The sun's rays gave off an irritating sensation on the brunette's face. The heat of the sun slowly caressed its scorching fingers on her cheeks. It was perhaps, in that moment, incredibly bright that even her closed eyelids reflected a yellowish light despite them being shut. She was far too cozy in her small bed to let the daylight take control of her. Neither the moon nor the sun could tell her when and where she was to sleep and to wake up. Time did not control her, or so, that is what she wanted to believe. She slowly rolled her body over and covered her face lazily with a furred blanket in effort to ignore the sun's mischievous teasing. With a very quiet yet audible moan, she stretched her arms to hug the body next to her. That was another thing, this moment was a special moment. In this moment, she was sleeping with her lover, her husband, which was still something freshly new to her. She didn't want it to end just yet. It is possible that the reason why the sun was so bright on this particular morning was out of pure jealously. Silly sun. The young adult softly pressed her chest against the blonde's back and rested her head on what she believed was a small part of his broad shoulders. She enjoyed the feeling of of their bodies resting together. Again, it was just something so new to her.

Her curious ear carefully listened for a heartbeat and her hands entwined in front of his chest slowly untangled. And that's when she realized…

Where was his heart beat? And why was he suddenly so squishy?

Her now anxious hands began to scatter around the so called body of her husband and squished and tug its every place. It was an evil trick. There was nothing next to her besides an endless amount of pillows all pressed up together, dressed, and carefully formed into a humanlike shape. He must've put a lot of thought into this creation, but this was no laughing matter. Where had he gone? And why hadn't he even bothered to kiss her goodbye, or better yet, say it?

"Oh Hinata, he could've!" She scolded herself. "But of course, you being a heavy sleeper, you must've snored a heavy goodbye back."

Her pale cheeks began to brighten. Oh God how she wished that wasn't true. Her sister would often tease her about her loud night howls, but she never took it in mind to be true. Up until now, when she definitely didn't want it to. A woman who snores was like a woman with a raspy voice. There was nothing wrong with it and it wasn't anything really rare, it was just not usually talked about, that is, with great glory. It was just something not ever really expected and things that are not expected aren't always taken lightly.

"What am I thinking?!" Hinata harshly whispered to herself. "That has nothing to do with this!"

And she was right. Whether she snored or not was a mystery that didn't matter at the moment. It had nothing to do with where Naruto was and even if she did snore, the roaring sounds would not detect her husband.

She quickly hopped out of bed and got herself dressed. As soon as her hair was decently brushed, she tiptoed down the hall and quietly walked down the stairs. Just when her foot touched the main floor, she heard a muffled giggle echoing from the dining room.


Hinata scurried to the dinning room hoping to find Naruto and her sister goofing off. But alas, her luck was poor. She stood in front of the dinner table only to find Hanabi giggling at a small book while she ate a small plate of sushi.

"That packet of sushi was supposed to be for the whole family, Hanabi," Hinata said, carelessly interrupting her sister's reading. "And what is that?" she asked as she walked behind her still giggling sister.

"It's the Make Out Paradise series," Hanabi said. "I'm not sure which one this is, but let me tell ya, it's hilarious!"

"Hanabi, you're not supposed to be reading that."

Hinata had heard about the series, from Naruto, her father, and from a bit of eavesdropping. From what she was told and from what she had heard, the book was mostly aimed for men. It was said to be about a man and woman's passionate love, or was it a man and a series of women and their diverse passions? She couldn't quite remember. The point was, the book was for mature readers only and Hanabi being Hanabi, she definitely was not at her best level of maturity.

"That book is for a mature reader, Hanabi. Papa told us not to get near it."

"I can see why. This book has a lot of sex," the younger girl bluntly stated.

"Hanabi!" Hinata whispered, snatching the book away from her. "Than why are you reading it?!"

"Relax,"the sister waved. "It's not like I'll jerk off to it or anything. I can't, y'know? Its just funny how inaccurate a one's lust is portrayed. Either the women were really stupid back then or this is just a bunch of stapled pages of a man's fantasy. I mean come on, if a man were to rip my shirt off and grope my boobs, I would punch him in the face and kick him in the balls for being such a dog."

"Oh Hanabi, reading things like that won't do you any good. You'll be seeing things the wrong way. It's best to just stay oblivious about these things," Hinata told her in a motherly tone.

"You're one to talk," Hanabi mischievously glared back at her sister. "You don't have an ounce of obliviousness in you when it comes to sex."

The younger girl suddenly placed her knees on top of the wooden chair and sat up straight, squishing the little bit of breast she had with her two hands. "Ohhh Naruto," she moaned as she abruptly began to bounce on her chair. "That feels-"

"Be quiet!" Hinata said, clamping her cold hand in front of Hanabi's mouth. "Are you crazy?! Can't you see Mom and Dad are sleeping?!"

The flustered Uzumaki stared back at her sister with balanced embarrassment and anger. She could feel Hanabi's voice vibrating in her hand as she tried to answer her question despite having her mouth covered.

"No, I can't see Mom and Dad sleeping! Probably because I'm not in their bedroom!" She said pulling Hinata's hand away from her face. "And besides, its not like they heard it."

"Well they could've if I hadn't stopped it." HInata blushed. "And I don't sound like that."

Hanabi stared back at her sister with a smirk. She sighed along with an evil smile glued on her face as she shook her head. "You're right, you're right. You put the kun at the end," she nodded. "But who am I to be so sure? Its not like I watch you two make love every night."

"Oh just quit it, Hanabi." Hinata rolled her eyes. "You sound ridiculous. And I didn't come here to talk about my sex life. I came here to…"

What did she come here for? She had completely forgotten.

Oh yea!

"Naruto!" she said a bit to loudly. "Have you seen him?"

It was almost funny how for a split second she went old and completely forgot what she was planning.

"Oh my…all ready for round 122." Hanabi giggled. "Why you-"

"Hanabi, knock it off already. This is serious! I woke up this morning and he wasn't there," Hinata told her in a slightly bothered tone. "I need to know where he is."

"Big deal," Hanabi rolled her eyes.

"It is a big deal," Hinata defended. "I'd like to know where my husband is."

"Yea well, you act like he's in danger. Even if he was in danger, do you even realize who your husband is? That man can't be killed."

"That is true, but I—I just.."

She couldn't think of the right words, or more like, she didn't have any. Was it really that big of a deal that she didn't wake up with Naruto by her side? Was she really that controlling? Why on earth did she get so anxious when he wasn't there? Hanabi was right, it really wasn't a big deal. But why did she act this way? Perhaps it was just the blissful feeling she got when she was around him. She was becoming too dependent on it and that wasn't healthy.

"Hanabi, I really am such a drama queen, aren't I?" Hinata weakly smiled.

"No, you're just in love and a woman, but I guess men can be that way too."

The younger sister sat in her chair properly and gestured Hinata to come over. "What you need is a snack," she said pushing a small white plate towards her sister. Little did Hanabi know, that that same plate had long been empty by the wrath of her own hunger. It wasn't until Hinata's burst of laughter that she finally took notice of the empty plate she was sliding towards her sister. "Oops, hehehe," she laughed. "Don't eat the plate. The plate is not a snack."

A few minutes later, Hinata had already prepared tea for the two of them. Their typical sisterly conversation lasted for a good hour and then, out of nowhere, a sudden thought hit her. Naruto was most likely in their new house. And knowing him, he was probably out and about moving things around. While any normal person would be okay with that, Hinata was a bit uneasy. She loved Naruto very much and in no way did this affect their relationship, but Naruto did not know how to decorate. His idea of decorating was kind of like this: if it fit, it was good; if it looked nice, it was his. It didn't matter where it went, it just had to look cool. She remembered the day when she first entered Naruto's apartment. Living room furniture in the bedroom; kitchen furniture in the bathroom; bedroom furniture in the living room; all in all, it was just a huge mess. She didn't want their first house to be a mess. She wanted it took look nice and cozy, welcoming and clean. Naruto couldn't possibly do that on his own.

"Hanabi, I just remembered something." Hinata said as she backed up her chair and got up.

"What is it?"

"Naruto, doesn't know how to decorate."

Hanabi gave out a loud chuckle when she heard this. "And?" She shrugged with a smile. "That's a bit random don't ya think?"

"I think I just realized where Naruto is," Hinata told her sister as she walked out of the dinning room. "He's in the new house, our house. And knowing him, he's probably fixing the place up to surprise me."

"Sooo, why not let him surprise you?" Hanabi said with a confused look on her face. She followed her sister all the way to the front door and held the door knob in order to keep her sister from getting out. She honestly didn't see what the big deal was. If his intention was surprising her, then why not wait and pretend to be surprised? "Relax and just stay inside, will ya?"

"Hanabi, you don't understand," Hinata said tugging a strand a hair behind her ear anxiously. "That's my house-"

"Your house? It's his house too ya know?"

"I know but-"

"But nothing. Just let the guy be, Hinata."

Hinata didn't know how to get her sister's stupid fingers off the door. She was stubborn and thickheaded; she wouldn't understand what Hinata was trying to do even if she did bother to explain it. She knew her sister better than anyone—except maybe that boy she was currently seeing—but other then him, Hinata could read Hanabi like a book, a really bad, horribly written book.

"Hanabi, if I explain will you let me go?" Hinata said placing her hands over her sisters. "It's really not that serious."

"Then if it's not that serious, why not just forget it?" Hanabi sassed back.

"Hanabi, what I mean is it's not serious enough for you to lock me up like Rapunzel!" Hinata harshly whispered while she attempted to slide her sister's hand off the knob. "Naruto's probably decorating our house with his own furniture. And guess what? His furniture is not the greatest and his eye for decorating isn't the finest either! So because of this, I need to leave before it's too late. See? Not that big a deal. Now let me go, please!"


"Why not? I already told you everything?!"

"That's not the point! I need to train you to be less controlling!" She said pushing her sister away from the door.

"Hanabi, it's not about being controlling! It's about how our house will look like for the rest of the years!" Hinata said now tugging on the door knob.

"Well boohoo! You can fix it later—tomorrow even!"

"You think Naruto will enjoy lifting all those heavy things again? It's best to do it now when he's probably not finished!"

Hinata was losing her temper. She normally had a very calm character but her sister always knew how to make her drop that act rather too quickly. This whole argument in itself was ridiculous. It didn't make any sense, yet they were both equally angry and aggressive. Perhaps it was just their sisterly bond that made them act so stupidly and fight over insignificant things. But whether it did or did not, Hinata had to leave even if it meant threatening her sister.

"Hanabi, if you don't let me leave, I'll tell, not Mom, but Dad about how your non virgin self has been seeing a man everyday in secret."

Suddenly the fighting stopped and Hanabi backed away. She looked back at Hinata with the deadliest glare but still remained silent. It would not be in her benefit if her father found out about her secret visits and escapes. She knew if either one of her parents were to find out it would surely be the end of her seriously taboo relationship. "You're such a pain." Hanabi murmured before opening the door. "Get out."

Hinata gave her sister a huge careless smile and walked out. But just before she could leave, she turned to look at her bothered sister's face and suddenly felt guilty. "Would you like to come with me?" She offered hoping to amend their tension.

Her younger sister remained quiet but this time bright red blushes began to burn around her cheeks evidently. "No," She softly said turning her gaze away from her sister. "I'm waiting for someone."

Hinata wanted to burst out laughing. It would make more sense if she was the one locking her sister away. At least in Hinata's case she was married and people knew who her husband was, but in Hanabi's case? Noboby even knew the existence of this man except for Hinata. But alas, there was no time to laugh. She had to leave, and making Hanabi angry would not be in her benefit.

"Whatever Hanabi," Hinata waved. "I'll see you later!"

Getting to her new home was the hardest part. It seemed like her legs felt much heavier than usual. She was practically out of breath when she made it there. As she stood by the front steps she could see how all the windows of the house were open. She wondered what her husband might be doing. She quickly opened the door and quietly stepped in. And as soon as she turned her head, she was welcomed by dozens of Narutos.

"Hey Hinata!" They all said.

They were all dusty and sweaty. Just as she suspected, some of them were moving things and others were attempting to clean. And also, just like she had suspectedl, all the furniture was…out of place. It seemed as if they had all been cramped together, placed wherever. There was no pattern, no order. It was just one big mess.

"Which one of you is the real Naruto?' Hinata asked.

The group of clones all laughed. "Well the real Naruto is currently taking a shit," they all said. "But he'll be back in an hour."

Hinata playfully rolled her eyes and walked through the clones. She waited for her husband outside the bathroom not caring if he farted or whatever. Eventually, she heard the flushing of the toilet and the sink begin to run. Soon enough, her husband walked out the door. Hinata went up to him for a kiss but he quickly denied it. "You do not wanna kiss me right now," he nervously laughed. "I smell really bad."

But Hinata didn't care, she still did it anyways. "I'd like to change some things." She told him.

"Like what?" the blond asked.

"Like the order, and where certain things are, and—don't get mad—but I'd like it get rid of some things, and-"

"So basically everything," the blond interrupted.

"Not everything! Just little things."

But the blond didn't seem satisfied with that answer. He didn't believe it. And Hinata couldn't blame him, because indeed it wasn't true. "Oh Naruto, don't get mad at me. I just—this is my job. I wanna make the house look really pretty that's all." Hinata said tugging on his arm.

"Everything's your job. You said that for the wedding ceremony and for the reception and when when we were looking for a house, everything. And now this too."

"But Naruto, we can do this together!" She said scurrying in front of him.

Despite Naruto being a tad bit exhausted over doing all this work, Hinata's beauty managed to boost his energy again even if it meant he had to start all over. He looked down at his excited wife and suddenly felt even happier. He kissed her forehead and gestured her to lead the way.

"It'll be fun!" She said. "I promise!"

Boy was she wrong. It was not fun. At least for him it wasn't. Hinata couldn't make up her mind.

"Should I put it here or here?" she would say as Naruto carried a fifty-pound drawer in his hands. Not only that, but half of the furniture she had in mind wasn't even here. She wanted to buy that furniture later and then place in a certain area of the house. So ultimately, she was just developing a huge wish list. What she basically was doing was saying, 'hey Naruto, your stuff sucks so I'll buy some new things'.

"Hinata, I'm starting to think you don't like any of my things, do ya?" Naruto asked as he sat exhaustedly on a small wooden desk.

"No I do," Hinata said as she walked passed him. But Naruto wasn't buying it at all.

"Hinata, look at me," he said as he waited for her head to turn. "You wanna get rid of all my things don't ya?"

"No," Hinata shook her head slowly. "I want to keep.." she said as she searched around the living room. "this cup," she said holding an orange mug. "and uh..this poster."

Naruto was not amused. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Wow Hinata, that's a lot of-"

"I'm just kidding, Naruto! I just don't want some of your stuff to be here," she said as she waved her hand around the living room. "Because most your things are worn out."

"Mmm, I'm not buying that." Naruto mumbled as he turned away from Hinata's gaze.

"Buying what?"

"Buying all the things you wish to replace my stuff with," He mumbled.

"Oh Naruto, it's not like that all. I'm not replacing your stuff, I'm just moving it around."

Through a long and unexplainable conversation, Hinata and Naruto finally agreed to let Naruto be in charge of their bedroom no matter what. He could do whatever he wanted with it, paint it orange, put a hole in it, whatever. Hinata simply couldn't get involved. They also agreed—and as hard as it was for Naruto—to let Hinata in charge of everything else. In return, he'd lay off on the chores for a month and would get a free pass to have any sort of intimacy at any time for a month. So in other words, Naruto could have sex every day for every hour if he called it.

"And this has to go…to the basement," Hinata said as she continued to pick and choose what stayed and what didn't.

"No Hinata, that stays here."

"Right," she nodded. "But in the basement."

"Come on, Hinata. Can't I at least pick one thing to stay upstairs?" Naruto asked.

"No, we made a deal, sweetheart." Hinata smiled back.

"Y'know, it's not really fair that I only get dibs on one room while you get two, plus the kitchen, living room, dinning room, bathrooms, and the basement."

He was right about that. Hinata couldn't deny it. She looked back at her husband with a pout while he too stared directly at her. She slowly began to sink into guilt and eventually fell in giving up completely. "Fine," She groaned. "It stays here but it gets painted."


"Okay, okay." She waved. "It doesn't get painted."

Finalizing that little dispute, they continued to rearrange and get rid of many items around the house. The amount of time it took to get everything done was incredibly life consuming. It started off with an hour, then it turned into two, then three, then eventually finishing after five hours of exasperating heavy lifting—well—in Naruto's case. By the time they had finished up a good portion of the house, Hinata was excitedly waiting for the next day while Naruto simply wanted to rest.

"Now I know I'm the village hero and everything, but you really know how to tire me out." Naruto exhaled in total exhaustion. He slouched his body sloppily against an old armchair and stretched his arms out in effort to ease off his overworked muscles. "It doesn't matter how many years of training or chakra I may have," he continued. "You truly are an opponent who I cannot beat."

"That's not true," Hinata shook her head. "You could easily take anyone down. The immense amount of strength you have is by far the most powerful. You think a silly ninja like me could stop you? No way!" She laughed.

But that wasn't true. The more Naruto thought about it, the more he continued to believe it wasn't. Hinata really was the only person he could not beat. Despite Naruto being this outgoing, dominant, and strong ninja, Hinata always came first. Hinata was the one who made things happen. If she said no, it was no; if she said yes, then it was yes. Not only this, but the word "beat' in itself was something he could never imagine doing to her. Naruto would never in his life lay a finger on his wife to hurt her. The thought of lashing out at his wife was something he immediately disgusted. And as ninja, fighting, hurting, and even killing were things that had to be done. But for some reason, the thought of doing that to Hinata, made him all in all forget the ways of ninja and even more shockingly, not want to do them.

"If I ever got a mission telling me I had to kill you or in some way hurt you, I wouldn't do it. No matter how much honor or recognition I'd get, I still wouldn't do it," He said. "I'd turn in my headband and reject the mission immediately."

"You wouldn't give up on your dream just because of me," Hinata said as she walked towards the now sitting Naruto. "You shouldn't. I wouldn't let you."

"See!" Naruto said a bit too loudly. "That gives me even more reason why I wouldn't. The fact that you're willing to die for me so I can complete my dream is something so huge that I can't even explain it." He said stretching his arms out to his wife. "Come here."

And the young brunette did. The moment Hinata was at the blonde's reach, he quickly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his arms. "Aww you're so good to me," Naruto said as he rubbed his head between her breast. "I love you…and your boobs," he said placing a hand on top of them.

"Oh Naruto," Hinata smiled caressing his hair. "You're so-"

"Perverted? I know."

He slowly leaned his body away from her chest and stretched his arms out again. "Sit." He said gesturing towards his lap.

Hinata let out a soft giggle. "Why should I sit on top of you when there's a couch right there?" she said pointing to a long three-seater couch on her left. "Why don't you get up and sit with me there?"

"Nooo!" The blond whined. "Its not the same! Please!"

"Of course it's not the same. It's less comfortable," Hinata giggled.

"Hinata please," Naruto begged. "Sit here."

But Hinata didn't want to. It had nothing to do with whether it was comfortable or not. She was just simply too embarrassed. Having to rest on top Naruto was something that made her blush. Maybe the view would make her look bad, maybe the closeness of their face would show off her flaws—these were the thoughts that scorched her. "Naruto, I can't," she blushed. "I'm too nervous."

"Nervous?! Why are you—well now you have to come sit with me." Naruto said pulling her in again. "How is it that my wife who I've been seeing for so long can still be nervous when she's around me?"

"It hasn't been that long," She told him. "And even if it was, I'm shy, Naruto. Almost everything makes me nervous."

"Still not a good excuse," Naruto said tugging onto her skirt. Eventually Hinata gave in and she managed to sit right on top of him. She sat sort of like in a kneeling position. She was facing him with her knees bent on both sides of his body. The way she was positioned made her face burn in embarrassment. And it wasn't something she could really hide, they practically glowed. "Hinata," Naruto cooed. "What's the matter?" He asked seeing her bright red blushes.

He cupped her face gently and rubbed her warm cheeks softly. "You're so cute." He said rubbing his nose with hers. He then hugged her tightly and pressed his head against her chest again. Leaving Hinata having to balance herself on top of him by placing her hands on his shoulders. "Mmmm, I love you!" he muffled between her breast. "I really do!"

"I do too," she said above him.

"And you know what else?" he said looking up at her from her breast. "I'm feeling horny."

In that moment, they both didn't say anything. It was a short brief pause of silence. Hinata looked down at Naruto as Naruto's clear blue eyes anxiously looked backed at her. "A-Are you?" Hinata stuttered nervously running her fingers through his hair. "Yes very," he nodded.

He slowly placed a grip on her hips as he backed his head away from her breast. "Say Hinata," he seductively said. "How bout I use that pass?"

"R-Right now? Here?" Hinata asked. "We might get the chair dirty."

"That sounds hot." He whispered. He leaned over to part Hinata's long hair away from her neck. He slowly pulled her in closer to his chest and began pecking the clear open skin. They were slow soft kisses, soft kisses he was placing up and down her neck. Hinata could hear the clicking sounds of his lips when they lost contact with her skin. She could feel her goose bumps rise as the tingling sensations of his warm breathing and wet kisses grew stronger. She closed her eyes in bliss when she felt the first stroke of his tongue scrape against her collarbone. From there, his kisses became soft bites and transitioned into something wet and sloppy but in a good way. It felt incredible. The feeling of his tongue running up and down her neck and how it traced her jawline, was unexplainable. From Hinata's view it looked as if Naruto was taking away chunks of her flesh. It was almost as if he was marking her, marking her as his own property.

"How does that feel?" He whispered in ear.

But Hinata knew what game he was playing. The whispering noise and the heat of his voice gave her tingles. It made her shoulder jerk up and her head turn to the side practically crushing his head. He knew that. And she knew that no matter if she bothered to answer his question, he'd still continue to do it.

"How does that feel?" He whispered again with a grin. "Does it feel good?" He softly said placing his lips against her ear as he spoke.

He enjoyed watching Hinata tremble and jerk when he touched her. He enjoyed watching her in blissful pain. Conflicted on how to control herself, on whether to moan, on whether to touch him as well. He loved it.

"I like it." Hinata quietly said as she placed her hand against his face.

"You do?" Naruto seductively asked.

He licked her ear slowly before lightly pushing her back. He ran his hands under her shirt and up her warm, soft waist. He then slowly slid his hands back down all the way to her hips and instinctively searched for the buttons of her skirt.

"I'm not wearing anything quite eye opening," she said placing her hands over his. "I didn't know this was going to happen."

"It doesn't matter," Naruto said pulling down her skirt. "It makes me think I'm fucking you as virgin all over again." He said as he stared at her plain white, high-waist panty. He groped her ass tightly and rubbed the white fabric around with his bare hands. He squished the fat that rested behind her hips and then traced her small figure with his fingers. He stopped when he reached her thighs and just like he had done to her hips and butt, he gripped them tightly and then ever so slowly ran the tips of his fingers all the way down to her knees.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

The brunette knew exactly what he meant and nodded. "But not too hard," She softly told him.

The blond understood and quickly promised her he wouldn't be rough. "It won't work here." He said to her. "I know that in this position you'll be in a lot of pain." "It's best that we do it on a bed."

He gently helped her get off of him and then scooped her up to carry her. "But Naruto," she said as they went up the stairs. "The bed we have right now is too small."

"We'll make it work." Naruto smiled down at her.

As soon as the blond kicked open the door, he gently placed Hinata on top of the bed. He kissed her on the lips sensually and then sneakily slipped his tongue inside her mouth before releasing their lips. "Take off your shirt." Naruto told her before taking off his. But Hinata shook her head. "Take it off yourself," she blushed. "It's your pass."

And so he did. She lifted her arms up submissively and the blond carefully pulled her shirt off from the waist up. A light blue bra stood in front of Naruto's gaze after he carelessly threw her shirt somewhere in the room. The bra Hinata had on wasn't anything special; it was actually quite boring. It had no cups and no lace; it was almost like a sports bra but for the elderly. It was quite embarrassing, that is, for Hinata.

"I didn't know we were going to do this," Hinata blushed as she covered her chest in embarrassment.

But Naruto didn't care. He let out a breathy chuckle and shook his head. "The whole point of a bra—at least for me—is not to make a guy drool over how sexy it looks," Naruto said as his hands slowly unclipped her bra. "It's whole purpose is to keep a man on his toes to see what's behind it."

After the last clip released, the simple piece of fabric gracefully slid down Hinata's smooth shoulders and dropped onto the floor silently. "These," Naruto said as his hands held her breast and his eyes stayed glued in awe at them. "Is what I like to see."

With great hunger but as well with great care, Naruto groped Hinata's breast tightly trying to fit as many of it in his hands. He moved them around gently in a circular motion and then released them abruptly to watch them fall down. He did this over and over again until Hinata placed her hands on his wrist. It was a signal for him to stop. The first thing that came to Naruto's mind was that he had hurt or that he had made her uncomfortable, but when he looked at Hinata's face, she didn't look to be in any sort of pain.

She was blushing and nervously looking down at the floor. She had on a flustered face as she bit her lip in confliction. It was almost as if she was fighting within herself, debating whether to the say the words that were stuck in her throat or to simply swallow them. "Are you alright?" Naruto asked her, kissing the top of her forehead.

"Mmm," she nodded. "Its just…" she said forcing herself to look at him but then quickly turning away. "It's not fair how you only get to touch me. I want to touch you too."

Not one said a word after. Naruto in shock, and Hinata in embarrassment. Hinata slowly shook her head as she internally scolded herself for being so stupid. The room was now silent because of her. In her head, this was a mood killer, but in reality—at least in Naruto's view—this was a long awaited fantasy. He gripped her small wrist gently and slowly guided them towards his chest. Hinata wasn't expecting this. She followed the trace of her hands and when they finally reached his bare chest, she looked up at him. "You can touch me," Naruto grinned down at her. "After all, you're the boss in this relationship."

It took a while for Hinata to realize she was in control. It wasn't until she saw how Naruto didn't make any sudden movements, that she took note that he was waiting. He wouldn't touch her because it was her turn to touch him. The young brunette slowly brought her legs onto the bed and sat on her knees. She placed her hands on both sides of his torso and softly told him to move forward. When he did, she took a moment stare at the fit body in front of her. He had very visible abs sliding down his stomach. His chest was stiff and his arms were built but in very slim form. His body was hard and rough, made entirely of muscle and nothing more. It was the evident body of a shinobi who had trained for years. It was the body of a shinobi who had tested himself to various limits, a body that had undergone extraordinary abilities. This was the work of determination.

She placed her lips against his hard yet soft skinned chest and kissed it, repeatedly. She pecked butterfly kisses up and down his body and ran the tip of her nose and lips against his abs. The view from above had Naruto completely aroused. He watched as his wife scraped her tongue up his abs as if she was savoring the texture of every solid bump he had. Her eyes were closed and her rosy cheeks were more evident than before but her face was covered in tranquility and full out lust. The sound of her wet lips and tongue running across his torso made his pants feel painfully tighter. He rubbed her smooth, soft arms arms as he watched her kiss his skin. She suddenly slid off the bed and got on her knees. The wooden floor creaked as she brought herself closer to his pelvis. She stared directly at the bump between his legs and then at him.

"You're hard," Hinata said to him. "I haven't even done anything yet."

"No," Naruto shook his head. "You've done a lot to turn me on."

The brunette slightly smiled and looked down at his pants again. Placing her fingers gently on his fly, she slowly unzipped it. To her, the slow motions of her actions were a way of teasing the blond. She was not in a hurry but she knew he sure as hell was. The way he lightly pushed his hips forward urging her to continue, the way he caressed the silkiness of her hair, it was all a silent cry for her to start.

As soon as his pants easily fell to the floor, she pulled the blonde's navy blue boxers down all in one go. It was a bit too aggressive for her liking but the minute she looked back up at Naruto, he proved to feel the complete opposite. He liked everything she was doing; she could tell. Right in front of her eyes was a large erected penis, his penis. It stood up straight, veins on either side. The tip of Hinata's nose could almost touch it. Having his member in her hands was nothing new to her, she had done it many times. But for some reason, it felt new to her every time. It was big and rough her in her hands, the same way it was when she held his hands. He was bigger than her, stronger than her, and she loved it. The shaft of his penis felt warm but incredibly hard. The veins circling around it caused it to have a bumpy texture.

This is Naruto's penis…

Was the thought that always amazed her. She, the shy little girl who use to hide behind trees and buildings just to see him, was now kneeling in front of him and his glory. And the best part, the hardness of his shaft was all provoked by her. She was erotic to him and that in itself aroused her intensely. She gave the tip of his penis a quick swipe and then titled her head to taste the side. Hot and salty. She wet the sides of his dick continuously, savoring it like a popsicle. Back and forth her tongue slowly moved against his skin. She twirled her pink tongue around his tip and teased his tiny hole already flowing with pre-cum.

"Hina, come on." A voice said above her. "I want it in your mouth."

"I'm the boss," Hinata smiled back at him keeping a grip on his dick. "You be patient."

She placed only the tip of his dick in her mouth and twirled her tongue around it. She sucked it hard and released it with a loud 'pop'. She did this for a few more seconds and then unexpectedly placed it all in her mouth. All of it. All eight inches. There was no hint or warning that Naruto abruptly gasped in bliss. From there, Hinata couldn't be stopped. She slowly bobbed her head back and forth—eyes closed, face red, eyebrows furrowed—and moaned softly. The vibrating sensation traveling up and down Naruto's dick caused him to jerk forward. He gripped onto Hinata's hair tightly with one arm and watch her head rock. He bit his lip as the arousing view below him drove him crazy. Her delicate face doing such a naughty act made him feel beyond aroused. The noises of her saliva soaking his dick made groan.

"Ahh yeaa," he said tightly gripping her head. "You like that? You like that dick?"

The young brunette hummed in response and bobbed her faster. Back and forth, back and forth her head kept moving. The way she deep throated him was so deep her nose could touch the fuzz of his pubic hair.

"Shitt," the blond moaned as he looked down at her. He watched her as she timidly looked up at him. "You're so hot," he said as he caressed her hair. The relaxing feeling of his fingers in her hair made Hinata's eyes close. She slowly pulled his penis out of her mouth with a gasp and stared at the trace of saliva that still connected them.

"Did you like that?" Hinata blushed.

The blond nodded. But it wasn't over. Hinata grasped his member again and rubbed it lightly. She twisted her hand around it and changed the pace of her strokes randomly. Fast, slow, fast, slow. Her hands were soaking and his tip was dripping. She watched her husband innocently as his face overflowed in bliss. She watched as he clenched his jaw and shut his eyes tightly. His head would fall back as he moaned and he unknowingly would thrust forward.

"Ohh yeaa"

He pursed his lips as he desperately tried to regain composure. He didn't want to cum to this. He had so much he wanted to do. He gently placed his hand over hers, gesturing her to stop.

"Hina, I don't want to cum to this." He said warmly. "I want us to cum together."

Hinata looked up at him surprised and then back at his penis. "You want me to stop?"

"Mm," he nodded. He helped her up and quickly slid down her panties. "Lay down," He smiled at her.

"Naruto, we won't fit. The bed-"

"Relax," Naruto assured her. "I know how to make this work."

Hinata, now fully naked, laid herself on the blue twin bed and waited for him to get on top of her. But he didn't. Instead, he pulled her forward, leaving her flower right on the edge of the bed, and her legs up in the air. He placed them both on his shoulders and bent forward. He kissed her lips passionately and then sensually ran his lips all the way down to her breast. He sucked her adorably pink nipples and bit them softly, causing her to whimper. The way he treated her beast was in very delicate matter. He tweaked and rubbed her nipples with his two finger and watched in awe at the way she arched her back. He would squish them tightly and then press them together leaving red marks when he let go.

"You like that, Hina?" He whispered in her ear.

"Mm," she nodded.

The blond grinned and kissed her soft stomach before standing back up. For a moment he stared down at his incredibly sexy wife. Hourglass frame, perky breast, creamy soft skin, blushed face, it was something he couldn't even imagine. This was his wife; this was the first girl he had sex with and he was the first guy who had touched her. In that moment he suddenly felt proud. Every man in the village was missing out. This girl was the hottest. Fuck the porn magazines, she was the real deal. And he would be able to fuck her over and over if he had her consent. Who wouldn't have wanted this life? He truly was a lucky bastard.

"You ready?" He grinned at her.


He grabbed his penis and placed it right in between her soaking lips. He rubbed the tip up and down her flower, spreading the juices all over her womanhood. He did this for a while before inserting himself inside her. Up and down, up and down he moved the dick's head around her flower. When he felt it was the right time, he spread her lips with his free arm to find her entrance. A very small tiny hole. Carefully, he placed the head in front of it and ever so slowly pushed, just the head, in. His first thought: tight, extremely tight. Hot, wet, and suffocating,

"Does that hurt?" He asked his wife in concern.

"No, "she shook.

Carefully he placed another inch inside her and stopped. "Does that hurt?"


He did this slowly, patiently in order not to hurt her wife. Finally, when he reached the sixth inch, she slightly winced in pain. He could go no further. But that was not a problem to him, he could still be satisfied. He started off with slow thrusts, keeping her legs on both of his shoulders. At times he would caress her soft thighs and kiss the ankles resting beside his face. He was very gentle with her and fondled with her entire body until she was ready to speed up the pace. Like an artist making a piece out of clay, was the way he treated Hinata. He outlined the curves of his wife's body with the tips of his fingers—from her ribs, to her waist, to her hips, and all the way down her voluptuous thighs. He felt her goose bumps follow his every move, like marks.

"Go faster," she said as Naruto played with her tits. "It doesn't hurt anymore."

The blond nodded and kissed her lips. He gripped onto her hips and began thrusting at a very average pace. Not too fast, not too slow. Her breasts were slowly swaying back and forth and Naruto hoped to soon see them bounce aggressively. He reached for one of breast and groped it tightly as he watched the other one jiggle. Hinata covered his hand with hers and released her first moan. She slightly threw her head back and closed her eyes blissfully.


Hinata's moans were not like Naruto's. They were soft and sweet; cute and innocent. They made tingles rush down Naruto's back. They sounded amazing to his ears. "Ohh Naruto," she moaned as her legs dropped to his side. "Keep going."

She lifted her hips up a little and began to rotate her hips to his thrust. She watched as her husband's muscles tensed and flexed for every move he made. His abs were starting to shine most likely due to sweat. Hinata seductively ran her fingers up his abs and then slowly back down, placing her hands on his strong hips. She gazed at how most of Naruto's dick went inside her. In and out; in and out. A big, thick piece of a meat thrusting itself in her flower.

"Ahh fuckk.."

The blond gritted his teeth at the amazing feeling of Hinata's muscles clenching his dick. He began to thrust faster and faster the more he heard Hinata orgasm. "Go faster," she begged him. "Put it all in."

And with that he would. The way she cried for his dick made him harder, made him want to pound her so hard she would scream. His grip on her hips tightened even harder and he pulled his pelvis back. With one deep thrust, he put all of himself inside her. She jolted her head back and cried out his name when she felt all of it, all of him. And from there, the gentle Naruto had vanished. Suddenly he became a hungry and aggressive lover only for Hinata's body. The slapping sounds of their bodies grew louder and Hinata's body began to tremble. Her boobs were bouncing crazily and her belly would jiggle too. To her embarrassment, she would try to cover it. But Naruto liked it and was bothered by her insecurity. Being the dominant lover he was, he gripped her small wrist tightly with both of his hands and pulled them forward. Her boobs squished together and her belly could no longer be covered. He began to ram her harder and harder enjoying the view of her breast bouncing ridiculously and enjoying the view of her complete submissiveness.

"Ahhh Naruto!"

She began to gasp continuously. Gasp after gasp, her hips were starting to jerk. She wrapped her legs around his torso and pulled him closer. "Ohh Naruto," she moaned his name as she shut her eyes tightly. The feeling of intense pleasure was overwhelming. She could hardly think straight. It felt amazing, incomparable to many things she liked. Sex with Naruto was something unexplainably good. It felt so damn good.

"Naruto stop," the brunette moaned as her small feet lightly pushed his hips away. "I can't—I want," She tried to explain in a haze.

The minute the blond heard her plea to stop he stopped. Immediately. Panting and sweating, he quickly bent over to his wife to see if she was hurt. "What?" he worriedly asked rubbing her cheek with one arm as the other sustained his body. "Did I hurt you? Are you okay?"

But the brunette didn't answer. She simply turned her body over and held her butt up with her knees. She teased Naruto who was still on top of her, by rubbing his dick with her butt.

"Like this," She softly said. "I want it like this."

And from there Naruto knew. He got back up and walked around the bed. "You'll need this," he grinned at his wife as he gave her a pillow. The brunette blushed knowing exactly what he meant and hugged it in front her. She arched her back and stuck her butt out even more so she wouldn't have to stand on all fours. There wasn't anything eye-catching from Hinata's view since she was just facing the wall, but for Naruto, he had by far the most arousing view ever. Although Hinata had a petite frame, from the waist down she was fairly large. She had wide hips and a nice ass. Her butt wasn't huge but it wasn't small. It also wasn't flat or fat. It had a nice bump to it though and it was wide. Again, it was a nice ass.

He placed his dick between her lips again and slowly entered her. The feeling of tightness was still blissfully there and she still was drenched in their mixed fluids. His thrusts were slow at first, taking a moment to caress and squeeze her ass. From there, his pounding gradually grew faster and faster. Soon enough, he began to mercilessly fuck his wife, watching her ass jiggle every time he slammed his dick inside her. He could hear their bodies slapping each other and he could feel his balls slapping her.

"Awwwww!" the young brunette moaned. Her head bobbed as Naruto harshly rammed her. He wasn't one to pull hair or to slap a woman, but he knew any man of that kind of liking would feel the urge to do it now. Instead, he would kiss her shoulders and back, and would grope her butt tightly, awing at the whimpers he would receive from her.

"Ohhh Narutoo…"

"Yea, you like that?" Naruto sexily said as he gripped her hips harder.

"Aww yes…"

The thing about Hinata's hips were that they were not like Naruto's, which was a good thing. Naruto'a hips were rock solid muscle, Hinata's hips had fat behind it. When she laid on her back he couldn't see it, he could just feel it. It was soft and squishy and so warm and now looking at it, his fingers were practically disappearing in it's softness. He liked it. He liked a little bit a fat on a woman.

"Naruto go faster, deeper…"

Hinata was begging him to speed up even more. Thankfully he was a strong Shinobi, the village hero. Fast was something he could give to her. He reached for one of her hands and gripped it towards him and rapidly began to pound her. Her head jolted back as she moaned. The faster and faster he went, the crazier Hinata got.

Her moans began to follow the beat of his thrust. "Ohh Narut—gah! Ah! Ah…"

Her words began to get more and more incoherent. She kept moaning things, possibly dirty talk, but he couldn't understand them. The arm he held onto tightly was gently trying to shake him away. This turned him on greatly. Hinata was drowning in lust because of him. 'Deeper' she kept telling him and he would. He would pull his dick out and then slam it back in. Pull it out, then slam it in. He would keep it in there for awhile causing him to groan and pull himself back out. From there, he would apply some of his weight on Hinata's back and roughly thrust her. Hinata's immediately grasped her pillow and dug her head in it. She was screaming; he knew.

Muffled "Oh my god's" and "Yes's" would hide under that pillow as she dug her nails into it. It sounded like she was crying, how she gasped and whimpered, but in reality those were her intense orgasms.

"Ohhh stop—nngghh" she cried.

"Stop?" Naruto grinned as he began to slow his pace down. He knew that's not what she meant but he felt like teasing her.

"No! No! No!" she cried as she searched for his arm. "Keep going! Keep going!"

And he did. He kept thrusting as Hinata continued to muffle 'keep going' behind her pillow. And then it happened…she screamed…

Not only that, but her right leg began to tremble crazily. He had heard Hinata squeak before but never scream. He had never heard her scream that way or ever seen her body react that way. So he pulled out, hands resting on her butt. "Hina, are you alright?" He asked her.

But she didn't say anything.

He watched as her butt kept twitching, literally twitching spastically for no particular reason.

The young brunette turned her head to face him, blushed face and panting and shrugged. "I don't know what that was," she told him. "Everything was so strong and I just…screamed."

"But I didn't hurt you did I?" he said leaning his body over to kiss her.

"No," she shook. "You're amazing Naruto-kun."


She said kun. She almost never said kun anymore, never! It brought him to the old days. And for some reason, he felt fully charged. "So should we continue?" He asked with a grin.

Hinata nodded.

The blond paced his member in front of her hole and slowly pushed in. But her body rejected it. Her body uncontrollably pulled forward causing Naruto to have to pull her back towards him. He smirked at her body's reaction. He made her react this way? Was his dick that good? Was he that good?

"I'm sorry," Hinata softly said as she positioned him inside her.

"That's okay." Naruto told her. "How bout you go at your own pace."

The blond helped her stand up on her fours and attentively watched her movement. By Hinata going at her own pace, Hinata had to make her own thrusts on his dick. All Naruto had to do was watch and feel how her muscles crushed his dick as she moved. The moment she started, the more Naruto felt like he was in heaven. He stared hungrily at her ass as it moved back and forth. Every time it hit his pelvis it jiggled and made a soft wet sound. He rubbed it gently as it sexily did all the work.

"Like that, Naruto?" Hinata asked him.

"Mmm yea, like that…"

Hinata's paced remained slow as she carefully kept thrusting backwards. Naruto watched how his dick would slowly disappear and then reappear out of her.

"Hinata, go faster," He begged. "And say Naruto-kun."

Hinata didn't think he'd want her to call him such an old name, but he did and she wouldn't argue. Her thrust became harder and louder causing them to both moan. Naruto gripped her hips again and pushed his pelvis forward.

"Ohhh Naruto-kun…"


Her ass was amazing and the way she called out his name was perfect. "Yes," he kepting moaning. "Just like that."

But Hinata grew tired of doing all the work. She wanted to feel Naruto's heavy thrusts inside her. "Naruto-kun," she said reaching a hand on her hips. "Help me."

Naruto started to move himself at the same pace at Hinata. Slowly. But gradually he began to yearn a rapid fuck once more. Soon enough, Hinata's thrust could not match his so she had to stop entirely. But that was not problem with her. The sounds of his aggressive fucking aroused her and the way her body reacted did too. She could see her breast swaying harshly back and froth and how a large bandage hand came to grope one. The other arm reached towards her face and slipped its fingers inside her her mouth. It was then when she could feel the blonde's warm chest on top of her back.

"Aww Hinata, you're so good," he whispered in her ear. The panting in his voice made Hinata feel even hotter. She licked the fingers in her mouth and moaned. Naruto's hands scattered across her body as he still maintained a rough thrust. Hinata knew that this image would not look good in the eyes of a proud woman. She wasn't doing anything—more like—she couldn't. He was completely taking control of her as she settled shyly as submissive. She knew it wasn't right. Women are strong and independent; women can take the lead. But she simply didn't want to. She liked being submissive; she liked the idea of being taking down by the village hero. That's what turned her on; that's what caused her to twitch and moan. And she couldn't find anything wrong with that kink.

"Ahhh shiittt!"

The blond started to groan and pant louder and louder as he slowly came to an end. Hinata's muscles were choking him but at same time drenching him in clear fluids.

"Fuck mee," he moaned. "Hinata, give me your hands," he said as he reached for her small wrists. He pulled her up, causing her to arch her back, and made her rest against his chest. He pushed his pelvis forward and began to thrust in her as he gripped onto her waist. He watched from above as her breast bounced to the beat of his fucking. Up and down, up and down.

"Haaaawww Naruto-kun…"

The more and more he looked at her bouncing breast, the more he came closer to his end.

He cupped her breasts in order to keep himself sane, but the feeling of her tits still jiggling in his hands still got to him.


He watched her back arch crazily every time she hit his pelvis. Her butt stood out as he fucked her. He knew she was at almost at her end, for her muscles were twitching around his member.

"Are you gonna cum, Hina?" he asked her sexily.

"Awww almost.."

She reached for his hands and entwined her fingers with his. Holding on to them, she kept them on her sides. And right after, she began to bounce. Her body started to jump on his dick so hard Naruto had to place a knee on top of the bed to brace himself. They both began to thrust together, moaning and gasping at the same time. Naruto could feel a burning sensation travel across his penis and Hinata could feel the same.

"Ohh Naruto, I think I'm-"

Hinata could feel it. She pursed her lips and shut her eyes tightly as she felt a fluid rushing out of her body.

"Oh my gosh, I'm cumming!"


Hinata uncontrollably began to lift her knees up almost as if her body was trying to pull away from Naruto's penis. Her ass began to twitch crazily again and her toes began to curl.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

The blissful feeling running down Hinata's every vein was much too strong for her. She clung onto Naruto's chest for her dear life as she began to slow her thrust drastically. But Naruto wasn't done yet. He grabbed her by the waist and out of nowhere began to slam himself repeatedly in her twice as faster than before.

"Fuckkkkk!" He kept groaning.

"Oh no…oh nooo—hghhhh!"

Hinata was practically sobbing as she grasped onto Naruto's muscular arm. She wasn't in pain; she was in too much bliss and it was incredibly too much for her too handle. Her legs suddenly began to tremble and her breathing would uncontrollably get caught in her throat. She squeezed Naruto's arm tight as she desperately tried to find her sanity. But she couldn't.

"Pull out! Pull out!" She said, frantically tapping his chest.

With a squeak, she pulled his dick out and fell flat on the bed. She knew he hadn't cummed yet so she rapidly began jerking him off as her fluids came rushing out.

"F-fuck, Hinata…"

Naruto's hips began to spas as he watched his wife jerk him off. He watched how her fragile body cried out in bliss as she came. Soon enough, a slimy noise echoed around the one accompanied by a masculine moan. Cumshots hit Hinata's pale skin—her butt, her back, and her thighs—as Naruto gasped repeatedly.


His panting was loud when it was over and he was sweating like crazy, practically dripping. Hinata was quiet but her body moved to the beat of her heavy breathing. Naruto laid down beside her and sneakily pulled her on top of him. She was panting and her face was beat red. She was also sweating, the corners of her forehead her damp. Not only that, but her hair was a mess. But despite this, she still looked beautiful to Naruto.

"That was amazing, huh Hinata?" He said kissing her nose.

The girl slightly smiled but then turned her gaze.

"What's that matter?" Naruto cooed. "You still shy?"

The girl shook her head slowly and then pursed her lips nervously. "Naruto," She softly said. "We didn't use a condom."