didn't even bother asking him to come or even suggest that she would join them; she gave her gratitude for their company during lunch and also her farewell for the day without a second thought before dragging me and, her hundred tons shopping bag that I was carrying, away by the arm.

And of course, I was once more graced with Miura's unrelenting glare as I was being pulled away before she turned her back and walked the opposite direction, pretty boy following suit behind her; she still also maintained the distance between them like earlier. Having seen that, I took my arm back from Isshiki.


"Sorry, it's a tad difficult to carry your stuff while being dragged, y'know? If you want, carry the bags yourself." I said that in a serious tone but of course, I wouldn't really let her carry the heavy bags.

Isshiki just pouted and continued her walk while I follow right behind her.

Now to the dilemma, how should I even tackle this?

Wait, actually why do I even have to think too hard about it? She said she missed me, that means she wants us back together, right? And I miss her too so why the heck am I making it difficult for myself when the answer is clear?

I overthink things and maybe she just missed me, it may not even mean she wants us together again but, I want us together again, me! I'm sure of it so I should make the first move, right? It was also my idea that this entire cool off thing even started.

Perhaps that's why she hasn't tried on her end, because she felt that this is what I wanted still...

Well, screw that. Screw this cool-off bullshit, I'm gonna get her back... or at least tell her I want us back; at least she'd know how I feel, right?

"Isshiki." I called out to my flaxen-haired junior who turned at hearing her name.


"Sorry." I muttered as she looked at me confused. "I'll make it up to you next time, I promise." I said before placing her bags down on the ground. Lucky for us, we were just walking past the station so she didn't really have to carry the bags that far. Also, I was clearly exaggerating the weight earlier; it was heavy but not heavy enough for someone like Isshiki to be unable to carry it.


"I have to do something." I remarked as I bowed my head before turning around.

This totally goes against my morals as a gentleman or even as a big brother. Leaving my junior alone with her bags was something I would not think of even doing in a normal circumstance but this is different.

I have to do something more important.

I didn't even wait for her reply as I began my sprint towards where we once came from, wishing that Isshiki would forgive me for ditching her and would allow me to compensate for it.

After reaching the cafe from where we ate, I inhaled and exhaled some deep breathes. I was tired dammit, running all the way here was no easy feat for someone who was athletically challenged like me, bet Hayama wouldn't even breaking a sweat right now. But whatever, I'm in a bigger predicament than not being able to breathe properly at the moment.

I have absolutely no idea where the hell they went.

I tried calling and texting her but there were no answers nor replies.

Maybe she didn't want to see me after all...

'No, no. Pull yourself together Hachiman! You've decided, haven't you? Stop pulling some pathetic excuse out of your ass and wussing out!' I mentally berated myself.

I fished out my phone once more and gave texting her another try.

[To: Yumikoi]

Where are you? Please reply.

I waited while trying to catch my breath but still no reply. Deciding that I should try searching instead of waiting for nothing, I started walking towards the path they took earlier when we separated.

After walking around aimlessly for a while and going back and forth to my phone to find no replies, I was finally blessed by the Gods when I saw Hayama walking out of a building. Looking up, I realized it was an aquarium.

Why was he there, I wonder? Is she there too then?

I didn't even need to approach him for the second he saw me, he walked towards me immediately; that fake ass smile placed perfectly like a mask on his face.

"Ah, Hikitani-kun, what brings you here? Where's Iroha?" He asked casually.

"I walked her to the station already." I lied. That wasn't what I did at all.

"Hmm, I see." He nodded. "And you decided to come here?" He asked once more.

"I thought I should check the aquarium while I'm here already, still pretty early anyway." Another blatant lie.

"You must have been excited then seeing as how you're breathing quite hard. Did you run?" That fake showing of interest in me is starting to get on my nerves. His friendly tone and everything isn't helping either.

"Yeah, I did." I replied before trying to get past him.

"Are you looking for Yumiko?" His tone changed somewhat and I had to stopped in my tracks.

"What makes you think that?"

"It's a guess."

"Hn. Well, make another one." I tried moving once more but was once again stopped by his next words.

"I really hate you, you know?"

"That's given."

"Haha, maybe it is. I hate you, I hate losing to you." I turned my head to look at him. He still had that irritating smile plastered on his face as he says those words.

"So, what's your point?"

"I hate losing to you." He repeated. "But I always do. You can do a lot of the things I can't and now, I even lost the one thing that I thought would be constant to you." He laughed bitterly at that. "Even when I tried taking the first step this time so I won't lose."

Ah. So he knows? Miura must have told him. And first step? Did the bastard just tried asking her out? Wait no, it was obvious that he did from what he said. So he got rejected, huh?

That's almost laughable.

"I see."

"For now at least." He followed up.

"You can try." I said seriously. I began my walk towards the aquarium but not before I say my parting words.

"And Hayama, it's not the things you CAN'T do that you lose, it's the things you CHOSE not to do. You lost because you chose to protect something less important, I'm not gonna make that mistake." And with that I sprinted off towards the aquarium's entrance, leaving Hayama's figure there like a statue.

'Like hell am I gonna lose her to you.'

I entered the aquarium with only one thought in mind and that was to fix things between Miura and I.

Would she still be here though? I mean like, Hayama left so what other reason would she have to stay?

Regardless, I began my search for her in the semi-crowded halls of the aquarium. Ugh, weekends. Why do people enjoy going out so much during the weekends? If you want a stress reliever, a good book or a quiet day at home with maybe a few movies would work better than walking around aimlessly with others. But I suppose it's different for different people, introverted people such as I enjoys the solitude but extroverts probably feels the need to be surrounded with people. Ah, whatever.

After managing to maneuver myself around the crowd, I was finally graced by the presence of one Miura Yumiko. She was staring at one of the windows for viewing the different sea creatures. Inhaling deep, I steeled myself as I approached her.

"Yo." I greeted as I stopped right beside her; hands inside my pockets, I stared at the window as well, as if refusing to meet eyes. She flinched for a millisecond before giving a nod as a sign of acknowledgement.

"Hey, Hikio."

After that we just stayed silent, neither making an attempt to speak. Of course since I was the one who left Isshiki to seek her out, I should be the one to initiate the conversation, right?


"Hayato asked me out." She cut me off.

She said that so nonchalantly, as if it didn't bother her, she didn't even look at me and just remained gazing at the swimming creatures behind the glass.

"Oh..." I remained silent.

"Aren't you gonna ask what my answer was?"

"Should I?" I glanced at her.

She looked at me for a few moments before returning her gaze to the glass.

"No. The answer is pretty obvious, isn't it?"

She wasn't wrong. Her answer was obvious the moment Hayama mentioned what he tried.

Miura Yumiko had rejected Hayama Hayato, just as I've concluded earlier.

And just like earlier, the idea was laughable. Almost a year ago, you couldn't imagine that kind of scenario would ever happen because it was impossible then. Clearly now, it wasn't.

"Where's Iroha?"

"Train probably by this time."

"And why are you here?"

"Because you're here." I inhaled once more as I turned my body towards her. To answer, she gave me her full attention, a cocked eyebrow to show a questioning look had accompanied her facial features.

"I missed you too. A lot. I didn't get the chance to say it before but yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Is that all?"

"No. Miura– no. Yumiko, I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? I agreed to it, remember? You can't take the fault by yourself." She placed her palm on my cheek as she stared at me. "What's the point of being together if we're gonna blame each other when things don't go well?"

What Miura is saying here was, we're a couple and the decision we make are ours; not just mine and not just hers. When I told her we needed time off, she also decided that we do. That was something we agreed on.

Now, I wanna agree on something else.

Miura retracted her palm and crossed her arms beneath her chest, making them more prominent. I feel the gravitational pull of Bewbton once more. Curses!

"Eyes up here, Hikimoi." She exclaimed and I looked up to see her smirking.


"You're lucky you're my boyfriend otherwise I would have pummeled you. Actually, screw it, I'll do exactly just that!"

"Please no. My body is a delicate flower that must not be severely harmed."

A moment of silence, then laughter.

"What was that? That sounded so stupid Hikio!" Miura laughed gleefully and I felt myself smiling.

Ah yes, that's music alright.

After managing to let out all her laughter, Miura stared at me with a smile so pretty I felt myself freezing up just to admire it.

"So, am I right in guessing you came here for more than just apologizing?"

"Y-yeah... Yumiko, I wanna get back together."

There, I said it.

"Well, it's not like we're not together anymore or anything but," she came close, went on her tiptoes and pecked my cheek. "Me too."

And just like that, I lost it. I wrapped her in a hug, something I definitely missed doing after two entire weeks.

"So warm, Hikio~" Miura nuzzled herself into me as I continued to hug her. "Mhmm. So what got you to suddenly want the cool-off well, off?"

"I just really missed you."

"Mhmm. I did too, a lot." She retreated a bit from my hold as she looked up. "A reward for taking the first step." I raised a brow at that before suddenly feeling her lips to mine.

Oh God, I missed this too. Sweet sweet strawberry!

After we broke the kiss that lasted quite a while, Miura intertwined her hands to mine.

"It's such a waste to go home now, how about we just make this a date?" She suggested and I have no qualms about the idea whatsoever.

"Sure, why not?"

I guess getting up early for a weekend turned out to be a great thing.

"By the way, I think Hayama wants to win you back, or something." I shrugged.

"Hmmm. He can try."







Segment End.

A/N (2): There we go. I didn't intend it to have a dramatic bit but ah well, that's that.

As for Hayama's scene, I just figure it is the only way I can bring him into the idea of Miu and 8man being a couple so I had to do that. It was also an excuse to tackle more of Miura's feelings. Anyways, apologies if it's not up to standard, I did the best I could.

And to those who rode along when I called myself captain of the ship for fun, thanks guys! Honestly, you guys are the ones that makes me wanna write more since you've been there since the beginning and just willingly jump on the captain train even if it was in jest. So props to you guys! The ones I can think of right off the bat are SilentHero13 and wildarms.

That's all from me, thank you and I'll be stealing hearts for while with my Take Your Heart edition coming in by the 4th so don't expect anything from me again just yet.

Joker out!

- Zero